The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 184: Excellent gscsd (middle)

With a puff... Gao Mina directly sprayed the green tea in her mouth with a book and a table. Fortunately, there was no one in front of the table, otherwise it would be bad luck.

   "Haha." Zhang Yang couldn't help but smiled directly. Although he is still a stranger with Gao Mina, Zhang Yang couldn't think of Gao Mina as a stranger.

   In his last life, he and Gao Mina often suffered losses, "I said handsome, even if you know that I am in love, you don't have to do this? Rely!" Gao Mina finally couldn't help but looked back at Zhang Yang with a depressed look.

   "Haha, don't, I'm not handsome. Besides, what's the use of handsomeness? In the end, he wasn't eaten by the pawn." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

   "Okay, I didn't see it, the words were rough, but how do you know I'm falling in love? Isn't it so obvious?" Gao Mina looked at Zhang Yang dejectedly and asked quickly.

   "Not obvious, most people really can't see it, but I read your book, obviously with a depressing plot, obviously you are in a bad mood." Zhang Yang shrugged.

   "How? Do you want to chase me? Know me so?" Gao Mina looked up and down.

   "It's a future thing to chase it, let's meet first, Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang blinked and stretched out his right hand with a smile. Looking at Zhang Yang's outstretched hand, Gao Mina paused, then reached out and shook Zhang Yang.

   "But the sentence you just said is really classic, love is like àào, haha, what a good analogy, it is really yellow as soon as it gets angry." Gao Mina thought for a while and smiled with her head tilted.

When Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders and chatted with Gao Mina for more than half a day, the two were just the same as before, and there was no way. The two of them knew each other for four or five years, and they all lost each other all the way. It's difficult. After asking for Gao Mina's phone, Zhang Yang came out of the library and walked to the teaching building. It is estimated that Li Keqing will be out of class now.

   walked to the mén entrance of the classroom and hadn't finished the get out of class. Looking at the time, there were probably more than ten minutes. Zhang Yang doesn't know what class this class is. He has skipped too many classes recently, and this nv teacher has never seen it. After seeing mén open, riding the teacher to lecture in the classroom, Zhang Yang quickly lowered his head and drilled in from behind mén, and emerged directly from the position next to Li Keqing.

   Li Keqing, who was listening attentively, was taken aback and almost called out on the spot. Fortunately, Zhang Yang's eyes were fast and he reached over and covered Li Keqing's mouth. After seeing Zhang Yang clearly, Li Keqing patted his chest and said, "How did you come in Zhang Yang, you want to scare me."

   "Hey, am I afraid that you are bored, come in and sit with you for a while." Zhang Yang said with a grin. The classroom is large enough, and this class seems to be a public class, there are students from other classes, so the teacher did not find an extra person in the classroom. After sitting for a few minutes, the bell rang after class. The nv teacher was very young, and it seemed to be at most twenty-89 years old. It is estimated that he had just graduated or graduated to graduate school.

   "Do you still understand anything? Or do you want to ask?" Teacher nv looked at the classroom and asked. After waiting, no one spoke, and teacher nv bowed his head to pack up and left. Zhang Yang also stood up from the position: "Let's go, can be sunny."

It’s already out of class, everyone is packing up, and there is nothing to clean up in Zhang Yang, so he stands a little faster, Zhang Yang just got up, the nv teacher saw it, and immediately looked up and looked at Zhang Yang and asked, “That Classmates, do you have anything else to ask?"

   Zhang Yang burst into waterfall, he just came in after class, did not listen to the get out of class for a minute, what could be the problem? After a short pause, as soon as Zhang Yang's head was short-circuited, he asked casually, "Uh, what class is this teacher?"

   Li Keqing, who was sitting next to his seat, stumbled and almost got out of the seat. The entire classroom was immediately quiet. For a long time, it was estimated that the nv teacher was also full of black lines. After a pause, he glared and then quickly picked up the textbook and walked directly outside the classroom.

There was an immediate "boom" in the classroom, and there was a coquettish laughter. Zhang Yang couldn't help wiping the virtual sweat on his head. He didn't do it on purpose. I just didn't know why. I thought of this problem as soon as my head was short-circuited. I asked.

   "Zhang Yang, you're a real cow. Isn't it uncomfortable for you not to tease your teacher every day." Wang Danxue sat in Li Keqing. Several people stood up and looked at Zhang Yang with a smile. Zhang Yang shrugged helplessly: "I didn't mean it on purpose. Just now I have been thinking about this question. As soon as she asked me, I said it."

