The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 108: Butterfly wings

   Chapter 108 Butterfly Wings

  Wu Bo has already booked a place. Although Pan Na is a teacher at the school, fortunately she and Zhang Yang are also their peers. In addition to the things in the commercial street, the four people immediately became acquainted.

   "What happened yesterday, the two of us really thank you." After all the dishes and wine came up, Wu Bo took the glass seriously and said.

"No, I also heard a friend talk about the two of you, plus that I happened to pass by and heard that day, so I thought there must be some misunderstanding before I made a claim to ask you to go back, and, thank you, don’t say it. Besides, should I still thank you both for helping Ke Qing to clarify the facts?" Zhang Yang picked up the glass and touched Wu Bo, and said quickly.

   "Haha, okay, then I'll do it first." Wu Bo laughed, then dried the wine in the glass, and Pan Na beside him also followed.

   Put down the glass, and Zhang Yang said, "What are you two planning? It's not a matter of being underground like this."

   Pan Na smiled bitterly and said, "Now it can only be done first. It will be fine after he graduates, which is one year."

   Wu Bo nodded and said: "Anyway, my courses are basically over, and my internship work has been found. When I stabilize, I will rent a house outside. Anyway, I am not in the school, and no one knows about it."

   "Oh, I still don't know what major you are studying?" Zhang Yang just knew that Wu Bo was also from the computer department, and he didn't ask him what his major was in his previous life.

   "I learned special effects and animation." Wu Bo said with a smile.

"Good professional, the online game market in China will definitely be hot in the future. There is a shortage of talents in this area. It is not difficult to find a good job." Zhang Yang said with some surprise, did not expect Wu Bo to study such an unpopular major, after all, Wu Bo went to university When it was just 01, it was estimated that this major was just opened in S University. Many domestic computer departments do not even have this major even now. However, it is difficult to achieve results in this major, but it is mixed. Good work is absolutely no problem.

   "Don't talk about this, I'm depressed when it comes to this. This profession seems to be good at the moment. He is good, he didn't make money, but he owes a lot." Pan Na next to him said a little bit depressed.

   "How to say?" Zhang Yang was curious.

"Uh, nothing. It’s because many movies or game animation scenes are post-specific productions. I wanted to design a software to see if I can make 3D special effects in advance. If there is any need, I can directly apply it in the later period. Uh, so I owed a lot of money." Wu Bo said awkwardly.

  Zhang Yang smiled: "I don't think so. I think that it is also a skill to owe money. Some people, if you let him borrow money from others, he would not dare to borrow it.

   Wu Bo was stunned for a while before giving a thumbs-up to Zhang Yang: "Brother, you are so brave, but I'm really bottomless now." After that, Wu Bo smiled bitterly.

  To tell the truth, because entrepreneurs dare to owe a lot of money to others, there are definitely some skills, at least he thinks he can pay back. Even though there may be risks, they all dare to gamble. Of the successful people, how many of them are not based on risk? There is nothing 100% profitable in the world, even if it is like a rebirth like Zhang Yang, knowing that some big things are bound to happen, they are not necessarily 100% sure. The butterfly effect is sometimes not meant to be played.

It’s like Zhang Yang. The reason why Zhang Yang dared to owe more than 100,000 other people’s money when he was a freshman, and he didn’t feel anxious at all, because he knew that he would definitely be able to pay it back, although he had no clue what to do now. Repay the money. But he had a bottom in his heart, so he was not in a hurry, and he dared to borrow. Maybe it seems incredible to some people.

   In fact, this is the biggest difference between ordinary people and those who make a big difference.

"I hope so, but fortunately, I have saved some internships in recent years. If I can’t do it, I will give him back first, but he has been studying that thing for so long. If he is not allowed to engage in it, it is estimated that he has to follow me. Anxious. It's publicizing you, did you and Keqing know each other before?" Pan Na shook her head with a wry smile, then looked at Li Keqing, who was sitting there quietly, eating quietly, and asked curiously.

  After listening to Pan Na's question, Wu Bo looked over with curiosity. Li Keqing sighed, and his face immediately turned red like an apple, and he no longer spoke with his head down. Zhang Yang was helpless, this girl, courage is still too small.

   "Uh, I didn't know before, but after I went to college." Zhang Yang said quickly.

   "A month's time? Did you catch our school flowers?" Pan Na looked at Li Keqing and made a joke.

   "Uh, no, we are just ordinary friends." Zhang Yang looked at Li Keqing, afraid of her embarrassment, and explained quickly. It is only estimated that Wu Bo and they will not believe it.

After eating a meal, Zhang Yang probably talked about what happened to him and Li Keqing, and finally satisfied the gossip of the two people, but Wu Bo and Pan Na felt a little emotional. So many things have happened to people, and it seems that it is not accidental that the two can come together.

   came out of Prairie City, it was already very late, and I looked at the time, it was more than 10 o'clock in the evening, almost 11 o'clock. Li Keqing didn't drink, Zhang Yang and the three of them drank a I didn't see that Panna's wine was not small.

   "Let's go back and take a walk." Prairie City is not far from S, Wu Bo suggested.

Zhang Yang did not have any opinions. The four immediately started walking back along the road. Prairie City was in the northwest direction of S. Because there was a large building under construction in the middle, the roadside was already surrounded by a circle of bricks, although H city In the early morning, the nightlife is just beginning, but there are not many pedestrians in this area. At this time, there are few pedestrians on the street except the occasional vehicles.

   It was already night at the moment, but the construction site here seemed to be closed, there was no worker, and there were no lights in the construction site. Going under the wall of the construction site, two vans suddenly drove in the opposite direction at the intersection. The open eyelids jumped and directly pulled Li Keqing's small hand, then stopped.

   "What's wrong?" Zhang Yang's expression made Wu Bo aware of them, and stopped quickly to ask.

   Without waiting for Zhang Yang to reply, the two vans drove directly to the place where Zhang Yang was less than 20 meters in front of them. As the door opened, more than a dozen mixed men walked down from the inside with the stick. Zhang Yang's eyes narrowed instantly, Wu Bo and they also found something wrong, the four people immediately shrunk together, Zhang Yang reached out and protected Li Keqing behind him.

  The two vans stopped shortly afterwards, Zhang Yang "creaked" behind them, and two vans stopped again. They also got a dozen people from the car and approached them to Zhang Yang.


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