The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 176: See your sister (on)

Chapter 176 See Your Sister (Part 1)

The content retrieved by Zhang Yang is not a high level of confidentiality, but a personnel change registration in the database of the Ministry of Public Security. The soldiers become policemen. Although they say that they are entering the national security, the police system is the police system. The changes in the files in the middle are definitely inevitable. Yes, although I don’t know what happened to Bai Su, Zhang Yang first retrieved the police changes of Bai Su’s age. ;

Of course, ordinary police changes are not publicly inspected. Even if Bai Su is really an agent, the files will certainly not be in it. Because the national security was part of the public security, the internal system still has to go through the public security side, of course, only in the end Will be transferred to Guoan.

Guoan’s recruiting standards are not just the military. Chapter 176. Look at your sister (part 1). After all, the military’s temperament is special. For example, professional soldiers such as spies are not suitable. Therefore, Guoan recruits people not only from the police. School, and recruited from local universities.

It takes a long time to retrieve huge data, but Zhang Yang has some methods. Zhang Yang has secretly checked in the files on the large server, and there are no problems with Bai Su's files. After the photos of Bai Su are transferred to the No. 1 satellite, it is most effective to use the powerful image analysis and processing software of No. 1 satellite to retrieve all the photos of the personnel files.

Of course, this process may not be easy. There are so many police officers and so many files in the country, even if there are exclusions, it is not an easy job.

After setting a few search conditions, Zhang Yang let the satellite start working, and he quickly turned on the security level of the firewall to the highest level. After all, Zhang Yang is still doing this through the computer of the H City Public Security Bureau. If the director returns during this period, or if he wants to use his account, Zhang Yang will be exposed immediately.

Zhang Yang’s luck was good. After about half an hour, the No. 1 satellite completed the search. The huge image processing and analysis system and the huge chapter 176. Looking at your sister (on) server resources let Zhang Yang do this kind of work. Nothing is bad. This kind of image retrieval requires quite professional image processing components, ordinary servers or supercomputers. Even if the operation can be more powerful, if there is no special image processing components, supercomputers may not be able to play even one percent .

The No. 1 satellite is an optical reconnaissance system equipped on military satellites, which makes its image processing components absolutely the most advanced in the United States. Zhang Yang had a lot of drool at first. There are no surprises in the search results. Bai Su is indeed a special agent of Guoan. Although Bai Su's files are also classified as confidential on the side of public security, it is clear that the level of the director of the Public Security Bureau of City H is enough to call Bai Su's files.

However, this personnel file is not detailed enough, the information provided above is very simple, only a simple transfer instructions. Moreover, Bai Su is a soldier, and Bai Su's officer ID number is on the personnel file. With this, it is much easier to handle. In order to avoid night dreams, Zhang Yang is ready to quit the public security system after removing all traces of his invasion. Because Zhang Yang is done by the computer of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, when the traces are finally cleared , Naturally this computer.

In the process of removing the traces, Zhang Yang took a glance at the other files on the hard disk. When he saw a file named: "Latest Major Case Report and Investigation Process", Zhang Yang moved his heart and thought of the last time he thought There should be time between Li Keqing and Wu Bo when they met Zhao Fei.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang was a little curious and copied this file directly to his computer. The files are not. A simple text file contains more than a dozen large files. Obviously, there are many cases, and there are estimated case-related materials. After the copying was completed, Zhang Yang completely withdrew from the public security system after removing his traces. Zhang Yang didn't care about that document. Anyway, there was time to see it. He had to investigate Bai's situation first.

From the personnel file, Bai Su is a student of the National University of Defense Technology, and her name is not Bai Su, but Baiqiu. Although the National Defense Science and Technology University is said to be a military school, the school's server defense level is only similar to that of the public security system, and it can't stop the publicity. However, the National Defense Science and Technology University's personnel files are stored in another server, and the security level is relatively high.

