The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 143: Catch the "rape" (Part 2)

Soon Zhang Yang found the login software of a chat room in the software he copied back, opened it and tried it. This chat room directly requested to connect to a network address, but was blocked by Zhang Yang's firewall. ; After clicking refusal, Zhang Yang copied the address. If you want to use the chat room, you must use the server. Even if these people have their own servers, Zhang Yang has a hunch that they will not be stupid enough to use their own. The server makes the address of the chat room. This wasn't caused to go to Laowo.

Through the address, Zhang Yang quickly determined the location of this chat room. In the server of a network server provider company in Bangalore, India, in the world of computers, there is a myth in the world! There is a country that doesn’t even have a subway and high-speed bus in Chapter 143 to catch the "treason" (bottom) road. The country has built a developed "information highway". This country is India!

In just ten years of the world, India has become the world’s second largest software exporter except the United States. Through the national efforts of India, now India can train about 10,000 software technicians every year. Refers to software technicians. India has more than 3.5 million scientific and technological talents, ranking third in the world!

There must be many people who have watched Indian movies in China. I am afraid that everyone’s first impression is that India is a poor and backward country. This impression is not wrong. This is itself a fact! India's poverty is beyond your imagination. At this point, I have to sigh that China is still doing very well. At least in terms of ensuring basic national life, China is much better than India.

There are a lot of poor people in India, but his technological talent reserve has surpassed China once. This has to be said to be a very thought-provoking issue. Although India’s software outsourcing has no independent intellectual property rights, it has cultivated talents for India. No one can deny this.

Therefore, in the international hacker circle, there are also quite a lot of hackers in Chapter 143 of India to catch "rape" (below) and there are many masters among them. Fortunately, the domestic contradictions in this country are many times more than China, and it The problem is also very serious. If India is as united as the Japanese, I am afraid that the biggest threat to China within the Asian region is not Japan, but the world’s second most populous country on the southwest corner of China.

After hesitating, Zhang Yang didn't go to the company's server. As long as he knew the address, Zhang Yang sometimes had time to kill it. Although the network seemed to be overwhelming, Zhang Yang couldn't guarantee that there was someone in the chat room. And this chat room should not be abandoned once. If it is their common chat room, the company's server defense should include these people's honeypots, or simply their firewalls.

However, even if he could not enter this chat room, Zhang Yang still got the ID of Rohr Hawking from the chat room login interface, his name is A! This ID is very unfamiliar, Zhang Yang dares to be sure that he has never heard of this ID, including the previous life and the total of this life. He didn't even know there was such a hacker.

Although there are a lot of hackers in the world, there are always a lot of people, but there will always be some people who make big mistakes, but this ID Zhang Yang has never heard of it. Zhang Yang has seen the software he used one by one. If these softwares are written by himself, then this person's strength is probably not under GD, but it should be almost worse than Zhang Yang.

At least a few of the software and viruses in Zhang Yang's hands are currently unsolvable for other hackers, including them. Although this can only represent a part of the strength, but this is very bullish.

Throw away the software, and Zhang Yang’s attention is focused on the text document. On his computer, Zhang Yang can conduct a comprehensive review and analysis of it, and soon Zhang Yang will understand the structure of this document. It is a two-layer structure. From the outside, it is a text document, but this text document is just a cover-up, if you double-click to open it. It will show the plan that Zhang Yang has seen.

But there is another file hidden under it, but this file is also encrypted with high strength. Zhang Yang needs to analyze it with the satellite. Otherwise, even if it is unpacked, there will be a bunch of codes that can’t be used. I didn't get any useful information all night, and Zhang Yang's sleepiness came back.

After yawning, Zhang Yang copied his infectious virus into the No. 1 satellite, and then began a thorough analysis of it. Zhang Yang turned off the monitor and prepared to sleep. The mutation of the infected insect was beyond Zhang Yang's expectations, but after the mutation, Zhang Yang had no time and used it. At present, there is nothing wrong with it, but it is a fact that its source code has changed. So thoroughly understand what is going on with the worm. This is a must. As for the others, I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry. Take it slowly. Anyway, he already knows the ID and address of this A. The rest is time to play slowly.

Lying on the bed, Zhang Yang almost fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. After two days, he didn't sleep well. At night, he consumed a lot of jīng force. As soon as he relaxed, the gazeworm almost came one after another.

"Tell God GD, I can’t contact God GD. He didn’t feel helpless. He didn’t expect that God GD would actually find them, and he did these things with God GD. Let him help explain and waited on QQ. For more than half a year, ing did not wait for the appearance of the gd god, and could only helplessly say to Zen.

