The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 160: gscsd and Zhang Yang (middle)

Chapter 160 and Zhang Yang (Part 2)

   Chapter 160 and Zhang Yang (middle)

Wisdom creatures... Black Hawk is a bit crying and laughing, but Black Hawk has not thought about how this ratio of 89.36% came, because he no longer wants to understand, just see the dense analysis on the paper In the process, Blackhawk gave up, as long as he knew the result.

"Fourth, after analyzing the huāmén incident at the University of S, we concluded that the possibility of the students of the University of S was over 70%, and at the same time he knew that the possibility of the student of the school was over 85%. Fifth Five-Year, based on these, we found this person." said here, the major put another piece of paper on the table in front of the Black Eagle.

   "Zhang Yang?" Black Hawk looked at the photo above the material and all the details of Zhang Yang, chewing himself for a long time, and then raised his head and asked quickly: "Do you mean this Zhang Yang is?"

   "50% probability is, 50% probability is not." The major said lightly.

   "Oh? Why?" In Blackhawk's view, with so much information found, this possibility may not be larger than those that appeared before, but can't it? Why is it only fifty percent.

"There is an unwritten rule in our staff. If there is no conclusion based on any inference, the probability of all things will always be 50%, just like you ask me if the earth will be destroyed in ten years, and I also I will tell you that there is only a 50% chance, because our existing information is not enough to infer until ten years later, so there is no theoretical support, and the chance is only 50%." The major replied seriously.

"Uh? Okay, but can you tell me why, do you think he is not?" Black Hawk's head is not stupid. He has heard it. The staff of the staff thinks that Zhang Yang is very likely. , But there is no evidence to have this 50% claim.

"Here are all the materials before he went to college. His average contact time with the computer was a total of 436 hours and twelve minutes, calculated by Einstein's IQ. Even Einstein couldn't help it. Within 500 hours, I just knew the computer and immediately rose to the level of this technology. If such a person really appears, then IMHO to achieve such a degree of IQ, he will not leave us Such obvious evidence." In the last sentence, the major said that there was only a slight bō movement in his tone after a long time.

   Black Hawk is speechless. According to the 500 hours, the full play counts for a full 20 days. From 20 days to the height of the computer? How much is possible?

   "What if he becomes a self-taught student?" Blackhawk couldn't help but asked another sentence, not even himself. He asked whether he wanted to find it as soon as possible, or whether he wanted to raise the bar with the major of this MI.

"Although he did something during the 400-odd hours when he was in contact with the computer, because the time passed is too long, we have no way to obtain evidence for investigation, but we have investigated it. Before he went to college, his There hasn’t been anything about the computer at home, whether it’s electrical appliances or books, oh right, there are five computer tutorial books issued by high school and junior high school." The major looked at Blackhawk, although he didn’t say anything.

   But the Black Hawk felt it, and the major looked at him like a fool. Blackhawk had just prepared for the major to continue reporting, but the major came up with another sentence: "...but there is another possibility."

   "What is possible?" Black Hawk hurriedly asked.

   "Do you know what the Internet is saying?" The major glanced at the Black Eagle.

   "I know, but does it have anything to do with this?" The Black Hawk was baffled.

   "Yes, there is a possibility xìng, that is, what he said in the Internet, said, was possessed by aliens." The major replied seriously.

   Rely on... Blackhawk's mouth opened wide, dumbfounded, and a word came to his mouth. Finally, he didn't spit it out. Instead, the major general next to him laughed directly.

   "I said, anyway, I am also a colonel? Are you talking to the chief like this?" Black Hawk was a little speechless, unwilling to refrain from making fun of himself, glared at the major and said aloud.

"I'm sorry, Comrade Colonel, I'm doing a report analysis. These are the results of our analysis. If you are meaningful to the major, or have caused jīng spiritual damage to you because I am doing the report, I apologize." The major did not even hesitate. , Said one of the "snap" righteously.

Black Hawk: "..." Looking down at the analysis results on the file in the hand, Black Hawk really found this so-called possibility at the bottom, opened his mouth, and finally gave up with a decadent face. He didn't expect to kill him. The result of this ridiculous analysis is that someone listed it seriously?

   The major general next to him smiled and didn't speak, but he almost laughed chōu in his heart. This time finally there was a second person who could feel the end of the day with the geniuses with super high IQ.

