The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 174: Sleepy to send pillow (middle)

Chapter 174 Sleeping and Sending Pillows (Part 2)

After the virus broke out, GD himself was kicked out directly, and those masters naturally could not track it. After quickly clearing several system logs and sweeping the information of their login, GD completely relaxed. In less than twenty minutes of offensive and defensive warfare, GD was in a cold sweat.

Unexpectedly, Japan actually played a game this time, and obviously these people mobilized huge computer resources before tracking, just waiting there for GD, no wonder they are so efficient.

After relying on his understanding, GD couldn't help but yelled again. He suddenly felt like he was another cup. Is it said that the guy at gd has long discovered that this is the 174th chapter. Middle) Trap, so it didn't even appear? Just let those guys shout there, otherwise, there is no reason to explain that he didn’t show up?

The more you think about GD, the more likely this is to happen, otherwise there is no second argument to explain why gd did not appear. Since these people regard this server as perhaps this server is simply a server under the control of the Japanese Ministry of Information, so that they can directly monitor in reality.

And even if this server is not under the control of the Japanese Defense Agency, it is not difficult to stare at this server. As long as someone scans this server, it can be seen. The problem is that this incident has caused great repercussions in the country. Many hackers are scanning this server, let alone others, GD alone knows that everyone in their group has studied and scanned this server at least seven or eight times.

So GD didn’t even think about it at all. Some of these people had premeditated people. For example, the two people in the domestic military bureau obviously had the same idea, so they only stayed here. These people obviously guessed the ideas of most hackers. I know that as long as it is shot, 90% of the possible line of Chapter 174 to sleep and send the pillow (middle) is gd, but GD actually hit the muzzle.

GD has the urge to hit the wall. Your baby's true sincerity. People have long seen it, and even the figure does not appear, but your baby bumped into his head, almost letting people touch the home. And the only thing that makes GD feel a little comfort is that he pretended to invade gd to invade this server. Whether it is a tactic or a last resort, it is not the same as his usual style. He even wrote half of the text documents on that server. The name of gd is also left on it, but there is no need to be afraid that these people will transfer their goals to him.

"Isn't it right?" After thinking for a long time, GD has recovered. This TD, since GD knows that this server is a trap left by the enemy, doesn't it mean that the **** is also staring at this server? Seeing that he was being followed, the guy probably didn’t know where to laugh, right?

The more I think about GD, the more depressed I feel. I went there. Isn’t it a steal to steal rice? Thinking of the gd guy who doesn't know where to gloat, GD feels even more depressed, me, you are really a B. GD couldn't help but choked his mouth. I've seen it so stupid, but I haven't seen it so stupid. When I saw gd didn't appear, GD felt a little wrong.

GD is a bit tangled. GD doesn't care what other people think. What he cares about is how GD looks. Although the two people have little jiā flow, but in GD's mind, gd has been regarded as a competitor, and now he is facing gd himself. At the time, it is basically equivalent to a complete defeat, at least in terms of assessing the situation, complete defeat

Don’t blame GD for being depressed. After all, he’s not a political player or a jīng businessman, so it’s naturally not so comprehensive to think about the problem. It’s far worse than those old foxes. If similar things happen in business or politics I am afraid that any one can see it. This kind of problem is widespread. After all, no one is a genius. People like GD have put most of their thoughts on research technology. Naturally, they are not so deliberate in this regard. Deep.

Even Zhang Yang is not good at this. Of course, the only exception is that GD doesn't know it at all, and Zhang Yang doesn't even know about it. Because of the appearance of Bai Su and Pan Wenlong, Zhang Yang hasn't gotten online, especially the day before yesterday. In the evening, to noon today, Zhang Yang even barely turned on the computer.

Not to mention the depression of GD, the four people who have just finished their meal at the moment are going back in a taxi. They have a class in the afternoon, but they have to go back to the dormitory in advance. The four people have just reached the entrance of the corridor. Seeing the white pigment that just came out of the elevator.

After yesterday's events, everyone knew each other. When Bai Su came out of the elevator, everyone smiled and greeted each other.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Yang greeted with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm going out, right, why do you want to go public?" Bai Su asked casually.

"What can I do, it's noon, of course, it's dinner. Zhang Yang invited guests today, and we came back after dinner. Have you eaten?" Li Yuxuan took the topic of Bai Su, feeling that Li Yuxuan's attitude was a bit wrong, but Zhang Yang Did not think too much.

"I already ate, then you go back, I will go out first." Bai Su said with a smile and waved his hand.

"Humph." Li Yuxuan snorted when Bai Su left.

