The Strongest Guild Of The World

272: Preparing For The Test (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Of course, this matter still needs to be planned. If someone finds out that he has the ability to travel through two dimensions, it will definitely not be a good thing.

After all, Ye Ze will not fail to understand the truth that it is a crime to conceive a jade.

In the void world, what Ye Ze needs to guard against is far greater than in other worlds.

Because there might be an existence beyond the king in this world.

Of course, there is no need to be careful to the point of difficulty.

After all, if something really happened to Ye Ze, he would have slipped away with the aid of the Immortal Guild.

No one could catch him, and after thinking about it, the group of them had already arrived at the branch of the Immortal Guild in this area.

Speaking of which, the location of this branch is not too far from the exit of the alliance world, presumably it is for the convenience of protecting or unifying people who come to the void world.

Anyway, as long as you are from the alliance world, even if you don't want to join the alliance's sphere of influence, the alliance will provide you with a certain amount of protection in the early stage.

But this asylum can only simply tell you something.

After all, there is no need for the alliance to cultivate talents for other forces.

Being able to do so much is already a part of the incense.

The branch of the alliance is not too big, but as the first accommodation center, it is quite impressive.

The walls everywhere were decorated with gold powder, and at the gate of the alliance, the two lions and fierce beasts guarding the house were also high-level gods.

As long as they stand there and run over with their eyes, basically some practitioners who have just joined the alliance can't bear it.

Because these fierce beasts are the means used by the alliance to establish its prestige and subdue the people below.

However, these things are only useful for ordinary mediocrity. A genius like Ye Ze has a stable mind. Let alone a high-level beast standing in front of him, even if the beast of status is here, they will still be indifferent. move.

The gate of the alliance is shaped with star stone.

So it has a very strong star power, but this is not the point, the point is that the star stone is a good-looking thing, which can change into colorful star clouds.

It is especially useful for bluffing newcomers to the alliance.

Generally, people who come out of the alliance, although some people have extraordinary knowledge, are no different from a bun to the void world.

After all, this is like a high-ranking official in a feudal society, traveling through time and space to modern times and seeing skyscrapers, airplanes and cars, see if his expression is almost the same as that of a bumpkin.

However, Ye Ze's performance made Jining very imposing.

Speaking of which, the position of their reception officer is a fat job in the league.

If the talented youngsters they bring back are exceptionally talented, firstly, they can maintain a friendship with these youngsters, and secondly, the alliance will reward them.

Even if the people brought back are not very good, it is inevitable that someone will bribe them to find a good way out for themselves.

Anyway, the left and right receptionists don't suffer, they only make money.

Over time it became a fat job.

It's just that in recent years, this fat job has gradually gone downhill, because most of the heroes in the alliance are unwilling to come to the void world anymore.

It may be due to the advice of the seniors and the sharp decline in the number of geniuses in the alliance itself, resulting in fewer and fewer talents being exported.

Otherwise, the task of the receptionist would not be Jining's turn.

However, Jining was lucky to meet Ye Ze this time, and the alliance branch has a special talent testing ceremony. As long as Ye Ze passes the test, the reward he can get is enough for him to live comfortably in the void world for the rest of his life.

Not to mention the distance, it is absolutely possible to live comfortably in this area.

"Follow me in and go through the formalities!" Although Jining hadn't been to the place where the test procedures were done a few times, he was very clear about these procedures.

After all, he is not a mediocre person, a hero from the Alliance Continent, even if he is not talented, but before he came to the Void World, he was still a hero.

Seeing that the person who came was Jining, the league staff responsible for the test, he didn't look too good.

After all, the talents of the few batches of heroes brought by this guy recently are really bad.

Not to mention being able to get rewards, even staying in the alliance is just doing some work of serving tea and water.

But what is the use of such a person to test!

"Okay, let's go through the formalities!" The somewhat obese staff member showed an impatient face, which made Jining's face pale, but Ye Ze and the others were all there, so he couldn't get angry in front of him.


After all, I just made a good relationship with Ye Ze and the others.

He could only smile embarrassingly: "Then there's Brother Lao, these people's talents are not bad, I hope the little brother will take care of them."

Hearing what Jining said, the fat man didn't want to continue being so lazy, so he looked at Ye Ze a little bit.

I don't know if I don't read it, but after reading it, a smile brighter than a chrysanthemum immediately appeared on his face full of fat.

Flattering as if Ye Ze were his real parents.

It's no wonder this person is so caring, after all, Ye Ze's talent lies here.

Such a cultivation level at such a young age, and the Master Tongtian who follows him is even more frightening. His demeanor also deeply impressed the inspector who is about to conduct the test for them

"Come on, here are the number plates for some of you. I'll take you to the test later." The fat man didn't care what his attitude was, anyway, he had a flattering expression on his face right now.

Even Jining felt a little sorry for seeing it.

But seeing Fatty's face, Jining also knew that this time he could be considered elated.

Among other things, as soon as the test results came out, his share of the alliance's awards would definitely be indispensable.

Just don't know what the test will be this time. Which bigwig from the alliance will host it.

There is a rule in the alliance, that is, this humble initial branch will always think that the alliance's big bosses above the gods will reside.

This is actually to retain the top talents in the league.

After all, the foundation of the alliance in the void is the alliance world. Although their population in the Void World has improved over the years, they still haven't forgotten their roots.

Heroes above human gods have always been dispatched to stay here.

The purpose is to protect the geniuses from the mother world.

Coincidentally, the person in charge of guarding the alliance branch this time is a status god.

Originally, one should not have come to the status god realm, but by coincidence, he wanted to go back to the mother world to have a look, so there was such a saying that he was stationed by the way.

It can be regarded as Ye Ze's luck in this way, because if he is favored by a status god, he will be even more rewarded if he can get something. .

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