The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 267: Be cruel to the enemy (below)

Chapter 267 Be Ruthless to the Enemy (Part 2)

Chapter 267 Be Ruthless to the Enemy (Part 2)

"Great God, I think so, what do you think?" Gao Gang asked Zhang Yang's opinion seriously after he finished speaking. Zhang Yang, of course, had no comments. He just prepared to send Gao Gang a message. Suddenly a message popped out from the lower right corner of the desktop. Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Generally speaking, there can be no inexplicable pop-up system in Zhang Yang’s computer system. As soon as the pop-up window appears, the first one is being invaded, or a dangerous alarm such as an unremovable virus is found. .

Generally, the viruses that can be killed by the firewall will not pop up the window alarm, but will be directly killed. The second kind is the feedback information of Zhang Yang’s various software. In chapter 267, I quickly looked at the enemy (below) and checked the pop-up message. Zhang Yang was baffled by the feedback information of the infected bug. Except in Zhang Yang's hand, Zhang Yang has already entered control commands because of fear of other people discovering infected insects. Zhang Yang, who has infected other computers, has already let them delete themselves.

Because all the insects in the computer with network connection will keep in touch with the mother virus, that is, the insects in Zhang Yang’s hand, Zhang Yang can easily know how many computers are infected with the insect virus. The problem is that Zhang Yang was tracking the gold coin demon yesterday. Infected insects are not used at all, even if the computer was shut down after being infected with the infected insect virus before, after restarting, the infected insects in the computer will automatically connect, and they will delete themselves after getting the command.

Zhang Yang will check the virus data every day after booting, just in case, there was no abnormality when Zhang Yang checked it. Except for his, no other computer can be infected with insects. How come the feedback information of the infected bug pops up at this moment?

The most important thing is that even if there are infected insects that have not deleted themselves, they will delete themselves after receiving the control instructions issued by the mother virus to the enemy in Chapter 267 (below), there will be no feedback at all, There is only one possibility for the feedback information, that is, Zhang Yang has given instructions to this infectious virus, and the feedback information will not appear until it has completed its goal. The problem is that Zhang Yang has been dying recently and has not used the infected insect. Where is the feedback information!

"I don't have any opinion. You can decide the company's business, and Baiying's safety disappeared is the best for me. I still have something to do first." Zhang Yang quickly threw a word to Gao Gang, then clicked aside Opened the feedback message, and turned off the chat box with Gao Gang.

After clicking on the feedback information of the infected insect, Zhang Yang noticed that it was a data feedback request, which means that the infected insect had a lot of data to transmit.

Zhang Yang was dumbfounded. What happened? It seems that Zhang Yang did not ask for any data that the infected stolen, how could there be data feedback information? Although it was his own virus, Zhang Yang still kept a close eye, hesitated for a moment, Zhang Yang did not confirm, but quickly began to check his own

After checking all of them one by one, all the data flows are all normal. After copying the firewall to the outermost and several levels in the middle, Zhang Yang feels that it is not very safe, even the mother nest is opened. Run it again in his own computer.

The inspection results of the mother nest came out quickly, and there was no problem in Zhang Yang’s computer. Then Zhang Yang used the mother nest to check several major first-level firewalls. Zhang Yang’s firewall was very arrogant, but Zhang Yang could not rest assured, if it was that level If someone invades, as long as you are careful, you should be able to deceive Zhang Yang’s firewall into Zhang Yang’s inside, but the mother’s nest is impossible.

Zhang Yang has absolute confidence in his mother's nest. Even if it is impossible, she can enter Zhang Yang's computer without even knowing it. After confirming that there were no problems at several levels, Zhang Yang hesitated and clicked the OK button to accept the data feedback.

When Zhang Yang clicked OK, the traffic firewall in the lower right corner violently sounded an alarm, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and quickly opened it to check it again. Zhang Yang immediately noticed that the huge data stream almost rushed to Zhang Yang's computer almost quickly. Over here. However, the peripheral mother nest and firewall did not sound an alarm.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment. I leaned and forgot that my mother nest and firewall set the infected insects to a white list. These data are sent back by the infected insects. It is naturally impossible for the mother nest and firewall to issue an alarm. Although Zhang Yang was nervous, he was not too nervous. If Zhang Yang had the same confidence as the mother's nest in something, then he was infected.

