The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 295: Wretched Superman

Chapter 295 Wretched Superman

Chapter 295 Wretched Superman

"Your uncle, let's say, how do you want to die? Lao Tzu's great plan." Zhang Yang thought it was a bit hot. If you simply delete it, it's OK, at least Zhang Yang's thing is also perfect. What a good plan, what a rambling thing, was finally destroyed by this frivolous fat man.

"Great God, shall I act as a horse for your horse?" said the little fat man, looking downcast, but he soon seemed to remember something, and said quickly: "Great God, your strength is good, I set it. You haven’t triggered any of the very honeypots, and you just came in silently. You know, even the hackers of Niu Bī haven’t had chapter 295. Have entered my computer."

Zhang Yang is a little speechless, because you are still a honeypot, and your honeypots are just a few simple honeypots. No hacker can even enter your computer silently. This is not Is it purely?

"Your technology is okay, I'm not embarrassing you anymore, report your online id honestly, and then obediently treat me as a younger brother, I will bypass you." Zhang Yang thought about it, this fat man It's promising, hackers, if playful and trivial, can make others depressed and die.

"Ah, no problem, then I will ask the **** you if I have any questions in the future. I think that in this world, people need to be prone to be alive, and frivolous is king, and the id on my Internet is called superman! Niucha!" It's Niucha's typing.

"Bang" and "pop" two successive clear sounds sounded, looking at the words written by the little fat man, Zhang Yang just picked up the water cup to prepare for drinking. The right hand that was directly shocked was loose, and the water cup fell directly on the ground and issued. The sound is crisp. Fortunately, this cup is a tempered glass, and the floor is also a wooden floor, so it has not broken.

Don't care about picking up the drinking glass that fell on the ground, Zhang Yang Chapter 295 The Wretched Superman typed with weird faces and asked, "What's your id?"

When the little fat man in the surveillance video saw Zhang Yang, he immediately scratched his head embarrassedly, and then continued to type: "My id is called a foolish superman." This time, the little fat man didn't boast, and it was estimated that Zhang Yang asked some I'm sorry.

But Zhang Yang didn't have a funny expression at all, obscene Superman! This name is funny, but this person is not funny at all, this m is a celebrity! Zhang Yang asked a little more uncertainly: "Then tell me what is lascivious."

"It's simple. In my opinion, insignificance is when someone has succeeded in an unusual method or achieved a different purpose, and your evaluation of him also includes a feeling of annoyance-if I first thought about how good such a good plan would be. What do you think of this explanation, my god?" As soon as I talked about this topic, the little fat man immediately lit his face, and quickly typed back directly.

Looking at this incomparable yin cheap answer, Zhang Yang made sure that this is definitely the person in his memory. There is absolutely no second person in the world except for this bastard, but you have to say There is still a bit of platitude in his explanation.

Insignificant Superman, this id is not well known at present, but if it is put in five years later, hackers from all over the world will be pulled out at random, all know that Insignificant Superman, Zhang Yang is no exception. At that time, Zhang Yang had already got it He became the champion of nubi's hacking contest and became the n.1 of the unworthy hacker world, but that was obtained with the help of.

At that time, Superman also participated in the hacker contest. Although his ranking was not good, only the tenth place, but this guy was too cumbersome. When hacking into those servers, various cumbersome methods emerged one after another, just because The hackers whose vulgarity was taken out, it is recognized that the hackers whose strength can be almost sent into the top ten are close to double digits!

It is for this reason that the dark horses of that hacker contest are like a cloud. Six of the top ten are dark horses. Only the remaining four people have some fame in the hacker world around the world, and they are all famous for many years. Old jiān giant type. But this is not the case of the fame of Superman, the case of this guy's fame was later exposed by himself, saying that the famous yn photo incident was made by him.

Although no one can confirm the truth of this matter, there are more sensational things about the surly Superman afterwards. For example, the pictures of the domestic terracotta warriors of Qin Shihuang and the American Statue of Liberty nv 00 were directly made into animations. The official website of several famous travel websites in the United States.

After several small-scale hacker clashes, this guy is even more obscene and famous. He didn’t know that he produced thousands of g of V movies from there. He definitely made all the most popular V movies in history. The bomb or the virus bomb contains some viruses or damaged software, and the mail bomb or virus bomb placed by this guy contains m small movies.

