The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 105: The combination of S and B (below)

   Chapter 105 The Combination of S and B (Part 2)

   Watching him enter the elevator, Tan Yudie finally couldn't help but "giggled" and smiled, "I said, you're really lost."

"Looking at what you said, isn't I cooperating with you?" Zhang Yang shrugged helplessly, "Yes, you just said, I have repaired these 20 computers and I have money, right? You didn't?" How can I fix it?" Zhang Yangchong Tan Yudie said with a wink.

   Tan Yudie "giggled" her lips and smiled a few times: "Well, okay, what I said is that as long as you fix it, a computer will give you 150, no other restrictions."

   "Well, I think I'm going to work too. Are you going to get a coffee for your boyfriend?" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said with a smile. Today, she has been shot twice by her as a gun. Anyway, find some interest.

Tan Yudie glanced at Zhang Yang angrily, hesitating for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I'll pour you a cup of coffee to wait for you to help me be angry with him." He stood up and walked towards the elevator.

  When Tan Yudie was gone, Zhang Yang almost didn't hold back his smile, which was so cool. Today, these four thousand dollars are easy to make. He did not expect that there is still such a top quality in the world. Although it is true to say that he is proud, but is it too much for you? I really thought you were a scallion. Pack your laptop quickly, Zhang Yang put it aside, and then sat on a chair.

  Director Master Wang came back very quickly. It is estimated that he could not wait to let Zhang Yang "retreat from difficulties". When he came back, Tan Yudie had not returned yet. Seeing that Tan Yudie was away, Director Wang looked around and asked, "What about the little butterfly man?"

"I said, she is still my girlfriend now. You ask me in my face, you are too immoral? Even if you let the chairman of your company know, are you too shameful?" Zhang Yang tilted Erlang's legs and said with a smile.

   "You! Okay, kid, I tell you, if I fix these in a while, you'd better do it, otherwise, I won't let you walk around without food." Director Wang blushed and said angrily.

   "You can rest assured that I am the one who talks to me." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders.

   Director Wang looked at Zhang Yang and then sat directly in front of the computer that Zhang Yang opened. Not long before he started, Tan Yudie's high-heeled shoes sounded, and soon, Tan Yudie walked in with two coffee cups. Director Wang looked back, and Tan Yudie immediately apologized and said: "Well, Director Wang, my boyfriend asked me to make him a cup of coffee, and that, I only have two hands, sorry, I can't make you ."

   Tan Yudie's words came out, and Zhang Yang saw that Director Wang's face had changed to a color similar to that of pig liver, and even his eyes were turned, and he almost lost his breath and fainted. Zhang Yang took the coffee in Tan Yudie's hand and gave her a smirk glance. The most poisonous woman's heart was indeed true! Tan Yudie's method of falling down the stone was too ruthless.

   Tan Yudie returned a provocative look, how could grandma be so useful. Director Wang quickly turned his head and started to repair the computer in front of him, Zhang Yang looked at him with a smile, drinking coffee, and there were beautiful women beside him, and finally the money was still his own. Good thing, where to find it!

More than 20 computers are just a system problem. Director Wang has some real skills. He directly opened all the computers and concentrated them for repair. Zhang Yang glanced a few times. This person's level is quite good. Too bad. It was probably more than an hour later that Zhang Yang had two cups of coffee before he repaired all the computers.

After Director Wang repaired it, he couldn’t wait to come over and said quickly: “Okay, I’ve done it. You can talk.” Zhang Yang nodded. Without saying anything, he quickly turned his head and said to Tan Yudie: “We just bet You see it too, let's break up."

Tan Yudie's big eyes rolled around, and then said calmly: "Okay, break up and break up." After talking, without waiting for some delightful Director Wang to speak, he turned directly to him and said: "Wang Dragon, you have made me fall in love, I tell you, don't appear in front of me in the future!"

"...Wait, let's talk about things between you later. Let's talk about our things first. I have repaired the 27 computers. A total of 4,050. You gave him 50 yuan. I lost it. Give me four thousand." Zhang Yang has always been unambiguous about the things that have fallen down.

   Tan Yudie didn't hesitate, he took his own bag and quickly counted forty pieces from it and handed it to Zhang Yang. Then quickly said to Director Wang: "Wang Long, you have a good skill, but your IQ is too low. Following you, I am afraid I was sold by you. You don’t know. Such an obvious thing, you are from beginning to end. I don’t think it’s wrong, so, you still want to chase me. Are you ashamed?”

   finished, Tan Yudie never looked at him again, just turned to Zhang Yang quickly: "You come with I have something to find you." After that, I walked directly out of the elevator. "

  Zhang Yang is a little strange, what's wrong with this woman? Hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yang quickly carried his computer and followed him. As for Director Wang, Zhang Yang managed his dry bird.

Following Tan Yudie, the two went to the third-floor cafe and sat down. After calling for two cups of coffee, Tan Yudie looked at Zhang Yang seriously. It took a long time to smile and reached out his little hand: "Re-know, Tan Yudie, S big three financial management department, S big computer society president."

   Zhang Yang's outstretched hand froze for a moment, the light flashed in his mind, and he looked up at her violently and said, "You paid me the 50,000 yuan I owe the school?"

Tan Yudie's face was immediately full of surprise, and she took the initiative to extend her hand and Zhang Yang stretched out a half of the hand and said: "You react really fast, good, I paid the money, I hope you can join our computer community. "

Countless thoughts flashed in Zhang Yang's mind almost instantaneously. He is almost certain now that Xia Yiyue came to him for fear that Tan Yudie also knew, and in Xia January, Tan Yudie's computer was infected with the virus. She did it on purpose. The president of the school computer club doesn't understand computers? What are you kidding.

Today, I am afraid that Tan Yudie is also thinking about it. As for the reason, Zhang Yang didn’t think about it for a long time. If it is simply to let Zhang Yang join the computer community, it is not necessary at all, and the school does not restrict how many people are added. A club, all your clubs have no problem.


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