The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 212: I got a fork (on)

Chapter 212 I have a fork (Part 1)

Chapter 212 I have a fork (Part 1)

Li Yingjie's words made Zhang Yang thought about it. Indeed, this is why there are so many mercenaries in the world today. Some of them are for other purposes, like people like Li Yingjie who have special tasks. Most of the other people are actually soldiers retired from special forces in various countries. Because they cannot accommodate them in real life, or they simply cannot adapt to the lives of ordinary people, they have to pick up their guns and re-enter the battlefield. ;

And if you want to join the battlefield, then there are only mercenaries. This is also the source of these mercenaries. What causes this is the war syndrome, a mental illness. Chapter 212 I have a fork (upper) Yang remembers reading a similar report in my life. A veteran who retired from the army always sleeps at home while wearing shoes and leaning on the bed. Because he couldn't sleep at all because of lying down, he couldn't sleep at all in his subconscious mind.

After chatting with Li Yingjie for a while, Li Shufang came back, and Zhang Yang stopped the topic they had just finished. After eating, Zhang Yang packed up and walked to the school. In the afternoon, he would go to get the admission test and other things. Although the computer contest is mainly The score points are programming, as well as the language, and the practicality of writing software, etc., but not all content is these, and there are some test questions in the written test.

"Hey, I am Zhang Yang, where are you? I came to get the admission test." Standing at the school entrance, Zhang Yang called Tan Yudie. The National Computer Contest did not require registration, so the number of people who signed up was large, and The first round of written test is to eliminate a large number of people.

Of course, even the written test is not the same as the ordinary test. Most of the test questions are free to play. They are all given a question and then let you tell the solution, like For questions like the general exam, I basically didn't have a cross in Chapter 212 (on).

Try to avoid letting exam-oriented education ruin some hard-working geniuses. Some geniuses really don’t know much about the memorizing rules in those textbooks.

"I'm in the computer room of the school. I have no classes. Come and come here. I have everything ready for you. I said, Zhang Yang, you are really an uncle. Since you said you want to participate in the computer contest, you haven't done it yourself. After one thing, I will do everything for you. I'm not a member of the computer community anymore. I don't even participate in the community activities." Tan Yudie said in a gruff tone.

Zhang Yang hurriedly haha, "Isn’t I busy lately? Isn’t it that I don’t want to participate, but yesterday you guys are very powerful, and actually got the q down." Zhang Yang directly shifted the topic and couldn’t directly Tell her that you are too charismatic, I don’t want to provoke you?

Although Zhang Yang didn't have any thoughts on Tan Yudie, such a beautiful nv child always stayed with himself and was still so good. The pressure on Li Keqing can be imagined. Whether it is love or affection is a matter of two people, Zhang Yang must not only consider his own feelings, but also consider Li Keqing's feelings.

In the last generation of stallions, the harem said that Zhang Yang watched a lot. Zhang Yang admitted that a man must hope to be able to hug right and left, but the reality is always reality, Zhang Yang loves Li Keqing, so I don’t want to hurt her a little, especially Li Keqing Grid is also more sensitive, Zhang Yang does not want her to think so much.

Besides, Uncle Ben is so handsome, it doesn't matter if he doesn't like Tan Yudie, Tan Yudie likes what he does.

"Come on, now that you know what happened yesterday, you must know that it wasn't our people who did it. We don't know that one. Who knows which hidden master." Tan Yudie said quickly.

"Haha, but I think if you find this master, it should be no problem to help you win the game." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Come on, I still don't demand that kind of unreliable thing. I will count on you. If you win the game, I am very grateful. I want to thank you as you please." Tan Yudie said with a smile .

Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, how did he find Tan Yudie more and more like to tease him.

"Just invite me to dinner, hang up first, I'll go find you now." Zhang Yang quickly left a word, and then hung up the phone.

The computer room was not far from Zhang Yang's location. Zhang Yang just walked to the back of the teaching building where the computer room was located, and a loud horn sounded. Zhang Yang froze for a moment, then looked at the voice and saw Tan Yudie's car parked behind the teaching building, and she was in the car. Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly, and then walked over to her.

When Zhang Yang walked in, Tan Yudie rolled down the window and said quickly, "Get in the car."

Zhang Yang gave her a strange look: "Why, I have something to do in a moment."

"I can't eat you anymore, so I scared you, and accompanied me to Hilton. I have a business to talk over there, because the situation is tight, just myself. You accompany me on a trip." Tan Yudie said.

