The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 217: Willingly inserting willow (Part 2)

Chapter 217 Wuxin chaliu (Part 2)

   Chapter 217 Wuxin chāliu (Part 2)

After leaving, because the computer in Zhang Yang’s hand was not safe, he did not use his pda to view the information, but lay on chuáng and began to meditate, and a mysterious f appeared, which looked like mak Waiting for people seems to be the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

Zhang Yang has always regarded these people as an organization among some hackers, including the emergence of the assassin computer virus, and the hacker group afterwards. Zhang Yang did not think too much. He always regarded these people as a hacker group. After all, there are so many hacker groups at all times, from powerful ones to rookie groups, etc., but now it seems that I am afraid that Zhang Yang has made a policy mistake.

These are probably not just a simple hacker group. Mak did not appear in the conversation with the gold coin, but Zhang Yang had a hunch that these people are definitely related, and what is more important is that they come out from the inside. Something made Zhang Yang feel a little speechless.

Zhang Yang felt that he was very bullish when he reached 10 million US dollars at a time, but he invested hundreds of billions of dollars in a laboratory, which was calculated on the basis of 100 billion US dollars. Zhang Yang paid 10 million US dollars a month. It takes 10,000 months, 833 years!

   I don’t know if there are some things, I am shocked, and this thing tmd is only the money invested by a laboratory. How much do they have? I got a piece of grass. Zhang Yang thought about all the organizations in his memory who could spend so much money. He didn't come up with a reason.

  Zhang Yang has always believed that money is not a panacea, but now it seems that when the money tm reaches a certain level, the tm is a panacea. However, from the meaning of these words, Zhang Yang is more curious about the thing in his computer. What kind of thing is it, an accidental product of an experiment?

  Unexpected epoch-making products under the experiment in history are not many, and what can be thought of as such are all things that have a significant effect on history. But now Zhang Yang has no way to crack that thing, he can only do it. The disordered array is not so easy to crack. Although it is just a game, when the game is abnormal to a certain place, it is really difficult to pass, which is not related to technology.

   Unless a lot of time is thrown on it, and Zhang Yang still does not know what hidden conditions are in the game, such as the encryption software he made, the process of making it out makes Zhang Yang even want to die. This is just the first level. If you remember correctly, there are eight levels in Super Mary?

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Yang couldn’t sleep in the room anymore. He quickly got up from chuáng, and then packed up and prepared to leave. Anyway, what he wanted was almost nòng arrived, and from mak and From the dialogue point of view, mak is also going back.

  Zhang Yang came out of the room, and then walked towards the elevator. When passing the mak room, his room mén suddenly opened with a click, and the mak he met during the day also came out of the room. Seeing Zhang Yang in the corridor, Mak was stunned for a moment, and Zhang Yang was also a little surprised. He didn't expect this to happen to him.

   "Hello, I didn't expect you to live in this room, next to me." Zhang Yangwei nodded with a smile.

   "Hello." Mak didn't say anything at all, just nodded, then came out and closed the house mén, and went outside. The two of them entered the elevator, and they didn't talk much. Zhang Yang saw that mak is similar to his previous life. The cunning on the Internet is like a fox, but in reality it is extremely simple, and the nerve reaction is too rough.

Mak didn’t leave the hotel. He left the elevator on the 16th floor, and Zhang Yang didn’t care about him. He met twice in a row. Although it was really an accident, if Zhang Yang was going out with others, I’m afraid he would be more nervous. People will feel wrong. And the most important things are already in hand. From the file just copied, there should be something that Zhang Yang wants to get.

After checking out at the front desk on the first floor, Zhang Yang walked directly outside the hotel. Just pushed mén out of the lobby of the hotel, and suddenly a "bang" made a dull loud noise remembering that a car parked on the left side of the hotel was mén The car was smashed by some heavy objects, the glass on both sides of the window burst into countless pieces, and then a cloud of red mist burst directly from the roof.

The sudden sound shocked everyone, and Zhang Yang was no exception. After returning to the gods, there were several exclamations around him, and some screams of nv people. Zhang Yang followed the source of the sound Looking around, there was a humanoid object on the roof of the deformed car directly, and the surrounding blood was splashed with countless blood within a range of six or seven meters.

   Someone jumped off the building! This was Zhang Yang’s first reaction, and Zhang Yang’s second reaction was a shock. The neon lights above the hotel and various auxiliary lights around the hotel illuminated the square above the square in front of the Hilton. Although the distance to the corpse was still far away, Zhang Yang still recognized that the clothes on the corpse were the maks he had just seen?

