The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 168: 1 bright 1 dark (below)

Chapter 168 One Light and One Darkness (Part 2)

Chapter 168 One Light and One Darkness (Part 2)

Zhang Yang is different from other hackers. If Zhang Yang would be irritated when he heard this sentence in his life, then Zhang Yang, who was reborn, has completely changed. No matter how powerful the network is, it is all floating clouds. Only the same as the reality, it is true. Great. ; Isn’t it right to say something, the one with the strength to pretend to be bī is awesome, and the one without the ability to pretend to be bī, is called B.

Although it is also a kind of strength in the Internet, once it comes to reality, it may be the pain of all hackers, so after rebirth, Zhang Yang already has his own ideas, I am afraid that every hacker wants to be in reality Let's run wild and unscrupulous like in the Internet first. Zhang Chapter 168 Chapter One Bright and Dark (Part 2) is no exception. Although this is difficult, there is a challenge to have the motivation to fight, isn't it?

"Well, that's right, but I'm really a poor student now." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders, and Zhang Yang suddenly felt that Guo'an is actually not as terrible as imagined.

"Oh, just ordinary poor students will have the opportunity to make 80 million in one afternoon?" Black Eagle said with a smile.

"It's just a coincidence. Besides, it's not completely absent. Amazon's founder invested $250,000 in ggle in 1998, and now it has become billions of tens of billions of dollars." Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, but if you are willing to come to the network supervisor to work, you can directly contact me, this is my phone." Black Hawk took out a business card and handed it to Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang did not quit, this meeting was beyond Zhang Yang's Expected, but the result is very good.

Zhang Yang just wanted to say a few words, Black Hawk's phone rang suddenly, Black Hawk gave Zhang Yang a sorry look, and then answered the phone, and did not avoid Zhang Yang and Gao Gang, after saying a few words The black eagle's face is a little weird. Looking back at Chapter 168, one bright and one dark (below), he looked strangely at the face, and then greeted him before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Black Eagle looked at Zhang Yang again and again. Zhang Yang was looked at by him somehow. For a long time, Black Eagle asked strangely, "Do you know Mayor Tan?" Seeing Zhang Yang's gaze also suddenly became weird. Does Zhang Yang still have this way?

Mayor Tan? Zhang Yang also froze for a moment, but immediately reacted. It was Tan Yudie’s dad. Needless to say, it must have been Tan Yudie’s call to her father. As a member of the Central Committee, although Tan Yudie’s old man could not talk about the party And national leaders, but they are also one of the alternate members of the Politburo. If there is no accident, the next term is probably a member of the Politburo. So for Guoan and the like, the old man of Tan Yudie can also say something. Not to mention, this is still on one third of one acre of land.

Having figured this out, Zhang Yang laughed bitterly, but the relationship was too big. Shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Yang said: "I don't recognize Mayor Tan, but I know Mayor Tan's nv." Zhang Yang was helpless.

"Haha, it seems that this nv boy cares about you very much. Mayor Tan has asked you about things, but you can rest assured that we are only investigating and asking, and will not disturb your normal life. The things we investigated have nothing to do with you. "" The Black Eagle laughed twice before speaking.

After the person who sent the network supervision bureau left, Gao Gang said suddenly: "Zhang Yang, I don't know if you want to come to Matrix Safety to work? If you want, you can exercise for a few years, and then Matrix Safety's CEO is yours. "

Gao Gang's words surpassed Zhang Yang's expectations. He glanced at Gao Gang, and Zhang Yang shook his head: "Thank you, President Gao, for your love, but I still want to finish reading the university first. I will talk about these things later."

Nodding his head, Gao Gang didn't force him, but smiled and sent Zhang Yang into the elevator. There is no one in the elevator, Zhang Yang standing in the elevator thoughtfully, this matter seems very simple, but after careful consideration, the Black Eagle is also dangerous enough, if not Zhang Yang almost guessed Bai Su Identity, if Zhang Yang did not come back from the rebirth, knowing the future, I am afraid he is not far away from the exposure.

The black eagle is playing bright and dark, if Zhang Yang is gd, then Guo'an asked so, and then evacuated, Zhang Yang's vigilance naturally relaxed, once relaxed, then it is easy to show clues, At that time, it will be much easier for Bai Su to search for information. For the same reason, if Zhang Yang is not gd, there will be no change before and after Zhang Yang, and it will have no impact on Guoan.

As for the dispatch of agents, in the words of iǎ, it was sent in the name of training rookie agents. Bai Su completed the task, then he could perform more difficult tasks in the future. If he could not complete it, he would be transferred as soon as possible. In the future, another ministry encounters danger and sends its life away.

