The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 269: anubis is crazy (middle)

Chapter 269 Madness (Part 2)

   Chapter 269 is crazy (middle)

   found a domestic ròujī, Zhang Yang jumped to the country again, and checked the domestic website with the software. There are almost no domestic discoveries, but once a virus spreads, then the next step is definitely a large-scale infection. But what made Zhang Yang frown was that several large mén websites such as Yahoo China could not be accessed, otherwise the access speed would be surprisingly slow, and then many websites were completely inaccessible.

The result of the detection surprised Zhang Yang. These websites were not hacked and infected with viruses. It just seemed that the server was shut down. After looking at the result, the domain name could not be resolved. After frowning and thinking for a while, Zhang Yang fiercely If the server of these websites is not invaded or infected with viruses, then this is the only possibility!

  Related to the mysterious virus that is now evolving in the United States, Zhang Yang was immediately convinced that his guess must be correct. There is only one possibility. This possibility is that 9 root servers in the United States have been hacked! The reason why there are no other countries competing with the United States on the network is because the United States has nuclear weapons on the network. Nineteen of the world's thirteen root servers are in the United States!

  Once these root servers are compromised, all websites and Internet in the world will be affected, not just China. Although domestic websites that visit some domestic domain names may not be affected, these websites have no way to connect to the Internet.

   This is the horror of the root server being attacked. Zhang Yang returned directly to the United States without saying anything. He quickly jumped to the address i of a root server he knew in memory. The addresses of the nine root servers are all secrets in the secret, and the secrets in the middle are red secrets. Only people at the level of the deputy director know, even if the US president does not ask, they will not know the addresses of these root servers. .

How does    know? The reason why Zhang Yang knows this address is because when he invaded the North American Air Defense Command in his previous life, he needed to do some tricks through this root server, so Zhang Yang was able to know. When secretly mōmō came to the periphery of this root server, Zhang Yang immediately started scanning with his own scanner. After a few minutes, Zhang Yang was immediately sure that this root server has been hacked by someone. Everyone knows that at least for now, apart from being hidden under hackers all over the world, Zhang Yang could not think of the second person having this strength.

Even if Zhang Yang wants to invade this root server, it would take a long time without using infected insects, and its protection measures are no less than the financial system of the U.S. Federal Bank, and even better than the defense system of the U.S. Federal Bank vault Be more rigorous.

   Thinking of this, Zhang Yang felt dizzy, mad? I have a grass. If you kill these 9 root servers, it is no exaggeration to say that the World Wide Web will collapse directly, and the Internet between various countries will simply become a device that cannot be connected to each other. The loss is probably calculated in trillions of dollars.

  Regardless of the hidden secrets, become the world's public enemy, unless he runs out of the earth, otherwise, just wait to die. After slowly detecting these servers, Zhang Yang relaxed again, and the other party did not destroy it. It seems that he was also looking for something through the root server, but specifically what he was looking for, Zhang Yang did not know.

It is estimated that the technical staff responsible for network security maintenance of these root servers did not find that the server was hacked. The reason why it is affected in China is that they are occupying most of the system resources when searching for resources, but they are external. Caused by slow network access.

   Hesitated for a moment, Zhang Yang directly through his notebook, and then logged in several of their chat rooms, after entering the address of the chat room, a dialog box popped out directly, Zhang Yang smiled bitterly. It seems that after falling out with the Blackhawks, they also simply changed the address of the chat room.

They couldn’t reach them. Zhang Yang thought about it and opened qq. It’s okay to get in touch. It’s the leader of the Black League Forum. Although they say there may be no masters in this circle, but there are many family members. If there is any latest news, Zhang Yang also It can be known that Zhang Yang now takes care of both domestic and foreign, but he can't take care of it.

After contacting them on QQ, Gao Ganghe's news jumped out. When the news opened, Zhang Yang shook his head and also asked Zhang Yang: "Great God, do you know what happened? There are so many in China Why is the website inaccessible? Isn't it hacked?"

   "No, it should be that the root server in the United States may have failed, or there is a problem with the submarine optical cable." Zhang Yang replied.

   "It is not a matter of submarine fiber optic cable, we have already checked." The message responded quickly.

  In this neutral position, Zhang Yang looked at Gao Gang's news. Gao Gang also asked Zhang Yang to ask what happened, and asked why Zhang Yang called him and borrowed the server. Is there any internal information? Gao Gang also said that you are one of the major shareholders of Matrix Security. You may not only care about your master and not us.

  Zhang Yang is a little funny, this guy is smart, knows to ask, but he just doesn't know, it is Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang is. After a pause, Zhang Yang still sent Gao Gang a message: "In a while, my Master's official website will issue a notice, and then you can just reprint it."

   "Okay!" Gao Gang apparently was also waiting in front of the computer, and his news came back quickly. However, reprinting and self-publishing are two different things. Obviously Gao Gang is a little reluctant, but when the gods spoke, Gao Gang couldn't help it anymore.

   "If there is any news in China, you tell me." After thinking about it, Zhang Yang left another sentence.

   "No problem, I will find you if there is any news from the gods." He answered quickly.

Twenty minutes' time is not long, short is not short, when Chen Xiaowei's call came, nothing happened on the network, but the virus has begun to spread in the country, and because the network between the United States and Europe is more frequent Frequently, this virus has recently begun to spread in Europe.

