The Strongest Guild Of The World

304: Magic Sword (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

I don't know why, but he suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Someone seemed to be fighting for his body, and there seemed to be a voice in her ear that kept saying, "Hurry up and save your master!"


Who is his master? Demon Sword's intelligence is at most like that of a newborn child, and he doesn't understand what's going on.

It's just that there seems to be a voice around that keeps saying: "Your master Jiang Guo's prince Long Yang, his life is in danger now, and he needs you to help him quickly.

He didn't pay attention to it at first, but the voice seemed to have a hypnotic effect, and he didn't know what was going on.

After a while, his eyes began to blur, and he murmured: "I was cast by the master Longyang, his life is in danger, I'm going to help him.

At the same time, Jiang Yang also led the army to fight with the army of the enemy country. The scene was extremely intense, it was like purgatory on earth, and the air was filled with a disgusting smell of blood.

However, although the soldiers led by the American prince are all elite, but the number is too small, 22 is not the opponent's opponent at all.

So those who were beaten retreated in a row, and they were knocked down by the city wall. Finally, they found that there was no way to retreat, and they all regarded death as home, and were ready to go all out.

Because behind them is their country, if they retreat, then this country will be unguarded, and their children, wives and children will not be able to avoid a tragic fate.

So they couldn't retreat, and the other party seemed to have discovered something, so they retreated.

Jiang Guo's soldiers were all overjoyed, thinking they were going to retreat.

As everyone knows, this is their own daydream.

I saw that after the opponent's national army withdrew for a mile, they opened their bows and shot at Jiang Guo soldiers.

And the American soldiers seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and some of them were very shrewd and withdrew to the nearby bunker.

But after all, it is a minority, facing the bow and arrow of the enemy country, most people are directly recruited.

It has to be said that they were careless. How can they relax their vigilance in the face of a war?

And their Prince Jiang Guo also felt very desperate. Can this war be won?

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart, but he deceived himself and didn't want to believe it.

Just when Jiang Yang felt all hope was lost, at this moment, a blue sword light flashed across the sky, and a sword sound resounded throughout the world.

Everyone was shocked, what kind of magic weapon has such power.

And when the blue sword light pierced the sky, it appeared directly in front of Jiang Yang, floating in front of him like this, beckoning him to come forward and hold it.

Looking at the familiar sword body in front of him, Jiang Yang's face changed, isn't this the magic sword?

Didn't the swordsmiths in the palace say that the magic sword was not successfully forged?

what now

Could it be.

Not good, what Jiang Yang least wanted to happen still happened.

The familiar feeling that came from the bursts of sword light from the magic sword.

Jiang Yang can say with certainty that this is the breath of his sister.

Sister, I didn't expect you to choose that step, why are you bothering?

Big brother, I understand in my heart that you made this sacrifice for me and for the entire United States.

Don't worry, Big Brother will definitely not take your pains.

Jiang Yang gently held the one in front of him in his hands, then gently hugged him in his arms, and said slowly.

Then he stood up slowly, the inside was completely dead silent, he knew in his heart that his own strength alone was not enough to turn the tide, even if he added a magic weapon.

Jiang Guo's demise is doomed, but even so, Jiang Yang will not give in in his heart.

He will fight to the death with the expectations of himself and his sister.

Following the order of the opponent's enemy general, "charge."

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were like locusts crossing the border, devouring the lives of all American soldiers.

In the end, only Jiang Yang was left. At this moment, after a short rest, he had just finished his last meal in his life.

After changing into clean clothes, he polished the armor to a bright shine.

After putting it on, the dirt on the face was also scrubbed clean.

A beautiful boy in fluttering white clothes, wearing a bright armor and a special helmet on his head, holding a faint blue sword in his hand, making soft chimes from time to time

The sword body trembled slightly, as if his sister was talking to her, gently stroking the sharp sword body, there was a touch of tenderness in her eyes.

Hold the hilt of the sword lightly in your hand, feel the warmth from the palm, and the aura of your whole body is fully revealed at this moment

"Come on, charge me, he is only one person now, whoever takes him down for me will be promoted to three levels in a row."

The general's words came out, and the soldiers behind him became excited like chicken blood, waving their swords and rushing towards Jiang Yang.

"It's just a group of ants, An dare to be so presumptuous in front of me. With me, Jiang Yang, here, you can't wait for the thieves to take a step into my Jiang country."

After all, feeling the power of the magic sword in his hand, he rushed into the crowd with the magic sword.

At this time, there was no particular attention to sword moves, and the slender sword exuded a chilling light.

"Looking for death, one person wants to stop our army, even if it is strong, so what can we do, so that your blood will not be splashed on the spot. 543"

The general didn't dare to hesitate, and urged his horse to go towards Jiang Yang, the spear in his hand was shining coldly, and the point of the spear pointed directly at Mei Yang.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yang sneered at the corners of his mouth, his hands were much stronger than usual, and he went towards the general.

To capture the thief first capture the king, this has been the truth since ancient times.

"Die to me."

With the magic sword in Jiang Yang's hand waving, a light blue strong sword energy shot straight at the general, splitting him and his horse in half, blood and flesh flying everywhere, and the mutilated corpse was accompanied by blood rain Scattered all over the place.

The enemy's troops were immediately terrified and wanted to retreat one by one.

But those who retreated on the spot were directly beheaded by an enemy general.

"Whoever dares to retreat, these people will end up second-class." The general said directly.

Everyone was immediately suppressed by this iron-blooded method, and no one retreated.

The general looked at it, nodded with a smile, and then dropped a huge bomb.

"Now I announce that whoever can slay the opponent will be promoted five ranks in a row, rewarded with a hundred taels of gold, a thousand acres of land, silk and satin can be chosen at will.

It is said that there must be a brave man under a great reward. After everyone heard this, they were all dazzled by this generous reward, and their blood surged up, and their breathing became short of breath.

Fantasizing about rewards for beheading enemy generals. .

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