The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 129: Mutant virus (medium)

Back to the dormitory Zhang Yang directly drilled into his room, he just went to the nubiu forum for the past two days, so I don’t know what happened to these websites. If there is no accident, the maple leaf is red and it should not be Hypothesis, but the concealment of the Assassin's virus should not be found by Maple Leaf at the moment, but the computer viruses with the mother-mother virus structure are pitiful in the impression of Zhang Yang in his entire life. The "Assassin" virus was also discovered in an accident. After closing the room, Zhang Yang couldn't wait to open his computer. After the computer was restarted, Zhang Yang quickly landed on the springboard of several school servers before clicking on the webpage. After entering the NetEase homepage, it was almost Zhang Yang who had just opened the webpage, and a bright red prompt 129th chapter mutant virus (middle) box popped up directly in the lower right corner.

It was a hint to find the virus, and after looking at the danger level of the hint, Zhang Yang had a strange look on his face. Sure enough, it was an assassin virus, but it was not, or to be exact, a variant of the assassin virus, because the principle of this virus and the assassin virus is almost same. After the assassin virus was discovered last time, Zhang Yang modified his firewall to add the virus characteristics of the assassin virus, so it does not have the detailed virus information when it reports the alarm.

Quickly caught this new assassin virus with a firewall, Zhang Yang directly opened the analysis software and began to analyze its structure. Although Zhang Yang dare not draw conclusions at present, he had a hunch that this time the assassin virus came out inexplicably. It may not be that simple. Otherwise, hackers with this level of maple leaf red will not find it.

The results of the analysis came out soon. After a closer look, Zhang Yang was shocked. The assassin virus is still an assassin virus, but it is completely different from the previous virus. Its code structure has been completely changed. Although the overall variation form has not changed much, it is quite different from the one that Zhang Yang discovered before. Chapter 129 Mutant Viruses (Part 2)

The first is that the Assassin’s virus before it’s harm is quite powerful, although it’s concealed and its structure, infection route, etc., but it doesn’t have much harm. However, this variant of the virus is different. What threats to the system, but it will hijack key files of the system, and a command file is embedded in it.

Once the creator of the virus gives a command, it will directly delete the key files of the system it hijacked, causing the system to completely crash. At the same time, there is a key part in its internal exchange that Zhang Yang did not understand. Because such a comprehensive analysis of the virus can get such information is very good.

If you want to know the functions of this part, then Zhang Yang needs to decompile it thoroughly to understand what it is.

Looking at the whole virus, Zhang Yang could not bear to be shocked. For the first time, he discovered that history was changed by him. Zhang Yang never felt that he had the potential to be a butterfly. Although the impact is positive, it is difficult to have a big impact. After all, the direction of the entire history cannot be changed by one character.

But at this moment, Zhang Yang didn't think so. In the last life, even the assassin virus has not been discovered, let alone this variant of the assassin virus. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang did not want to analyze the virus, but quickly opened various domestic websites, and the alarms rang continuously, and all the websites that Zhang Yang knew were infected with this virus.

And although the concealment of this virus has been reduced, this reduction is relative to people like Zhang Yang. For ordinary computer users, even some people who study this major, I am afraid that the virus cannot be found. And without experimenting, Zhang Yang knew that all anti-virus software on the market cannot currently detect the presence of this virus.

Based on the traffic of these websites, the number of computers infected by this variant may be very scary. With the increasing popularity of computers, the number of computers is also increasing at a geometric rate. This is not the time when it was in early 2000. A virus with an infection volume of several million can be called a hugely harmful virus, and now there are hundreds of millions of personal computers in the whole country according to incomplete statistics.

After realizing the amount of infection of this virus, Zhang Yang did not say anything. He directly established a simulation system. He needs to conduct a comprehensive analysis and decompilation of the virus as soon as possible. Zhang Yang has a hunch that the emergence of this virus will definitely cause some major events. In particular, some of the virus’s subviruses, Zhang Yang, didn’t know what they did.

