The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 151: Relative

Chapter 151

The car didn't drive far, so I found a small restaurant near the school and stopped. It didn't cost much to eat here. Obviously Li Yuxuan didn't want Li Keqing to spend the money.

"Yuxuan, why don't we change places? I invite you to eat a big meal." Li Keqing hesitated and whispered. Looking at Li Keqing, Li Yuxuan felt a little distressed. From childhood to the age, Li Yuxuan was quite lonely. After knowing Li Keqing, although the two had been together for less than a month, Li Keqing's weak personality made Li Yuxuan always treat her as her sister. .

Growing up from an early age, Li Yuxuan's vision of people is naturally not comparable to that of other people of the same age. I am afraid that people like Tan Yudie can compare with Li Yuxuan. It takes a month to let Li Yuxuan know his own home. Friends, too simple.

In this cosmopolitan metropolis, it can be said that if a girl like Li Keqing is a little careless, I am afraid that even a **** will be swallowed by others. Similar things, Li Yuxuan is not unseen, Li Yuxuan did not explain to Li Keqing, did not tell Li Keqing, if you really eat a big meal in h city, not to mention 5000, it is probably not enough to turn ten times.

Thinking of this, Li Yuxuan turned around and glared Zhang Yang fiercely. Zhang Yang touched his nose somehow.

"Here, the two of them love to eat and not to get rid of the **** egg. Besides, if you want to invite me to a big meal, you have to be publicized, and I will never be polite." Li Yuxuan looked at Zhang Yang and said with some indignation. .

"Uh, no problem, isn't it a big meal? The whole H city is up to you." Zhang Yang choked, joking, just knocked Baiying safe, the money was easy to get, Zhang Yang naturally did not feel very distressed, is it? You can't eat 80 million?

"This is what you said." Li Yuxuan froze for a moment, then said quickly.

"of course."

"The premise is to use your own money." Li Yuxuan added.

"No problem." Zhang Yang smiled and promised. Although he didn't understand it, Li Yuxuan was so angry today, but Zhang Yang could almost feel it. Why Li Keqing works, can't hide Li Yuxuan, and Zhang Yang has done nothing in the eyes of others this week. If someone is a good friend of Li Keqing, I'm afraid he will be upset.

Only Li Keqing, a silly girl, would take it for granted. She always attributed the school fines to her own head. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang’s heart was soft for a while. Some people, only one life is enough, Such a girl, several men are willing to hurt.

Looking at Li Keqing's pink side profile, a cold light flashed in Zhang Yang's eyes.

The four people got out of the car, Li Yuxuan took Li Keqing and walked into the hotel, Fang Shaoyun reached out and poked Zhang Yang, whispered, "What happened to her today?"

Zhang Yang smiled and touched his nose, said: "It is probably because Ke Qing is working for me. I haven't done anything these days."

Fang Shaoyun thought for a while and reached out and patted Zhang Yang’s shoulder and said, “It’s okay, it’s a big deal. I’ll go to work with you during the winter vacation. It’s normal for you to find a job in this strange city. You won’t get better for Ke Qing in the future? Love is not just a matter of love, such love will last for a long time, so don’t worry about it."

Knowing that Fang Shaoyun was relieved for himself, Zhang Yangwei smiled and said, "Thank you, but, you know how to love ass, you might as well as me."

By the time the two entered, Li Yuxuan and Li Keqing had already found their place. Zhang Yang originally wanted to sit with Li Keqing, but after looking at Li Yuxuan sitting next to Li Keqing, Zhang Yang finally gave up wisely, or sat down with Fang Shaoyun.

"Yuxuan, will you come back to class tomorrow?" After ordering, Li Keqing looked at Li Yuxuan and asked.

"Well, I will be back tomorrow. At the latest, the day after tomorrow, I will deal with the affairs in the company. How is your work? Isn't it good for Sister Zhao?" Li Yuxuan said with a smile.

"Well, Sister Zhao is very nice to me, but I still want to thank you. Without you, I can't find such a good job. It is estimated that I am still basking in the sun. I have learned a lot this week. "Li Keqing said with a smile, and she could see that she had a lot of cheerful personality in a week.

"Okay, let's say thank you, but someone should thank me." Li Yuxuan said with a glance.

"Well, I thank you." Zhang Yang quickly took the conversation.

"Did I say you?" Li Yuxuan gave Zhang Yang a blank look.

"Anyway, I thanked you. Don't say that I didn't thank you." Zhang Yang shrugged.

"Remember what you said to invite me to dinner, I can wait." Li Yuxuan snorted.

"No problem, don't worry, you won't be able to wait long."

While chatting with several people, the waiter brought up the meals. The order was definitely not made by Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun, and Li Yuxuan didn't order much. After coming out of the hotel and walking to the door, Li Yuxuan hesitated and said to Li Keqing and Fang Shaoyun: "Fang Shaoyun, you and Ke Qing get in the car first. Zhang Yang and I have something to say."

