The Strongest Hacker

: The 158th school expenses and money (below)

158th school uā and money (Part 2)

158th school uā and money (Part 2)

"It's okay, pay back your money. The school fine is still yours to help me. I have money now. I'll give it to you first." Zhang Yang said. Li Keqing looked at Zhang Yang strangely, but said nothing.

"Why? I'm not in a hurry. Besides, I'm not short of money. Whenever it's convenient for you, I'm in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry. What are you in a hurry." Tan Yudie froze for a moment, paused, and then transferred Then he rolled his eyes and said.

"I'm in a hurry. I'm not used to what I owe others. It's better to pay it back." Zhang Yang smiled.

"Well...well, let's go upstairs to buy things. You can pay me the 158th school expenses and money directly (below). You save it if you save." Tan Yudie thought Want to say.

"Yes." Zhang Yang nodded, 50,000 yuan in the eyes of ordinary people is a lot of money, in Tan Yudie's eyes is naturally iǎ money, just arbitrarily 50,000 yuan, Zhang Yang does not feel strange, this There are everything in commercial buildings, and there are tens of thousands of pieces of clothes.

The three quickly followed the elevator to the sixth floor. Zhang Yang originally thought that Tan Yudie was going to buy clothes, but all the six floors were full of jewelry. It seemed that she wanted to buy some jewelry. After a long time on the sixth floor, Tan Yudie stopped at the entrance of a yù shop. Xiangzhai looked at the plaque hanging on the mouth, and Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. Inside, I am afraid that I can buy one for 50,000 yuan. Ordinary ornaments.

Xiangzhai is a very famous chain store. It is quite famous in the antiques industry and the collection industry. It is also a century-old shop. Its name does not need to be doubted. Many famous connoisseurs in China are honorary members of yùxiangzhai, so yù Xiangzhai's appraisal opinions on yù utensils can even be used as the auction standard for major auction houses.

Naturally, there will be no fakes here, but the price is also 158th. The school expenses and money (below) are simply unaffordable for ordinary people. Inside, there are hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of devices. . Zhang Yang has heard the name of yùxiangzhai, but this is the first time Zhangyang has entered its storefront. Zhang Yang thought that stores like yùxiangzhai were all separate. .

But look at its decoration, even if it is in this commercial building, the decoration of the entire store, anti-theft, etc. may be independent.

After entering yùxiangzhai, Zhang Yang followed Tan Yudie curiously and looked at the various yù devices in the counter. Around Zhang Yang came to 80 million in vain, he was a bit stunned, and the price inside was really scary. According to this price, there may not be more than 10 million in this counter alone.

Wouldn't it be worth hundreds of millions in such a big shop? Tan Yudie didn't pick any good ones, just picked a green emerald in the ordinary jewelry and bought a necklace with a price tag of more than 46,000.

"Okay, this is it, wrap it up." After Tan Yudie selected it, she quickly packed the shopping guide inside, and Zhang Yang was a little speechless, only ten minutes before and after, looking at the dozens of pieces of clothes in front It’s interesting to look at it. I came here to buy tens of thousands of things but it was done in ten minutes.

However, Zhang Yang naturally would not have any opinions. He took out the bank card Gao Gang gave him, and Zhang Yang quickly swiped the card to settle the bill. After coming out of yùxiangzhai, after walking a few steps, Tan Yudie stood smiling, and then handed the bag with the emerald necklace to Li Keqing, said: "Ke Qing, the first time I met, I have nothing to give you, Even if this thing is borrowed from uā, it is given to you."

Tan Yudie's words made Zhang Yang and Li Keqing stunned. "This... is too expensive to ask for." Li Keqing shook his head slightly and said.

"What's precious is not precious, do you think the friendship between us is not even worth these tens of thousands of dollars?" Tan Yudie said seriously and said seriously.

"No, I don't mean that, but for gifts, you can buy some at will. It's really too expensive to collect." Li Keqing quickly waved his hand and said.

"Then I don't care, anyway, I gave it to you. If you don't want it, I will throw it away." After that, Tan Yudie put the bag directly on the trash can next to it.

Zhang Yang had a headache. He was completely unclear about what Tan Yudie wanted to do. Although Zhang Yang could probably guess a little in his heart, he didn't want to think so deeply. It was too tired to live like that.