   Murder! This was Zhang Yang's second thought. Someone around the police immediately called the police. The hotel's security guards had rushed over to surround the accident site and prevented those onlookers from passing by. Zhang Yang did not join in the excitement in the past. After a few glances, Zhang Yang's brows frowned. Don't think, Zhang Yang knows what killed mak, but these people are really ruthless, and mak died too badly .

   The floor where he left the elevator was the 16th floor. Zhang Yang didn't know that he was taken down from several floors, but he wasn't too far away from this floor. After falling down from the 16th floor, the whole person almost burst into a mud.

   Waited for a while, Zhang Yang quickly stopped a taxi parked in the hotel and left the hotel. The place where the mén accident happened was surrounded by the crowd. On the way back to school, Zhang Yang was not at all calm. If it wasn’t for Tan Yudie who just pulled him over today, I am afraid Mak died. Zhang Yang would not know. This kind of news doesn’t need to be known. It must be a simple report of someone committing suicide. Things.

   As for the computer in the mak room, someone will definitely take it, and mak will never be suicidal. He has no reason to commit suicide, and I am afraid that he does not have the courage.

   Zhang Yang did not go to Li Yingjie, but returned to his dormitory. Opening the dormitory mén, Zhang Yang saw Fang Shaoyun who was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Zhang Yang just wanted to ask him why he was sitting in the living room. Before he opened his mouth, he saw Fang Shaoyun quickly gestured to him with a mute gesture, and then Pointing to Zhang Yang's room, and then quickly got up from the sofa, pulling Zhang Yang's hand and wanted to walk to his own room.

After entering his room, Fang Shaoyun closed mén directly. When he closed mén, Zhang Yang stretched out his right hand and pointed to the hands of the two who were speechless. "Can you let go? I can Not a comrade."

   "Fuck, neither am I." Fang Shaoyun quickly flicked his open hand, rolled his eyes in depression, and then said, "I said, you dare to come back to you."

   "Why don't I dare to come back?" Zhang Yang was inexplicable.

   "I am dizzy, do you really don't know, or are you pretending? Why did you go this afternoon?" Fang Shaoyun was a little speechless, quickly patted his forehead, and asked Zhang Yang.

   "Ah? Oh, you said that, Li Yuxuan was in my room?" Thinking of Fang Shaoyun's previous reaction and what he just said, Zhang Yang immediately nòng knew exactly what he meant.

   "Not only Yu Xuan, but also Ke Qing, I ask you, what is going on between you and Tan Yudie?" Fang Shaoyun asked with a serious face.

   "What can it matter, ordinary friends." Zhang Yang was a little depressed. Throughout the process of his understanding with Tan It seems that this is really ordinary? Even an intimacy is not counted, and most of them are still Tan Yudie's initiative, what should you do if you let Zhang Yang? Isn't it a match with others?

Let’s not talk about whether Zhang Yang is the kind of person, just say that Tan Yudie helped Zhang Yang several times and so busy, and most recently, because Zhang Yang was taken away by Guoan, Tan Yudie even called her father. It’s not that Zhang Yang has any other ideas. It’s just like you and other people wanting to get along with you and treating you as a friend. You can’t play with others.

   More importantly, if Zhang Yang had any thoughts on Tan Yudie, or if the two had any ambiguity, the problem is that there is no such thing. Zhang Yang can’t just break with others because of this. And Zhang Yang believes that Li Keqing is not the kind of Hu Luàn suspect.

Of course, Zhang Yang won’t blame Li Yuxuan. Li Yuxuan did this for Li Keqing’s sake. Li Yuxuan also knew that Li Keqing’s style would be that Zhang Yangzhen and Tan Yudie did something to be known by Li Keqing. I’m afraid Li Keqing They will not say anything to Zhang Yang, even if they break up with Zhang Yang, they will leave in silence. So Li Yuxuan is also afraid that Li Keqing will suffer a loss.

"Really nothing?" Fang Shaoyun asked with disbelief. He also added: "I said, I'm your buddy. Don't worry, even if there is anything, I won't tell them. Brother will help you hide it. Written."

   Zhang Yang patted his shoulder helplessly: "You can rest assured, if you come with Li Yuxuan luàn in the future, I will also hide it for you, but there is really nothing between brother and Tan Yudie."



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