The Strongest Guild Of The World

313: Master All (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

After visiting the entire base, Ye Ze directly let the system start the cross-boundary teleportation.

A portal appeared, and Ye Ze appeared in the Super Dragon Ball World, and with a flash, Ye Ze appeared in the base.

Bulma, Modo and Gero, who have been concentrating on research, did not notice Ye Ze's arrival.

And Ye Ze didn't bother them, just watched their research quietly.

Until they stopped their movements.

Only then did Ye Ze start to speak: "How is Shalu's research going?"

In this silent environment, the occurrence of Ye Ze shocked everyone, but after finding out that it was Ye Ze, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Bulma replied directly: "Everything went well in the research, and Sharu's current disposition is still the heart of a child, but his combat experience has not been brought up."

Ye "Ling San San" Ze thought for a while, and felt that this was also a problem, but for the time being, this was the only way he could do it, and he couldn't find a way to solve it.

Then he asked, "Did anyone come during my absence?"

Bulma hesitated for a while, and then answered Ye Ze's question: "Poseidon came to inquire about you, and left when he found that you were not there. In addition, he asked the old Kaiwangshen to stay and said that you When you come back, let him inform you."

Ye Ze nodded to show his understanding, and then continued to ask some other questions.

After that, I was free again.

There is no news about the Void World. The male and female blades have been practicing in it very smoothly, and they have mastered the skills that Jax has mastered.

His strength has reached a stage of slow development again, but during this time, Ye Ze also plans to calm down and settle down.

There are a lot of things that he needs to calm down and integrate.

Because of the blessing of the sword, Ye Ze intends to master all the inheritance in his mind, and then practice other things.

But Dragon Ball World is very good, immediately, Ye Ze chose to start retreat in Dragon Ball World.

When I came to my martial arts arena, the training equipment here is very complete, and I directly ordered the system to let her set up an enchantment.

Ye Ze started to practice.

One month later, Ye Ze appeared in front of a big mountain, holding a magic sword in his hand.

Ye Ze began to show off the results of his one-month cultivation. He swung the magic sword in his hand, and four kinds of light flowed on the sword.

This is a mysterious-level top-grade swordsmanship practiced by Ye Ze, the Four Seasons Swordsmanship, and Ye Ze has now practiced it to the point where one sword swings four seasons.

As Ye Ze swung his sword towards the mountain, it fell instantly. That mountain was completely obliterated by the sword intent of life and death in the sword technique, and a mountain disappeared directly in Ye Ze's eyes.

The end is terrifying.

You must know that Ye Ze has asked the system to seal his powerful physique. Originally, under his powerful system, Ye Ze can completely wipe out a mountain without any effort. .

But that effect seems a bit too rude.

Far less subtle than this sword technique.

And this is not all the means of Ye Ze's swordsmanship, but even so, his strength must not be underestimated.

But even so, Ye Ze also feels very excited, and just think about how powerful it will be if he can successfully cultivate the top-notch swordsmanship Ten Thousand Arrows!

However, there is still a certain distance from that state, and we still need to calm down and practice hard.

Therefore, Ye Ze conducted retreat practice again.

Two months later, Ye Ze successfully mastered all the inherited earth-level swordsmanship.

In another three months, Ye Ze mastered all the Tianji swordsmanship again, and in another month, Ye Ze successfully mastered the swordsmanship: Ten Thousand Swords Guizong.

So far, for a full eight months, all the inherited sword techniques mastered by Ye Sheng have been successfully cultivated by him.

However, after looking inside his body, Ye Ze couldn't help showing a wry smile. Because of practicing Extreme Intent Freedom, Ye Ze can transform the spiritual power in his body into various substances.

However, Ye Ze still insists on using aura instead of other energies because of the same goal in the end.

However, when I was practicing swordsmanship, due to my mortal body, in the process of transforming spiritual energy into sword energy, I controlled the sword energy so that when they passed through the eight extraordinary meridians, they would stab my meridians with pain Unbearable.

Every time I run the exercises to move the meridians of the whole body, I will feel unbearable pain.

I didn't expect that when I finally mastered the inheritance of swordsmanship, it would be unable to exert its original strength because of the body...

So, Ye Ze thought twice.

I finally decided to unseal my physique next. After sealing it for a while, it was time to unseal him.

However, Ye Ze estimated in his heart that there would be a lot of movement when the lockdown was lifted, so he decided to go back to his main base to unblock, and there must be no problem there.

So, Ye Ze did what he wanted, and after saying goodbye to Bulma, Ye Ze disappeared directly into the Dragon Ball world.

When it reappeared, Ye Ze had already appeared in the base opened in the system space.

When he came to his own secret room, Ye Ze started his own retreat plan.

"System, what method is needed to unlock the seal?"

After a moment of silence, the system answered his question.

"It's very simple, just spend points."

Hear the system's answer.

Ye Ze thought silently in his heart: "Damn it, it's points again. Damn it, it's an unscrupulous system. You need points when you seal it, and you still use points when you unseal it."

"Draw a circle to curse you." Ye Ze thought silently in his heart.

However, Ye Ze also complained slightly, after all, the decision is in his own hands.

"How many points do you need?" Ye Ze asked?

"Two million points, one price. 2.5"

Depend on. Ye Ze wondered if he heard it wrong?

Tnd actually wants 2 million points, is there a mistake?

The points needed to unlock the strength are actually more than the points needed to seal the strength.

Is there any reason? I roared in my heart.

Now I'm going to bleed a lot, Ye Ze thought to himself.

However, people under the eaves have to bow their heads and face the system's despotic power.

Ye Ze chose to submit without hesitation.

After all, a man can bend and stretch.

A ray of light slid across the screen, and Rong's points instantly decreased by 2 million.

At the same time, the system also started to move.

A golden light appeared and slowly covered Ye Ze's entire body. Gradually, a series of changes began to appear in his body, and the breath of his whole body began to fluctuate continuously.

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