The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 121: Level 1 broiler (medium)

   Chapter 121: First-Class Broiler (Middle)

  Zhang Yang directly entered an IP address, this IP address is not a US IP.

  The NMD missile defense system is composed of an unknown number of satellites in the sky, which is the same as the domestic Beidou satellite defense system. However, how many satellites there are is only known to the US authorities. All satellites of the NMD missile defense system are affiliated with the US Department of Defense. It is managed by a special department, but the specific department is the highest state secret of the United States, which Zhang Yang cannot naturally know.

The NMD missile seems to have the same system as TMD. Speaking of these, these two abbreviations are really funny. Zhang Yang laughed for a long time when he first knew these two abbreviations in his life, but speaking of these two abbreviations even Translated in Chinese, it complements each other!

  NMD is a national missile defense system. When this is used, it is clear that the enemy can already attack the United States, so it is called Nima.

The TMD is a theater missile defense system. The so-called theater defense system refers to strategic ballistic missiles that cannot attack the United States but can attack overseas bases in the United States, other fleets, or American allies. Missiles are defended in other people's sites, so it's called fucking.

  With the rapid development of science and technology, satellites in space are not 100% safe anymore. There are many missiles that can directly attack satellites in space. If the third world war breaks out, then space wars are likely to occur. When the time comes, everyone will be blindfolded. In modern warfare, satellites are the eyes of the army.

However, all countries have an unwritten rule. Even in the event of a war, a civilian satellite cannot be attacked during an attack. Although a civilian satellite can be transferred to military use in a state of war, it is not compatible with the military system. Over time, the effect is not as great as a real military satellite.

So just in case, these 13 satellites are secretly allocated under the name of NASA, but they are hidden and will only be activated during special periods, usually in a semi-closed state, Minimize consumption, and because the United States already has enough satellites in the world, even if there are missions, the US military will not use these 13 military satellites.

Zhang Yang also accidentally discovered this secret during his "play" in his life. Later, Zhang Yang sneaked into these 13 satellites because he was usually semi-closed, although they were also connected to the satellite control system of the space agency. And in the network, but for confidentiality, there are only a few people in charge, so the probability of their discovery is greatly reduced, of course, the possibility of discovery after Zhang Yang's invasion is also greatly reduced.

These 13 satellites are built and launched according to the standards of military satellites. Its calculation speed is greatly accelerated. Military satellites not only need reconnaissance, but also are responsible for missile guidance, target analysis, and hundreds of millions of memorable photos. Analysis and so on. Only after preliminary analysis and then determining the target, these satellites will launch the target to the satellite base station, and then the final confirmation by the ground server until the task is completed.

  Basically, most of the huge analysis tasks are assigned to satellites, so the system of these satellites is very powerful, and more importantly, it has an advantage. These 13 satellites are equivalent to idle! Without any task, its performance is simply put there! As long as Zhang Yang is careful, this thing is simply 13 free super servers! The US government pays the bill.

   Even better, the satellite will never be disconnected or powered off like other servers. Even if it is semi-closed, it will be half-open for operation.

  The vulnerability that Zhang Yang knows is not a vulnerability of the space agency, it should be said to be a vulnerability of the US military system. The US military system was jointly developed by Microsoft and several companies, and its source code is also independent. Don’t question Microsoft’s R&D capabilities because Windows is a vulnerability screen. It’s no exaggeration to say that Microsoft’s system for the US military has absolutely few pathological flaws, and it’s even better than Linux.

   There is a hidden interface in all levels of the network system in the United States. This interface is unified, in order to facilitate the integration of the military system and the civilian system in an emergency, so it exists in almost any network in the United States.

   This interface is usually closed, even if you know there is no place to use, but there is one difference, that is the satellite base station! The satellite base station is the place on the ground where satellite information is received. The invasion is not omnipotent. For example, if Zhang Yang directly invaded the NASA and took control of the 13 satellites, he can succeed, but it won’t take long for Zhang Yang. Will be exposed!

Because even if you invade, you will first apply for access. When you invade the space agency system, and then secretly send an application to any of these satellites. When you want control, the internal processor of the satellite will automatically scan all access information immediately. Then send the verification instruction, and then judge the priority by the terminal address!

At the same time, a set of independent systems within it began to carry out such process records. Although Zhang Yang can delete such process records by hacking into the system, when he sends the process judgment, the ground command center will receive it immediately because of this The process was later stimulated. When the application for control is not sent, the process is closed, so Zhang Yang has no way to stop it.

Once the ground command center receives this judgment, the security personnel will immediately be surprised that someone is interfering with the control of the satellite. After the judgment is verified, it can be easily concluded that it comes from outside the military system. Will be completely exposed.

The satellite base station Zhang Yang Xianhei is different. Although the above process can not be terminated by Zhang Yang, it can be bypassed. This satellite base station is only one of the many satellite base stations under the US military. There will be a military common interface in the level network system.

In the setting of the thirteen satellites, because they are usually afraid of being discovered by the space agency, there is a hidden program inside it, that is, the military system can individually connect it to a single item, when applying for control When it is in power, it will still scan, but because it has a military system ahead, it will automatically determine that the military system is the priority ground command center, and that judgment will also be sent to Zhang Yang.

   When the time comes, Zhang Yang can directly remove traces, thus controlling these satellites.


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