The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 298: Memories, old things (Part 2)

Chapter 298 Memories and Old Events (Part 2)

Chapter 298 Memories and Old Events (Part 2)

Li Shuqin also stood up from the sofa, and Li Shufang also stood up from the sofa. Her eyes were staring at her mouth very nervously. Zhang Yang stood next to Li Shufang and reached out to hold her arm. Li Shufang looked back and looked at Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang. Softly comforted: "Auntie, all right.;"

Li Shufang nodded slightly relaxedly, then turned his gaze to his mouth again. Lin Nuoxue had opened the room. "Where is Fang'er?" An old lady's voice annoyed with anxiety. Soon Zhang Yang saw an old nǎinǎi with silver hair, which seemed to be about seventy years old. Next to her, there is a jīng chapter 298 memory, the old things (below), the old man in a tuxedo, there are a lot of people standing outside, but they did not follow up and were directly blocked by Lin Nuoxue. Out.

"You are waiting outside." After the old man came in, he said sharply to a group of people outside. The group of people hesitated for a while, and finally did not follow in, but just waited outside.

The old lady's eyes don't seem to be very good. When she saw the person standing here, she quickly ran towards here, and the old man didn't hold it. Zhang Yang hurried forward and stood, if this old nǎinǎi was not stable, he would be able to hold it, everyone's emotions were too excited, just in case.

"Fang'er...Fang'er...It's really my Fang'er." The old lady stood still two or three meters in front of Li Shufang. After staring at Li Shufang for tens of seconds, the old lady's face was already old. The tears were vertical and horizontal, and after confirming Li Shufang's identity, the old lady burst into tears and hugged Li Shufang, and then howled like a child.

The old man's face was also covered with tears, and he was equally excited, but he didn't rush over, but just stood by the sofa, watching the old lady holding Li Shufang's Chapter 298 Memories and Old Events (Part 2) cry.

Li Shufang's body was very stiff. Until the old lady cried for a while, Li Shufang barely said, "Sit... Sit down." He helped the old lady to sit down on the sofa, and Zhang Yang sat on the other side.

"Fang'er... so many are suffering, it's the mother who's sorry for you, the mother who's sorry for you." The old lady, who was in tears, stretched out her hand and stroked Li Shufang's face, crying silently. From the appearance of Li Shufang and Li Shuqin, you can see how Li Shufang has been in these years. Li Shuqin is bigger than Li Shufang, but the two people seem to be almost like Li Shufang's generation.

Li Shufang was obviously overwhelmed. Although her tears were also endless, her expression was so stiff that Zhang Yang could only watch. No matter who it was, she had lived alone for more than 40 years and suddenly came out a pair of parents, No one can accept this fact at once.

It’s not the way to stay here, but Zhang Yang hesitated, then stood up, gave Lin Nuoxue the next eye, and walked outside. Li Shuqin paused and followed Zhang Yang. They walked outside the room.

A group of strangers outside the room immediately looked into the room and saw that it was crying. The group of people was obviously relieved. Three people went out of the room, and Zhang Yang locked the room again. After looking at the circle of people in the corridor, Zhang Yang was amazed, so big.

It was even bigger than when Lin appeared in the army. There were at least more than 20 young people in plain clothes in the corridor. After mixing with Li Yingjie for so long, Zhang Yang could naturally see that these people are definitely not ordinary people, they should be guards. Members of the class, the reason for saying this is that among this group of people, there is a middle-aged person who resembles Li Shuqin's eyebrows somewhat, and should be of Li Shuqin's brothers.

And this middle-aged man is wearing a military uniform with two golden stars on his shoulders. Like Lin Congjun, he is also a lieutenant general! Lin Congjun was also standing next to him, but he was not wearing military uniforms, and there were two nv people who were about the same age as Li Shuqin. They should be relatives. On the other side of the corridor, there are two doctors in white coats standing, and two others, but these four people are all wearing military uniforms.

Naturally, they could not serve the middle-aged, so it was for the grandfather in Keqing who had never met before. Zhang Yang felt that he was a little wrong. He had seen Lin Congjun and Li Shuqin before. Zhang Yang thought it was only Lin Niu. Bī, but now it seems that Ke Qing’s identity as a master is not easy!

After Zhang Yang came out, most of these people's eyes focused on Zhang Yang's body, especially the lieutenant general and Lin Congjun, and the more than 20 bodyguards.

"What's your name?" the lieutenant general looked at Zhang Yang, frowning and asked.

"Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang glanced at him lightly and answered his question. It was Li Shufang's question. Zhang Yang didn't want to be too stiff.

