The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 237: 1 hit 1 group (on)

Chapter 237 Fighting a Group (Part 1)

Chapter 237 Fighting a Group (Part 1)

As soon as Tan Yudie's words were spoken, Zhang Yang sensitively captured that the air in the room seemed to be a little bit hot. Looking at the boys around him, he could not wait to eat himself raw, and Zhang Yang regretted it. mlgbd, haven't you seen these nv people? by! Zhang Yang felt depressed for a while.

But he forgot, because he treated Li Keqing how he treated others in his last life. The man can do anything for the sake of being beautiful. Don’t think that everyone is crazy, it’s not a big deal at all. I haven’t seen the example in the most ancient antiquity in China. Classmate Wang Wang beat the whole country for the sake of his classmates. Well.

"Come here, dear, I will introduce you to some of the main members of the society." Tan Yudie walked quickly and stepped on Zhang Yang's arm without hesitation. Zhang Yang's mouth couldn't help but ōu, ōu, Revenge is definitely revenge, Chiluǒluǒ's revenge! Tan Yudie is obviously because Zhang Yang's behavior was retaliating against him yesterday, but looking at the eyes of the boys around him, Zhang Yang felt that he could not be frightened by killing himself!

Fuck, the guys are also somehow led. How could you be intimidated by you, Zhang Yang paused, and then ruthlessly, mother, barefoot, afraid of wearing shoes? Anyway, I have nothing to do with you, I want to see how you play down a while?

"OK, I have no opinion." With a decision in mind, Zhang Yang's face immediately returned to normal, and the whole person became blushing and panting, nodding.

Tan Yudie glanced at Zhang Yang and snorted quietly before saying to everyone: "Come on, let me introduce to you, this is the genius I often tell everyone. The computer technology of the first year is quite good and In software programming and other aspects, I am willing to dominate! If it were not for my repeated invitations, Chapter 237 would not come to join our computer community.

"Poof..." Zhang Yang stumbled under his feet, almost fell to the ground, and quickly stabilized his body. Zhang Yang leaned closer to Tan Yudie's ear and said, "You are ruthless enough!"

Tan Yudie’s face hasn’t changed, and she still smiled and said: “Everyone else, who asked you to throw me away yesterday, hum, don’t you know that they are nv children? I don’t know. The people thought that I was treating you." Tan Yudie said with a quick voice, while looking at the boys around him with a smile.

Zhang Yang was a little depressed, and it was really because of yesterday's things. The whispers of the two people saw quite intimate movements in the eyes of others. At present, several boys have even red eyes. Seeing this, Zhang Yang was taken aback. I leaned on. Wouldn’t this group of animals come up to **** Laozi because of this crazy nv? I haven't learned combat with the instructor yet, but I still can't beat you.

"Aha, this is classmate Zhang Yang, hello, hello, your name has been admired for a long time." At this moment, someone finally jumped out, and a very fashionable boy stood out from the chair Awake, he came over with a smile on his face, and just looking at the smile gave people a dangerous feeling. There are definitely a lot of men who are skeptical about nv people like Tan Yudie.

And the identity of this kind of ulterior motives is definitely not simple. Ordinary boys are facing nv people like Tan Yudie, especially nv people with such identity background. If there is no pressure, it is false. Even if the university students are naive about the problem, the gap between the two sides is there. Except for some brain-dead boys who are arrogant to a certain degree, most boys will not confess to Tan Yudie.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Although there are many fans of Tan Yudie, there are really few boys who dare to confess to Tan Yudie, and those who dare to let go to chase are less pitiful. Of the remaining boys, It is these ulterior motives. These people came for Tan Yudie's appearance, and more for Tan Yudie's family.

Zhang Yang has been reluctant to come too close to her, in fact, it is not necessary to avoid her. One of the important reasons is that because of the existence of these boys with ulterior motives, Zhang Yang did not want to inexplicably take Tan Yudie back. These boys But no one offends either the rich or the powerful.

"Hello, this classmate, my name is Zhang Yang, are you?" Although he didn't have a cold for this boy, Zhang Yang was still reluctant to be a scapegoat, so he still stretched out his hand and shook his grip with the boy.

"Oh, hello, my name is Xiang Tingwei." The boy said with a smile. "Just, it seems that the two of you have a good relationship. I don't know what is your relationship with Yudie?"

Xiang Tingwei narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Yang and asked, Zhang Tingwei narrowed his eyes to give people a very uncomfortable feeling. I don’t know why, Zhang Yang felt that the person in front of him was not simple, at least definitely not Pan Wenlong or It was the rich second generation who had a conflict with Zhang Yang once or the idiot type of the official second generation.

"We? Just ordinary friends, she and my nv friends are good friends." Zhang Yang directly told her that she has nv friends. Who knows what Tan Yudie thought, last time with Han Yang It was used by Tan Yudie.

"Oh? Is that true?" Xiang Tingwei really didn't know Zhang Yang's situation. When he saw Zhang Yang saying this in front of Tan Yudie, he immediately knew that Zhang Yang was probably not a lie. His eyes flew involuntarily. Tan Yudie. Most of the boys in the house didn't speak. These people know Xiang Tingwei's identity, and also know that Xiang Tingwei is interesting to Tan Yudie, but who makes everyone in the family powerful?

Although most of the boys were equally full of Xiang Tingwei, no one dared to say anything. "Of course." Zhang Yang nodded slightly.

