The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 207: Looking for abuse (on)

"Instructor, don't bring this kind of fun, I'm not going to be killed." Zhang Yang looked at the things in the box and cried without tears. Didn't he use them for training?

"You know, if your body is not strong, you want to fight, you have no strength in your hand, and you don't hurt when you hit someone, so the most critical thing for you now is to strengthen your body first." Li Yingjie said with a smile.

"However, don't you need this stuff?" Zhang Yang took out a plastic box from the box. The plastic box is not big, but it is definitely not. The lid is transparent and sealed, and the inside is densely placed. With a silver needle up to a dozen centimeters long, this thing seems to be a silver needle for acupuncture.

"Hey, Zhao Tou didn't tell you about Chapter 207, looking for abuse (Part 1)? My Chinese medicine is actually very good. Of course, I can't compare with those real Chinese medicine, but playing acupuncture is still No problem, the most important thing is that my acupuncture is very good for you." Li Yingjie said with a smile.

"What's the benefit." Zhang Yang felt a sense of fear and fear. What good could this thing do? And looking at Li Yingjie's appearance, this is not an ordinary acupuncture, I am afraid that there are many diseases in it.

"Don't ask about it. You can't use this stuff now. I've made your training plan. To tell you the truth, this plan can't even match the 1% of our training intensity. Of course, the effect will not be good enough. It is not enough to let you put it in seven or eight people alone." Li Yingjie handed over a blank paper with a smile.

After taking a look at the blank paper, Zhang Yang almost looked up. This is called 1% of the training amount? I'll just go for it. Although I say that I have a lot of free time, if I toss it down after such a day, I am afraid that the rest of the time will be too tired to rest. However, although it is a bit difficult, Zhang Yang does not want to give up. Even if he cannot reach the height of those of Zhao Fei, but as Li Yingjie said in Chapter 207, looking for abuse (above), there should be at least four or five people. But why can't he do it, or Zhang Yang can't always rely on luck to meet the last time next time.

"Okay, I agreed." Zhang Yangcai nodded helplessly for a while, and it was actually very simple. It was running in the morning, then Zamabu in the morning, the initial task was a large number of Zamabu, In Li Yingjie's words, what is the basis of a person's fighting and how many enemies can be placed? The main thing is that you are unstable in the next market. Only when the market is stable can you have the strength to attack or defend against the enemy's attacks.

Undoubtedly, the best way to exercise the next game is to step a horse. But today is very late, this thing can only start from tomorrow, coming out of Li Yingjie's room, Zhang Yang greeted Li Keqing again, today Li Keqing must be sleeping with Li Shufang, Zhang Yang will not stay here, he returns There is something else in the dormitory.

Back at the dormitory, Zhang Yang could not wait to turn on the computer. Instead of searching for the latest information, he quickly rectified the encryption software from his version of Super Mary on his computer, and then Zhang Yang would go from A The copied files were also found.

Narrowing his eyes, Zhang Yang didn't do it for the first time. He began to recall the connection of these things. First, the server in his hand. The source of this server is a mystery, but Liu Liping's death let Zhang Yang know that the things involved in this server may be very Not ordinary, but not so ordinary. How could the encryption software in this server have a relationship with Pan-Asia?

And if the Pan-Asian joint system has nothing to do with the mysterious hacker A, Zhang Yang really doesn’t believe that Pan-Asian joint, the mysterious hacker A, and the server in his hand, these three are immediately connected in series, which was originally It's weird enough, but there is another person to be added to it, that is

The emergence of the code storm will also be connected to this series of events. Zhang Yang has some tangles, TD, what is going on with these things, Zhang Yang suddenly found that he seems to have accidentally discovered something extraordinary, and more importantly, This matter seems to be out of touch

When he was born again, Zhang Yang had already made a decision. Anyway, Zhang Yang had to do everything possible to find out who it was. Otherwise, Zhang Yang would not be reconciled even if he died, and Zhang Yang guessed what happened in his life. I am afraid that the power behind it is definitely not.

And now, Zhang Yang has a goal, which is to start with A, with Pan-Asian Union as the tandem in the middle, connecting A and the powerful strength of those mysterious hackers, especially A and these mysterious hackers for two lifetimes Zhang Yang has not heard of it, which is the same mystery. If there is no necessary connection between the two, Zhang Yang will not believe it.

There are about seven or eight months before the contact of my last life. These seven or eight months are the most critical point for Zhang Yang to figure out all this.

When you have a goal, you have motivation. Try this encryption program. The encryption software in your hand can't unlock the encrypted file A. You don't know anything in it. After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang quickly went to his QQ, and Gao Gang's news was as usual as he reported the company's progress.

With the ideas given by Zhang Yang, in less than a month, Matrix Security’s Matrix Guard’s installed capacity in China has reached more than 80 million units, and this number is still rising. Because there is a large sum of money that Zhang Yang knocked back from Baiying Security, there is no funding gap for Matrix Security temporarily.

All of this money was used by Gao Gang to purchase the latest server. Check the latest situation sent by Gao Gang, because Zhang Yang’s worldwide hacking wars have disappeared, and according to the incomplete information released by the Ministry of Justice of various countries. During this period, at least 500 hackers were invited by the police to drink tea.

Nearly one hundred people in China were invited by the police to drink tea. Of course, these people’s skills are definitely not going anywhere, but there are really a few masters among these more than 500 people. It is estimated that they are also Excited for a while, he was caught. Zhang Yang, who was reading the news in various forums, was suddenly interrupted by the warning sound of the firewall.

