The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 135: Hacker Wars (Part 1)

After a quick turn around the major websites, Zhang Yang returned directly to Tencent's server. Although Tencent has just been listed, it is far less than Zhang Yang's previous life, but even now, Tencent's registered users have exceeded 100 million. As mentioned above, if such a huge user profile is cleaned, it is not only a loss of Tencent.

This is simply beating the face, the face of the entire Chinese hacker community, or the face of the entire China! Zhang Yang cannot afford to lose this person, but the other party is a large-scale invasion. Zhang Yang's power is extremely limited. Now he needs some masters to cooperate, such as GD.

Zhang Yang doesn't need to think about knowing where GD must have shot at this time, but if the cooperation is not good, it will be the same as fighting. Chapter 135 The Hacker Wars (Part 1) is easy to be broken by each other.

After scanning Tencent's server and looking at the same dozens of other data streams, Zhang Yang didn't care about these hackers. Anyway, they might just be some domestic hackers. The technology is not so high, as long as it can cause trouble to the other party. Soon Zhang Yang discovered the anomaly. The entire Tencent server Zhang Yang was not unchecked, but some of the previous ports have been closed.

Moreover, the data flow of the previous attacks was quickly tracked by the other party. Obviously these people also regarded Tencent's server as the main battlefield. After hesitating, Zhang Yang started directly. Now he has no time to contact those people. There are still some hackers who are launching flood attacks on Tencent servers, that is, water attacks. However, Tencent has a lot of servers. Powerful, if you can’t find enough super servers

If the server comes to a collective attack, there will be no mission effect at all.

If you want to achieve this effect, I am afraid that you need a server resource around a large data center. Even Zhang Yang’s No. 1 satellite cannot do it.

Teng Xun's server uses the uni system. IB Chapter 135 hacker war (on) production, IB blue è giant's server capacity is undoubted, its system is not bad, and the Linu system has its own advantages. After the scan, Zhang Yang quickly found the leak. Although these hackers are very powerful, almost all the leaks of the uni system have been hit, but unfortunately, the leaks in Zhang Yang’s hand are not only the latest, but many years later. Only found

Now if anyone finds that Zhang Yang doesn’t know, but he finds that at least three leaks on this system have not been hit. Zhang Yang’s intrusion ability is different from the past. It is very convenient to have a leak. In less than three minutes, Zhang Yang It directly broke through the enemy's first firewall.

Just after breaking through the fifth layer of firewall, Zhang Yang discovered more than a dozen data streams active in the server. Only three data streams are clearly the enemy's defense, while the rest are offensive data streams. It seems to be a domestic hacker. Them. A system that closes all ports and eliminates leaks is not invulnerable, but only reduces the probability of intrusion.

Just like the first layer of firewall just now, even if there is no leak, there are six or seven ways to break through its peripheral firewall. Although these hackers invaded Tencent's server, the firewall is still Tencent's own firewall. They just patched it and closed it. Some ports only.

However, as one of the largest network service providers in China, Tencent's firewall cannot be too strict. Some hackers can use it even if it is not a system leak. It is not just a system leak. Many normal access requests can be used by hackers.

Zhang Yang did not attack the second-layer firewall for the first time. He noticed the dozens of psychic currents of domestic hackers. Zhang Yang soon discovered that four of these data streams were obviously together. It is quite tacit, and two of the three data streams of the other party are dealing with the attack of these four data streams.

Although there is no blood between the hackers, the intensity is no less intense than the real battlefield. Unlike the modern battlefield, it is more like an ancient battlefield. The two sides are like two cavalry. After the charge, they slammed into Together, and the countless codes entered by the keyboard under their hands are their weapons, depending on who can launch a fatal blow to the other party.

"Shenyue Kill! You bastard, are the two of you good or not, the other is very powerful, I'm afraid it is at least in the top 20 on the nubi world leaderboard! The four of us can't win this server." Lan Mo's The voice rang quickly in a chat room.

All the members in the whole pomegranate skirt are listed. They have no time to type and chat. Their hands and countless codes are waiting for them to knock.

"Sister, wait a minute, how easy it is. Although they are not defending here, we are fighting for fire everywhere!" The sound of Shenyue's rushing sound also sounded.

