The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 276: Mutant Infected Insect (Part 2)

Chapter 276 Variation Infected Insects (Part 2)

Chapter 276 Variation Infected Insects (Part 2)

After watching it online for a while, Zhang Yang didn't find anything wrong, so nubi disappeared. Zhang Yang tried to open nubi's website. Originally, Zhang Yang thought that after nubi's trouble, their website might be closed, but to Zhang Zhang's surprise, he actually opened it successfully.

What Zhang Yang didn’t expect was that he just opened nubi’s website, and he saw a sticky red post in the announcement area of ​​the whole station, “nubi is wanted in the hacker world, no limit, please see the content for specific rewards”, This post was again posted in Chapter 276 Variation Infected Insects (Part 2) in the partition of each country in the text of each country.

Zhang Yang clicked on the section in China and then clicked on the post. The first two sentences are the same as the title, but the following reward makes Zhang Yang stunned. There is only one symbol there: ∞, which represents the symbol of infinity. There are also explanations below. Rewards can be chosen randomly, money, rights, nv people, men, any kind of rewards, even if you are in a secret prison in each country, or a wanted criminal in each country, or if you want to be the president of the United States, we can also Help you solve any problems, any trouble, as long as you can find gd.

The post does not enable the reply function, but there is a dedicated connection at the end of the post. It is estimated that it is a report connection. Zhang Yang’s eyes narrowed slightly, infinity, and it seems to be very bullish. Of course, there must be some inside. You let nubi take the sun off for you, he certainly can't do it, but as he explained below.

Money, rights, nv people, men, these things almost fill the entire human society. However, what was expressed between words made Zhang Yang stunned and could help a person become the president of the United States. Zhang Yang was not surprised. Chapter 276 Variation Infected Insects (Part 2) In fact, behind the President of the United States are representatives of major consortia. Does this mean that nubi has the support of these consortia?

Zhang Yang didn't believe it. It was just a hacker group. Which of these consortiums did not last for hundreds of years? Some even existed in the United States without the founding of a nation. Could it be said that this nubi hacker group existed at that time? If nubi is bragging, Zhang Yang doesn’t quite believe that, nubi hasn’t shown the mountains and water for so many years, and with Zhang Yang’s understanding, nubi should not be bragging.

Seeing this, Zhang Yangmeng remembered that there was a chat room in the system where he hadn't finished the chat. Shut down the webpage directly, Zhang Yang turned to his server and said: "Retrieve the file I just read and retrieve it, and all academic conversations are blocked."

"Reading is complete." A few seconds later, Zhang Yang opened a text document on the screen. The academic discussion questions in it were all blocked. Although the remaining dialogues are still many, Zhang Yang is still very serious. Watched it. After more than twenty minutes, Zhang Yang turned off the document solemnly.

Something was beyond Zhang Yang's expectations. In the conversation m once had with a hacker named gld, Zhang Yang knew a person named f. Zhang Yang once thought that f was just their higher-level management. At that time, whether it was m Still gld mentioned to report to f, but from the content of this chat room, Zhang Yang realized that this f is not alone.

Or to put it another way, this f is also synonymous with an organization! And nubi is just a small sub-organization under f. More importantly, from these chat records, Zhang Yang has a general understanding of the financial resources of this f, like some companies such as Microsoft, And the financial resources of Apple, which later became the world's first company, are compared with f, as if a beggar is richer than a billionaire.

To be honest, Zhang Yang does not believe that with Zhang Yang’s technology and the popularity of later generations, there is almost nothing or organization that can be hidden under the secular world, unless this is science fiction or fantasy novels, what kind of vampires exist However, Zhang Yang knew that it was impossible. If it were not for this, then Zhang Yang would not have thought about it. Besides the political fǔ of various countries, who else has such huge financial resources?

Underworld? Zhang Yang shook his head. The triad that has been inherited for hundreds of years is not without it. There are several in China. Don’t doubt that this is not a fiction. Hong is real. Hong is the world that many people see from the middle of the film will evolve. It has been more than 400 years of history. Sun Yat-sen used to be Brother Hong. When Mr. Lin died in Honolulu in 1992, the US government deployed 200,000 anti-riot police.