Zhang Yang glanced at it, and it was a bit stunned. Was it actually the alarm sound of being attacked? Am I being touched by someone? Switched out, Zhang Yang quickly checked, this check, Zhang Yang's face is a little weird, it is not Zhang Yang's own computer that issued the alarm, nor Zhang Yang's several as a first-class server, but the school's server.

The school's server is still within the control of Zhang Yang. Anyway, the school system is too lazy to do a restoration. The stitching is just like the clothes with countless patches. It is basically nothing under Zhang Yang's "yin prestige". The ability to resist. The alarm device that Zhang Yang placed in the school server has never been canceled. It was just this alarm device that issued the alarm.

Moreover, judging from the information alerts of intrusion, it is clear that this server is not just a person now, what is this? Zhang Yang was a little curious. After quickly logging in from several of his own and logging in, Zhang Yang made a big circle outside and then returned to the school server.

This time Zhang Yang didn't hesitate, he just logged in, and as soon as he entered the server, Zhang Yang was shocked. Me, there are seven or eight data streams attacking each other in this server at the moment. This is basically a battlefield. Zhang Yang just came in and was immediately discovered by people. It is difficult to think about it. It was as if the two armies were fighting against each other, and a person suddenly ran out in the middle.

However, Zhang Yang did not hesitate to shrink his data stream quickly and did not participate in it. Even the situation is unclear. In case two people are attacked at the same time, is it not asking for trouble? I don't know if Zhang Yang didn't move, or the seven or eight data streams attacked each other too hotly. Although everyone saw Zhang Yang, no one ignored him, and let Zhang Yang watch the battle there.

"I, this group of beasts, ruthless enough, this school server is unlucky." After a while, Zhang Yang felt a kind of waterfall sweat. In fact, the real hackers master tricks, just like the masters in the martial arts iǎ said The same trick is not fierce, but it is extremely dangerous. As long as you are not careful, you may be caught by the other party and then directly find your real IP.

But these ordinary hackers have different tricks. At this moment, the seven or eight data streams are like crazy. Countless computer viruses and Trojans are thrown directly into the school’s servers like garbage. There are even a few emails. bomb. This is like a hot battlefield with all kinds of weapons in it.

However, Zhang Yang also noticed that there are three data streams that are large, and the others are outside hackers. The two sides are fighting for control of the server. Obviously, there have been several battles in this server before, and I am afraid that the control of the server has changed hands several times. Otherwise, these people in the school will not compete for the control of the server, but they are all violent because of the attack of the other party. Take the school server.

"Hey, I don't see it. There are still these masters in the school." Zhang Yang was a little curious, and he can see from these three data streams. The three people's computer skills are good, although there is still a gap with Zhang Yang's hackers But, these Trojans, the use of computer viruses is still quite standard, and this attack and defense is also well documented.

"Is it ing?" Zhang Yang's first identity that Zhang Yang thought of was already known, and he was big, and his temper was very hot. This kind of thing that someone attacks a big server. If ing knows, it will definitely not Let go.

The server of their school, they just want to toss a few animals, but if others invade, then it will not work. Zhang Yang was watching here with great enthusiasm. Suddenly, another data stream was added directly, and he began to quickly crack the school's servers. The three people in this aspect of the school have been entangled, and naturally no one has stopped this person.

"Fuck, when the buddy is fake?" Seeing this person ignoring his existence, he began to crack the server system directly in his own face, preparing for the server's highest control authority, Zhang Yang couldn't help but yell, He couldn't take care of the excitement anymore, and his hands quickly started.

However, Zhang Yang didn't use any software. He just used his own technology to quickly repair the school's system. Some ports that were not needed, and after all, Zhang Yang shut down. Zhang Yang is almost familiar with the school system, so even the analysis software is free. Almost all the leak ports in the school system, as well as Zhang Yang, know.

He did not use any auxiliary programs, and he directly worked on the functions of the server system itself, but this kind of operation caused the defense level of the entire server to rise rapidly. At least the one that was at the beginning was like a broken bamboo. The progress of cracking the server was immediately slow. Down.

"King" ing finally relieved, at first he thought this person was the other person's person, but at this moment, it seems that ing found out that the loved one has already taken ownership of the server, and this person started to defend. At that time, ing realized that this person was not a mediocre.

At least the basic skills of the computer are very solid. As for other aspects, ing cannot be seen. No one else uses anything, just modify the function of the system, and basically drag the person who cracked the system.

In fact, when Zhang Yang entered the the original management authority in the server was already deleted, and Zhang Yang can get control right away because the school server is the old nest of insects. If you want to get control, you just have to hit the keyboard a few times.

After defending against this person's attack, Zhang Yang secretly released his own tracking virus. When the tracking virus was in a battle with the mysterious hackers of A last time, it also showed great power. Even GD and several of them suffered. Arrived at the secret calculation.

But they can get rid of GD, it does not mean that these current hackers can also get rid of. Soon, as the tracking virus began to spread, Zhang Yang immediately knew that the tracking virus had started sneakily following these data streams to track their real addresses.

"Well, in fact, my own tracking virus is also very easy to use, or just call it a ghost." Zhang Yang muttered while looking at the progress of tracking the virus, because the mutation of the infected insect caused Zhang Yang to not modify it casually. At least in terms of simply hiding and tracking the real IP of others, tracking viruses is more professional than infecting insects. A! ! ! ;




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