"GD, did you find the other party?" Lan Mo asked again quickly.

"Scanned, the other party's IP is available all over the world. At present, the one dish I can find is 13 people, and the strength of each person is almost the same as ours. We only have 7 people, counting the two people in Guoan. There are only nine of us in total, which is not enough to stop each other, and I have a hunch that the other party’s killer hasn’t come out. Don’t forget that we haven’t completely solved the assassin virus.” GD has a low voice Say your analysis.

"Don't care about this first. You come to GD to help. Let's get Tencent's server back. Anyway, we can't let the other party steal all Tencent's user information and then publish it again?" Lan Mofei quickly Said.

"I know, give me 1 minute." GD said quickly.

Zhang Yang did not know that these four people were Lan Mo, Orange Nianhua, and Cumin Sheep and Roasted Whole Sheep brothers, while Shenyue and Guzhu Mengmeng were responsible for other household websites. Get back to the website and talk about it.

Zhang Yang did not take the initiative to attack. He was analyzing the movements of these people to find the best opportunity. Zhang Yang, the second-tier firewall, has analyzed it. There are not only firewalls, but also many honeypots and traps. Once handled improperly If it does, I am afraid that the other party will directly bite his tail. If he can’t get rid of the other party’s tracking, he can only withdraw from the battle, let alone attack the other party.

But now, Zhang Yang has no time to analyze these honeypots. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang quickly copied his firewall into several of his own springboards and turned on all the functions of the firewall, especially in anti-tracking. Zhang Yang has already Turn on the two tracking viruses embedded in the firewall to the maximum. If anyone dares to track, then come over and try.

Zhang Yang is not ready to control those honeypots anymore, he is ready to "hard break" directly to those honeypots, just follow them. Zhang Yang has confidence in his firewall. In case, Zhang Yang copied the mother nest to the first place. On the second floor springboard, if the other party breaks through the outermost turn, the honeypot they planted on the second floor will not escape the murder of the mother nest.

It all took more than twenty seconds for Zhang Yang. Just after doing all this, the four data streams in Zhang Yang’s surveillance suddenly cooperated with the fierce start of an attack. A sudden and rapidly increasing attack made two defensive players. Busy feet flicked up his eyes, hardly thinking about it, his hands flowed quickly on the keyboard, and countless codes began to flash the screen almost instantly.

At the moment when an access request was initiated to the system, Zhang Yang violently opened a port through an internal leak, and then he directly used this port as a springboard to instantly enter the second firewall. Zhang Yang, the suddenly killed Cheng Biaojin, directly let the other party’s The second-tier firewall completely collapsed.

After that port was almost used by Zhang Yang, the warmth of the four data streams was captured, and Zhang Yang was drilled in almost before and after the heel.

"Wow! GD you are too brave, I love you." Lan Momeng cheered in the chat room.

"What's the matter?" GD's strange voice snapped.

"What's wrong? You broke through the other party's second firewall, when did you become so powerful, and the timing was so accurate." Lan Mo said quickly.

"Wait, you guys have broken through the second firewall? I didn't do it. I was just about to do it. Didn't I say I need a minute?" GD froze for a moment and immediately spoke.

"Not you? Who is that, this person's strength is also very strong, we can know this step in the What does cumin sheep mean by GD, and immediately asked. .

"It's gd!" After a moment's stun, GD and Lan Mo almost screamed out in unison. At present, the newly emerged person who has gd among them knows should have this strength, and now no one has invaded. The gd of any website is finally shot, and the shot is so sharp.

"Lan Mo, your vision has always been accurate. Let's analyze, how is the strength of gd? Especially in the red domain?" GD asked quickly.

"It's very powerful. I thought it was you who did it. The other party didn't contact us at all. He should have been hiding next to him. At the moment we just attacked, he directly caught our sudden increase in data flow and directly launched the attack. And it seems that he has a system leak and effortlessly opened a port that is very threatening, and then directly drilled into the second layer firewall. More importantly, he did not control the number of the other party in the second layer firewall at all. A lot of honeypots and traps triggered almost all of these things, but it saved us a lot of things." Lan Mo paused, and then gave his own opinion. ! ! ! ;




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