It's just that he can only complain about these words secretly in his heart, he won't say them in person, and he waved his hand casually to express his agreement.

Tongtian returned to his former cold and handsome state again.

And after Ye Ze got Tongtian's consent, he immediately let out a wretched laugh, and rushed towards the peach tree forest in front of him.

I picked a ripe peach casually, took a bite, and immediately the juice inside flowed out.

It is sweet and delicious, and it seems to have a refreshing effect after eating, not bad, and then Ye Ze started to collect a lot.

All the ripe 1/3 peaches in the entire peach grove have been picked, and then put into the system space. Regarding the benefits of these resources.

Ye Ze thought of something, that is, these spiritual fruits can be used to make wine. As for what kind of wine to make, he hasn't figured it out yet.

Because of the monkey wine before, Ye Ze has easily seen their brewing process, using various ripe fruits to gather them all together.

Then it is brewed with a special procedure.

By the way, when thinking of this, Ye Ze couldn't help but think about the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain. These monkeys are all experts in brewing monkey wine.

Every monkey knows how to make wine, and when he has finished his work in this college exchange competition, he will go to Huaguo Mountain in Baolian Fried World.

Let them brew a large amount of monkey wine for themselves. By then, we will also have wine in our hands. It is not a long-term solution to buy it from the system all the time.

Only by holding the real technology in your own hands can you rest assured, but there is still a shortage of such talents.

On the way of picking, Ye Ze also met many golden-haired monkeys, but they were full of spirituality, and seemed to feel the breath from Ye Ze, so they were extremely not easy to mess with.

So they didn't stop Ye Ze from picking, but they saw that 1/3 of the peach trees were picked by him, and they all drooped their heads.

I felt extremely unhappy, and Ye Ze felt a little guilty seeing them like this at this time. After all, these peaches may be the result of these monkeys' hard work in Fuyang.

But now that we have worked hard, we have directly charged 1/3 for ourselves, and no one is happy about this.

Thinking of this, Ye Ze suddenly thought of a kind of banana that he picked from the world of gourmet hunters. Monkeys like to eat bananas or peaches.

I believe that I will definitely like these bananas, and the banana in Ye Ze's hand is also a kind of spiritual fruit.

Not only does it taste delicious, sweet and moist, but it can also increase your own strength, which is almost at the same level as these peach spirit fruits.

Then Ye Ze took out a bunch of bananas, put them in front of them, pushed them towards the group of monkeys, and said, "These things are for you.

The golden-haired monkey's intelligence is not low, and he heard clearly immediately. He jumped up and down to count one by one, and picked up the banana he put on the ground.

And he poked it away very skillfully, and he finished eating it in a few bites.

They were also very happy to find another food they liked very much, so they didn't care about Ye Ze picking so many peaches for them.

Seeing them like this, Ye Ze clapped his hands lightly. These things are completely over.

Ye Ze doesn't have any guilt at all. Although the world has always been dominated by the jungle, the fruits of hard work of each ethnic group should be respected by the Ten Walkers.

At the same time, Ye Ze's behavior is also a kind of exchange, a practice of equal trading.

In the distance, Tongtian saw Ye Ze chatting with some very low-level monkeys, he seemed very happy, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He discovered that this is one of his strengths, there is no such thing as the vision of a strong man, because of the difference in strength, he looks down on this and looks down on that.

On the contrary, he is very approachable and can get along with anyone, and he has never looked down on anyone or looked down on anyone.

In his eyes, all people are actually the same, they are composed of a soul and a body, there is no such thing as noble or not noble.

Looking at Ye Ze in front of him, Tong Tian seemed to have realized something. In the past, it seemed that because of his status, his eyes were higher than the top.

……… Ask for flowers

Look down on any phosphorus and potassium organisms, they are all low-level organisms.

But I saw Ye Ze chatting happily with a group of ordinary monkeys who couldn't be more ordinary. They kept exchanging a peach and a banana in their hands.

Looking at the smiles on their faces, God knows that Ye Ze is really happy in his heart now, "I am enjoying it very much.

About half an hour later, a group of monkeys in the peach blossom forest looked at Ye Ze who was about to leave reluctantly.

A group of monkeys climbed on the branches and waved to Ye Ze to say goodbye.

And now Ye Ze is like a big brother from the hometown, waving them off cordially to say goodbye, and with the help of delicious food, they are two different species of foodies.

At this moment, they got along perfectly and harmoniously together, and the two initially established a very deep friendship.

Seeing Ye Ze like this, Tong Tian also felt very miraculous, and couldn't help asking: "How did you do it?"

Facing Tongtian's question, Ye Ze didn't know how to explain it.

It can only be said that there is no need for any method, and it is done naturally, it is as simple as that.

Faced with Ye Ze's explanation, Tong Tian couldn't help but turn dark, isn't this obviously perfunctory!

However, Tongtian also had no choice but to skip this topic for the time being, but Tongtian kept this matter firmly in his heart.

He had a feeling in the dark that this matter would be of great help to him on the road ahead, so after a little dawn, he set off again and continued to follow Ye Ze.

It has to be said that as a saint, Tongtian's prophecy is very accurate, one day in the future.

What happened to Ye Ze today is really related to his future promotion.

In the future, facing the trials again and again, Tongtian has never realized it.

Finally, at the last moment, Tongtian successfully comprehended, and finally understood, it turned out that this matter is really as simple as Ye Ze said.

All of this was too long ago for the later Tongtian, but at that time, Tongtian really became the Great Emperor Yi. .

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