The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 103: Big chest also has brain(4)

   Chapter 103: Big **** also have brains (4)

   "What's wrong? I don't know how to use knives and forks. Is there any problem with chopsticks?" Zhang Yang asked Han Yang and Tan Yudie with strange faces and asked very seriously.

"It's okay, brother, you have a real temperament, which is better than those who don't understand." Han Yang thought that Zhang Yang was very interesting. At least when everyone wants to face, there is such a person who doesn't care about face. People are very abrupt. If you think about it again, Zhang Yang's character is very cute and admirable. After all, there are many people who say that there are few people who can do it.

   "Right, what shall we drink?" Han Yang ordered something casually, and then turned to Tan Yudie and Zhang Yang and asked. Zhang Yang said with a smile: "I'll say yes first, don't get any red wine or something. I don't understand wine, and I haven't drunk those red wine. What's so good, just like you gave me Erguotou and Maotai The truth is that the taste is not the same at most, but I can't drink red wine."

  Zhang Yang is telling the truth, many people admire what red wine, 82-year-old Rafi and the like, in Zhang Yang's view, that stuff is really delicious? You touch your chest by yourself and talk to the lamp, it's delicious? Zhang Yang thinks it is not as good as beer. Of course, in the eyes of people who really understand wine, those wines may be tasteful and delicious, but in Zhang Yang's view, it is nothing more than another luxury product that allows the rich to show off.

   "Haha, okay, then we won't drink red wine today, just a few bottles of beer." Han Yang laughed twice, then called the waiter cheerfully and asked for a few bottles of beer. To be honest, there are really few people who come here to drink beer and eat tens of thousands of places.

Tan Yudie sitting there looked strangely at Zhang Yang. If she didn’t know that Zhang Yang absolutely didn’t know Han Yang, Tan Yudie thought Zhang Yang and Han Yang had known each other before. You know, Han Yang and Zhang Yang also knew Almost, he doesn’t admire anything like red wine, because Han Yang’s old man used to be a soldier, including Han Yang’s grandfather, so Han Yang was also quite bold in drinking. .

   Therefore, Zhang Yang's remarks were quite appetizing to Han Yang, and there were not many people who met him this year. I didn't expect to encounter one today.

   Zhang Yang just said that he did not intentionally agree with him. Zhang Yang did not know his character in this respect. Zhang Yang was just telling the truth.

After eating a meal, it can be regarded as the guest and the host. Afterwards, Han Yang can be seen. Tan Yudie and Zhang Yang are not what he saw at the beginning. Later, Tan Yudie guessed that Han Yang saw it. When I came out, I said it clearly.

   The account was still Tan Yudie, and Han Yang did not grab it. This made Zhang Yang have a better understanding of him. But think about it too. He grew up with Tan Yudie since childhood, and he can't get familiar with it anymore. This kind of concession is naturally unnecessary, and the money is not in the eyes of two people.

   "You guys, don't cooperate at all." Tan Yudie said depressed while driving the car to the company.

   "What do you cooperate with?" Zhang Yang asked with a blank expression on his face, he was almost laughing, joking, cooperation? If you cooperate with you, you won't know how to die.

   "Nothing." Zhang Yang pretended to be too similar, and Tan Yudie also wondered for a moment whether he really didn't know the situation, and finally he could only put depression in his heart.

  Jinghai Group, one of the largest domestic iron and steel enterprises, with total assets of over 10 billion. Jinghai Group is also regarded as an old company. Unlike most domestic steel companies, Jinghai Group's main industries are abroad, but the country is just a headquarters.

   is a headquarters. Jinghai Group occupies a 22-story building. Zhang Yang is a little puzzled. This is not your factory. Is there so many people? The rich are not so extravagant, are they?

   entered the building, the first floor was empty, except for a front desk, the rest were all security guards. In a bunch of presidential greetings, Zhang Yang followed Tan Yudie into the elevator.

   "Yes, are you still the president of Jinghai Group?" Zhang Yang asked in surprise.

   "Oh, it's just a named vice president who is playing, and I'm not responsible for any specific affairs." Tan Yudie said with a smile.

   sat on the 17th floor of the elevator. After coming out of the elevator, Zhang Yang saw nearly 100 computers placed in the middle of the hall, and Zhang Yang's mouth opened the boss: "I said, these will not be all right?"

   "No, no, these computers are replaced, there is a problem here, come with me." Tan Yudie smiled helplessly, and then walked in another direction. There is no one at all on this floor, only two security guards are here.

   walked to another room next to it. Although there are not as many as 100, there are 20 or 30. "That's all. There are no problems with the hardware. They are all problems with the software. Otherwise, it's a virus. I've already told my mother that I'll just go to the price of the solution outside. A computer According to one hundred and fifty dollars, what do you think?"

   "OK, no problem." Zhang Yang nodded briskly. Why not make money?

   "By the way, if someone comes over later, you better cooperate with Tan Yudie suddenly seemed to remember something, said quickly.

   "what suits you?" Zhang Yang is a little speechless, is there also her suitor here?

"It's the president of the technology department in charge of the company's network maintenance in my mother's company. This person is annoying and often haunts me. The most important thing is that this person doesn't have any self-knowledge. You should help, is it okay?" Tan Yudie said with disgust.

"How do I feel like I fell into a trap? Isn't the Han Yang we met today more suitable than me? The person is handsome and temperamental, not much stronger than my poor student "" Zhang Yang said helplessly.

   "I said, are you a man, I am such a beautiful woman, anyway, it is also a school flower, how difficult is it to find you a favor?" Tan Yudie was a little crazy.

   "Okay, but let's talk about it first, this time, let's not take an example. Don't look for me in the future. I have a girlfriend." Zhang Yang paused and said quickly.

   "Okay, no problem. You have a girlfriend so soon? Who? Is it pretty?" Tan Yudie asked with a smirk.

   Woman! The nature of this gossip is inevitable no matter how beautiful a woman is. Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly and said without hesitation: "Have you never heard of Xishi in your lover's eyes? You don't need me to say what you mean so cleverly?" Zhang Yang smiled and looked at Tan Yudie .

Tan Yudie: "..." She was completely speechless. For the first time, when she saw this kind of man, she could say without any hesitation that the other woman was beautiful, she was the first time to see her. .

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