The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 181: Shocked (middle)

Chapter 181 of the strongest hacker shocked (middle)

This function is quite powerful. The reason why Zhang Yang researched this function is that in the special effect production, in order to save resources, in some specific scenes, directly replace it, and then add pixels. ;

However, even this single function has its biggest disadvantage! It can be seen from the introduction, how huge the calculation data is for these functions! If it is a separate analysis of a picture, okay, an ordinary home computer can barely calculate, but it also takes more than ten minutes!

If it is a video replacement, sorry, the resources it needs to consume even the general server can not provide! If a video of Chapter 181 is shocked (middle) according to the number of frames and then becomes a picture, then the computer resources it needs to process the picture are absolutely astronomical. I am afraid it must be a supercomputer and it must be installed. A supercomputer with specialized image processing components can do the job.

In the logical judgment of the infection, Zhang Yang thought of the function of this software. Seamless replacement seems to be simple, but the two are fundamentally different. The first is that the picture is dead, which can make your software Feel free to analyze and decompile.

But anti-virus software is not. If your virus wants to modify anti-virus software, it is quite difficult. After all, no matter which anti-virus software is the most important thing is to protect itself.

However, Zhang Yang already has an idea. First, the concealment and infection ability of infected insects are quite powerful.

To make an article, at least the current anti-virus software cannot identify the infected insects, let alone mention anti-virus. Before they get the mutation law of the infected insects, the only anti-virus software that can kill the infected insects is the mother nest written by Zhang Yang himself. .

And Zhang Yang is currently mainly written for the mother nest. When the first chapter 181 of the mother shocked (middle) the nest, Zhang Yang wanted to be able to kill all the viruses, but now the infection is written, Zhang Yang wants to It feels strange that the strongest spear and shield are held in one's hands in order to kill all anti-virus software.

But it must be said that precisely because of this, Zhang Yang's technical strength in these two fields is increasing at a fearful rate. But the mother nest antivirus is not the ability to analyze the virus. After thinking about it for a long time, Zhang Yang began to rewrite what he had written before. Zhang Yang did an active decomposition of the virus by the infected insects, and then recorded the antivirus software’s antivirus method, thus Send back the anti-virus features of the anti-virus software.

But Zhang Yang doesn't want to do this now. In this way, the infected insects can actively mutate to achieve the ability to avoid anti-virus software. This is not impossible, but it is absolutely impossible to do it now. To actively mutate and avoid anti-virus software killing, the logical decision involved is too complicated.

Zhang Yang decided to use another ability, that is, mutation and gene conversion. In the past, the gene transformation function of the infected insect, that is, the mutation function, was in contact with the same virus before it happened, such as the last time Zhang Yang released it. The virus that hunted down the assassin's virus was mutated with the infecting insect, and the two sides exchanged.

Now what Zhang Yang has to do is to make this ability stronger again, but he has rewritten the functions of the anti-virus software that he has written before, that is, the active analysis. After the infected insect detects the anti-virus software, it will immediately copy the same virus out. When the virus is cleared by the anti-virus software once, it will generate mutations along its own mutation law.

Next, Zhang Yang also changed the infecting insect into a mother-to-mother virus. Inside the infecting insect will contain a powerful destructive sub-virus. The main purpose of this sub-virus is to destroy the source code of the target software and database files. Can analyze and capture the code that destroys the target, so as to carry out the second mutation.

In this way, the source code will be different after the infective insect that has been killed once by the anti-virus software is mutated once. After it destroys the anti-virus software, after the second mutation, the source code will be completely different from before. Then it will return, make a mutation with the original mother virus that split it, and exchange genes.

After all these functions have been written, Zhang Yang discovered another problem, that is, some of the infected bugs have become larger and there is no way to combine so many functions. Although it seems to be a virus in nature, it is a big problem. iǎ.

The computer virus is not so big at all, it is usually dozens, hundreds, but Zhang Yang did not delete it, but quickly copied the virus to his computer, then built an emulation system, and then copied himself The waterproof wall was also put in. Zhang Yang wanted to try out what the new infections are.

After copying the two to the simulation system, Zhang Yang directly lived the new infected insect, and then paid close attention to the changes of the infected insect. The virus he wrote himself, Zhang Yang naturally has a way to control it. Every virus's work will be in the virus. In the core code, delete control methods are reserved.