You have to know that his firewall has "understood" all the information of the original version of Assassin's virus, but he still can't analyze what role that part has.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang's computer has now been replaced with a shotgun, and each blade can establish a separate system, which does not affect too much performance. After establishing a simulation system, make sure that everything in this simulation system is under your own firewall monitoring, copy it into the simulation system, make sure it completely infects the entire system, and Zhang Yang directly clicks the button to clear the virus.

Soon the anti-virus page appeared on the computer screen, but when the anti-virus reached 80%, the entire simulation system was sluggish, and then a line of English jumped out of the screen: this belongs between us Are you ready for the war?

Then the hard disk in the simulated system began to clear the data crazy. "I" Zhang Yang had a feeling of heart beating, watching all the virtual data in the entire simulation system was cleared, and then the entire simulation system collapsed completely, Zhang Yang couldn't help but spit out two words.

Just now, the line of words has a hunch, and it was definitely written by the virus author, because the assassin's virus was killed by him. Then the purpose of the line of words is very clear.

After confirming the harm of this virus, Zhang Yang couldn't sit still. Although he never felt that he was a good person, but thinking about the number of computers infected by this virus, and then thinking about its harm, Zhang Yang felt a chill. Especially after those websites and even some computers on the zf website are infected, once someone performs anti-virus operations, all the hard disk data will be completely erased. What is the consequence of the millions of computer data being erased?

The economic loss caused is definitely more serious than the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. Although Zhang Yang has some understanding of the harm of hackers, it has never been so intuitive. Only a carriage return from the virus author will cause such a horror. Losses, and what kind of crises it will cause will not be guaranteed.

After a chill, Zhang Yang rebuilt a simulation system, and then began to analyze the virus. With the data just recorded, Zhang Yang has already analyzed the data very easily. The mother shell of the entire virus is not much of a problem, basically the same as the original, and the main changes are in the child virus.

This virus is similar to the virus Zhang Yang did, and Zhang Yang is better than him because the virus mutation law of Zhang Yang is adapted from the genetic map of AIDS. The defense against the virus contained in the firewall is based on Adapted from the Ebola virus genetic map.

As long as these people understand the law of virus mutation, there is no way to kill the virus unless the hard drive is replaced directly. Each time it is killed, its source code will change.

After the mother shell was removed, Zhang Yang began to study this sub-virus, especially the part of the code that was changed. Zhang Yang did not know the function of this part, so he could not kill the virus.

Opening the analysis software and hesitating, Zhang Yang simply built sixty-four simulation systems at once. If you want to find the law, you only have to kill the virus again and again, and let it mutate again and again, so as to find the mutation law of its code. This is a long process. Anyway, there is a simulated system. This virus cannot destroy the real system.

So Zhang Yang set up the analysis software, and the firewall antivirus recording function, regardless of it. If there is a problem, the system will automatically alarm. Let the host computer analyze there, Zhang Yang quickly opened his notebook, and then connected to the network. After going to the network, Zhang Yang directly logged on to his two QQs, and the news of ing them should be better than that of Zhang Yang.

Just opened QQ, only one friend's QQ started to jump frantically, after quickly extracting the message, the ing message quickly passed over, Zhang Yang looked at his message, the earliest one was more than 12 o'clock yesterday evening , Zhang Yang seems to have fallen asleep.

The message did not specifically say anything It just said that there is an urgent matter, an urgent matter, and finally I just swiped the screen. The latest news is more than two days ago.

"I'm here" Zhang Yang knocked two words back to ing.

"Great God, you are finally here" ing sent a bunch of exclamation marks, and then said quickly: "Great God, the assassin virus that you killed last time has come out with a variant. Unlike the last virus, this virus Is very harmful, except its concealment ability is not too powerful, the infection ability is also more powerful than the first version. "

Without waiting for Zhang Yang's specific inquiry, ing quickly told Zhang Yang about the general thing. Zhang Yang nodded, it seems that the virus author did come to trouble him, otherwise he would not let the virus develop like this, obviously, he was waiting for Zhang Yang to come out.

"Well, I already know that I have had something wrong with the Internet these days, but something unexpected happened. I have just seen the virus. Although it is much more powerful than before, it is still a kid thing. "Zhang Yang was very bullish and gave ing a reply. ! ! ! ;




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