Other similar Russian tomahawks, Japan’s Yazaku, triads split from Hong, Taiwan’s bamboo gang, another branch of Hong, the green gang, and other large and small gangs are countless, but no matter what these worlds are The gangster, or other, Zhang Yang couldn't think of a second organization that could support such activities.

mb, low-key and gorgeous, Zhang Yang shook his head, he could not think of it, he was just an ordinary person, and there were too many hidden things in this world. But seeing this makes Zhang Yang feel a little vigilant. On the Internet, Zhang Yang can say that he is not afraid of anyone, but in reality, Zhang Yang is nothing at all, let alone such a large organization, just a head. I am afraid that feverish lunatics can die.

If the Japanese political fǔ's wanted order only made Zhang Yang sneer a few words, the nubi's wanted order made Zhang Yang start to be vigilant, at least now Zhang Yang can't make any mistakes on the Internet, otherwise, it might be more than just The scourge of death is so simple.

Fortunately, nubi is because it is so mysterious, and like this kind of organization, it is impossible for countries to let them go, so nubi does not dare to be too blatant, although I don’t know how nubi and the f on it are done. It is so secretive, but in short, once they have any movements, I am afraid they will be traced immediately.

Perhaps they are not afraid of being traced by others on the Internet, but in reality they can be different. Once the intelligence departments of various countries start, they will not pay attention to the so-called evidence.

Now it depends on who will die first. Shaking his head, Zhang Yang put all of these directly into his mind. He knew that it was enough, there was no need to keep thinking about it. There are a lot of iron plates in this world. You should be kind. It is not good to mention iron plates and steel plates.

Looking at the time, it was already 1pm and Zhang Yang suddenly remembered it. Li Keqing didn't seem to call him today. When mō got out of the phone, Zhang Yang called Li Keqing directly, and the phone rang a few times before he picked it up: "Zhang Yang, you haven't slept yet." Ke Qing's voice was very low, and there was a trace of fatigue.

"No, I can't sleep, where are you?" Zhang Yang heard Li Keqing's voice over there, and asked strangely, it was more than 1 o'clock now.

"Overtime work in the company, there are still many things to be busy today, no one went back. I have been busy and forgot to call you." Li Keqing whispered.

"So late, what kind of overtime, nonsense, come back quickly. Besides, why does overtime require you as chairman? Isn't there a staff under them? Anyway, there is overtime pay for overtime." Zhang Yang said helplessly and quickly said. .

"It’s not good, let’s talk about it. Today is the first day of the company’s official business. We are now full of energy. Now our company’s product downloads have exceeded one million, and from the forum’s user feedback, they are all It's a good applause." Li Keqing said excitedly.

Already close to a million? Zhang Yang was also surprised when he heard this news. He didn’t expect such a big progress in just one day. It seems that the daytime events have caused a lot of bō movements all over the world. Things are covered, otherwise, there will be no such big movements in a short time.

"Then you have to rest, I don't care. Anyway, you have to come back today. If you don't come back, I won't sleep." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said quickly. Anyone who says that coquettishness is an nv man must learn to be "coquettish" properly, and the rogue tactics must be carried through to the end.

"How do you do not sleep, I will be busy for a day, you sleep first, and I will go back as soon as I am busy." Li Keqing said immediately and Then I will sleep when you come back, I haven't held it for a long time Before you fall asleep. "The corner of Zhang Yang's mouth evoked a trace of arc and continued to say shamelessly."

"Then... I'll go back in a moment." Li Keqing's voice was almost inaudible.

"That's good, I'll wait for you." Zhang Yang agreed, before hanging up the phone. There is no sweet talk between the two, but sometimes, what is needed is not sweet talk.

Li Keqing didn't know when to return, and Zhang Yang was a little bored. He just lay on the quilt and sat down to wait for the beauty to return. Do not know how long after that, Zhang Yang fell asleep.

I don't know how long it passed, a slight bang sounded, Zhang Yang opened his eyes somewhat vaguely, and vaguely saw a figure, then a familiar and intoxicating fragrance came into the nose, and Zhang Yang's head suddenly woke up. . When I opened my eyes, it wasn't who Li Keqing was. It was just that the light in the house was already very bright at this moment, and obviously it was almost dawn. A! ! ! ;




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