The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 326: Compare yourself with yourself (middle)

Chapter 326: Comparing yourself with yourself (Part 2)

Chapter 326: Comparing yourself with yourself (Part 2)

"Boss, the phone above." A captain approached and said quickly behind the Black Eagle. Blackhawk nodded helplessly and then stood up and walked to the distant telephone.

"Secretary." Black Eagle answered the phone quickly.

"Black Hawk, can you tell me, what is the situation? Who is this person?" The voice on the phone asked directly.

"Aren't you embarrassing me, Team Leader? If I could know, I would have gone out now, and you don't understand the computer, do you think we can find each other?" Black Hawk smiled bitterly, helpless. Said.

"Hey, Xiaohei, don't you care too much, I'm not forced to come over and ask a question? I asked you, someone asked me above, and I don't want to." The secretary over the phone smiled. Said twice, the age of listening to the voice is about the same size as Black Hawk estimates.

This title makes Blackhawk even more depressed, little black? Why does it sound like a dog? No, the purebred blackback below 8 games is called Xiaohei. "Ask you above, you can answer as you like. You can call me, I don't have a solution right now. If you find a way to find gscsd, I'll find l." Black Eagle immediately refuted the disappointment. .

"Ah, the weather is good today. I went out to see the moon. You are responsible for the things here. Anyway, if you have the opportunity, please contact the l. As for the United States, there are people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who are talking, You don’t have to worry, anyway, American hackers have also hacked our website, so you can rest assured.” The director quickly threw a sentence, and then flashed people directly.

Fuck, this bitch. Black Hawk rolled his eyes. Today is the first day. You go to Mao to see the moon. Black Hawk depressed the phone and saw everyone around him looking at him strangely. Black Hawk immediately glared: "Whatever you look at, all work quickly, don't you feel embarrassing yourself? This is your job. Let people help." Black Hawk grows five big and three thick, this staring eyes is quite scary.

It’s just that the people working in this hall are almost familiar with the Black Eagle. Everyone smiled at the Black Eagle with a smile, and they didn’t care. A few old men even whistled and said, "Boss, you Don’t send the fire to us, let’s talk about it, it’s too much of a problem, whether it’s l or gscsd help? What’s wrong with them? At least they haven’t done anything that harms the country now, let gscsd be on the blacklist. I'm very sorry for others, and speaking of it, gscsd has not helped us a lot."

"That’s it. That’s right. Boss, I said you should tell the above that the gang has been withdrawn. Once, people helped us, and secondly, they didn’t do anything harmful to the country. Third, you think that What is the point of hanging on the black list? We can’t find anyone else. Japan is even more powerful than us. The 100 million dollar wanted warrant is still there, but gscsd is still not alive and well. People should eat and eat, It’s time to drink, this time I went directly to play with the cia group of birds." Another person also stopped the work in his hand and said.

In fact, they don’t have much work now. The only thing they can do is to monitor the websites of various government departments in the country, but at the moment, more than 20 websites of government departments are occupied, and American hackers are basically attacking these 20. Many government websites, it is estimated that these hackers can't keep their face down and continue to go to other websites, so it is a waste of time.

On the contrary, the Chinese hackers in the United States have a very good record. The technical staff of the three official websites of cia, fbi and nsa should be managed by a single person. The efficiency of defense has improved a lot, but the attack efficiency of gscsd has also improved a lot. In a deadlock situation, the wave of anti-tracking of the masters just organized by cia and others has no effect. Although a few broilers of gscsd have been scrapped, but like these masters, a large number of broilers are caught. This is simply not a way to continue.

"...Are you sure this l is not the l in the chat room with us?" Lan Mo asked rhetorically.

"I'm not sure, but it should be impossible. The strength is too awkward. The defense of more than 20 websites requires a lot of operations. But God should be clear about this. God told me, This is a rookie he knew on the anubis website. This rookie grew up to this point in just a few months." Guzhu Can Meng said with some uncertainty.

"God you said." Lan Mo immediately changed the target.

