The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 302: Protest invalid (below)

Chapter 302 Invalid protest (Part 2)

Chapter 302 Invalid protest (Part 2)

A group of people followed Chen Xiaowei into her office quickly. "The place is a little small, sorry." Although Chen Xiaowei's office is relatively larger, there are certainly not so many chairs, only three chairs and a sofa set. Of course, so many people can't sit down.

"The two specific things can be solved by you two. They will definitely cooperate with your work, but I will say it first. Everyone at the company's management level must have a bodyguard next to them." Zhang Yang said quickly to Chen Xiaowei.

Both Luo Tianshu and Chen Xiaowei frowned. For a long time, Luo Tianshu said, "Isn’t that good? We are all single, Chapter 302 Protests are invalid (below). Following a male bodyguard, this...not so Is it convenient?"

Although Chen Xiaowei didn't say it, it was obviously the same opinion. Zhang Yang smiled proudly and wanted this effect, but of course Zhang Yang couldn't say it clearly. Zhang Yang glanced at the two of them and said, "Their professional quality You don’t have to question, I’m not afraid to tell you that just two of them just put down a dozen Zhongnanhai bodyguards, so you must have one next to each of you. Remember, it’s a bodyguard, besides you going to the toilet, sleeping, and doing some private things , They will all be by your side. I said yes first, the protest is invalid, even if you are not doing it in our company because of this matter, they will follow you, and the police are useless."

Zhang Yang first shot the vaccination, Luo Tianshu and Chen Xiaowei looked at each other, both of them smiled bitterly, and then Chen Xiaowei said helplessly, "I said, are you the overlord clause?"

"Yunwei!" Zhang Yang shouted loudly.

"Here!" Yun Wei took a step forward and replied aloud. Zhao Fei told Zhang Yang on the road, the jiā sentiment between them fell into jiā sentiment, but during work hours, Zhang Yang should give the order.

"In the future, your protection against Chapter 302 is invalid (Part 2). The goal of protection is President Chen Xiaowei. You look at the accommodation problem. When President Chen sleeps, you stay outside their home." Zhang Yang said seriously.

"Yes." Yun Wei promised directly, then walked out of the queue and stepped behind Chen Xiaowei. Chen Xiaowei looked at Yun Wei behind him in a speechless manner. His expression was very tangled. Although Zhang Yang's expression was very serious, he was almost laughing. Chen Xiaowei and these people all have rented houses in the city. In the hall, or three rooms and one hall, Yun Wei's orders for Zhang Yang must be carried out without compromise, but is Chen Xiaowei so embarrassed to let Yun Wei guard outside?

"Zhao Fei!" Zhang Yang continued.

"Here!" Zhao Fei also agreed loudly. "Your protection object is Luo Tianshu, Vice President Luo, uh, Vice President Luo has more troubles. Anyway, as long as there is a stranger trying to do something without President Luo's consent, you give me abolish him, I will take care of it." The reason why Zhao Fei was sent to Luo Tianshu was that Zhang Yang also trusted Zhao Fei’s strength. Luo Tianshu had a lot of troubles, especially on this three-acre land in the city. Many people wanted to move Luo Tianshu. During this time, Zhang Yang listened to Chen Xiaowei Having said it a few times, there are several of them in the company.

"Understood." Zhao Fei nodded, and then stood behind Chen Xiaowei.

"By the way, they can act as your drivers by the way, and the dedicated drivers don't need to be hired. If I remember correctly, you can just use them as universal people. They all graduated from college." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders. He didn't make any nonsense about this. Zhao Fei and they all graduated from the military academy, they were just secret branches under the military academy.

In fact, what Zhang Yang is most afraid of is Luo Tianshu’s objection. Chen Xiaowei doesn’t have any opinions. If she has some opinions, she also estimates that they will become no opinions. If she is the company’s president, if the president does not set an example, Zhang Yang’s orders cannot be implemented at all. It is still the company's largest shareholder. Chen Xiaowei knows this.

Luo Tianshu, who came to Starry Sky Group, is very dedicated, especially Luo Tianshu’s ability is not under Chen Xiaowei, and some aspects are even more than Chen Xiaowei. In the future, an executive president of Starry Sky Group will definitely be too busy. Just let it go.