Tan Yudie's words immediately embarrassed Li Keqing, and he didn't know what to do for a while. Finally, Li Keqing turned his attention to Zhang Yang. Looking at Li Keqing's help, Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. What else can he say? Nodded helplessly.

Looking at Li Keqing's movements, Tan Yudie couldn't help but sigh. In this year, there are really few nv children like Li Keqing. She is a nv child. Seeing Li Keqing has a kind of pitifulness. Feeling, let alone a man, especially her personality, is more in line with all men's spouse selection criteria, gentle and pleasant, iǎjiabiyù.

"Then...well, I accepted it." Li Keqing hesitated after seeing Zhang Yang nodding, and finally nodded and agreed.

"That's right, let's continue shopping." Seeing Li Keqing accepted it, Tan Yudie immediately nodded happily, and then continued to pull Li Keqing towards the elevator. Zhang Yang had no choice but to follow behind. After spending an afternoon walking around, it cost a lot of money. Until the two nvs were too tired to walk, Tan Yudie took Li Keqing and sat down in a cafe.

"You are sitting here, I will go out and do something." When the two nvs sat down, Zhang Yang thought about it and said.

"Aren't you tired?" Tan Yudie looked at Zhang Yang unexpectedly, didn't he say that men didn't like shopping? I'm tired of shopping, and Zhang Yang still looks like that, it doesn't seem to feel anything.

Zhang Yang is speechless, can you not be tired? As long as the individual feels tired, but there are still some things to do. "Of course tired, you wait here for me for a while, I will go back when I go." Zhang Yang greeted the two nv, and then quickly went out.

There is a bank in the building. Zhang Yang remembered an ICBC just now. When he returned to the bank, Zhang Yang quickly filled out a few documents. Although there are many people who withdraw money, there are not many people who handle business. They are all at the cash machine, so Zhang Yang can easily make the money.

Zhang Yang handled four more cards, one card containing 50,000, one card storing 60,000, one card storing 30,000, and one card storing 1 million. Because Gao Gang gave Zhang Yang a card, he used a copy of Zhang Yang’s ID card, so although these services were a little more troublesome, there was no problem. After more than half of the time, Zhang Yang did these things well. Too.

Putting the card into the wallet separately, Zhang Yang quickly walked to the coffee shop. When he passed the sixth floor, hesitated, Zhang Yang went into a jewelry shop again. Speaking of it, he hadn't bought a gift for Li Keqing yet. Although he had a lot of money, Zhang Yang was afraid that Li Keqing would be uneasy to wear, and did not pick anything valuable, but chose a thin platinum necklace. Li Keqing was a little cute, and his skin was quite fair and delicate, so More suitable for wearing this pendant.

The pendant is a key type, but at the bottom is a heart-shaped, a small diamond in the middle, with a thin necklace, hanging on Li Keqing’s neck is definitely beautiful, because the material and diamond are both Compared with iǎ, this necklace is not expensive. Only a total of more than 4,000 yuan has been spent, not as much as Li Keqing gave to Zhang Yang.

Let the shopping guide remove all the price tags. Zhang Yang ran into the pocket and ran to the cafe. When Zhang Yang returned to the cafe, it was more than forty minutes. Seeing Zhang Yang coming back, Tan Yudie asked curiously: "Why did you go? Walking so long?"

"It's okay, go buy what I use. Men's things, nv people ask less." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes. "Have you finished shopping? Is it possible to buy our stuff? And... I just checked the time. It looks like we have one lesson in the afternoon, and we didn't even take it."

"Ah... yes, we still have a class in the afternoon, what can we do? Let's go back quickly, maybe we can catch up." Zhang Yang reminded that Li Keqing also remembered suddenly, the two of them in the afternoon There is one lesson.

"I said, the two of you are too nervous? Are the college students who haven't escaped the class called college students? Isn't it just a class? The teacher doesn't name it, what are you two anxious." Tan Yudie turned White-eyed, a little speechless.

Zhang Yang is nothing. Tan Yudie's words are also true. Are there any students who don't skip classes in four years? Have it? Have it? ? Anyway, Zhang Yang has never heard of it, but Zhang Yang did not expect him and Li Keqing to slip away inadvertently.

