The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 214: I got a fork (below)

Chapter 214 I have a fork (Part 2)

Chapter 214 I have a fork (Part 2)

While talking, he followed Tan Yudie to another meeting room. A man in his thirties was already waiting at the entrance of the meeting room. When he saw Tan Yudie coming, the man hurried up: "Tan iǎ Sister, our president has arrived."

"Well, let's start now." Tan Yudie nodded at the man, then walked into the meeting room, and Zhang Yang followed the man. Zhang Yang, who pushed the conference room away, just looked at the situation inside, then he was stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted, his body just paused a little, and then walked in with Tan Yudie, but Zhang Yang's heart smiled bitterly. Chapter 214 I have a fork (below).

I got a fork! Am I a demon, or are you a demon? Zhang Yang looked at Tan Yudie's back for a while. She just said that she is a demon jīng. She can meet people she knows wherever she goes, but I don't want you anymore. You said that after a while, you will meet someone I know, and this happened?

Seeing Zhang Yang pushed from the conference room, Li Yuxuan was also stunned. Why is Zhang Yang here? Zhang Yang quickly gave Li Yuxuan an eye and then went directly to Tan Yudie and sat down.

"Hello President Li." Tan Yudie nodded to Li Yuxuan after sitting down, and Li Yuxuan also nodded and said, "Hello, before the negotiation, should we introduce it to both parties first." At that time, Li Yuxuan's eyes directly looked at Zhang Yang, the meaning of which was already self-evident.

Tan Yudie was a little strange, he glanced at Li Yuxuan, then glanced at Zhang Yang again, and said, "Hello, this is our company..."

"Pull here, you two talk, don't drag me in, I'm here to make soy sauce." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes, Chapter 214 I got a fork (below) and lay down on the table directly depressed Said.

"Do you know?" Tan Yudie was stunned. Tan Yudie's expression did not seem to be a fake. She really hadn't met Li Yuxuan and had never met Li Keqing a few times. Naturally, she didn't know that Li Yuxuan lived in Zhang Yang. They are across from each other, they haven't really seen them.

Zhang Yang lay on the table and nodded helplessly.

"Giggle..." Tan Yudie froze for a moment, and then she smiled with her mouth concealed. Obviously she also thought of what she had just said to Zhang Yang in the hallway. She couldn't help but laughed directly, Li Yuxuan over there It is somewhat inexplicable. Zhang Yang was a little depressed. What kind of bird thing was this? He waved his hands helplessly: "You two talk, I'm sleepy."

After talking about Zhang Yang, regardless of the strange eyes of many people in the entire conference room, he began to lie on the table and close his eyes to refresh himself. Zhang Yang had some pain. He knew that he would not come to Tan Yudie before he was killed. Who knows, the world still has There is such a coincidence.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be Zhang Yang's friend. In this case, looking at Zhang Yang's face, our Jinghai Group will have some more funds, and we will increase another 100 million." Tan Yudie said with a smile to Li Yuxuan. .

"Poof......" Zhang Yang almost spouted his saliva. I went away. Is my face so valuable? Zhang Yang hasn’t responded yet, Li Yuxuan directly refused: “No, you’re right, since you are also Zhang Yang’s friend, how can you make so much money in Zhang Yang’s face, Besides, Zhang Yang’s nv friends and I are still roommates, and this one hundred million we Xingyang has sold.”

Yep? Zhang Yang, who was lying on the table, heard a taste. The face that was not emotional was worth it. I am afraid that if it is more than 100 million, you will get a lot of profit? Otherwise, when did the two girls care about their face? However, Li Yuxuan's nv friend's three words are very bitten, and don't think Zhang Yang can guess what she means by using her toes, she just warns Zhang Yang in disguise.

"So how do you do, if you think our sincerity is not enough, 200 million." Tan Yudie continued with a smile. Although Zhang Yang closed his eyes, he still rolled his eyes. The two girls are not very old. This closed mouth is hundreds of millions of dollars. However, Zhang Yang can’t understand it. A medical company is negotiating with a company that opens iron ore. what? And from the perspective of the funds in the two nv mouths, I am afraid that the funds invested by both parties are not the same amount.

The problem is that the death of Zhang Yang did not make it clear. What cooperation project does a medical company and a mineral company have, and these two industries are too far away? After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yang didn't make it clear, and because he was tired after a whole morning, Zhang Yang really fell asleep on the table.