But Luo Tianshu was surprised and didn't say anything. I don't know if Zhang Yang's words made Luo Tianshu silent, or Zhao Fei's calmness made Luo Tianshu feel relieved, and she didn't resist. If these two don't resist, the others will say better.

"Li Yingjie, Ke Qing is familiar with you, and you are responsible for Ke Qing's security. The other person, President Chen Xiaowei, has assigned you jiā. Their fighting strength is similar, and the company's security work is also temporarily given to them. Some of the people are responsible, especially in the technical department, they must refer to their opinions, buy any warning equipment, don’t worry about the money, if our technology is stolen, it will be worth the loss.” Zhang Yang believes that Chen Xiaowei knows the technical meaning What's the matter? It is better to do these safe jobs for professional people. As for the security of the whole building, they are no different from those who eat idle meals.

Zhang Yang did not believe them. Both Chen Xiaowei and Luo Tianshu did not refute. The rest were much simpler. Soon, the division of the work of the 11 instructors was completely completed. A few instructors with missions went to perform their missions. Chen Xiaowei, Ke Qing, and Luo Tianshu were quickly left in the office. Of course, Zhao Fei and several of them were also there.

"Chairman Zhang Da, you really decided to have a bodyguard next to a department manager? This is a big test for the company's finances." After everyone else left, Chen Xiaowei looked at the few people standing in an inconspicuous place in the room. The bodyguard paused and asked. Since the body of the manager level is equipped with bodyguards, it is natural that they cannot afford to be balanced. Some male department managers must also have them by their side. Now that the company is small, it is better to say that when the company is large, the number of bodyguards alone is probably not much.

"Well, this should be the welfare of our company. Rest assured, there will always be money. The few of you will be devoid of resistance and must be equipped. Others will be equipped if they are willing, and those who are unwilling may not be equipped." Zhang Yang thought about it and forcibly equipped with bodyguards, it will definitely arouse some people's resentment. First protect yourself, like Li Yuxuan, Ouyang Xin, Xia January, these nv children, of course, Zhang Yang can't watch them accident.

"Even so, I am afraid that there will be a lot of numbers in the future, you few people can't divide enough." Chen Xiaowei said helplessly.

"Zhao Fei, can you still contact someone similar to you?" Zhang Yang remembered that there were many people who came here last time in the unnamed cemetery. Many of them were dressed in ordinary clothes.

"Yes, the quantity cannot be guaranteed, there are probably dozens of them." Zhao Fei answered after thinking for a while.

Zhang Yang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were so many figures in this group of people. But thinking about the many tombstones buried in the cemetery, Zhang Yang was relieved. There were four hundred people who sacrificed light alone, and there were more naturally alive.

"Well, you see, the problem is solved! You are all your own people, and I am not afraid to tell you, in fact, they are all my brothers. I owe them several lives." Zhang Yang hesitated and explained it roughly. A trace of amazement flashed on the faces of Chen Xiaowei and others, and they looked at Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei involuntarily, and soon Chen Xiaowei nodded and said, "I understand."

"It's good to understand, by the way, I forgot to ask, how has the progress of Wu Bo been over so long?" Wu Bo is now in the Starry Group's technical department, and the Starry Group currently spends nearly 20 million purchases At least half of the servers are being used by the Wu Bo team.

Speaking of this, Chen Xiaowei's expression immediately became excited: "Now it's nearing the end, the entire software is almost finished. We have calculated that for the same movie, our cost is more than the money needed to produce special effects for the movie. Saving more than 90%, more importantly, our effect is more real than some 3d effects and so on."

"How long will it take to complete?" Zhang Yang immediately asked excitedly, if this software is made, you can think about the impact on the movie industry, and then the Hollywood bills will flow into his pockets. Zhang Yang's saliva is almost running down. More importantly, the Starry Sky Group is a domestic company. Domestic movies have always been a pain in the hearts of Chinese people. Compared with Hollywood, the effect of special effects is almost heaven and earth.

