The Strongest Guild Of The World

1080: Predict The Result (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

The first thousand and eighty chapters predict the result

Ye Ze saw that the members worked hard, and their branch address was quickly completed. Ye Ze looked at the members, and he saw that their heads were covered with sweat. He knew that they had put in a lot of effort this time.

"Wait for tomorrow, I will take good care of it. Today, this branch, I want you to think carefully. I need a branch president now."

The members nodded. In fact, the entire guild is full of talents. It should not be a problem for Ye Ze to select a branch president, but Ye Ze wants to run the entire branch better, so he selected The new president can't be sloppy at all.

"Nine Thirty Zero" Ye Ze immediately listed a list, these people are all masters, each of them is superb in martial arts, and they feel that they are the most suitable for being the branch president.

Ye Ze looked at these lists, and he immediately called them over, but before Ye Ze spoke, they guessed each other's inner thoughts, and they knew what Ye Ze meant.

They were all scrambling to be the branch president, because their voices were too loud, Ye Ze felt his head was getting bigger, so he stopped them immediately.

"Okay, stop shouting, I know how you feel, you are all eager to make contributions, but if you want to be the new president, you still have a lot to do, don't think this is just a branch, its importance Even stronger than the General Assembly."

The members saw a murderous look in Ye Ze's eyes, and they didn't dare to speak out.

Ye Ze thought about it for a while, and he felt that it would be appropriate to use martial arts to decide the winner. In fact, they also thought of this. These days, they have been hurrying to practice, just to show off in the martial arts competition Fist.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say, you can go back and think about it."

They nodded, and they immediately backed out. Just as Ye Ze continued to watch the entire branch, Alaga came over, and he felt that something was wrong with Ye Ze's idea.

"What's wrong, what's the matter, isn't what I said wrong?"

Alaga shook his head, he blinked suddenly, because he could recommend an expert to Ye Ze.

Ye Ze was shocked when he heard that. He knew that Alaga was usually good at scouting for talents. He wanted to know what kind of talents Alaga could recommend.

When Alaga brought the other party to him, Ye Ze was surprised, because the other party was only one meter tall, with a round face, and he was completely a child.

"Alaga, what international joke are you making? Do you want a child to be the president of the branch? Is your brain flooded?"

No matter how much Ye Ze ridiculed, Alaga still insisted on his own ideas.

"President, don't underestimate him. He is very capable. If you don't believe me, I'll ask him to show you some tricks."

Ye Ze nodded. He saw what amazing moves this child could show. In fact, this child was already prepared. From the smile on his face, Ye Ze knew that his identity was not simple.

"President Ye, I know you doubt my strength, don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

Ye Ze agreed, and saw that the child immediately began to play moves, his moves were really powerful, every move was so sharp.

Ye Ze was stunned, he now believed Alaga's words, he felt that what Alaga did was right.

When the child stopped, Alaga let him push it down, and then wanted to hear Ye Ze's true thoughts......

"Alaga, you are really powerful. It seems that I underestimated him too much. I want to decide on this person, but I have already promised those members that they will use the method of martial arts to determine the branch president. Now that this is happening, I will How does it end?"

Alaga sighed, he felt that Ye Ze sometimes acted too quickly, which would make people uncomfortable.

"President, don't worry, I've already thought about it for you, and I know how to make them retreat in spite of difficulties."

Alaga told Ye Ze in a low voice, Ye Ze listened to it very well, and when the day of the decisive battle for the branch leader finally arrived, Ye Ze looked at them, and saw that each of them put on armor, and these armors were just joined by them , Ye Ze specially gave it to them, but they didn't expect them to wear it, which shows how important today is to them.

Ye Ze looked at them, he suddenly felt uncomfortable, and felt that what he had done was a bit too much, but it was already like this, for the sake of the tomorrow of the entire branch, he could only feel sorry for them and be a despicable villain once.

Ye Ze carried out all the ceremonies as usual, they were fighting in full swing, they didn't notice at all, there was a child in front of them at 5.8.

The child watched their martial arts competition, he saw that their martial arts skills were too bad, it was no big deal, for this reason, he didn't pay much attention to them at all.

After a while, the child felt that it was almost done, so he jumped out immediately, and he just had to beat the last winner.

Ye Ze thought that the child would end the battle soon, but what he didn't expect was that the final winner had two blows, and the child fought several times, but the opponent was not defeated.

Ye Ze started to notice him, he knew this battle was unusual. .

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