Zhang Yang's attitude made this lieutenant a little stunned. It is estimated that it was the first time he saw a young man who faced the lieutenant and dared to speak like this. Lin Congjun next to him smiled slightly bitterly. He has already taught Zhang Yang's temper However, Lin Congjun didn’t know if he was really fond of Zhang Yang. He was still afraid that the two would make trouble. Lin Congjun immediately smiled and said, “You’re at home, huh, buddy, nv son-in-law. Boy."

Lin Congjun's interface is obviously a clear understanding of the two's identities. The little girl naturally said Li Shufang. Li Shuqin is older than Li Shufang. Lin Congjun called Li Shufang the younger sister, and the man's brother, it should be Li Shuqin's brother is gone. Otherwise, Lin Congjun's brother cannot appear here.

The lieutenant general was just about to say something. Zhang Yang's cell phone suddenly rang. Zhang Yang quickly took out his cell phone and looked at it. Zhao Fei called him and smiled bitterly. Now, how should he continue. Zhang Yang reluctantly picked up the phone and was ready to say hello to Zhao Fei. He heard the elevator "ding" open there.

The twenty-plus guards apparently noticed this situation long ago, and several people have stood on both sides of the elevator. The guards who had just opened the elevator suddenly froze for a moment, and suddenly two of them rushed out of the elevator. Then two clear sounds of "boom" and "boom" sounded, and I saw that the two guards fell down directly. All this immediately seemed to poke the horse's honeycomb.

The seven or eight guards who flaunted them directly rushed over and surrounded Lin Congjun and the lieutenant general, while the other guards rushed directly to the elevator. Zhang Yang They were blocked by a wall of people surrounded by several guards, but they could vaguely see the figure over the elevator as if they were Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie.

The scene wanted to be mixed when there was a smoldering noise. From the cracks of the people, Zhang Yang could see that Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie were not at a loss. At least seven or eight guards fell under them. At this moment, all the talents in the corridor recovered, and suddenly Zhang Yangmeng saw that a guard on his side had begun to draw a gun from his arms.

"My day." Zhang Yang yelled directly, and could not care about anything. The whole person snapped the guard's shoulder, his right foot pressed hard against the back wall, and the whole person slammed directly on his shoulder. With the help of a force, a flip came in front of him, and then one of his hands fell sharply over the shoulder. The right hand immediately slammed his right wrist, and the pistol he pulled out fell to the ground with a snap .

"Stop!" "Stop!" The first was Zhang Yang shouting, the second was Lin Congjun shouting. Zhang Yang's movement had caused the two guards next to him to rush towards him, and Lin Congjun's sigh stopped the whole scene. However, Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie didn't stop, they just put the two people in their hands before they looked here.

After everyone stopped, Zhang Yang looked at the surroundings and couldn’t help but laugh bitterly. Nnd, he could have seen the combat effectiveness of Li Yingjie and Zhao Fei. ? In this short period of less than three minutes, Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie had already placed a guard around them. If it wasn’t Lin Congjun’s prompt call, it is estimated that the remaining guards would be inevitable.

At this time, Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie apparently also saw Zhang Yang, because Lin Congjun shouted, although the surrounding guards stopped, but they all pulled out the pistol from their arms, and Zhao Fei and Li Yingjie stood back to back together , Four eyes staring at both sides of the corridor.

"What's going on?" Lin Congjun looked at Zhang Yang strangely. He just noticed Zhang Yang's movements, and he obviously also saw them, but this is obviously not the time to say this.

" Misunderstanding, the two of them are the bodyguards of our company." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Bodyguard?" Lin Congjun looked at the guard who had fallen to the ground and asked with a strange face. His tone was a little out of shape.

"What's the matter with the bodyguard?" Zhang Yang nodded his head, of course. Zhao Fei and they are no longer soldiers anymore. It's true that bodyguards are right!

"Boy, do you think I will believe this? These guards are all from the Central Guard Bureau. You said that they are bodyguards. You hired two of them to put them in the Central Guard Bureau within three minutes. The guard's bodyguard came out?" Lin Congjun almost ran away. If the bodyguards are so good, what should the Central Security Bureau do?

"Uh..." Zhang Yang choked for a moment. He originally thought it was an ordinary guard. Unexpectedly, these twenty guards were actually from the Central Security Bureau, also known as the bodyguard of Zhongnanhai. I'll go, Ke Qing, what is her grandfather? Lin Congjun and the other lieutenant general do not have to look at them. The two lieutenants have not yet qualified for the Zhongnanhai bodyguard. A! ! ! ;




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