"What are you humming? People didn't bother you anymore." Fang Shaoyun couldn't help but asked the interface, even Zhang Yang was inexplicable. Li Yuxuan glanced at Zhang Yang before saying: "I feel that this Bai Su is not right. You will stay away from him in the future. I have heard about yesterday's things. No matter how familiar I am with you, her purpose is sure. Not simple." Li Yuxuan looked at Zhang Yang with a skeptical expression as he said.

Zhang Yang bursts of sweat, is this the sixth sense of nv people, the intuition of nv people? This is too scary? If Bai Su is a special agent of the Internet Supervision Bureau, then she really has no other purpose. But Zhang Yang also knows that Li Yuxuan is definitely not saying this.

"Ke Qing, you're optimistic about the future, don't let him casually deal with those nv students, and... men will get worse if they have money, but you have to keep an eye on it, Ke Qing." Li Yuxuan said, pulling Li Keqing to bite his ear, but it was just biting his ear The voice is a little loud, and both Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun can hear clearly.

Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun glanced at each other, and then pretended to have heard nothing wisely, and turned and walked into the elevator. This kind of topic cannot be interfaced. If you dare to interface, saying that in the end, it is definitely your fault anyway, Zhang Yang is not stupid, and Fang Shaoyun estimates that he is also thinking about something. The two brothers and brothers chose to ignore them in unison.

"Look, Ke Qing, do you understand? Both of them have no courage to explain, obviously I am right." Li Yuxuan followed Li Keqing and said something serious.

With a bang, Zhang Yang and Fang Shaoyun almost stumbled to the ground and stood up quickly. Zhang Yang looked back at Li Yuxuan in a speechless manner and said, "Who said we have no courage to defend, and men who have money have good people. ?You can't beat everyone to death in a single way."

"Then you give an example, I listen." Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes and said quickly. Li Keqing next to him just smiled and watched the two arguing there, without talking. Like this kind of argument, Li Keqing would definitely not participate in it. Li Keqing decided that she seldom argues with others. Any ideas are almost left In my heart.

"I have 80 million fakes, I am a rich man, but your family must be richer than me? Is your father a man? Is he a good man?" Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said quickly.

"Uh..." Li Yuxuan choked directly.

"Okay, okay, don't argue anymore. What's the matter? Let's go back and pack things up. There seems to be a lesson in the afternoon." Li Keqing next to him hurriedly came out to round the field, and Fang Shaoyun secretly gave Zhang Yang Li Yuxuan snorted with admiration, glared at Fang Shaoyun, and said, "Ke Qing, let's go, don't tell these two rogues."

After speaking, Li Keqing was dragged directly in front of them, but when she walked to Fang Shaoyun's side, her feet were very "unconscious" and stepped on Fang Shaoyun's feet. Fang Shaoyun pours a sigh of relief, but he still hasn't called it out. Zhang Yang was a little speechless, okay, but he himself immediately became a rogue. After the two nv walked over, Zhang Yang gave Fang Shaoyun a helpless eye and followed.

After discussing the time with Li Keqing, Zhang Yang returned to his room. Taking advantage of Bai Su's absence, Zhang Yang quickly opened his computer. Although Bai Su lived next to them, it was impossible to see what Zhang Yang was doing even if he was there, but it always did not hurt.

After turning on the computer and quickly switching to his own Linu system, Zhang Yang changed a few springboards to log in to his QQ. Zhang Yang has now grown into a habit. He recently estimated that he has little time to pay attention to the information on the Internet, and if there is any major situation If so, ing and Gao Gang will definitely tell him through QQ that if someone conveys it, they will naturally not need to go to the Internet to read the news.

Just after going online, a series of message prompts have to be publicized and a little dizzy. I am dizzy. Is there something big happening again? How come there are so many messages, quickly open ing and Gao Gang's message and read it again, Zhang Yang's face suddenly becomes weird.

Gao Gang's news is not much, but each news is quite long, part of it is about the company and Guo'an finding him, and the other part is about the Japanese I know, following the website provided by Gao Gang, Zhang Yang opened it and looked at it. This is a declaration made by a Japanese hacker forwarded by a NetEase user.

After reading it, Zhang Yang sneered. If this bird was there, he didn’t need to use the second word, just hacked their servers, and then invaded several Japanese websites to play. But when Zhang Yang saw ing's last message, his face became very strange.

ing's final message is very simple and asks some questions very politely, but these questions are actually translated. The most direct question is to ask whether Zhang Yang has been tracked by anyone, and who are those who track him. This news was just sent shortly.

"Fuck, what's the situation?" Zhang Yang was a little puzzled, but from the news of ing, it seemed that there was something new, but Zhang Yang was confused.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang decided not to ask ing anymore. If such a big thing wants to find an answer, it should not be difficult. A! ! ! ;




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