And it is forced to play automatically. I remember that it was a conflict with the British hacker world in 10 years. This guy has even been frivolous even the British nv king. The most famous thing is that this guy uses several famous British services. The connections on the official website of the government all point to some of the yellow websites he has set up.

After modifying the connection, he made a disguise again. The last few political fǔ official website stupefactions discovered this matter only three days later, but the whole of the United Kingdom lost a person in the world.

Things like this happen to countless surly superhumans, but Zhang Yang was killed. Unexpectedly, the famous surly superhuman was actually a technician at this time, and he was still such a chubby looking fat man.

"It's shameless." After returning, Zhang Yang directly responded to the fat man with his comment. Zhang Yang is not worried about the emotions of the little fat man. If talking about God, this guy is definitely more bullish than the original hero.

Sure enough, after seeing Zhang Yang's evaluation, the little fat man was very excited to send a line of proud "haha" followed by a sentence: "Hey, the **** is really the god, in a word! This is my jīng pith, As the saying goes, people are shameless and invincible. My goal is to be invincible."

The little fat man replied very windy. Zhang Yang had a deeper understanding of the lewdness of the lewd superman, and he could say with excitement that he had to wait until he had no face to face the invincible state of the world, you think... Can the guy return to the ranks of normal people?

But when thinking of the surly Superman, Zhang Yang thought of another thing. The surly Superman is not only famous for his vulgarity, this guy still has real kung fu, especially his honeypot, and tracking and anti-tracking kung fu, playing What is yd is incomparable, especially the location and skills of honeypots and traps, as well as the skills of honeypots and traps, are absolutely enough yd.

This is also a must for the wretched Superman. As this little fat man just bragged about, many super masters in the hacker world in the memory have suffered losses in the wretched Superman's traps and honeypots. Even Zhang Yang's memory seems to have happened once. Almost given to the fat man's honeypot.

However, these are after the fame of Superman Superman. As for his technology, Zhang Yang doesn’t know how, but when Zhang Yang came in, he didn’t find enough honeypots. Those honeypots were still placed. Quite satisfactory.

However, Zhang Yang still felt a little uneasy in his heart, saying that under the prestigious reputation, the infamous Superman was out, and Zhang Yang immediately returned to his computer and began to re-check all his own. While checking, Zhang Yang was bragging there with the little fat man. The results of the check were quick, and there were no problems on his computer.

But on the 2nd satellite, Zhang Yang found a problem! The problem is that it appears on a feedback message from the infected insect. Since the infected insect has become a super system, Zhang Yang's server has no way to accommodate the infected insect, and the huge server resources required by the infected insect, Zhang Yang, have no money to buy.

So he let the infected insects return to the No. 2 satellite, but only left a backup in his own server, because the No. 2 satellite is designed for calculation and target allocation, the missile's running trajectory, the time and speed of focusing the target, etc. For dedicated satellites, its server resources are more suitable for infecting insects than satellite 1.

In this way, even if the No. 2 satellite has no way to let the infected insects play perfectly, it can play a part, and Zhang Yang has just been the computer of the little fat man who invaded through the No. 2 satellite as a springboard. In the feedback information of the infected insect, Zhang Yang saw an active message warning to intercept.

This is the autonomous interception of infectious insects. Zhang Yang didn't find it at After carefully checking this interception information, Zhang Yang was full of black lines, my day! No wonder the fat guy dares to brag that any hacker master can’t enter his computer silently. If it’s not for Zhang Yang’s invasion, the infecting insects will actively intercept this warning feedback at their own discretion and judge the threat level. It is about to overturn the boat in the ditch.

Knowing the reason, Zhang Yang returned directly to the front of the computer system of the fat man and re-analyzed the entire system with a scanner. When the analysis was completed, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sigh. This fat man was really talented. No wonder he dared to brag so much. The system where the fat man's computer is located is not a single system, but a hidden dual system.

Or a semi-system is enough. This guy changed the source code of the entire system, and embedded a system inside the system. However, most of the files embedded in this system are shared with the real system files, so it is a half system, and the main function of this half system is the honeypot!

In other words, the fat man turned his entire system into a huge honeypot! You dig into this honeypot, and you'll be damned if you don't find it. A! ! ! ;




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