The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 147: Poor (4)

Chapter 147 Start (4)

Over the course of one night, Matrix Security became famous all the time. Although Matrix Security faded out of the domestic security giant for a long time, it still has some fame. Especially in recent years, it has not been strange to vigorously develop the computer department.

As long as Matrix safely calls the school, the school will help you check it, and you can easily get your contact information. After figured it out, Zhang Yang said easily: "Find me? Is there anything? I don't have much to do now."

"Well, Mr. Zhang, please wait a moment. Our president wants to talk to you directly. Do you think you can?"


Soon Gao Gang's voice came out of the phone. Gao Gang was about forty years old, and his voice was very magnetic. After answering the phone, Gao Gang said directly: "Mr. Zhang, this phone may be abrupt. , Sorry first." Gao Gang's tone was very polite.

"It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Gao, what are you doing with me?" Zhang Yang asked knowingly.

"Of course, but before I say something, can I ask Mr. Zhang a question first?" Gao Gang hesitated before asking tentatively. Although gscsd admitted that he had a good relationship with Zhang Yang, Gao Gang obviously still wanted to inquire from Zhang Yang.

"What problem, you said." Zhang Yang did not refuse.

"I don't know if you know a person whose network id is: gscsd, oh, Mr. Zhang, you are from the computer department. You must know the matter last night, that is, you hacked the **** of the Japanese Defense Agency's website." Gao Gang asked quickly.

Zhang Yang smiled suddenly. When he talked to Gao Gang from the Internet, Zhang Yang had considered this question. If he didn't know, Gao Gang wouldn't doubt it, but if he said that, it wouldn't be too much for Zhang Yang himself. the benefits of. If you know, you have to find a suitable identity between gscsd and Zhang Yang, and after careful consideration, gscsd and Zhang Yang keep understanding, but will not make others doubt, it will benefit Zhang Yang the most.

As long as a person will live in this world, there will always be some clues. Sometimes it is too concealed, but it will have a counterproductive effect. The concealment of identity does not necessarily have to be low-key and low-key. Try to clear yourself and hide. The connection between identities, sometimes, the necessary connection will not make people too doubtful.

Although Zhang Yang turned dozens of thoughts in an instant, but within a second or two, Zhang Yang did not hesitate and smiled and said: "Of course I know, he is my apprentice." Zhang Yang's mouth twitched a strange smile, quickly Said.

"Gscsd is your apprentice?" Gao Gang's voice suddenly mentioned an octave. This news is too shocking. Is there a master at the level of gscsd? How high is this person's computer level?

"Yeah, it's my apprentice, but you don't want to be bad, Mr. Gao. In the computer field, I now know his level as the gap between the stars and the sun, but we accidentally met in a game two years ago. At that time, I had taught him some basic knowledge about computers, so he always called me a master." Zhang Yang naturally knew where Gao Gang thought of going.

"That's it!" Gao Gang's heart just calmed down a little bit. It turned out to be just the enlightenment master of the gscsd god, and now Gao Gang figured out many things in an instant. No wonder everyone is a little bit strange in the last incident. God God will move so much because of a gossip event. It seems that it has nothing to do with gscsd God.

Since that girl is Zhang Yang's girlfriend, and Zhang Yang is the master of the gscsd god, his teacher and his wife were splashed with dirty water? Can the Great God not be angry? As for why the last one came from God, Gao Gang didn’t even think about it, but he didn’t think much about it. Obviously this group of great god-level characters must know each other. This is the so-called circle of friends. The idea of ​​the great **** is naturally the same as ordinary People are different.

"This matter troubles Mr. Gao to keep me secret. I don’t want others to know that my apprentice is so much better than my computer technology. More importantly, I don’t want others to come to me to ask about things related to gscsd. Even if he is a man or a woman, he doesn't know yet." Zhang Yang said distressedly.

"Relax, it must be." Gao Gang originally wanted to inquire with Zhang Yang to see if he knew the actual identity of gscsd. Now that Zhang Yang said, there is naturally no way to ask Gao Gang's words, so he will soon The topic shifted to the issue of making Zhang Yang the director of matrix security and Baiying security negotiations.

On the phone, Gao Gang repeated in detail what he and Zhang Yang had just discussed online. Although Zhang Yang knew it well, he still had the illusion of serious listening and surprise.

"Are you sure? The relationship between me and Pan Wenlong is not good, don't talk about collapse at that time, and finally affect the interests of matrix security." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Oh, it’s okay, it’s okay to talk about collapse. There is a lot less than their family, and more than their family. To be honest, I was prepared to refuse this quote from Baiying Safety. In the end, it was the gscsd **** who spoke. Promised, so Mr. Zhang, you can talk with confidence, so, Mr. Zhang, should you be in s now? It is now 10 am, I will drive to s to pick you up, at noon, I invite Mr. Zhang to dinner, in the afternoon You can enter the negotiation with Baiying directly. How do you think?" Gao Gang laughed happily, dispelling Zhang Yang's concerns, and then said quickly.

