The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 322: Too YD (below)

Chapter 322 is too YD (Part 2)

Chapter 322 is too YD (Part 2)

"Great God, you are too YD." I guess I can't take it anymore. I sent a message directly to Zhang Yang. "This is an accident." Zhang Yang laughed twice, then gave ing a reply. Not long after Zhang Yang returned the information, the technical staff of the official website of the White House finally found out the problem. I didn’t know whether it was someone else who called the reporter or found it myself. Anyway, the announcement on the official website not only returned to normal, but also A latest announcement was issued saying that it had just been hacked.

Without them issuing this announcement, most people know that they have been hacked, but this is not the most important. Chapter 322 was just too YD (below). The announcements made by Shi Nanke Yimeng were actually not seen by many people. Even if they saw it, everyone thought it was a joke, and they just skipped it.

However, the announcement issued by gd is different. Many people did not know that it was issued by gd when they first saw it, so they read it very carefully, but this reading has some problems, that is released by Zhang Yang. This article is written based on the real situation, and there is no doubt about what will happen in it.

Even if ordinary people do not understand finance, they can clearly understand that this situation will definitely happen. Especially under the influence of the world economic crisis, will the United States sacrifice itself to protect the profits of countries linked to the US dollar all over the world? Everyone knows this answer, kidnapping all countries in the world, letting other countries pay for the losses suffered by the US economic crisis, or losing themselves and protecting the interests of other countries.

If the United States is really so noble, the first World War II will not be the time to basically lay the battle, only to run out and grab the fruits of victory.

In particular, the technical staff of the official website of the White House discovered that it was too late. Chapter 322 of the whole world is too YD (lower). Large media in the world almost reprinted this announcement issued by gd. This is the first announcement since gd's debut is not so shocking, but rational analysis.

For example, the Los Angeles Post and several other media directly asked financial experts to analyze the situation mentioned in the gd article. Zhang Yang did not expect his own influence to reach this point, but the shock caused by Zhang Yang’s article is too great, especially the crisis awareness in the United States is quite serious. A large part of those shot in Hollywood are easily This can be seen by destroying the world or by destroying the United States.

So, for things like this, these media will naturally pay attention. Waiting for some media with TV stations, they directly invited financial experts to analyze this matter. The openness of American society allows these financial experts and these media to easily obtain all kinds of bank information.

"...I didn't know who this person was before. But after reading his article, I re-examined our country's economy again. I found that this person's analysis is simply explaining the current situation in the United States. To this end, I specifically analyzed the growth rate of the domestic economy in recent years. I found that, according to the analysis of gd, our country is bound to explode the subprime mortgage crisis mentioned in his article within three to five years. I think Banks should take this as a warning." A famous Wall Street financial expert said very seriously in an interview on TV.

"So according to what you mean, if our economy continues to develop, such a thing will inevitably happen?" the host asked seriously.

"Yes." The financial expert said very simply.

The White House, watching the analysis of the financial expert on TV, George W. Bush beckoned and said to the secretary: "Call Gennat to come to my office and tell him to let him come with an analysis report on the current situation of our economy."

"Yes, Mr. President." The secretary immediately agreed, and then turned and walked outside.

Bush frowned and looked at the latest intelligence summary from the CIA on the table. After reading a few pages, Bush flirted and threw the documents in his hand on the table. Just as Bush Jr. was troubled by this matter, a white man with some bald hair shoved away.

"Mr. President." Ganet greeted him.

"Sit, have you watched TV? Is there another article by the hacker named gd posted on the official website of the White House?" Bush frowned and asked.

"This... this matter, I think I should find the CIA director or the FBI director to know his details more clearly than me." A look of surprise appeared on Ganet's face, and he asked in surprise. It can only be seen from his eyes. Gainat is pretending that the president told him to come here. Naturally, it cannot be the information about the hacker. If that is the case, the president of the United States has no idiot. To that point.

"Okay, I want to know the report I believe. I don't care about those farts. What I care about is whether he said it is true." Bush Jr. threw the CIA intelligence summary about gd on the table to Gainat. . After glancing at the information in his hand, Gainart paused, then smiled bitterly, then straightened up and said to Bush Jr.: "Mr. President, according to his analysis, it is true, but no one knows how much. What the economy will look like after years, so whether such a thing will happen or not is an unknown."

"In other words, is it still possible?" Bush Jr. looked seriously at Ganet.

"Yes." Although he didn't want to admit it, after hesitating, Ganet told the truth. Although he was not the president's staff, he was anyway an expert in financial analysis of the Ministry of Finance. For such things, he had to give the president A correct answer, so as not to affect the President's judgment on American policy.

"Well, I would like to know now, if things develop according to what he said, is there any preventive method." Bush Jr. asked quickly.

"Yes, but not." Since he had already said that, Geithner did not hesitate, he spoke directly. After a pause, he seemed to know that the president was in a bad mood. Geithner didn't sell the key. Straightly said: "The most direct way is to allow banks to increase the lending rate, increase the lending threshold, and reduce the bank's non-performing assets to the greatest extent, reduce bad debts and bad debts. So, no."

Geithner is telling the truth. Most people in the United States live in the world of credit cards. If banks raise the lending threshold, the result will be more serious than the direct economic crisis, but it will directly trigger social action. After Geithner, such things cannot be passed by the president.