  Zhang Yang looked at the time, and it was only after Zhang Yang discovered the virus that it spread to almost half of the world now, in less than thirty minutes. The active infection ability of this virus is evident! Almost at the same level as the infected insect. mlbgd, this group of animals is crazy. Although Zhang Yang has contradictions with the present, Zhang Yang can't understand whether he is doing máo.

  Understand that if the root server is invaded, if it is detected or detected, then it may be hidden or hidden, and their website may be forced to close. The reason why the United States is called the world police is not in vain, but that the other party has that strength. You will never know the people who have not experienced perverts.

  A few years later, the seventh part of Call of Duty, Operation Black, said that many of them were based on real events, but that was just the tip of the iceberg, not even the tip of the iceberg. Anyone who has played that game knows what level of abilities can be achieved in that game, but in fact it is far more magical than that.

  So if you really angered the American politics completely, as Zhang Yang said earlier, unless he is from Mars like Ronaldo, otherwise, as long as you are on earth, you should wait to die.

   "You use qinqq to transfer things, the official website is ready, how are you going to let us publish the announcement?" Chen Xiaowei called and asked directly.

"The wording of the announcement you read and write, anyway, we must have a relationship with our company's future business. After all, optimizing the system is just a gadget. Network security is a feast. Even if we don’t do network security for the time being, we have to give all There is a signal to everyone in the world that our company has the most advanced technology." Zhang Yang said without hesitation.

   "I understand." Chen Xiaowei nodded and replied. She thought the same way. She didn't expect that Zhang Yang, a college student, knew much, but didn't know how the virus was discovered.

  Zhang Yang directly passed the evidence in his hand to Chen Xiaowei, and then opened the official website of Star Group. After opening the homepage, Zhang Yang was a little funny. The entire homepage was bare and there was nothing. It was simply divided into a few columns. What Zhang Yang said is really just a frame.

Because the scanner is still on, Zhang Yang found out that the people who are paying attention to the website at the moment are not only Zhang Yang, but there are probably more than a dozen IPs. As for where these IPs are, Zhang Yang is lazy to check, don’t think about it, for sure It's from the group of people in the technical department of Star Group.

  After waiting for about three minutes, Zhang Yang refreshed the starry sky group's homepage, a new official website announcement was published, written in bright red letters, a world-class virus is sweeping the world. Opening the post and looking at it, Zhang Yang smiled quickly. It seems that Chen Xiaowei is really a good player in this regard. This post is quite domineering.

  At least Zhang Yang, an insider, almost thought it was true after reading it. As the Starry Sky Group said, the group's technical department has such a bad idea. The ordinary people of Huyou needless to say, after reading the post, Zhang Yang called Chen Xiaowei's phone again, and then gave Gao Gang's phone to Chen Xiaowei, telling Chen Xiaowei that Gao Gang prepared a set of servers over there, you can use the official website The data read directly turned to the server side.

After making a call, Zhang Yang sent a message to Gao Gang using qq and sent the official website of the Starry Group to Gao Gang. After sending it, Zhang Yang used the id to say: "Here, this is what I just discovered. I announce that you are watching. Yes, don’t forget the server on my master’s side. I’m going to study the virus and it’s flashing.” Zhang Yang went directly invisible after talking, but he didn’t go offline.

   There will be the latest news there will also tell Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang is also a person, it is impossible to monitor the network around the world. Zhang Yang is curious now, what is wrong with this group of people, and what purpose do they have? Otherwise, they will certainly not toss out such a big movement for no reason, perhaps their movements are ordinary people, even ordinary hackers can not find .

   But isn’t it right? There are all kinds of birds in the forest. As long as there is a little accident, people who are likely to cause a big húnluàn should not be stupid. If it is not an emergency, they should not do it. ǎo looked at the major websites in the United States heartily. Zhang Yang did not find anything unusual. No website was hacked. Obviously, the target should not be these websites.

  Did you fall out with American politics? Otherwise, why is there so much movement? In addition, Zhang Yang could not think of the second When Zhang Yang guessed, his phone suddenly rang again. Zhang Yang picked up the phone and looked at it, which was the number of Blackhawk.

   paused for a moment, Zhang Yang still picked up: "Hey? What's the matter with the Black Eagle boss."


   "Zhang Yang, you are not interesting, you will not tell me about such a big thing." Black Eagle complained when he came up.

   "Uh? What's the big deal?" Zhang Yang deliberately started to be confused.

"Brother, this is not interesting to you, let alone not your apprentice, not to mention that Star Group is not your company. The latest official website announcements have been posted on your company's website. Matrix security has been reprinted there. Are you confused here?" Blackhawk said helplessly.

   Zhang Yang immediately called Haha, he was just curious how the Black Eagle knew the news so quickly, now Zhang Yang understood it, and sent the black eagle to stare at the official website of Matrix Security. I have to say that this guy is also enough to cheat. Blackhawk knew about the last time between Gao Gang and Gao Gang. He must have said that, and it is estimated that there are 40% of the shares in the matrix security. Black Hawk also knows.

So if you can’t catch it, the Black Hawk guy probably thought of such a loss trick, and sent someone to stare at the official website of Matrix Security. If there is any latest news, they will definitely contact Matrix Security, and they will be equivalent to know in disguise Too. This is also not the way to go. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a person from the National Security Bureau to monitor all domestic and international events.

   "You said this, I also just knew not long before, where I want to tell you." Zhang Yang said vaguely.



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