The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 110: The accident in the accident (below)

   Chapter 110: Accidents in Accidents (Part 2)

   Zhang Yang was afraid after a while, what is going on with this TM? Although he had seen similar scenes before his death in his last life, Zhang Yang still felt a little horrified. What happened in this construction site? Who needs to mobilize troops? And the twelve people are definitely inside the special forces. Otherwise, the special police here will not even have the right to shoot, they can only cooperate with the blockade.

   At that time, the entire team of officers had been sorted out, and ran quickly to the two second-level police officers. The "snapping" one stood up and saluted, then shouted loudly.

"Report! 009 Special Units are assembled! Please instruct! 009 Special Unit Leader Zhao Fei!" The familiar voice and familiar name almost made Zhang Yang stumble to the ground. Zhang Yang looked at the armed soldier in wonder. It was unexpected that Zhang Yang was killed. He would meet Zhao Fei in such a place and on this occasion, and meet the instructors who trained them.

   Even Zhang Yang's death was unexpected, how could Zhao Fei be a person in the special forces? A soldier of a special force for university military training? Isn’t this TMD bullshit? Zhang Yang felt extremely ridiculous. No wonder when the military training was in progress, Zhang Yang felt that the specifications of the military training instructors were too high. Almost one-third of them were lieutenants and a school officer!

  Can it be high? Special forces are regarded as professional soldiers, and the soldiers in them are all professional soldiers who have served in other places for many years. The rank of these people cannot be low, but how can the special forces go to a school as an instructor? Zhang Yang's mind wandered quickly, but he thought about it for a long time, but he didn't come up with a clue. Soon Zhang Yang would become a little arrogant. This matter no matter what, just care about his fart.

This kind of national event has nothing to do with his grass-roots, but he does not leave at this time, he can only wait here. Zhang Yang also figured it out. I am afraid that this matter is not just a general case today, even They are some important wanted criminals, and I am afraid they are not worth fighting against them with such a big battle.

   "Zhang Yang, what's the matter?" At this moment, Li Keqing finally returned to calm, although still a little uneasy, but not as scared as he was just now.

"It's okay, it should be someone to catch. We'll just wait here for a while, as for those people over there, it is estimated that they will definitely stay in the prison for a few days." Zhang Yang looked at the group of people there, these The man has been collectively escorted to the other side of the road by several special police officers.

   At this moment, the entire road had been completely blocked off. During the speech, Zhao Fei had already reported to the police officer. It was estimated that the order had also been issued. They claimed that they were far away from here and did not hear clearly what they said. After reporting, Zhao Fei walked towards the eleven team members, and halfway through, Zhao Fei saw Zhang Yang standing beside the police car.

Seeing Zhang Yang, although covered with camouflage, Zhang Yang also saw a surprise on Zhao Fei's face, Zhang Yang immediately smiled at him helplessly, and then pointed to the group of gangsters across the road, Zhao Fei followed Zhang Yang's finger I looked at it, and then weirdly looked at Zhang Yang, then stretched out my hand and made a phone call gesture, and ran to those people quickly.

Watching Zhao Fei set off, Zhang Yang didn't wait too long. Several police officers soon came over, holding a shorthand book in hand to make notes for Zhang Yang and several of them. personal. Today's things are very strange, but they have nothing to do with Zhang Yang. They quickly explained the cause and effect of the incident, and at the end, the record-keeping and questioning police officer almost couldn't help laughing.

These two people are relatively young, probably at the age of 27-78. After finishing the transcript, the policeman looked at Li Keqing next to Zhang Yang and then patted him on the shoulder and said, "To be honest, the boy is your life. That’s great! This kind of thing can also be encountered by you, but you can rest assured that these few of them have definitely not been able to come out recently, you should be careful, and if you know who the master is behind the scenes, the most It’s better to call the police."

  Zhang Yang also frowned, knowing who got it these days. But he couldn't think of a reason at this moment, he could only promise, and then he was told that they could leave.

Quickly going out of the cordon, and walking a long way from the distance, until the door of the school, Pan Na patted her chest, and took a long breath and said: "Frightened me, what is going on today? Zhang Yang, are you messing with anyone?"

  Zhang Yang smiled bitterly: "How do I know? I don't know these people at all, I am just a freshman student, how do I know I will run into this kind of thing."

"Forget it, it's also our destiny. Be careful, brother, and don't go out at night. After this time, you should be fine. Otherwise, let Pana greet the school? Let the school handle it. This matter?" Wu Bo hesitated and said quickly.

"Forget it, I still have a warning punishment on my body." Zhang Yang said with a wry smile. Just after he finished speaking, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Zhang Yang's mind. Thinking of the warning punishment, Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking. Pan Wenlong, and in the entire S big, Zhang Yang was obviously the only offender, and more importantly, only Pan Wenlong has the strength to call these little bastards.

   Obviously, these **** are just looking at money. As long as they give money, they dare to beat them, and people like Pan Wenlong, no matter what happens, it is estimated that they will only blame others, not blame themselves.

   "Discipline? What's going on?" Both Wu Bo and Pan Na looked at each Zhang Yang, but a freshman, how did he get a warning as soon as he arrived at the school.

  Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, and then told the things of the time, and these things were not countless.

"Fuck, this Pan Wenlong is also shameless enough, no wonder he will frame Li Keqing on the forum, this kind of person, it is not even as good as garbage." Wu Bo couldn't help but leaned, even Pan Na next to him It was shocked, but I didn't expect such a shameless person in this world.

   "Hey, don't say this anymore, today's things, I'm sorry, let you be frightened." Zhang Yang smiled helplessly, then said to Wu Bo and Pan Na.

"It's okay, isn't this also a false alarm? In the future, you have to be more careful when you go out on your own. I'm afraid someone will stare at you, otherwise you won't know that we came out of the restaurant so quickly." Wu Bo thought I thought, and then said seriously.

   "Well, I will, then let's go first. Thank you for your invitation today." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

   broke up with Wu Bo and the two of them, Zhang Yangcai and Li Keqing walked to the dormitory, "Keqing..." Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment, he felt afraid of things today, let alone Li Keqing.

   "I'm fine, you can rest assured." Unexpectedly, Li Keqing raised his head and smiled at Zhang Yang, and said with a light face: "It's all gone, I'm not a kid anymore."

   Zhang Yang looked stunned for a long time before he nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, let's go back."


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