After coming out of the classroom, everyone went to dinner together. Zhang Yang returned to the dormitory with a swift smoke. Bai Su did not show up in the afternoon. It is estimated that he went back to make reports or the like. Zhang Yang took the opportunity to see how the National Information Security Center of Japan was. By the way, Zhang Yang has become addicted to playing these days, and it is quite interesting to play with these security personnel.

First quickly registered the satellite and satellite, oh yes, Zhang Yang also did one thing in the past half a month, that is, the other one of those 13 satellites was nòng into his own ròujī, and the other After one satellite became nòng's own ròujī, Zhang Yang discovered that the functions of these 13 satellites are not the same. Each satellite has its own focus, such as the satellite, which is the one that Zhang Yang just hacked. A satellite is a strategic communication satellite.

   is mainly responsible for emergency data link communications in wartime, etc. This strategic communication satellite is in near-Earth orbit, receiving satellite signals is more powerful. If its satellite orbit is close to the city, it can even directly receive signals from Zhang Yang's hand.

   successively logged in two satellites to the springboard, and finally Zhang Yang logged in a Japanese springboard from the NASA server through the communication channels reserved for the two satellites. Opening the website of the Japan National Information Security Center, Zhang Yang saw an announcement on the restored website.

  Zhang Yang's machine comes with translation software, so he also understands the Japanese website. Quickly open this announcement page, Zhang Yang almost laughed chōu.

"At this morning, the Minister of Japan's National Security Center, Mr. Hiromoto, announced his resignation and was responsible for the previous hacking incident. Deputy Minister Miyamoto Jiro took over Hashimoto's position and made an important speech." This brief The public reliance that could not be short made Zhang Yang completely unaware that he actually lost a minister to nòng.

Zhang Yang quickly opened the official website in Japan, and the relationship with the United States is not shallow, so don’t look at the media, but a lot of news is revealed, especially in some international events, although many news have not been confirmed , But in fact most of the reports are true, because many of his reports are intentionally told to let the reports come out and test the attitudes of other countries.

   Moreover, its own paparazzi, and various channels of reporters, intelligence informers are also permeable. So if you want to watch the news, you can go to the website.

   opened the website, Zhang Yang really found this news in the headline, click on this report, and see the comments, Zhang Yang is refreshed. I have to say that although this media report on China is often not very true, it is still quite comfortable in reporting on some things.

For example this, "The resignation of Hashimoto Sanrou means that since the computer network became popular all over the world, this is the first government that was directly influenced by hackers and stepped down. Senior officials, it seems that all countries in the world are responsible for network security Senior officials have to bribe them, so as not to get their country to punish luàn. "The commonly used American black humor is that I don’t know if Hashimoto Shiro sees this comment, will he yell at him.

Because it has a great influence on a global scale, so many people will read the report, especially in today’s world where the Internet is spreading so fast, the report has just come out, because of the recent hacking incidents in Japan. The heads of mén at all levels of the cyber security departments of all countries are full of black lines. estimates that the editor-in-chief in his heart has scolded a **** dog.

In the following report, Zhang Yang found the declaration of Jiro Miyamoto, "... This matter, the Japanese government, will never compromise with hackers. At present, the website of the National Information Security Center has been completely upgraded. We Confident to block any hacker, if we dare to invade, our security personnel will find his position completely. In addition, the Japanese government, the government decided that it is wanted worldwide, as long as there are people who provide accommodation and catch it, Japanese government. The government will provide a bonus of ten thousand dollars.

  Really, after reading, Zhang Yang called out, MLBGD, you too look at grandpa, only ten thousand dollars, am I worth that? Also fully upgraded, upgrade your uncle. Zhang Yang quickly tried to send a message to check it. When it was confirmed that the infections of the Japan Cyber ​​Security Information Center still existed, Zhang Yang's face appeared a strange smile.

   has to say that although the size of the infected insect has increased, the infection ability and concealment ability have not been reduced at all. Anyway, the infection method of the infected insect, Zhang Yang has no plans to let it spread. If Zhang Yang activates the active infection method of infecting insects, I am afraid it is like the last intrusion of a mysterious hacker. Computers all over the world are unlucky.

For a website server with a lot of information, this capacity can be hidden anyway, and it is impossible to find it. Infected insects now have information recording functions inside, so Zhang Yang does not need to hack into Japan now. The server of the network security information center can remotely control the infection.


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