However, Black Hawk naturally does not know, and the reason for this ridiculous result is listed because there is a criterion or belief that belongs to them in this staff. That is to find all the clues that can be found, regardless of whether the clue How ridiculous until there is direct evidence that it is useless. It is precisely because of this conviction that this special staff of the Military Intelligence Agency is so well-known in the internal intelligence department of the Republic

Some things may seem ridiculous, but thinking about it from another angle proves that these people are careful, don’t let go of any clues, and are serious about intelligence and analysis of this work. The most important thing is this kind of jīng. Because God often ignores their intelligence, the price paid may be the lives of other comrades.

   "You continue." For a long time, the Black Eagle waved helplessly.

"This is the latest information and the analysis result of our internal computer expert. We believe that Matrix Network Security Technology Co., Ltd. has a solid foundation. This is Zhang Yang’s bank account. At 9 o’clock this morning, someone was in his account. 80 million RMB was remitted, and in the afternoon yesterday..., the main negotiator of the negotiations between Matrix Security and Baiying Security was Zhang Yang. Therefore, after our analysis, the possibility of Zhang Yang and recognition is as high as 97%. Here is detailed information." The major put down the files in his hand and introduced the general situation.

The expression of Black Hawk finally became serious, and finally he didn’t waste his hard work reporting, and got so many things this time, although these things can be investigated by the Ministry of National Security, but even the efficiency of the Ministry of National Security Far less horrible and efficient than the MI

   "Is it gone? For what?" Black Eagle asked, looking up at the major.

"Our suggestion is that you carry out an investigation from this university student. As for the things on the Internet, sorry, there is no result, the other party's strength is very strong, unless you get a 5S level authorization, otherwise, it is impossible to find clues, even if it is I can only say that the authorization at the 5S level is hopeless." The major said the truth.

Blackhawk is depressed, 5S authorization is impossible, don't even think about it, even if you fight with the United States, you will not get 5S authorization, so this is basically ignored, and even 5S authorization is not 100%, almost and not Say the same.

  If Zhang Yang knows that the information placed on the Black Eagle table is almost one step away from the real situation, I am afraid he will be sweaty. The reason why the analysis of the MIB made a mistake is the biggest reason is the variable Zhang Yang and his disappearance for six years.

   No matter how powerful the intelligence department, mén, it is impossible to investigate that Zhang Yang was reborn, this probability is even N times lower than the probability of encountering an alien. At least, even the Internet said that there was no rebirth stream at this moment.

   So although there was an accident in the middle, the result was still in the direction that Zhang Yang wanted. Although Zhang Yang did not expect such a perverted intelligence department mén and this process, he actually thought of the result.

The reason why Zhang Yang dared to play like this depends on this. No matter who it is, as long as he knows the information of the Ministry of National Security, I am afraid that Zhang Yang will not be connected with it. This is a huge gap that cannot be crossed unless a direct one is found. Evidence, seeing Zhang Yang’s login account, or using these hackers’ computers, etc., but is this possible?

It’s the same for anyone else. If I tell you, after more than twenty days of study, a person can develop from a computer rookie who just knows the keyboard and mouse to a very advanced assembly language that can study computers that infect the world. Computer viruses that are not found by others, while killing computer viruses that cannot be killed by all security experts in the world, you can also hack an official website of the National Defense Agency, do you believe it?

After knowing that this account is on the black Yang knew that Guoan will find him sooner or later, which is unavoidable, because once he is on the black list and the danger level reaches a certain level, Guoan I will check all relevant information about this ID, not to mention Zhang Yang, even Pan Wenlong, and Li Keqing and other people are inevitable.

  After thinking twice, Zhang Yang took this step. It can be said that he thought about all the possibilities he could think of. Do you really think hackers are invincible? Confront with the national intelligence department mén, even if you hide your identity, the national intelligence department mén will find your clues. This may be a long time, but rest assured, the intelligence department mén's confidence is definitely longer than you think, the most important Yes, the Ministry of Information is a national machine, and you are just a person. If you are worried, you will always be distracted. Kevin Mitnick at that time is the best example.

   Otherwise, why do you think your last life would spend a few years to cultivate Zhang Yang, and in the end just to let Zhang Yang be a substitute?

And if you want to bypass this circle completely and not let these intelligence departments mén investigate you, then there is only one option, that is, you have been investigated, and they think that they are impossible targets, you can completely skip these intelligence departments mén .

  After the report was completed, all the documents were filtered out, the major quickly saluted and said loudly.

   "You go out." The major general waved his hand, indicating that the major could leave.

   "Yes" Major agreed aloud, and then quickly turned to leave.

   "What are you going to do?" After the major left, the major general shrugged and asked.



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