More importantly, the confidentiality level of each student’s file must be increased. As his position within Guoan is strengthened, the confidentiality level of this file will continue to increase, especially in the field of dry agents, whether it is a rookie or Old bird, when you first enter the business, the public security system will automatically create a brand new profile for you.

This information is remarked in the country's household registration and ID card system, which is completely legal, which means that these people have a second legal identity.

Zhang Yang didn't get Bai Su's file until class in the afternoon. This file is quite detailed. After carefully reading Bai Su's file, Zhang Yang's mouth grows longer. Facts have proved that there are still existing. Bai Su majored in applied psychology, communications and information engineering, military communications, computer science and technology, military intelligence and combat command in the National Defense Science University

In the four years of the university, I completed a total of six majors across five colleges. Among them, three majors in computer science and technology, applied psychology, and military intelligence also obtained a master's degree. After reading Bai Su's file, this It is no longer possible to describe it with two powerful words. It must be described with four powerful words.

I used to hear about who and how to be a genius, but this is the first genius-level character Zhang Yang has ever seen, and Zhang Yang noticed that Bai Su’s admission to the National Defense University was a special move, and it was when she was 16 years old. She has already entered the National Defense University, that is to say, when Bai Su graduated from the National Defense University in four years and completed three master's degrees at the same time, she was just 20 years old.

Of course, there are still many geniuses, but not every genius has a good development result. After getting the detailed information of Bai Su, Zhang Yang knew it. It seems that speaking in front of Bai Su needs to do things in the future. They all say that the psychologists themselves are, let alone a master of psychology.

Zhang Yang was about to turn off the computer, and Li Keqing’s message happened to be sent to remind Zhang Yang to go to class. He quickly checked the hidden state of his system and confirmed that there was no problem before Zhang Yang turned off the computer and then sent the dormitory Walk outside.

While walking, Zhang Yang began to wander around in his head. One of the three majors where Bai Su got his master's degree was computer science and technology. Obviously, Bai Su's possible intrusion of computers in time and the like may be close. I am afraid that other In terms of, at least basic knowledge, programming is absolutely not bad.

After coming out of the dormitory, Li Keqing was already waiting in the corridor. When he saw Li Keqing, Zhang Yang asked strangely, "What about Li Yuxuan?"

"They have two classes in the afternoon and have been away for a while." Li Keqing said with a smile. After the two confirmed the relationship, Li Keqing relaxed a lot when he faced Zhang Yang, and was not afraid to face Zhang Yang as before. , Especially with the matter of last night, she became somewhat attached.

"Oh, Keqing, this is for you." Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that he still had the necklace he bought last time in his pocket. He never gave Li Keqing. Although Tan Yudie sent Li Keqing a very expensive one, Li Keqing would It was put away, it is estimated that I would like to find a chance to return it to Tan Yudie, and Li Keqing did not have any jewelry. Zhang Yang did not find ears on her ears. In this society, nv children without ears are too rare, let alone Say such a beautiful nv boy.

"What?" Li Keqing didn't refuse or accident, but asked curiously.

"It's this, I picked it myself. I don't know if you like it or not." Zhang Yang took out the box in his pocket. Anyway, this necklace is very thin, and the pendant is not big, so when Zhang Yang bought it, he asked the salesperson It was replaced with a box and was easy to carry.

Opening the box, the necklace that Zhang Yang bought appeared in front of Li Keqing. "Yeah... so beautiful." Li Keqing exclaimed. Platinum is not like gold. Although it is more expensive than gold, relatively speaking, the styles of platinum are relatively simple and elegant. Li Keqing is suitable for this type.

"I'll bring it for you." Zhang Yang quickly took the necklace out of the box and said. "En." Li Keqing didn't refuse, but just nodded gently.

Bring the necklace to Li Keqing's neck, with Li Keqing's white and tender neck, Zhang Yang's eyes are slightly bright, and even the beautiful nv people also need suitable jewelry, no wonder people say that nv people see diamonds and go No way, although it is just a narrow diamond, it seems that even Li Keqing's skin will glow like a diamond. A simple necklace changed Li Keqing's temperament a lot.