The negotiations in the house quickly became heated, and the two sides had been entangled in various issues. Although Tan Yudie was alone, it was clear that the two parties had reached a certain agreement on the negotiations before, and all they need to talk about now is Something harmless and elegant, so even Tan Yudie can resist.

Just as everyone was negotiating, suddenly a slight gurgling sounded in the conference room. Although both sides were debating, there was also a quiet time. In the quiet time, the gurgling sound was unusually abrupt. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but followed the grunt, and then everyone saw the drooling spread of the fast sleeping on the table.

Li Yuxuan and Tan Yudie almost fell off the chair. This is too much, right? You said you really sleep? But listening to Zhang Yang's grunt is not false. Obviously this animal is really asleep, and it seems to be extremely sweet. It's no wonder that Zhang Yang, in these few days, the huge amount of training has made Zhang Yang's body almost at full load. At night, it can almost fall asleep when it is touched, and it is not even asleep, because Zhang Yang has lived Li Yingjie was there, so at night, Li Yingjie often went to "ā disturbance" to clarify Zhang Yang when he was okay, training him to be alert after falling asleep.

When I went to school today, Zhang Yang had been tossed by Li Yingjie for one morning. Zhang Yang fell asleep on the table after a while. When people were tired, he likes to snore. Although the snort is quiet, it is quiet at the moment. The room like a haunted house is still unusually loud.

Tan Yudie was almost mad at Zhang Yang. This guy asked him to charge up, but even if you really know each other, you can’t really sleep on the table if you don’t speak. Just go to bed when you go to sleep, you can just pretend to sleep, are you really asleep? The atmosphere that had just fought back and forth was alleviated immediately.

"Zhang Yang!" Tan Yudie got up from her position, walked quickly to Zhang Yang's chair, and then shouted loudly at his ear. Suddenly, Zhang Yang jumped straight from the chair like a rabbit. At the same time, his hands stretched out in the direction of the sound almost without thinking, trying to block Li Yingjie's hands.

Although it was just three days, Li Yingjie disturbed seven or eight times a night. Anyone who let this disturb for three days would form a reverse condition, and Li Yingjie used the silver needle when he disturbed. Zhang Yang suspected, Will he one day be spurred by his heart disease?

But now it's really not Li Yingjie. Zhang Yang just woke up in a subconscious reaction, but after his hands were stretched out, Zhang Yang suddenly recovered, and his stretched hands stopped. The eyes of everyone in the whole house are dull, this is the situation of Shenma!

Tan Yudie seemed to be scared and stupid. For a long time, she slowly lowered her head with a dull face, looking at the open hands less than five centimeters from her towering iōng department. Tan Yudie's figure was relatively tall. She wore high-heeled shoes when she came out today. It was almost the same as Zhang Yang's height. Zhang Yang jumped up, and the blocked hands just pointed to a plump towering side of Tan Yudie.

After recovering, Zhang Yang was sullen, and there was only one thought left in his mind. mlgbd... This young man's name is ruined. Zhang Yang was dumb, Tan Yudie was similar, and the faces of other people looked even more weird, so the room was suddenly quiet.

It took a long time for Zhang Yang to come back first, and quickly withdrew his hands. Zhang Yang scratched his head awkwardly. "Hah, that accident, accident. I just dreamed that someone was using money to kill me, you When I shouted, I reached out unconsciously to pick up the money that was thrown by others, ha. What? Are you finished? I will flash first after the talk."

After Zhang Yang did not wait for Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan to react, he turned his head and ran 哐当", when the meeting room was closed, all the people who had fallen into dementia suddenly recovered. After returning to God, Tan Yudie couldn't express any expression on her face. It took a long time before she turned around and said to Li Yuxuan: "Mr. Li, just do what you said. I have no other opinions, you After the contract is prepared, it is sent directly to the company. "

After speaking, Tan Yudie shouted directly at the outside of the meeting room: "Zhang Yang! You are an egg, you stop for me."

Zhang Yang, who had just ran out of the conference room, was immediately scared by the roar inside, and immediately accelerated his pace. What a joke. Isn't it a death to go back? In the conference room of a five-star hotel, the sound insulation is so good that Tan Yudie's voice can still be heard from inside.

The power of this roar is too great. The training of the past few days immediately showed results, and Zhang Yang's swift smoke disappeared. After drilling into the elevator, Zhang Yang secretly relieved himself. No one was in the elevator. Zhang Yang looked down at his hands and couldn't help but cursed: "You two are in trouble, I'm really going to cause trouble for Lao Tzu." After Zhang Yang couldn't help, he patted his hands **** each other. A! ! ! ;




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