"Ke Qing is fine. There is nothing to talk about in the first few days of the school. Go back and make up, but it will be late at night. We should go back. The things have not been bought yet." Zhang Yang first comforted Li Keqing. Before speaking to Tan Yudie.

It was indeed very late to see the time. Besides, everyone was tired of shopping. Tan Yudie had no objection. The three of them came out of the commercial building, still driving by Zhang Yang, and drove into the school again. When I went shopping in the afternoon, I ate a lot of food, and the three were not hungry, so Zhang Yang drove the car and stopped downstairs.

"Thank you today." After getting out of the car and carrying something, Zhang Yang said to Tan Yudie.

"No need to thank, anyway, I'm fine, someone is with me, I'm too happy to be too late. Besides, I don't have any friends. I met Ke Qing again this time, and today I am really happy." Tan Yudie said with a smile .

"Then we will go up first. Yudie bye." Li Keqing rushed to Tan Yudie and waved his hand.

"Well, goodbye." Tan Yudie also waved at Li Keqing, and Zhang Yang also said goodbye to Tan Yudie, then only a few steps behind Li Keqing, and followed her into the corridor. When approaching Tan Yudie, Zhang Yang deliberately slowed down, quickly lowered his voice and said: "You will go after a while, I have something to find you."

When Li Keqing was sent to the elevator, Zhang Yang pretended to mō the mō pocket and rummaged for a long time after the elevator was opened: "Keqing, you go up first, my phone seems to have been dropped into Tan Yudie's car, I'll find it. "

"En." Li Keqing didn't think much, nodded, and then closed the elevator and watched Li Keqing's elevator go up, Zhang Yang quickly came out of the corridor. Tan Yudie leaned on the car and waited on the spot. When she saw Zhang Yang coming out, Tan Yudie smiled slightly: "What's the matter with me?"

Taking out his wallet from his pocket, Zhang Yang took out the bank card with 50,000 yuan in it and said, "Your money is in it, it's my return, the password is six zeros."

"I said, I gave it to Ke Qing." Tan Yudie's beautiful eyes stared quietly in Zhang Yang's eyes.

Zhang Yang did not evade, looked at her eyes calmly and said: "Everyone understands people, but what kind of nv child is Qing Qing, you can also see it, that thing is too expensive for her, accept your gift It's a burden to her, one yard to one yard, so..." Zhang Yang didn't say it later, and some words were boring.

If it was another person, would Tan Yudie give her a gift? Is it a type that must be accepted?

Tan Yudie didn't pick up the bank card, she just stared at Zhang Yang's eyes, and the two looked at each other. For a long time, Tan Yudie sighed, "Well, I'll take it." After that, Tan Yu Butterfly took the bank card from Zhang Yang's hand, then took out her bag from the co-pilot's window, and carefully put the bank card into the wallet.

"Thank you." Zhang Yang said very seriously, "I will invite you to dinner someday."

"That's all right, you don't have to be dismissed." Tan Yudie's eyes flashed with surprise, and soon she seemed to think of something, a slight smile appeared on her face, and she readily agreed.

" I'm sure I'm not bad, but first of all, Lanzhou ramen, I bowl, without the eggs." Zhang Yang smiled immediately.

"Giggle...iǎ gas. Then I will go first, see you in another day." Tan Yudie covered her mouth and chuckled softly, waved her hand quickly, and got into the driver's seat.

Zhang Yang turned around smartly, waved at her without looking back, and turned into the corridor. It wasn't until Zhang Yang's figure disappeared in the elevator that Tan Yudie's eyes flashed an envy that she didn't even notice. She looked at the Kun Bao in the co-pilot's position as if she could see the wallet For a long time, that bank card, Tan Yudie sighed faintly, started the car, and left the school directly.

Zhang Yang, who was standing inside the elevator, whistled twice. This is not Zhang Yang’s hypocrisy. It’s just that everyone has everyone’s principle. This thing seems to have nothing to do with Zhang Yang, but if it doesn’t matter, then it’s a ghost. . No matter whether Tan Yudie sent Li Keqing such a valuable thing, Zhang Yang didn't want to think so clearly, but some things, it is better to make it clear. The most important thing is that Zhang Yang does not want to mix any other things between him and Li Keqing. thing. ! ! ! ;




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