If Li Keqing was pretty before, she could see it at once. She was just an ordinary nv boy, she couldn't dress up, and she couldn't talk about temperament.

Although there was only one more necklace, it seemed to be embellished, which made her look more youthful and more gorgeous. The reason why everyone likes money is that money really makes people more temperament to some extent.

"Does it look good?" Li Keqing blushed slightly, looking at Zhang Yang expectantly.

"Well, it looks good, my eyes are almost straight." Zhang Yang nodded without hesitation. The nv people are used to praise, especially his own nv people. It is always correct to praise a few words.

"Hee hee, okay, I believe it." Li Keqing's rare playful wink, and then held a few books in front of Zhang Yang, turned around, turned and walked proudly towards the elevator. To be honest, Zhang Yang was a little surprised. He even froze for a moment before he recovered and followed.

If it is usual, Li Keqing is not the reaction. It seems that not only is he changing, but Li Keqing is also changing. In the afternoon, this class was the old ghost class of Zou Xiang. After entering the classroom, Zhang Yang took Li Keqing to sit behind the classroom. The university is different from high school and junior high school. Teachers rarely come under the podium, only the old Zou Xiang Ghosts usually find many excuses to approach various nv students.

It's just that Zhang Yang, a reborn person, is present. In this session, most of the nv students in the Zhang Yang class know Zou Xiang's person in advance, so that he has no chance to achieve his insignificant purpose in this class. Sitting at the back of the classroom, Zhang Yang sat leaning against the edge of the corridor. Zou Xiang had no interest in Zhang Yang's class, so when he entered the classroom, Zhang Yang didn't even stand up when the teachers and students saluted each other.

Anyway, Zou Xiang couldn't see him in this position, it didn't matter. Speaking of which, this is also one of the big school rules. Unlike many universities, when the class is in class, teachers and students should be like each other as students. Although this seems to be more of a form than hello, Zhang Yang agrees with this rule.

There are many real professors in the university, these old professors are quite knowledgeable, and they are really good examples. They deserve everyone's respect, and everyone is willing to stand up and say hello. Like a scum such as Zou Xiang, it's obviously for everyone to respond to the situation. It is simply powerless and lifeless.

Zou Xiang glanced at the students as usual, and scanned the students in the whole class. Unfortunately, he saw Zhang Yang lying on the table and slept from the standing students. To be honest, Zou Xiang was originally full of lessons when he was in class on the first day. Excited, there are a lot of beautiful nv in this freshman, and there is also a beautiful nv at the school flower level.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, Zou Xiang himself actually understood that his reputation was not good, but because of his relationship, Zou Xiang did not care about it. Anyway, there are new students every year, and most of his courses are Face the freshman. In addition, he is in the background, so Zou Xiang has no fear at all.

Seeing the many beautiful nvs in this freshman, especially when there was still a school flower, Zou Xiang almost drooled. It's just that he didn't expect that somebody framed him among the freshmen. Of course, Zou Xiang's death would not admit that the rumors are facts. At least in Zou Xiang's opinion, those nv who talk to him for various reasons College students, these nvs have their own diseases, and have nothing to do with him. A slap does not sound right?

As for the means of molesting his nv life, Zou Xiang simply chose to forget. So, when Zou Xiang heard the buzzwords in this freshman, one can imagine how angry he was that so many white-flowered bodies were so far away from him.

Although Zou Xiang's reputation in the big is not good, because he has a way, there are also many students with bad grades who follow Zou Xiang. So Zou Xiang soon learned that Zhang Yang stabbed out about him, and since then, Zou Xiang hated Zhang Yang.

Moreover, Zou Xiang has already decided that he will never allow Zhang Yang to graduate from this class, or at least have him retake it several times. If there is a chance, Zhang Yang will definitely not be able to graduate. There is no doubt that Zou Xiang is not only good, he is also an outright iǎ person, his way of thinking is naturally different from ordinary people. A! ! ! ;




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