The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 172: Accountability (Part 2)

Chapter 172 Questions of Jidai Generation (Part 2)

Seeing Li Yuxuan's aggressive look, Zhang Yang still made a decisive compromise and returned to his dormitory. After washing quickly, Zhang Yang changed his clothes again, and then stuffed the dirty clothes into the washing machine to put his wallet on. Zhang Yang was ready to come out. ;

When he came out, Zhang Yang saw the necklace that Zhang Yang bought for Li Keqing when they were shopping with Tan Yudie. Originally, he wanted to find an opportunity to give Li Keqing. Thinking about it, today was just an opportunity. Zhang Yang Shun put the necklace in his hand. Into the pocket.

When the four people came out of the dormitory, it was more than eleven o'clock. Li Yuxuan didn't drive when he came back yesterday. The four people went out of school and took a taxi. I explained the problem (below) and sat down in a quiet box. After ordering, before the waiter had served, Li Yuxuan seriously looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, do you really love Ke Qing? Don't blame me for anything, although I didn't know Ke Qing for a long time. It’s long, but I really treat her as my sister, and I don’t want her to suffer any harm.”

"Of course, I love her." Zhang Yang didn't evade this question and said naturally. Zhang Yang directly made Li Keqing blush, and Li Yuxuan opened his mouth. Many questions could not be asked at once. Li Yuxuan originally believed that even if Zhang Yang would like to like Li Keqing, he might be confessed.

But what Li Yuxuan did not expect was that Zhang Yang was so simple and direct, without any hesitation. Almost Li Yuxuan had just asked the question, he answered directly, although he answered quickly, but the tone and stubbornness in the tone still let Li Yuxuan Slightly distracted.

After a pause, Li Yuxuan hesitated and continued to say: "Well, although your time is not long, but I can see that you should be sincere to Ke Qing, but recently, I heard that you are very Fancy, I know a lot of questions about Chapter 172 of Beautiful Nv (Part 2). If you dare to be fancy, I’m sorry if it’s fine, don’t blame me for being unkind to you, even if Tan Yudie helps you ."

Zhang Yang touched his nose unnaturally. Although there was nothing between him and Tan Yudie, it was not like this to outsiders. Although Li Keqing had never asked, Zhang Yang still had some idea how to explain this relationship. For Li Yuxuan Zhang Yang didn’t have any objection, after all, Li Yuxuan really took Li Keqing as a good friend, so he would do this. Just like Zhang Yang knew Li Keqing, Li Yuxuan knew Li Keqing very well, knowing her style, even if she was hurt by love, I’m afraid In the end, I will take it on my own without blaming anyone else.

"Yu Xuan, don't say that Zhang Yang and Tan Yudie are ordinary friends. Don't doubt him, I believe him." Li Keqing sitting next to Li Yuxuan pulled her arm and said with a voice.

"Halo... depressed, I don't care anymore." Li Yuxuan looked at Li Keqing's expression, and was a little depressed. Knowing what he said at the moment, Li Keqing couldn't hear it, so he gave up helplessly.

"Okay, let's eat. It's time for the meal to come." Li Keqing smiled and shook Li Yuxuan's arm. After the waiter finished the meal, Zhang Yang thought about it, took out his wallet, took out the two bank cards inside, and handed one to Fang Shaoyun and one to Li Yuxuan.

"What?" All three looked at Zhang Yang with some doubt.

"Uh, what can a bank card have? This is 60,000 yuan for you, that is, the money for the laptop. This is the 30,000 yuan for the server money from Sister Zhao. I can only trouble you to transfer it to her. The password is six zeros." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Where did you get the money?" Li Yuxuan asked strangely, and Fang Shaoyun also gave Zhang Yang a strange look and said, "I'm not in a hurry to spend the money. These money are all saved by myself. You don't have to worry, Zhang Yang. It’s okay when and when you have it, won’t you get it with your family?"

"No." Zhang Yang shook his head and hesitated. Finally, Zhang Yang decided to talk about the negotiation with the matrix. Anyway, Fang Shaoyun and Li Yuxuan could not be regarded as outsiders, and it was nothing to tell them, not to mention that this kind of thing was not confidential. Something, although the matrix security is not mentioned, it is estimated that it will be known sooner or later, Tan Yudie will not know?

"80 million?" After listening to Zhang Yang, Fang Shaoyun's voice sharply increased by an octave. He shouted incredulously. Li Yuxuan and Li Keqing were also shocked.

"Well, that's right." Zhang Yang nodded, anyway, these are all things on the surface, and it's nothing to say. "I, why didn't it turn to me for such a good thing, so to say, you almost became a billionaire at once?" After Zhang Yang nodded to confirm, Fang Shaoyun said a little speechless.