"I think it may be the l." God hesitated and said seriously. "Why?" Shenyue and other people have also been with L for a short time. Didn't see what awesome that L is?

"The speed of his progress. I remember when I first met him. Although the questions he asked me were rookies, they were able to directly cut into the key points. They asked some classic questions, and his growth rate surprised me. In just over a month, the questions he asked had to make me think for a long time. And this time he did not come up for nearly two months. Only when this time appeared, more importantly, we There are too many people I know, but among the masters, who of you can know that the vest is a master of L?" God thought about it seriously and said.

"That's right, but don't people need to change the vest? After all, we sometimes change the vest." Shenyue kills still can't believe it. After all, it's too surprising. As far as the present level of performance is concerned, at least in terms of defensive level, it is obviously superior to them.

At least no matter whether they are **** or blue mo, or the lonely bamboo dream, or the roasted whole sheep brothers, it is impossible for them to simultaneously defend more than 20 websites from being attacked by dozens or even hundreds of hacker masters. And it's still a golden soup. There aren't any flaws. Isn't it too scary? Even if the other party has a bullish firewall, the firewall needs human attention.

Switching back and forth between more than twenty computers, just switching the screen is enough for you, let alone making various judgments.

"It's unlikely, no matter whether the master changes the vest, the style of this person can be seen from his invasion or defensive means. This style of l has never been seen before. Of course, it is not ruled out which master is not What amazing software has been researched. After all, this world is so big, there are still many hidden hackers. Isn't anubis an example?" Lan Mo shook his head slightly this time.

"Forget it, let's not analyze these, it's useless. It won't be good when we see the l again in the future? I don't think we should continue. It seems that everyone is paying attention to the gscsd side now, and these governments There are a lot of websites that simply shut down the upgrade and maintenance, and we don’t want to start with any goals." Roasted whole sheep interrupted a few people and said quickly.

"Then let's go watch the fun. Gogogo!" Lan Mo immediately responded, screaming quickly, and stopped the attack in his hand.

At this moment, as Roasted Whole Sheep said, the situation in China is like Juventus encountered Manchester United with a shrinking defense. Anyway, everyone is going around and the scene is not hot at all. But the situation in the United States is different. At this moment, the hackers who poured into the domestic situation in the United States are not only Chinese hackers, but hackers in Israel, Russia, Europe and other countries have almost come to join in the fun.

Once upon a time, cia, fbi and other organizations are the places where these hackers have seen detours? At one time only these intelligence organizations were bullying hackers from various countries? In particular, fbi, cia, and nsa used the power of the US government to extradite hackers from many other countries to the United States for trial.

But when did a hacker dare to challenge these intelligence departments openly and honestly, and one challenge is to get started with four at the same time! Although Kevin Mitnick has done the same thing, but when Kevin Mitnick invaded, he also invaded secretly instead of being as bright and as grand as gscsd, just stick with you! More importantly, although Kevin Mitnick once invaded fbi, he was also caught by fbi. However, there are a lot of wanted warrants on gscsd, but I haven't seen any information about gscsd in any country.

The American hackers who came to the country seemed to be somewhat discouraged, the intensity of various attacks also dropped, and Zhang Yang naturally had nothing to do. He immediately switched to the interface of the infected insect. Zhang Yang actually took the time to pay attention to the infected insect. However, the infected insect has always been attacking in a very violent way, and he is still coping with the counterattack of some technical personnel such as cia. What came out, so he did not pay attention later.

At this time, there was basically nothing in China. Zhang Yang immediately switched to the core page of the infected insect, where you can see every operation performed by the infected insect. Immediately after switching over, Zhang Yang immediately discovered that 80% of the system resources infected with the worm were performing a crazy calculation and analysis of a program.

The remaining 20% ​​of the resources are still attacking the firewalls of the three official websites. Zhang Yang was a bit curious. The program worth computing so much resources to infect insects is naturally a very important thing. Zhang Yang immediately switched to the calculation page. He wanted to see what kind of things would cost two satellites. , Plus a dozen of centralized resources of server-level broilers for calculation.

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