"Okay, I see, but can you tell me the truth, I want to know how much this may happen?" Bush Jr. had a headache on his forehead.

"Twenty percent" Geithner said directly that when he brought bad news to the president, he also had to give the president some good news. The odds of getting 20% ​​are pretty good, but does the president need it? Of course, it is not that Geithner is not telling the truth, but after all, this is a future thing, except for Zhang Yang who has personally experienced it, who will know that the US financial crisis will erupt at once? And the scope of bō and so wide, soon spread to the whole world?

Several American banks have gone bankrupt. After all, the current US economy is still quite healthy, so Geithner is right. Sure enough, after hearing Geithner's words, Bush Jr.'s expression immediately became a lot lighter, 20%. This chance is quite small for major national events.

"So okay, please." Bush Jr. nodded slightly, indicating that he knew. Geithner also stood up, bowed respectfully to the president, then turned and left. After Geithner left, Bush picked up a phone on his desk and dialed a few numbers. The phone was quickly connected, and Bush immediately said to the phone: "I have just sent the information I have just sent. I’ve seen it, but I’m very dissatisfied. Isn’t the CIA claim to be the largest intelligence department in the world? Then I need all the information of this person named gd, not like the current one, understand?”

"Yes, Mr. President." Bush Jr.'s authority in American politics was immediately manifested, and the CIA Director said immediately and respectfully.

Of course Zhang Yang didn't know that Bush Jr. had had a headache because of his affairs all morning.

"Great God, come out to save your life" ing posted the message with an exclamation mark directly. Zhang Yang responded strangely: "What's wrong?"

"Great God, many domestic websites have been attacked by American hackers. The other party's organization is very tight, and there are probably at least dozens of people." ing said quickly.

Zhang Yang frowned: "What websites are currently under attack."

"The official website of the Ministry of Public Security has been hacked, and there is also the official website of the State Council, but I heard from GD God that they seem to be playing the idea of ​​the Ministry of Public Security database, and the Ministry of Public Security's network has also been attacked." ing continued.

"I know." Zhang Yang replied, but his head quickly began to change his mind. Not immediately, Zhang Yang eliminated this, I am afraid that nubi will not be too lute for the time being, now the whole world It is estimated that the intelligence departments of various countries are staring at nubi. They dare not dare to face him, and it is a dead word to be caught.

Besides, nubi blacked the US network like a fishing net. How many times did the last virus incident bring the US network in and out? Therefore, nubi will not be hacked for the US network. As for the ID of gd, it is even more impossible to be a fool. He knows that these people can't deal with himself, so he should not be allowed to shoot casually.

Then the remaining answer is the American hacker, but after ing they found that the domestic website was hacked, and was hacked by the other party, Zhang Yang probably estimated that at most 20 minutes, only 20 minutes can kill the Ministry of National Security As well as the official website of the State Council, ordinary scattered hackers are unlikely.

A name suddenly popped up in Zhang Yang's mind: The Ghost Force The Ghost Force, also known as the Third World Force, is, to put it more bluntly, a network combat force. The difference is that the Ghost Force is like the Delta Commando of the United States, which the United States does not recognize.

But in the US NA, under the National Security Agency, there is indeed such a network combat force. But it is not like a Delta Commando. The whole world knows that American politics does not recognize that there are few people in the world that the ghost forces know.

But I am very embarrassed, Zhang Yang is one of them. Zhang Yang has seen a lot of confidential information with Zhang Yang in his previous life. The ghost army is one of them. Although its members are not many, there are definitely many. The approximate number is between one hundred and two hundred.

The skills of these people may not be comparable to those of the top hackers who publicize them, but the ability of these people to collectively fight on the network, coupled with their cooperation, and the terrorist hardware conditions funded by the huge resources of the US government, these people The ability to invade is definitely not comparable to those scattered domestic hackers.

Zhang Yang frowned slightly, he didn't know that he just issued an announcement, how could he cause the ghost troops to get out. The ghost force is a network combat force. The so-called network combat force is not the technical personnel who are usually responsible for network security, but refers to re-warfare? *塡ü缧side Fishy Saying Resistant 缑苈耄Ping Dangying Fishy Saying 岭舒蛘咄等>Yingji 駓Reinforcement Curtain 埽Fan oh, drop down the male unloading  Que take?br/>

These are all acts of war, so ghost troops are unlikely to be dispatched. But now that they are out, it proves that they have important goals. However, even if Zhang Yang knew the ghost troops, there was no way to do it. It is estimated that the people of the Ministry of National Security knew it, but knowing that, they did not have any evidence. The American politics can completely push this matter to the hackers in one sentence.

It is too difficult to capture direct evidence on the Internet. Even if Zhang Yang did it, it might not be possible. Although there were a lot of thoughts in his head, these thoughts all appeared in Zhang Yang's mind at once, but his movements did not slow down at all.

Because Zhang Yang had only one laptop in his hand, he could only issue orders through satellites 1 and 2. "Infected insects, retrieve these websites and analyze the abnormal data flow connecting these websites." Zhang Yang quickly issued an order to the infected insects. A! ! ! ;




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