Li Yuxuan is also very speechless, and looked up and down again, and his eyes were like looking at an uncompromising animal. After all, this kind of thing is a bit too fantasy, and it is more probable than winning the lottery. "Well, since that's the case, I'll accept the money." Li Yuxuan didn't know what to say for a while.

Everyone was a little dizzy after a meal. The news that Zhang Yang threw out was generally unacceptable. However, Li Yuxuan felt relieved. At first, she was actually a little worried about the future of Zhang Yang and Li Keqing. After all, the two people They didn't go to society, they were all in college, and when they fell in love in college, how many did they finally get married?

There is little pity, and a large part of it is because of work, because of their own future, they have to run their own things. Now that Zhang Yang has the money, at least he will not have to worry about these problems in the future. What he needs to worry about now is whether the relationship between the two will continue.

Zhang Yang and several of them were eating in the restaurant, but at this moment, what Zhang Yang did not know was that several people were on the verge of madness.

Has this **** been playing like that? It disappeared directly after the last flash of epiphany. It has been two days, and it has never appeared. "Lan Mo said with some teeth.

Although GD and their group are incomplete, most of them are there. Only Orange Nianhua and Cumin Sheep are not online. However, GD is invisible and not online. Lan Mo and several of them did not know that GD had come, and they were still discussing in the group.

GD is also a bit speechless. It stands to reason that such a big thing happened, especially left an announcement directly on the official website of the Japanese Defense Agency. gd should pay attention to the follow-up, but now, gd does not appear at all, GD is somewhat The egg hurts, he is a little uncertain about what kind of person gd is.

In fact, the reason for the GD’s egg pain is not too complicated, but a very simple thing. With the retreat of the mysterious hacker that day and the assassin’s virus killing developed by Matrix Security, this matter seems to come to an end. The Internet is such a place where things happen fast and disappear quickly.

But just yesterday, several Japanese hackers entered the country, hacked several websites of the Ministry of Political Affairs, and sent their declarations directly to the homepages of these websites, because the fever of the hacking war has just passed. Japanese hackers ran out of trouble, so the domestic hacker community responded quickly.

However, the name of the other party is to find the gd god, and the strength of gd in the hacker war has given him a high prestige in the domestic hacker community. The hacker circle is so simple, everyone is convinced by the powerful people, so all hackers Almost all are waiting for GD to teach these Japanese on the Internet.

But as time went on, everyone was a little dumbfounded. These Japanese hacker posts were reposted by many people to various hacker forums and various professional forums, so as long as this matter touches this circle a little Everyone should know, the God of GD must also know, but so far it has been more than a day in the past, let alone GD, even the root has not seen.

Therefore, GD is a bit unclear. The Japanese hacker said so ugly. It can be said that the entire Chinese hacker circle was directly scolded, and it directly rose to the height of the nation. The word Zhina was also mentioned. If gd is a person who does not pay attention to fame, does not care about these nicknames, and has no national plot, he will not appear in the hacking war a few days ago.

But if he is the opposite of what was said above, with some anger, then these Japanese hackers are so provocative, but he doesn't even have a personal image, which is hard to figure out. Does Guoan find gd? It should not be blamed for GD thinking of Guoan. After all, after the hacking war, GD was listed on Guoan's black list, and it has also spread in the domestic hacker community.

If it is not because of the national security investigation of gd, then why does gd not appear? The situation of these Japanese hackers has been worse than GD. The technical level of these people is not very high. At least during the war with hackers, the strength of the few mysterious hackers who invaded various domestic websites has a big gap~www And their challenge to gd is even more a joke. These hackers gave the address of a server, saying that within forty-eight hours, if gd could not invade this server, they apologized to Japan and admitted I am a rookie.

The challenges and declarations of these Japanese hackers made GD feel ridiculous. Let’s not talk about the fairness of this challenge. The skill level of a person is not up to you. After all, how old are you? In the world of hackers, how many rookies can’t even enter the top 100?

Of course, the dog barks at you there, although you can’t bite it back, but you can’t ignore it. What you’re afraid of is the insane crazy dog, which is very annoying. As time approaches, these hackers are The announcements posted on the server are getting more and more excessive, and even GD can't stand it anymore, but gd still doesn't even have a profile picture, which is why the hackers such as Lan Mo are angry, even if you disdain to be more serious with several iǎ hackers, Are you squeaking? There are a lot of people with itchy hands here. You don’t stand or act. What does it mean? Lan Mo and others are depressed. A! ! ! ;




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