Having figured this out, a smile appeared on Zhang Yang's face, and it looked like he had played recently. I just don’t know how this agent wants to play.

Coming out of the matrix-safe office building, Zhang Yang looked up and saw a familiar figure leaning on a white Porsche sports car. He smiled bitterly and Zhang Yang greeted him. Anyway, this kind of love is owed.

"Are you all right?" Tan Yudie asked quickly when she saw Zhang Yang coming out of it.

"It's okay, they just asked about other things, it has nothing to do with me." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly.

"That's good, I just called my dad, there should be no problem." Tan Yudie nodded.

"Thank you." After a pause, Zhang Yang said seriously, how many people wanted to ask the mayor to do something, and they couldn't get in, but Tan Yudie's relationship was too big, maybe in Tan Yudie's opinion It's a trivial matter, but for ordinary people, it's not a matter.

"I want to thank me, just remember to invite me to dinner. I said, why did you suddenly become generous and make money from feelings? This time I want to eat big households." Tan Yudie said with a smile.

"No problem." Zhang Yang nodded briskly.

"Let's go, let's go back." Tan Yudie nodded with a smile.

"I'll make a phone call first." Zhang Yang didn't refute, and took out his cell phone while calling the co-pilot's car to call Li Keqing.

The phone just picked up and was picked up. Obviously Li Keqing kept the phone in his hand. "Zhang Yang, how are you?" Li Keqing's voice was still crying.

"I'm okay, I'll be back soon, but they took me to ask a question. It has nothing to do with me, but Qingqing don't be afraid." Zhang Yang felt distressed and comforted quickly.

There are three classes this afternoon, but Li Keqing has been waiting for the phone. Obviously, she skipped class for the next two classes. iǎyiyi comforted Li Keqing with a few words and told her to go back immediately before Zhang Yang hung up the phone. By the time Zhang Yang hung up the phone, Tan Yudie had driven his car onto the highway. Looking at Zhang Yang's distressed face, Tan Yudie suddenly felt envious.

The two did not speak. Tan Yudie opened the CD in the car, which was piano music. The soft music relieved the slightly embarrassing atmosphere in the car.

"I try to see if I can write better software. If I can write it, I will go to the contest." Zhang Yang said with a wry smile when he was almost at the school's entrance. He really wasn't too good. Choice, many things that Zhang Yang knows he can't take out at all, so he can only think of a software temporarily to participate.

Although he is very confident in the field of hacking, the national university student computer contest does not take these tests. The computer contest test is very comprehensive, from the most basic theoretical knowledge to practice, so that the final programming must be evaluated, and the most critical What is programming is that in terms of writing software, Zhang Yang’s strength can only be said to be very ordinary.

Although the rise of computers in China is relatively late, in terms of software development, there is never a lack of genius in China. Zhang Yang has not yet arrogantly thought that he can win the heroes of the world.

"Thank you." Tan Yudie said with a smile, Zhang Yang smiled and said nothing. Slightly looking at Zhang Yang, to tell the truth, Tan Yudie sometimes suddenly feels that she can’t understand the boy around her, so grown up, this is Tan Yudie’s first loss of confidence in her appearance, from iǎ to Datan Yudie does not pay attention to these aspects, but it is undeniable that she is almost the center of many people, especially her perfect appearance and her family, so that she can maintain sufficient excellence in front of her peers.

No matter what the reasons for this excellence are, the facts are facts and no one can refute them. But since she met Zhang Yang, Tan Yudie felt that she used to look wrong about men before. This is the first one that is completely unaffected by her, even her family and her Adding his looks together can't affect his thinking for a moment.

For this reason, Tan Yudie once doubted whether Zhang Yang’s family was similar to hers. After asking someone to investigate, Tan Yudie found out that Zhang Yang’s family was just an ordinary worker’s family. Tens of millions, it stands to reason that men born in such a family, even if they may not like a person because of the appearance of nv people, are they at least interested in rights and money? And Zhang Yang's behaviors all impacted Tan Yudie's perception of the men around him.

Say that he is not interested in the appearance of the nv people, but this guy is chasing after the school uā, saying that he is interested in the beauty nv, facing his nv man who is also a school u, Tan Yudie found that he was dazed He spends more time than seeing his own time to tell the truth, Tan Yudie is sometimes a little crazy, and feels that Zhang Yang is very beating.

Baiè's sports car was galloping fast on the street, and the large campus was looking around. When he just called, Li Keqing was waiting in the dormitory, so Zhang Yang asked Tan Yudie to send him directly downstairs. ! ! ! ;




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