Because Zhang Yang's waterproof wall also has anti-virus functions, it is a combination of anti-virus software and waterproof wall. After Zhang Yang lived the virus, Zhang Yang immediately lived with the infected insect. At the moment when he was alive, Zhang Yang immediately discovered that the usage rate of the entire computer was climbing at a fearful rate.

"Rely" Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, then he could not help but yelled suddenly, he suddenly remembered a key problem, just when writing an infected bug, the infected bug copied an virus when it detected anti-virus software. Testing the antivirus software, Zhang Yang forgot a key issue.

That was the problem of the number of replication viruses. Zhang Yang was a little dizzy. He immediately started to do it, but Zhang Yang found himself tragic yesterday, because during the short time Zhang Yang reacted, the infected insect didn’t know. How many viruses are copied to go out to detect the waterproof wall, and the waterproof wall is an unstoppable alarm, antivirus, and the utilization rate immediately reaches 100%.

The computer's reaction speed was almost slower than that of the snail. Zhang Yang's computer didn't respond at all. "I'm gone." Zhang Yang yelled depressively, and now Zhang Yang can't do anything. He can only wait for the computer's system It collapsed, and then he dealt with it. The entire computer screen has been completely frozen. What Zhang Yang can hear is that the server hard disk is running at a high speed, leaving a "buzzing" sound.

There was no movement on the screen for a long time. Zhang Yang wondered whether to shut down the computer. It was dead anyway, but if the system is not damaged, even if it is turned on, it is the same reason. Although the virus running in the simulated system, the simulated system is occupied The same is for server resources, which is a reason.

The virus is not a human. It will not be distinguished until Zhang Yang has no control. This is the computer of his owner or the computer of other people. As long as it is a computer, it will be infected. The problem now is that even if it is turned on As long as the system is restarted, I am afraid that as long as the system is not damaged, the problem just now will occur immediately.

"Day" Zhang Yang couldn't help but burst a sloppy language, a careless, it is different from this result, it is not possible, I am afraid that Zhang Yang has to re-do the system, the problem is that there are a lot of written software stored in this computer, re If you make a system, these things may be over.

More importantly, Zhang Yang is also afraid of another problem, that is, it seems that the infection is also a virus resident on the hard disk, unless Zhang Yang deeply formats the hard disk.

After tangling for more than ten minutes, Zhang Yang did not make up his mind, mainly the hard disk array in the server. The hard disks are centralized management. Zhang Yang has no way to distinguish which data is on which hard disk. If it is deeply formatted, it will be stored in case The hard disk displayed in disorder is formatted, and that Yang will be tragic.

When Zhang Yang was entangled, Suddenly changed his computer screen suddenly, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and then found that the usage rate displayed by the detection window he opened earlier dropped rapidly, and soon swelled to a normal level.

what's going on? After a short pause, Zhang Yang quickly began to check the virus for infection. In just 20 minutes, Zhang Yang did not know how many files the infection had copied or why it stopped, but the entire server resources were probably Used by infected insects.

After finding the infectious insect data that he Zhang Yang quickly entered his own control program, and after successfully removing the jīliving status of the infecting insect, Zhang Yang began to check its status. This check does not matter. Zhang Yang almost fell off his chair, and the whole infestation had completely changed.

Its source code has almost nothing Zhang Yang is familiar with. As for how it mutates Zhang Yang is inaccurate, and it’s about the big one, and it’s more than that, just Zhang Yang used to test this infectious insect. The similar system and his waterproof wall were completely dried by the infected insects.

First tested the waterproof wall used for testing. After the test, Zhang Yang was speechless. The entire waterproof wall is now a sieve. It is full of holes. More than 90% of the functions are not available because of the lack of key files. The entire The waterproof wall software cannot run completely.

Needless to say, these holes must have been gnawed by infected insects, and it was not just a problem with the waterproof wall. Even the entire environment used for testing, the entire similar system was worn by the infected insects, which basically affected Zhang Yang’s true System, as to why the speed of replication of the infected insects will slow down, you have to know after Zhang Yang did the test. A! ! ! ;




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