If the Star Group can make this software perfectly, in the future, as long as they are willing to spend money on domestic movie special effects production, they will definitely be able to keep up with international standards, at least not worse than Hollywood. In fact, domestic screenwriters and directors are not bad, the difference is only special effects, some Hollywood, what is the reason for selling? Not his plot, nor his director, it is the plot that sells!

Take the Transformers trilogy a few years later, in addition to the lesser scolding of the first one, the online reviews of the second and third parts are quite poor, but even so, the single box office has a global box office profit. Hundreds of millions of dollars or more, this is where the special effects cow's bull fork is.

"It will take about half a month, and it will be a month, and I don’t know the specifics, and you are engaged in technology yourself. You should understand that sometimes even an inspiration, a few months of engineering may be a day. It's done, otherwise I will call Wu Bo to ask you?" Chen Xiaowei said with a shrug.

"Forget it, he wants to finish it earlier than me, so I will be responsible for him. I'm fine, right, I forgot to tell you, Keqing and I may be out today or tomorrow, probably. After four or five days, the company will give it to you." Zhang Yang thought and said.

"Wait, why are you going? Four or five days, I'm afraid that something in the company needs Ke Qing's signature or authorization." Chen Xiaowei frowned.

"It's enough to give you full discretion, we two don't care." Zhang Yang said irresponsibly.

Chen Xiaowei was a little crying and laughing, but he shook his head helplessly: "You are the boss, you have the final say, if you are not afraid that I will sell your company, then you are free."

"Hey, we're gone, you guys are busy with you." Zhang Yang wanted to walk outside by holding Ke Qing's hand.

"Wait." Seeing Zhang Yang's movements, Chen Xiaowei called out directly.

"Why?" Zhang Yang asked, looking back strangely.

"Well, don't make your relationship with Keqing public. This is good for you. If you don't want to be troubled by those reporters in the future, although there are not many places where Starry Group needs Keqing to come forward, it is occasionally needed now. But it is also a little famous in the city." Chen Xiaowei said with a shrug.

"Uh, that's okay." Zhang Yang paused, and could only let go of Ke Qing's little hands helplessly. Li Keqing hesitatedly looked at Zhang Yang, opened his mouth and just wanted to say, Zhang Yang interrupted her immediately: "But Qing, let's go to your office to talk, and I'll go first." After talking, Zhang Yang pushed away.

He certainly knows what Ke Qing wants to say, but Chen Xiaowei is also right to worry. If the relationship between the two people is disclosed, sometimes those reporters dare to write anything, and Chen Xiaowei is also to protect Li Keqing.

The two entered the office of Li Keqing one after the other, and Li Yingjie stayed in the mouth and guarded Zhang Yang...I... Li Keqing whispered after closing, but was directly interrupted by Zhang Yang: "It's okay, that's fine. If the company's employees see that their president is being soaked, I will be wronged. I'll find it. You have something to tell you. "

"What's the matter?" Li Keqing asked Zhang Yang looking curiously.

"Well, I told my mother that New Year's Day took you back to show them. How do you like it?" Zhang Yang said.

"Ah..." Li Keqing snorted, and then his face was reddened, and then his face was full of nervousness: "You... how did you tell your aunt? New Year's Day was so sudden, I... I didn't even prepare ."

"What to My mother is very good, but not an outsider, you go back with me, my mother is sure to be happy and broken, hey, her son has found such a beautiful wife, can she be unhappy? "Zhang Yang took Li Keqing's small hand, took her directly into her arms, and said on the sofa.

"Then... that's okay... that's... I'm afraid... Do I want to buy something? Can I look like this now? Or should I ask Xiaowei or Yuxuan?" Li Keqing is obviously quite the same Nervous.

"No, the ugly daughter-in-law must always see her in-laws. You are so beautiful and afraid of something. That's all. Don't be afraid. With me, my parents are not tigers." Zhang Yang comforted.

"Well," Li Keqing felt relieved when she heard Zhang Yang say that.

"Then let's go in the afternoon." Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was not before noon. It should be within time to buy the afternoon ticket. Zhang Yang's family is in Shenyang, a famous northeast heavy industry city, and there are direct flights to the city. Go back soon. A! ! ! ;




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