"Why do I go to talk about business? When should I chat with you? I don't understand your company's business, and I don't know what business you are talking about, and I can't talk about it. What do I do." Zhang Yang said helplessly .

"You don't understand it. Negotiations should also pay attention to the situation. If there are several people in the family, I will go alone. This situation will be weak. People will definitely speak loudly and don't need you to speak. Hurry up, where do I go to find someone? Hurry up, you have to leave, I called Ke Qing." Tan Yudie said quickly.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and nodded helplessly. Isn't this just catching the duck on the shelf? Opened the co-pilot position and sat in. Tan Yudie started the car and looked at Zhang Yang's clothes. After a long time, he said helplessly: "I say you are very strange."

Zhang Yang was inexplicable and looked at himself up and down: "What's so strange? Is there something on my clothes or uā on my face?"

"No, are you a rich man now?" Tan Yudie shook her head slightly.

"It should be counted, how can there be tens of millions?" Zhang Yang nodded inexplicably. Tan Yudie knew about the safety between him and Matrix, but Zhang Yang, who knew how she knew it, was unclear and he didn't ask. , Tan Yudie didn't say, but what does this rich man have to do?

"Generally speaking, a person lives in a normal living environment for a long time. Once he has money at once, he will definitely buy a lot of things that he could not buy before, or if he wants to buy something without money, he will buy enough at once. But I can't understand you. You said you have been a multimillionaire for almost two months. You can't even buy a piece of clothing." Tan Yudie looked at Zhang Yang with a strange expression on her face.

"I'm dizzy." Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. He really didn't expect that Tan Yudie was actually saying this, "I said, what you said is the so-called upstart psychology? Do I look like an upstart? That money came too easy, I still enter the corner where I am a rich man." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes.

"Let's go, buy some clothes, you can't just go like this." Tan Yudie said helplessly.

"Forget it, that's it, I'm too lazy to buy it. If you don't think I see anyone, I won't go." Zhang Yang said quickly, he was too lazy to go.

"Uh, well, let's go like this, I don't have any opinions." Tan Yudie was a little depressed.

After more than thirty minutes, Tan Yudie's car stopped at the mouth of the Hilton Hotel. If it was before, Zhang Yang came to such a high-end place and it was really a bit nervous, but now Zhang Yang is very calm, even people are equivalent to killing After that, do you still care about these things? Looking at Zhang Yang walking calmly with himself, there was no change in his face, and Tan Yudie couldn't tell what it was like.

After knowing Zhang Yang for so long, Tan Yudie doesn’t know how to evaluate this boy. Zhang Yang gives her only one feeling, that is, weird, totally a weird boy, the laws that apply to everyone apply to Zhang Yang. Not working, anyway, Tan Yudie now feels that her vision of looking after people exercised with her mom and dad is false.

Every time he went out with Zhang Yang, he would give her many surprises. Now when Tan Yudie and Zhang Yang are together, they feel a little at a loss.

Asked the waiter at the front desk, Tan Yudie looked at the time and said to Zhang Yang next to him: "Let's go to the third floor, we talk in the conference room on the third floor, they should have arrived."

"Well, anyway, I'm just a figure." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. He came here to say nothing.

Tan Yudie nodded helplessly, then turned and walked towards the elevator. From the lobby on the first floor to the middle of the third floor are empty, from the elevator is a large patio that can directly see the first and second floors, UU reading www.uukaanshu. Com around the patio is two meeting rooms. After a few steps, a conference room next door opened. A group of people came out of the conference room. There were about 20 or 30 people. It is estimated that they were also negotiating.

These people are obviously divided into two factions. There are more than one meeting room provided by Hilton, and they should use the one next to them. There were obviously two people in that group who took the lead, and each of them was followed by a group of people.

The two spoke English, and Zhang Yang was far away, and did not know what they said. When they were about five or six meters away, Zhang Yang suddenly recognized that the leading foreigner on the left was not Zhang Yang behind the school. Was the foreigner rescued in that street?

Although it took a long time, Zhang Yang recognized it all at once. A beautiful nv like Tan Yudie would involuntarily attract the eyes of others wherever she went, so the two people also involuntarily glanced at Zhang Yang on their side. At this point, the foreigner obviously recognized Zhang Yang Then, the whole person paused for a moment, then came over with a smile on his face. A! ! ! </p>;




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