Tan Yudie suddenly smiled and said softly, "Zhang Yang you are so annoying, everyone has said it, I don't care." "Puff...cough...cough..." Zhang Yang suddenly appeared by Tan Yudie This sentence came to a sudden disappointment, and the whole person began to cough violently. I went, and you dare to say anything.

All the faces in the entire computer room have become very strange. In modern society, except for some nv people who specialize in money, I am afraid that there are no other nv people who are fair and upright. They will willingly say that they don’t care about their men. The second nv person, right? I'm afraid I won't even say this sentence willingly, but Tan Yudie just said it. Even if Zhang Yang knew that it was impossible, the opposite Xiang Tingwei might also know, but the movement, eyes and tone were too good. In such a room, apart from a total of four nv students, the other boys I believe it.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became strangely strange. "I heard that Zhang Yang has good skills. I don't know if I can give me a few hands? President Tan has always esteemed you, and our group is also curious." A sudden voice suddenly sounded and sat A thin boy with glasses in the corner stood up from the computer and looked at Zhang Yang seriously.

Zhang Yang quickly looked at the time on a computer that was open in front of him, because Zhang Yang started earlier, although he did a lot of things in the morning, but it was just past 8 o'clock at this time. One hour, and the address of the exam is in this teaching building, and it does not take much time to get to the classroom.

Take a look at Tan Yudie standing beside him, Zhang Yang is speechless with a full face. This girl is ruthless enough to say everything in order to cause trouble for herself.

How many hands? I still have an exam today. I'm afraid I don't have much time. I have time someday. "Zhang Yang was interested in this kind of thing. He was purely bī today. When he came out with Tan Yudie yesterday, he patronized and ran away, and he forgot to bring the admission ticket. Otherwise, how could such a thing happen.

Besides, Zhang Yang wasn’t interested in showing them the skills of those people. At that time, Zhang Yang might as well go back to the dormitory and write a few more codes. "You are not afraid, Zhang Yang, right? Since President Tan is so proud of you, do you want to compare computer technology with more than just understanding? I'm afraid it's not just about understanding software? Intrusion? We two How about trying each other?" The boy offered his own ideas very simply.

Invasion...Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, to be honest, Zhang Yang now played invasion with him. Isn't that an adult bullying the child? Not to mention the big one, that is, the gd and the like are coming, Zhang Yang is not afraid to invade with him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in hackers. I don't know anything about this at all, so I'm not good at invading, and certainly not your opponent. If you win, let's talk about it. Actually, your President Tan is talking nonsense It's a newcomer." Zhang Yang shrugged and said helplessly. It wasn't that he didn't want to compare. It was just that he was not interested. If the boy was of the ing level, Zhang Yang might not be interested in playing with him.

"President Tan, if that's the case, all of us members respect you, but you can't bring anyone into our club? Isn't our club a garbage collector? At least there are basic assessments. "At this time, another boy suddenly said something.

Zhang Yang immediately raised his eyebrows! What is garbage collection? Does that mean Laozi is rubbish? Damn, even if you are a technical bull, you can’t speak so well? What's more, you really aren't bullshit.

"I believe in Zhang Yang's technology. As for whether you believe me or not, it's your business. If you don't want me to be the president, you can say it. Our society has the rules of the society, and I abdicate." Tan Yu Diewei smiled and said calmly.

"Of course, we don't believe you, President, but some people don't prove themselves. Why did he join our computer society?" Several other boys immediately said in unison.

"Have you ever played the code war?" Zhang Yang said with a sneer.

Zhang Yang has never spoken, everyone thinks that Zhang Yang's strength is not good, after all, a freshman in freshman, even if he is more powerful, where can he go? So after a few boys devalued Zhang Yang, they waited for Tan Yudie to reply. The whole computer room was quite quiet. Everyone heard Zhang Yang's words.

"Why? Haven't you even heard of the code war?" Zhang Yang sneered again and continued.

"Of course I did, why? Do you want to play with me about this?" The thin boy with glasses just pushed the glasses on his nose and asked Zhang Yang seriously.

Code war is not software, nor programming, nor is it an invasion or a game, it is a game! But this game is not widely circulated, it is only circulated in the circles of programmers and hackers, and it is quite famous!

As you can see from the name, this game is based on programming code. In general, he is similar to the tank battles that everyone has played on home machines. Although the screen and settings are extremely simple, this code war is much larger than the tank battle, and the internal procedures are also more complicated. Slightly different from the tank battle setting, this game is a game, and the number of players can be set according to the different numbers of the two sides.

Can be 1v1 or 2v2, the highest number can support 8 people to 8 people. After the start of the game, everyone will have a fort in front of them. This fort can send shells to the other party to attack and destroy the other When fighting, a series of codes will quickly appear in front of the two fort, These codes are all part of some open source software, but these codes are incomplete, there are missing parts in the middle, only after you fill these parts, your cannon will fire shells.

However, it is not just a fill-in-the-blank game. When programming, the code is not knocked up. When programming, it is often a bit of a heart. Typing more letters or characters will cause the program to not run, and you will have to find errors one by one. Not to mention just the characters before and after the code floating on the screen to determine what is missing in the middle. Only if you fill in all the correct, this program can ensure that the operation, your cannon will work normally. .

It can be said that although the code war looks simple to play, it is definitely very good to play this game skillfully. And code wars are used by many programming companies when recruiting programmers, because code wars appear in a code for about 20 seconds. Within 20 seconds, you need to quickly determine how many characters are missing and what characters are entered. You can make this program run successfully, and finally hit these characters. As long as you can play the code war, the programming ability will not be too bad! A! ! ! ;




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