Even if the infected insect is found by someone else, or killed by a virus, it is impossible for someone to control the infected insect and come back to invade Zhang Yang's computer. But Zhang Yang still did not take it lightly. Although Zhang Yang's broadband is 10m optical fiber, the speed of receiving data cannot be as fast as several.

In particular, satellites 1 and 2 are connected to the external network through the space agency’s optical fiber line. The data transmission is at a speed of more than gigabit. These data streams are huge for the publicized computers, but they are for the data traffic of the space agency. In fact, I didn’t care at all. Although the mother nest and the firewall would not alert the data transmitted by the infected insect, Zhang Yang had some scalp numbness. According to the firewall's traffic statistics, it was found that the data traffic transmitted by the infected insect was about 100 Multiple g sizes.

It may take several hours to transmit more than 100 g of optical fiber even if it is 10m, but for the space agency, it is much faster, probably less than 2 minutes, all the data has been directly transmitted to the No. 1 satellite Above. After the data transmission was completed, Zhang Yang did not wonder what the data was, but directly started to check whether there was data flow following the huge data flow through the peripheral mother nest and firewall.

If someone uses an infected bug to find Zhang Yang’s location, no matter how mysterious the person is, as long as the computer is connected to Zhang Yang, there must be data flowing. The result of the inspection is very fast, no matter whether it is the mother nest or the firewall, there is no abnormal data flowing to Zhang Yang.

Seeing this result, Zhang Yang was relieved. Although he did not yet know where the infectious bug came from, as long as it was not used by others. Thinking about it, Zhang Yang quickly began to disconnect several peripheral connections and began to shrink his defenses.

It was not until Zhang Yang contracted into the space agency that Zhang Yang was relieved. No matter who it is, outside the host of the space agency can use another to connect to Zhang Yang’s computer, but when it comes here, because Zhang Yang uses satellites as a springboard, Therefore, the other party can only go this way. Only when he is connected to the satellite can he find his position.

I checked the external data flow of satellites 1 and 2 again with the mother nest and firewall, because the two satellites are basically the backup satellites of the two major missile defense systems in the United States, so if Zhang Yang does not use the network, its external network connection It's 0. Is anyone using a computer infected with worms to enter Zhangyang? Just look at the amount of data traffic to know.

The result of the inspection finally relieved Zhang Yang completely, without any problems, since there is no problem, then the rest is very simple, this thing is indeed sent back by the infected insects, although Zhang Yang does not understand, what is it that can make Infected insects sent back such a huge amount of data, but these things should not be simple.

Just in case, Zhang Yang thought about it and simply terminated the connection between the satellite and the space agency directly, maintaining the original passive trigger mode of the satellite. Only someone on the space agency initiated the connection signal. Only the side will respond, otherwise, the network connection between the satellite and the space agency will be interrupted.

After doing all this, Zhang Yang began to wait with curiosity waiting for the data transmission to be completed. The transmission speed of 10m optical fiber per second is about 3m to 5m. Because the mobile satellite base station is used in the middle, this data traffic is greatly affected, so the transmission speed is only 3m per second.

Zhang Yang probably calculated that it would take 9 hours to complete the transfer of more than 100g of file data. Zhang Yang has some headaches, and the data reception has not been approved by Zhang Yang at all, but fortunately, fortunately, Zhang Yang's hard disk space is large enough, and more than 100 g of data can still be put down.

But Zhang Yang racked his brains and Zhang Yang didn't think about exactly where these things came from. I thought about all the places in my mind that left infected Zhang Yang did not come up with it. Where did he leave such instructions to infected insects, and let it steal information? of.

And the stolen data is still such a huge amount of data, more than 100 g of data, Zhang Yang could not think of, in the end what kind of stuff can have huge data. Egg hurts! Zhang Yang shook his head, wondering if he could only wait for these files to be transferred before reading them. Zhang Yang had already viewed them. These files are together. If they are not transferred, there is no way to view them.

Although the satellite 1 has already been accepted, but because it is being transmitted to Zhang Yang’s computer, he cannot view the data there. What is even more speechless is that there is no option to terminate or suspend the transmission of these data. If anything, Zhang Yang must first stop, and then look at what is on the No. 1 satellite before transferring it back.

Now I can only wait! Curiosity can kill not only cats, but also people! Zhang Yang's heart was scratched by the monkey, itchy. Looking at the time, you have to know what these things are at around 7pm. A! ! ! ;




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