The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 192: Man (3)

Chapter 192 Men (3)

Chapter 192 Men (3)

The time was approaching early in the morning, and Zhang Yang left the hiding place with several armed forces. I have to say that Zhao Fei chose this place is quite good. If it is other places, there are people walking around, it is impossible to give Zhao The opportunity to fly them was armed, but now it is different. These few streets are all villa areas, and the construction looks like the town of iǎ, so there is no one in the early morning near the villa where Zhao Fei is located.

Everyone can directly get out of the car in full armor, and Zhang Yang couldn't help but laugh bitterly, watching those military TV shows on TV, and envied the equipment such as special forces inside, thinking it was very powerful Chapter 192 Man (three) wind, but now Zhang Yang doesn't think so at all. The body armor alone, the pistol hanging around his waist, and their dedicated communication tool were added together. After a few steps, Zhang Yang felt a little breathless.

It was not easy at all. After getting on two vans, the crowd drove directly to the suburbs. The neighborhood where the laboratory is located was originally a town, but with the rapid development of H city, these towns also began to develop on a large scale, but after all, it is relatively remote, and it is naturally nothing at night. people at.

In order to achieve the maximum speed, Zhang Yang, who was sitting in the co-pilot position, adjusted the exercise route when he got on the bus, and Zhang Yang controlled the jiātong system of all the roads they passed, and did not encounter any of them until they left the city. At the red light, the two cars almost drove all the way to the suburbs. After leaving the city, the driving instructor couldn't help but say: "I said, Zhang Yang, otherwise you will join the army and follow us? You are too cool here, there is no red light along the way, is this the advantage of the technical staff?"

Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. He didn’t want to live like the man in Chapter 192 (3). More importantly, Zhao Fei could see from their actions. I am afraid to spend time in China. It didn't take long, it is estimated that this task was special, and they would come back at the right time to catch up with the military training to publicize them, otherwise there would be no place to arrange them for some inexplicable soldiers.

Although it is said that they belong to a non-existent force, it is actually a sequence of forces, but the level of confidentiality is probably quite high.

When there was still three kilometers away from the target straight line, everyone parked the car and then jumped off the car. "We will go on foot for the next three kilometers, are you okay?" After jumping out of the car, Zhao Fei looked at Zhang Yang and asked.

"No problem." Zhang Yang shook his head. Although the things on his body were a little heavy, they were not too heavy. No matter how far away Zhang Yang could not guarantee, there should be no problem within three kilometers.

"Let's go." Zhao Fei whispered in the headset, and then rushed into the darkness first. Zhang Yang hurriedly took off the night vision device on his head and brought it, and then followed Zhao Fei into the darkness. As for the formation, Zhang Yang could not control it anyway, he would not, as long as his head was running with Zhao Fei . The distance of three kilometers is not long or short. When Zhang Yang ran out of breath, Zhao Fei waved his hands to stop, and Zhang Yang discovered that the light from a distance showed that the target was not far from them. .

Zhang Yang quickly opened the computer to check it. According to the computer's positioning system, their location is southeast of the target, about 400 meters away. This 12-storey building is a large international city in H city. The suburbs of the city are not conspicuous, but its location is remote.

To the southwest of it is a hill. Although the terrain around H City is not a mountain area, it is definitely not a plain. Some hills are still there. To the north of this laboratory is the town where it belongs, but the distance between the two parties is probably about one kilometer. The surrounding land was bought by Pan Asia.

It is said to be a twelve-story iǎ building, but it is not true. There are several three- to four-story iǎ buildings around it as auxiliary facilities of this main building. At the moment, these buildings are lit. Zhao Fei and several of them are discussing tactics there. Zhang Yang opened his notebook quickly. The battery of the military notebook is much longer and more effective than the ordinary notebook. At least under high-speed computing Use 6 to 8 hours.

Such a thick body is not just as simple as bulletproof. When he left in the villa, Zhang Yang had already begun to crack the Pan-Asian Union network. It is not difficult to invade the Pan-Asian Union’s internal group network, but what makes Zhang Yang’s heart wing is He did not forget that there is an A in the Pan-Asian Union. Such people killed Zhang Yang and did not believe that the top level of the Pan-Asian Union did not know his computer strength.

No matter what his identity is in reality, even if the senior executives of Pan-Asian Union do not know the identity of the hacker on his network, in reality he will definitely be responsible for their network security in Pan-Asian Union. In the first hacking war, Zhang Yang had dealt with these hackers. Although Zhang Yang won, it did not mean that these people were not skilled.

On the contrary, under the circumstances that Zhang Yang has taken advantage of, these people can get rid of so easily after being bitten by Zhang Yang. In the end, if it was not the actively mutated infection that gave Zhang Yang a surprise, he could not even find this hacker named A It is hidden in the Pan-Asian Union.

Therefore, after invading the Pan-Asian Union's internal network, Zhang Yang was very worried when performing system checks. This task took a long time, and the system time to be controlled was not short, so Zhang Yang was very worried.

However, when Zhang Yang did not expect it, during the internal network inspection, Zhang Yang discovered a separate network block. This network block should be the internal network of this laboratory. When checking the internal network of this laboratory, Zhang Yang I found that, as Zhao Fei said, this laboratory is highly automated

Zhang Yang originally didn't want to use infected insects. Although Zhao Fei didn't understand the computer, the infected insects came out of Zhang Yang in an accident. Even Zhang Yang couldn't copy another infected insect. However, the network of this laboratory made Zhang Yang very uneasy, and there was no time to crack him. Zhang Yang could only survive the infection and let it completely infect the entire Pan-Asian Union network.