It was also a little speechless, and quickly transferred the words of ing to GD, but at this moment, Zen did not know that GD was his master. As for how GD contacted him, Zen didn’t even think about it. In his opinion, the **** should be Is omnipotent. …

GD had a headache and tapped his forehead. After thinking about it, he said to Zen: "You let ing tell me about it. If he comes, please come to our lung room and I will explain this in person. "" Zen agreed, before leaving.

This night was a complete sleepless night for many people. Matrix's safe Gao Gang looked at the kill in his hand. He was so excited that his eyes were almost red like a child-free child. Not many people knew about the outbreak of infected insects. On the one hand, thanks to the powerful concealment of the infecting insects, a few clues can be seen from the first version of the previous Assassin virus, and on the other hand, Zhang Yang directly deleted all the infecting insects after completion.

So the hottest thing on the Internet is still the assassin virus, and the harm of the assassin virus is no longer questioned. Although Zhang Yang has cleared most of the assassin virus, even if the number left behind is quite scary, you must know that the infection is only a few dozen minutes. Within that time, it infected nearly 20 million computers.

Although the active infection mechanism of the infected insect and Zhang Yang directly placed it on the telecommunications room server caused such a horrible number of infections, the assassin virus has been more than ten times longer than the infected insect. .

These are secondary, and most importantly, Matrix Security is ahead of all its counterparts around the world this time.

As for the last sentence left by God, Gao Gang didn't take it seriously at all, let alone two-thirds, that is to give gd God 100% income. Gao Gang would do it!

Understand that with such a horrible network, the popularity of matrix security is not only at home, but even abroad has a huge amount of views, this intangible asset is not measured by money.

Network security companies are not the same as ordinary industrial companies. The companies that do business are technologically surpassed or want to catch up with higher technology, which requires a long accumulation process. But network technology is different, and perhaps the emergence of a genius will make a company's network technology instantly rise to a terrible state.

And the God of GD didn't mention the naming rights at all. Gao Gang wouldn't think that the other party had forgotten. He knew that the other party didn't care about this. But matrix security cares! Therefore, Zhang Yang almost sent all the trouble-killing software for the assassin virus mutations of all the security departments in the world who could not sleep to Gao Ke here. He immediately let the technical department make the latest announcement on the official website!

Before the announcement and version issued by Matrix Security, many security companies have sent people to study it, but there are basically two extremes between mature products and semi-finished products. It is a long process to study mature products from semi-finished products. The time left for major security companies is too short.

China is the second half of the night, but in Europe and the United States, during the daytime, the main customers of various security companies sent official jiā letters to the major security companies almost immediately, requesting the major security companies to quickly guarantee their clients’ interests and to the matrix security Purchase this killing software.

At this moment, the virus is too harmful to their database, and although these customers say that they are working with security companies, they also have their own technical department. Through the technical staff of their own technology department, they learned that the killing of this assassin virus is not just A special kill is so simple, it may even represent a leap in the field of antivirus.

Leap forward represents the creation of a new standard. European and American companies are not like domestic companies. What kind of favors are there? These companies focus on benefits. Whoever can provide me with safety, I will use the product. This is what The philosophy of these companies, so these companies sent an official letter to the security company responsible for their company at the first time.

If it is some other viruses in the usual time, they can wait for the company responsible for their own safety to research the latest products, but they can’t wait for the assassin virus. Waiting for an extra day means that the company’s database may be completely cleaned~www Even if there is a backup, but who knows what will happen?

At this moment, whether it is the president of Symantec, the president of Kaspersky, or McAfee, Trend Micro, etc., all have headaches. After all, Matrix Security is only an iǎ company in China. At this moment, it is down to buy people's products? Well, these are not problems, anyway, there are more shameless things in the mall. All these CEOs need to do is to keep their customers and give the board a jiā generation, not what is called a face problem.

But the most important thing is, if you buy this technology, how much will the matrix security offer? This is a painful problem! For now, this is Kui Duan, a short-term monopoly problem!

Relative to the presidents of these security companies, one person is even more awful, that is Pan Hu! Looking at the pages of his rival company, and the special kill just downloaded, Pan Hu didn't know how to express his emotions for a while. The infatuation between Baiying Security and Matrix Security, everyone in the circle knew. And the customer base between the two is also the most identical part. The matrix is ​​safer and stronger, which means that Baiying is going to be unlucky. ! ! ! ;




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