Fang Shaoyun glanced at Li Yuxuan strangely, but he didn't say anything. He got into the back seat of the car directly. Li Keqing hesitated a bit and opened the door to the position of co-pilot. Waiting for the two to close the door, Li Yuxuan whispered, "Zhang Yang, I asked someone to investigate Pan Wenlong's person during this time. From the survey results, it was an out-and-out villain. He read high school from him. I saw it when I heard, and when I heard that in high school, for the sake of a few girls, many boys were beaten to the hospital. During this time, you and Ke Qing must be careful."

Zhang Yang froze for a moment, but did not expect that Li Yuxuan would ask someone to investigate Pan Wenlong. Although she said that she was late, this was always the intention of others. Zhang Yang nodded slightly and said, "I thank you first, I will pay attention to it Don’t worry, no one can move unless I am dead."

The worry on Li Yuxuan's face was not lacking. For a long time, she nodded slightly and said, "You must be careful. Don't go out if it's too late. If there is something wrong with Ke Qing, I won't be in my life. forgive you."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I will not forgive myself."

"That's okay, let's go, I'll send you back." After hearing Zhang Yang's assurance, Li Yuxuan went a little bit worried, and said.

After the two got into the car, Li Keqing hesitated and asked in a low voice: "Yuxuan, what do you tell him?"

Li Yuxuan smiled slightly: "Why? I'm afraid I'll take him away. Rest assured, no one except you is rare. I'll just confess him, and I will treat you well in the future."

A slight blush lit up on Li Keqing's face: "I hate it, I always say what I do, what you say is all about me." After that, I sat upright quickly, but secretly when I turned around, After looking at Zhang Yang, it happened to meet Zhang Yang's gaze, and immediately turned his face shyly, afraid to look at the two sitting behind.

Knowing that Li Keqing was thin, Li Yuxuan did not continue to make fun of her. After sending the three people downstairs to the dormitory, Li Yuxuan said, "I'll go back first. There is still something in the company that hasn't been dealt with. If it's done today, I'll be back tomorrow. Zhang Yang and Ke Qing will leave it to you."

"You can rest assured, be careful on the road." Zhang Yang nodded. The car that witnessed Li Yuxuan left the line of sight, and the three talents walked upstairs together.

At the door of the dormitory, Fang Shaoyun waved his hand and said, "I'll go back to the dormitory first. Let's talk to you two."

"Come in." Li Keqing opened the door of the dormitory. Anyway, Zhang Yang was not the first time to come. Li Keqing actually relaxed a lot. He smiled and said to Zhang Yang standing outside the door. Following Li Keqing into her dormitory, she did not come for a few days, but there was not much change here.

Entering his room, Li Keqing put the bag on the table, then took out a pile of prepared money from it and handed it to Zhang Yang: "We said yes, and the fine was paid together, although Tan Yudie helped You have gone, but you still have to owe her money back to others as soon as possible.

Looking at Li Keqing with a serious face, Zhang Yang finally couldn't help but smiled, involuntarily reached out and squeezed indulgently on her tender and tender face and said, "OK, then I accept it, but if you have something to do in the future I’ll give you money, but you can’t help but accept it."

It wasn't until Zhang Yang finished speaking that Li Keqing recovered from Zhang Yang's intimate movements, even his ears instantly turned pink, and he quickly lowered his head, "Uh", and didn't know if she understood what Zhang Yang said.

Feeling a little embarrassed, Zhang Yang was afraid to scare Li came out of her dorm after saying hello. Standing in the corridor, with five thousand dollars in his hand, Zhang Yang suddenly felt heavier than the 80 million he earned. The environment in Li Keqing's family, Zhang Yang, knew that her monthly living expenses were only more than 300, earning 5,700. Today, she spent more than 200 meals. Li Keqing left herself less than 500 yuan, and others gave Zhang Yang.

With her character, I am afraid that she won't pay for living expenses with her family for the next two months. Put the 5000 yuan carefully, slowly stack it up and put it in his pocket, Zhang Yang slowly raised his leg to his dormitory.

Back at the dormitory, he greeted Fang Shaoyun, Zhang Yang returned to his room, took out the 5,000 yuan in his pocket and found a new towel, and Zhang Yang put it in a box and stuffed it into the closet.

After turning on the computer and logging in to the springboard, Zhang Yang quickly flew to QQ. Gao Gang’s latest news came back, saying that Baiying Security had already sent all the money to Matrix Security’s account, and Matrix Security also handed the killing to Baiying Security.

Seeing that the contract had been fulfilled, Zhang Yang's complexion became strange, and he quickly sent Gao Gang a message: "I know, when you give me the master's money, by the way, tell him that the money will be sent by me It’s a gift for him and the maid, yes, you will post this announcement tomorrow."

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