The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 126: Where does life meet (Part 1)

   Chapter 126: Where Does Life Not Meet (Part 1)

   Zhang Yang reached out to hold Fang Shaoyun, the two looked up, and Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun couldn't help but looked at each other, and then sweated.

Zhang Yang is the first time to know what is called a beauty and a beast. The man that Fang Shaoyun bumped into is about two meters tall, and he is very strong, but he does not look fat, but it is estimated that this head, at least there are Ninety kilograms.

   And the girl next to her is small and exquisite, it is estimated to be a little shorter than Li Keqing, which is about one meter six two, and she is also very slim. Standing together, it is easy for people to ignore the girl.

   "I'm sorry." Fang Shaoyun hasn't waited to say an apology. The strong boy did. "It's okay, it's okay, I didn't see it." Fang Shaoyun said quickly.

   The girl looked at the two of them and suddenly smiled and said; "Are you Fang Shaoyun? Are you Zhang Yang?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment: "Do you know us?"

   "Of course, you two can live next door to us, hello, my name is Lu Xiaoou, this is my friend Kang Wencheng." The girl said to Zhang Yang with a smile.

  Zhang Yang suddenly remembered it. When he started to arrange beautiful women around the dormitory, he seemed to have a name called Lu Xiaoou. "Hello, hello." Fang Shaoyun quickly reached out and shook Lu Xiaoou, and then the two came out of the elevator.

   "I have time to invite you to dinner that day, but our dormitory is cooking." After entering the elevator, Lu Xiaoou said with a grin.

   "Then we thank you first." Zhang Yang smiled, and then waved his hand. When the elevator door closed, the two talents turned and walked outside the dormitory building, and when they got out of the building door, Fang Shaoyun suddenly laughed out loudly.

   "What are you laughing at?" Zhang Yang was baffled.

   "Nothing, I just thought, if the two of them are male and female friends, and then live together, from the above, wouldn't even see the beauty." Fang Shaoyun said eccentrically.

  Zhang Yang rolled his eyes directly, and this **** immediately thought of that aspect.

   "Go eat outside, the school cafeteria estimates that there will be no food at this time, even if there is, it is leftover." After leaving the dormitory, Fang Shaoyun thought about it and said.

"Also, let's go, I invite you to dinner and come with me." Zhang Yang said, taking Fang Shaoyun to the back of the school. Behind S, there was a street. This street was the favorite of Zhang Yang in his life. There are a lot of small restaurants, small bars, billiard halls, etc. around S big. According to some seniors of S big, there were many video rooms behind this street. Later, with the development of the Internet, this video The hall is gone.

  Although the small restaurant here is not very hygienic, to be honest, the food here is quite authentic, and many special dishes are even more delicious than some so-called private restaurants. Going to the back wall of the school, Zhang Yang took the two bricks from the wall and cut them out halfway.

Fang Shaoyun next to    looked dumbfounded: "I depend, how long have you been here, even you have discovered such a secret institution."

   "Hey, you don't know much, let's take you to see the real glory of S." After that, Zhang Yang stepped directly on these bricks and then turned over from the wall.

  Zhang Yang just jumped over the wall and saw a twenty-four or fourteen-year-old young man standing outside with messy hair. Looking at the **** in the corner of his eyes, he knew that it was estimated that it had just finished overnight.

   "Dude, come here." Seeing Zhang Yang jump from the wall, the buddy greeted him casually. Zhang Yang sweated a little and nodded in agreement.

   Soon Fang Shaoyun also turned over the wall from inside, but as soon as he looked at his movements, he knew that this girl's estimate had never crossed the wall. Seeing Fang Shaoyun's movement over the wall, the man next to him was happy: "I said, buddy, you wouldn't be a child."

"Rely." Fang Shaoyun, who was about to climb down the wall, was irritated by the words and fell directly from the wall. Fortunately, the wall was not high, Zhang Yang was startled, and quickly walked over to lift Fang Shaoyun from the ground and replace him. Patted the soil behind and said, "Are you all right?"

   "It's okay, this is the first time I've grown so big to climb the wall." Fang Shaoyun said with some depression.

   "Haha, it really is a young child, buddy, you have to take your friend to open the meat." The young man next to him smiled smugly, and then skillfully stepped on the pit on the wall and walked over the wall.

   "I'm here. Isn't this group of animals going out of school?" Fang Shaoyun looked at the buddy's skillful movements and said a bit depressed.

   "Almost." Zhang Yang smiled. "Let's go, let's go to dinner. There is a Chongqing restaurant where the Sichuan cuisine is quite good." Zhang Yang patted Fang Shaoyun's shoulder and said.

   "I'm leaning!" Fang Shaoyun, who had just turned his head, looked at the bustling street in front of him, stunned. Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing, thinking that when he first came to this street, he was certainly shocked by the situation in front of him. Although this street is not wide, but because it gathers the entertainment venues needed by most college students, once a holiday or a weekend, UU reading is more lively than you think.

  After all, no matter which university has more ordinary students, the poor students don't have much money. Here is economical and there are many natural people.

   "I'm dizzy, everyone is gathered here, I thought they all went home for National Day, no wonder I didn't see a few people on campus and other places." Fang Shaoyun said with some depression.

   This old Chongqing is not far from the place where Zhang Yang came over the wall and walked for four or five minutes. Because after the meal, there was only one young man wearing a school uniform sitting in the restaurant. Unlike other restaurants, the owner of this restaurant simply cooks a pergola in front of the store, and gas and pot stoves are placed under the pergola for cooking.

  Although it is not as clean as it is, at least what kind of drain oil is not to worry about, so many students like to come here to eat, at least we can't completely see the process of cooking?

   Ordered some familiar dishes. Fang Shaoyun picked up the teapot and poured a cup to Zhang Yang. He smiled and asked, "We are not here these days, have you and Keqing developed anything?"

   "No." Zhang Yang vetoed, joking, if he let him know, it is estimated that Li Yuxuan will know tomorrow.

   "Really?" Fang Shaoyun didn't believe it.

   "This is really not there." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders.


  In a blink of an eye, it's going to be over again. First of all, thank you for your continued support! Hope to continue to get the support of the brothers after being on the shelf! Then there is the monthly ticket for September. You know... hehe

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