"...I sent a signal after arriving at the site for a while, with three taps as the attack signal, everyone cut off the enemy's dark whistle at the fastest speed..." Zhao Fei said here, quickly looked at his watch, and then continued : "It is now 0:49, you must reach the battle position after 10 minutes, and the battle will end after 6 minutes, that is to say, all the ground buildings must be controlled at 1:05. Everyone carries out the battle number, Zhang Yang, your number is 13, Number 13 is calling you, so people are prohibited from using names."

"Understood." Zhang Yang nodded as he struck the keyboard. At this time, the infected insects had penetrated into the entire system, and all the systems had been covered by the infected insects. After Zhang Yang spread throughout the entire system, he easily entered the server. With the help of infected insects, Zhang Yang quickly got the highest authority of the system.

"No. 9 and No. 10, you two are responsible for Zhang Yang's safety. Do you understand? If you understand, everyone starts to act." Zhao Fei said directly.

"Understood" everyone snorted, and then turned their heads and disappeared into the night, and even Zhao Fei quickly disappeared. There were only two instructors left in the spot, but Zhang Yang adjusted the communication of everyone before he came. The system not only encrypts the communication system again, but also connects the entire system signal into its own satellite system. In this way, on the map positioning system, Zhang Yang can see the existence of everyone and Zhang Yang switches out A glance at the positioning map of the No. 1 satellite. He could see that the eight light spots with numbers on the map quickly formed a circular circle and began to quickly surround the target.

Switch back to the laboratory's network system. As Zhang Yang took control of the entire system and began to accept all the functions of the system, Zhang Yang's face became more and more ugly. The use of this laboratory's network system far exceeded Zhang Yang's imagination. Unlike other companies' networks, the intranet is a communication system, and the network in this laboratory integrates almost all resources.

For example, the fully automatic power control, security system, etc. are all under the supervision of a system, and the security level of this system is far beyond Zhang Yang’s imagination. If it is not the powerful function of an insect, it will first be infected by Pan-Asian Union. The main system, and then exchanged with the data of the laboratory system to simulate the key files of the laboratory control system without knowing it, I am afraid that Zhang Yang wants to invade it by his own strength, it is no better than invading a country’s intelligence department system. How much easier.

At this time, Zhang Yang understood how powerful the file system of the simulated insect infection system is, because all systems require human work, so these systems have permission levels, giving different people different permissions, so that in this There are different control permissions in the system.

And because the infected insect deletes the key files in these systems and then replaces it by self-simulation, it is equivalent to the infected insect becoming a part of the system, and the core program of the infected insect has a judgment mechanism that publicizes the first sequence, resulting in being Infected with insect viruses is like turning a rigid system into a person with a judgment mechanism, and this person also gives priority to publicity.

No matter what kind of system or anti-virus software, these software will not doubt their own files, nor will they actively kill files belonging to their own programs, just like normal thinking people will not Pick up the knife and stab yourself the same.

In this way, the various alarm mechanisms in the entire system simply ignored Zhang Yang’s actions, that is to say, the entire system at this moment was like a stripped, stripped and clean, red ~luǒluǒ nv person, let Zhang Yang Slaughter.

Zhang Yang didn't have time to check what the whole system was for. He quickly checked the security system of the whole laboratory. During this inspection, Zhang Yang's face became very ugly. The distribution of various cameras shows that within a thousand kilometers of the entire laboratory, mōmō secretly installed a lot of monitors, but fortunately Zhao Fei apparently stepped on them in advance, and they have not been caught by any camera. Found, but unfortunately, Zhao Fei never thought that this laboratory was actually equipped with an i-type radar life detector

"Wait" Seeing this, Zhang Yang whispered quickly in the headset

"Stop action." Zhao Fei's voice rang low in the headset.

"There is a radar life detector in the four-story building on the opposite side. The maximum detection distance is about 300 to 400 meters. Their guards have identification systems on them, giving me a minute." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"No. 1 understand." Zhao Fei's voice immediately rang.

"Understand No. 2"

"No. 3 and No. 4 understand." There was a quick response from everyone in the headset. Zhang Yang noticed very sensitively that there was no No. 7 and No. 8, which means that these two codes may have been caught by others. The code name of Yun Wei and another instructor.

Zhang Yang started to quickly set the warning conditions for this radar life detector to strike. After hitting the keyboard several times, Zhang Yang felt a little tricky. The entire radar life detector's alarm system and the entire system fit together. If this alarm system is turned off The self-checking system inside the whole system will immediately find that it is wrong, and the self-checking of the radar life detector will be carried out. When the alarm system of the radar life detector is found to be artificially closed, the whole system will immediately send out an alarm.

No matter what kind of system, as long as there is a similar alarm device, then this alarm device must be a closed circuit, which is separate, that is to say, even if Zhang Yang has the highest control of the system, he wants to put this thing To modify, you also need to modify all the alarm self-checking methods of the entire system, but the time it takes will be very long.

Zhang Yang soon thought of another The maximum detection distance of this radar life detector is only about 400 meters. Within the detection distance of this radar life detector, there are 15 guards, each guard All of them have enemy or foe identification devices, which will let this radar life detector recognize these targets as their own people.

This radar life detector only has a temporary 10 minute shutdown time, which is estimated to be reserved for these guards to change shifts or for equipment inspection. That is to say, within 10 minutes, Zhao Fei and each of them must resolve an enemy and put the device on them.

As for those enemies, the principle of the life detector is to find the location of living people based on the electric field generated by the ultra-low frequency electricity emitted by the human body. If the enemy is dead, there will be no life, and the life detector will not detect them. Too.

Just in case, Zhang Yang started to check other security systems. Fortunately, there were no other defense systems installed besides the monitors all over the place. It is estimated that he was afraid of attracting public security or national security attention. A! ! ! ;




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