Gao Gang is so polite, Zhang Yang naturally knows that it is because of the relationship between gscsd. Gao Gang just wants to narrow the relationship with gscsd in order to get more technical support from gscsd and develop the company. Of course, Zhang Yang has no opinion. Anyway, he and gscsd are the same, and Matrix Security now has its own profit, although this profit is temporarily unavailable.

"Okay, but I have an appointment at night. I'm afraid it's not too late." Zhang Yang was a bit embarrassed. Zhang Yang had never conducted business negotiations, but he had never eaten pork. He had always watched the pig run. The negotiations on TV were not all for days. time. Today, Li Keqing wants to invite Zhang Yang and Li Yuxuan to dinner. In Zhang Yang's view, her woman can be hundreds of times more important than Baiying's safety.

"Ha, Mr. Zhang, you have been thinking too much. You are the main person in charge of the negotiations. When you rest and when you start, it's not all up to you." Gao Gangha laughed twice.

Gao Gang's words made Zhang Yang speechless for a while. It seems that Gao Gang hated Pan Hu in his bones. Since Gao Gang said so, Zhang Yang naturally had no problem.

"OK, then I'll wait for you in the school." Zhang Yang readily agreed and hung up the phone. Zhang Yang saved Gao Gang's phone, sorted out the contents in the computer, turned off the computer, and Zhang Yang went to the living room. Go, as far as the No. 1 satellite is concerned, even if Zhang Yang is not there, the procedures are all set. Zhang Yang will come back to check the results.

Entering the living room, Fang Shaoyun just came out of the room with a toothbrush in his mouth. Obviously, he just got up from the bed. Seeing Zhang Yang coming out of the house, Fang Shaoyun asked vaguely, "Have you eaten? Let's eat together in a while?"

"I have something to do in a moment, go for yourself, yes, ask you something, I just watched a movie, what tracker and the like are in it, it's very bullish, will you do it? I seem to be very Simple." Zhang Yang asked casually.

Fang Shaoyun took out the toothbrush in his mouth and shrugged his shoulders full of foam. "It's not difficult. That thing is a signal transceiver. The tracker is responsible for sending signals. The things in your hand are responsible for receiving signals. A tracker."

"Just like the principle of GPS?"

"Well, almost, but the signal sent by GPS is different from the ordinary tracker. The distance of the ordinary tracker is one or two kilometers. The better one is five or six kilometers, but the GPS signal can be directly. It was accepted by the satellite, so as to achieve the purpose of global positioning. I will go to wash first, and I will tell you later." After that, Fang Shaoyun waved his toothbrush and entered the bathroom with a mouthful of foam.

In just a few minutes, Fang Shaoyun came out of the bathroom and said: "Why are you suddenly interested in this?"

"Don't I just watch the movie? I think you're quite awkward in hardware, so let's see if you will." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"...Looking at what you said, this kind of simple stuff will be in the first year of his senior year." Fang Shaoyun rolled his eyes.

"Really? There is no **** for bragging and having children." Zhang Yang looked at Fang Shaoyun with disbelief. If Fang Shaoyun could really do this, Zhang Yang would have to find a way to get Pan Wenlong up. Who plays dead.

"...I don't believe me, you wait." Zhang Yang's distrustful expression stimulated Fang Shaoyun, jumped directly from the sofa and got into his room. Looking at Fang Shaoyun's room through the opened door, Zhang Yang was speechless. This animal, after only two days, his room was almost becoming a warehouse, which was filled with various hardware, and Tools, Zhang Yang did not know how he found what he needed from such a large pile of things.

Probably in the pile of things that Zhang Yang looked like **** turned over during the day, Fang Shaoyun walked out with a tattered box in his hand. After sitting down on the sofa, Fang Shaoyun directly threw it to Zhang Yang: "Look, this is The gadgets I made during the third year of high school, don't look at it But the signal strength it sends is definitely higher than those sold on the market, the notebook I gave you, the acceptance function of its wireless network card is better than The general notebook is much stronger, and cooperate with this thing, you can trace others to the entire H city."

Looking at the roughly coin-sized thing in his hand, Zhang Yang didn't expect to have this kind of harvest. He had just wondered how to let Fang Shaoyun help him make one, but he didn't expect to have ready-made products.

"How to use this stuff? If it can be used, I will give Pan Wenlong a chance to install it. Maybe it will be a little unexpected." Zhang Yang said after playing with the things in his hand.

Zhang Yang's words made Fang Shaoyun's eyes shine for a while, and he quickly said: "Yes, yes, I think that I made these things just a simple experiment. It has not been officially put into use yet. Zhang Yang, you have a good idea, Pan Wenlong. Grandson, it’s been a long time since he saw him, or else we’ll find a way to install a tracker for him, and then look for an opportunity to put him in a sack at night. It’s inhumane to fight that grandson?”

Looking at Fang Shaoyun with his eyes shining, Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. He couldn't figure out whether Fang Shaoyun was excited because of the opportunity to use this tracker, or was he excited because he wanted to beat Pan Wenlong? But thinking about what Fang Shaoyun had just said, Zhang Yang was also eager to try. In high school, Zhang Yang was not a good boy. Fighting and fighting were not done, but the sacks were really not.

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