The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 101: Big chest also has a brain (2)

  Chapter 101: Big **** and brains (2)

   "Uh, okay, wait, I'll get down after I change clothes." Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, so the woman was so determined that she would agree? But think about it, no matter which boy, it is estimated that it will not brush the goodwill of the beauty, not to mention that they have also helped themselves a lot, even if Tan Yudie thinks it is a smooth move.

   The weather outside was very hot. Zhang Yang changed his shorts and half sleeves and was ready to go out. "Why are you going?" Fang Shaoyun asked strangely after seeing Zhang Yang change his clothes.

   "A beautiful woman invites me to dinner, how can you go?" Zhang Yang asked with a smile.

   "Beauty? Who?" Fang Shaoyun came over with a gossip.

   "Tan Yudie." Zhang Yang said with a quick smile.

   "Rely!" Fang Shaoyun directly spit out a word, and asked with incredible face: "I have only been away for a few days, you even hooked the first place on the school flower list?"

"Go! Don't say it's so unpleasant, what is meant by hooking, it's just a coincidence to know. By the way, does the laptop have electricity, I copy the information by the way, I go out to work hard." Zhang Yang said helplessly .

   "Yes, I'm full. She is hardworking, how can she find you without looking for someone else? Honestly, do you have a leg, can you be sorry but sunny." Fang Shaoyun replied.

   Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, too lazy to care about him. Bring the notebook directly, this thing is quite heavy, just like a safe, go back to your room, open your computer, Zhang Yang began to quickly copy the software, during this time Zhang Yang got it from the Internet. With less software, there are still some adaptations. Zhang Yang, such as those powerful analysis software and anti-virus software, didn't copy it. If these things are recognized, it will be too shocking.

   Finished copying everything, and Zhang Yang didn't care that this computer just installed an XP casually, and took it downstairs directly. Coming out of the corridor, Zhang Yang saw a Porsche roadster parked there, and Tan Yudie with sunglasses was leaning on the door and looking at a magazine.

Although there are usually fewer people in the graduate dormitory, and fewer people on National Day, but there are still many animals that have not returned home in the entire S University. Tan Yudie stands here in such a high profile that there are more than a dozen animals around This kind of purpose stood ten meters away from the surrounding and watched who Tan Yudie was waiting for.

   "I said elder sister, can you not be so high-profile? When you come here, I guess I will soon become a celebrity on the school forum." Zhang Yang said with a little cry.

"High profile? Is there? I usually do like this, okay, hurry up and leave, let's go to dinner first, then go to the company. What do you hold in your hand?" Tan Yudie smiled slightly. , Casually looked at the boys around, then asked curiously at the computer in Zhang Yang's hand.

   "Computer." Zhang Yang smiled helplessly.

   "Military? You don't see it, you still have some ways." Tan Yudie said in surprise.

   "The buddy in the dormitory helped me, I don't have such a great ability myself." Zhang Yang shook his head quickly.

   got on Tan Yudie's car. Tan Yudie quickly started the car and drove outside the school. When he left the school, Tan Yudie turned around and asked, "What do you want to eat? I treat."

   "Uh, just feel free, I don't know anything about here." Zhang Yang shrugged.

   "Then I'm in charge." Tan Yudie smiled at Zhang Yang.

After about half an hour, Tan Yudie's car stopped at the door of a very luxurious western restaurant. Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "First of all, I won't use a knife and fork. If I'm embarrassing for a while, don't blame me." ."

   Tan Yudie froze for a moment, and her face was covered with a random smile: "Yes, as long as you are not afraid of embarrassment, I have nothing to fear."

Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders: "Let's go." Western food is also delicious, but Zhang Yang seldom eats it. He doesn't use knives and forks. He ran to the Western restaurant and asked for chopsticks. This kind of shameful thing is not bad for Zhang Yang. After doing it, anyone who invited Zhang Yang to eat once in his life would never invite him to eat Western food.

   It doesn't matter if Zhang Yang himself, it doesn't matter in his last life, and it doesn't matter in this life. In Zhang Yang's opinion, this is a very casual thing, it will not be used or it will not be used. It's better to ask without shame than to know how to pretend, so Zhang Yang wouldn't just say no. If he doesn't have to pretend, it wouldn't be more embarrassing.

When getting off the car and walking to the steps at the door of the restaurant, Tan Yudie naturally took Zhang Yang's arm, just like a couple, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, looked back at Tan Yudie strangely, but Zhang Yang But there is no refusal. There are rules in any place, just like when a man attends a large banquet, a man always brings a female companion.

  Just pushed open the door of the restaurant, Zhang Yang happened to meet a young man in his twenties. When he saw this young man, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and then his face was full of wry smiles. My day, this time was played by Tan Yudie, Zhang Yang was completely depressed.

Although Zhang Yang has never seen this young man in his life, he knew this person in his last life. His name is Han Yang. His father is a classmate with Tan Yudie’s old man. He is also one of the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee of H City~www.mtlnovel. com~ deputy secretary of municipal party committee, secretary of municipal disciplinary committee. But this is not the most important.

   The most important thing is that Han Yang and his son are not showing up and showing no water. After four years, they rushed directly to the secretary of the municipal party committee in H city! That was the secretary of the municipal party committee of the municipality directly under the central government. Later, he directly entered the Politburo, one step faster than Tan Yudie's father.

However, Han Yang, like the homonym of his name, is very self-contained. Unlike some young children, he used his old man's power to act rashly. The person chasing Tan Yudie is not just a student in S University. S students are not very competitive, and they are far worse than Han Yang.

Han Yang and Tan Yudie are the best friends, as written in many romance novels, Tan Yudie treats him as his brother, so this relationship is quite complicated. The reason why Zhang Yang knows so clearly is that Han Yang was in Tan. When Yudie was about to graduate, she came to the confession of Tan Yudie on the campus of S University. Later, many animals of S University dug out all the situations of the two people and put them on the school forum.

   Later, Zhang Yang and he met quite unexpectedly, only to know the character of Han Yang, but it was precisely because he had contacted Han Yang in his last life that Zhang Yang knew how much he liked Tan Yudie.

Sure enough, when he saw Tan Yudie holding Zhang Yang's arm, a trace of consternation flashed on Han Yang's face, but soon returned to normal, and then his eyes shifted to Zhang Yang's face, and he began to look seriously Publicity.

   "Hello." Zhang Yang had countless thoughts turned in his mind. Soon Zhang Yang made a decision and stretched out his hand with a smile. Han Yang is a person worth contacting.

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