The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 341: Strategy (Part 1)

Chapter 341 Strategy (Part 1)

Chapter 341 Strategy (Part 1)

"If you have any good ideas, you can talk about it. This negotiation can be said to be related to the future of our company. If anyone's opinion is adopted, the company will provide a bonus of 50,000 yuan. Although the money may not be much, I hope everyone can participate in it." Chen Xiaowei took Li Keqing's words and said with a smile.

The expansion of Star Group is very fast, and the expansion of various departments alone has added a large number of people, especially the middle management of each department, and even seven or eight. At present, there are more than a dozen managers in various departments. Although the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs, although at present, such a preparation is a bit bloated for the Star Group, but this is a decision after Zhang Yang and Chen Xiaowei have studied.

Star Group will definitely have a thin development period in the future. If these departments are not filled up now, I am afraid that it will be very difficult to recruit these people if they develop rapidly in the future. So it is better to fill up these departments now, even if there is some burden, but it can still be borne by the Star Group.

This meeting is the first meeting after the completion of the recruitment of Star Group. It is mainly to let everyone participate in the management of the company and to have a sense of belonging to the company. This is very important. In fact, the senior executives of the company, Chen Xiaowei, have already made a rough preparation for this matter, but everyone has said well, that the three heads can still make a difference, and brainstorming is not a bad thing.

All the department managers looked at each other, and everyone did not speak. Except for the main people, the others were new to the company. Although they were already department managers, they had just entered the company. If you want to express your opinion, you are afraid to leave a bad impression on future leaders.

At this meeting, Zhang Yang, the nominally honorary technical director, was also going to attend. When we saw that everyone did not speak, Chen Xiaowei was not surprised at all. He smiled slightly, and Chen Xiaowei said: "In addition to a few managers, Most of the people are not very old. It can be said that our company is a company of young people. You can also see that from our chairman, to me, to the vice president, our age is not old, we are all I’m of the same age, I think we should have a common language. Starry Sky Group doesn’t have so many rules, but the chairman and the president of me have only one requirement, that is to put all your managers into the company’s construction, for us Everyone’s joint company effort."

"Chairman, President." A manager below suddenly stretched out his hand. "Well, Manager Wang, you said." Chen Xiaowei nodded with a smile. This experience is a woman about 25 to 66 years old, with a relatively high degree of education, and also had the experience of managing a department, so Chen Xiaowei placed him in the position of manager of the planning department. The current task of the planning department is not heavy. After all, the company Very small, the big direction is basically Chen Xiaowei they are in control.

Manager Wang stood up and said with a smile: "I personally like to play games when I'm fine. I know Blizzard's influence, but to be honest, Blizzard's influence in China is not particularly outstanding, except for some old game fans. In addition, few players know that Blizzard is mainly related to the domestic environment. I think we should target this time abroad. After all, our software flagship will also be the Hollywood market in the future. I think we can propose to let Blizzard advertises our products on Blizzard Carnival today?"

"This opinion is good, I really didn't think about it." Chen Xiaowei is not a player after all, in fact, she doesn't know about Blizzard, so she doesn't know about Blizzard. Blizzard Carnival is held from October to November every year, and now it has entered 05 years, but this year's Blizzard Carnival has delayed the start of the carnival because Blizzard is going to launch a new expansion pack of World of Warcraft's burning expedition.

"I have an opinion." Zhang Yang raised his hand and said that apart from the few employees who were familiar with Zhang Yang, the others didn't even know that Zhang Yang was really the identity. Even Luo Tianshu didn't know that Zhang Yang was the company's biggest. The shareholder, Luo Tianshu only knew that Zhang Yang and Li Keqing were male and female friends.

"Director Zhang, please say." Chen Xiaowei almost couldn't help rolling her eyes, but she still could not bear it. She sometimes admired Zhang Yang's messy thoughts, sometimes Chen Xiaowei was quite admired, although Zhang Yang did not have experience in managing the company, But you have to admit that he, who is not very familiar with the management company, sometimes puts forward opinions that are quite pertinent and useful. It's just that the task this time was to involve new employees and make a difference.

In fact, Zhang Yang should not be blamed. This is what Zhang Yang just thought of. "I watched the cg animation that the company just made. The effect is very good. If possible, I think we can work with Blizzard to make a movie." Zhang Yang Squinted.

"Movie?" Chen Xiaowei froze for a moment, and other employees in the company also froze for a moment. Blizzard is a game company. Why do you want to make a movie? Of course, if there is a profit, Blizzard will not recommend making a movie. The question is how much is the investment of a movie? Does it rely solely on the company's software? Will anyone watch the movie?

"For movies, there are not many Blizzard games, and there are only a few classic ones. StarCraft, as one of the main games in the world of eSports, StarCraft believes that it has been popular all over the world for so many years, I will not say how many fans, The second is World of Warcraft. The same number of registered players in this online game in the world, then everyone should know. World of Warcraft also has a stand-alone game, Warcraft, which has almost the same characters, and the rest is Diablo. God series." Zhang Yang said slowly.

Everyone is listening, but they haven't understood what Zhang Yang wants to say. "Everyone may not understand it, but I think everyone here should know a little bit about World of Warcraft, then I will say in a long story, everyone has just seen the video produced by the company. I don’t know if this video is related to World of Warcraft. The different world creatures inside are connected together, how about modern technology fighting against the magic world to make a movie?" Zhang Yang said with narrowed eyes.

Similar movies are not without them, but there are really no films with modern technology against magic. Even a few years later, there is only one film with modern technology in a different world, that is, Avatar is barely. However, although the scene in Avatar is magnificent, it is definitely not as powerful as the video of StarCraft and the arms in World of Warcraft.

"This..." I have to say that after everyone knew the theme of today's meeting, they still made some efforts, especially Chen Xiaowei and several other managers. After all, the cooperation with Jiucheng Group was because of World of Warcraft and Chen Xiaowei. Naturally know this game, not to mention mastery, these two games are completely two different types.

However, if it is made into a movie, then it will no longer be limited to the game cg promotion animation, and the various characters in it will naturally be used as desired. But whether Blizzard will agree is an unknown. Just when everyone looked at each other, Wu Bo, who was the manager of the technical department, immediately clapped his hands excitedly and said, "I agree with this! If you can really make these, Especially when the two armies of the two worlds are fighting against each other, such scenes are exciting!"

"This... this idea is good, but I don't know if Blizzard agrees. So, let's do this. We will adopt this opinion. When the time comes, you will publicize your new ideas with the negotiation team. You can talk to us directly." Chen Xiaowei After thinking for a while, she didn't have an intuitive understanding of what Zhang Yang said. She had to discuss it with Zhang Yang in detail.

However, these can't be said at the meeting, so Chen Xiaowei simply brought Zhang Yang into the negotiation team. His technical director can also talk about it in the negotiation.

There is actually another idea in Zhang Yang’s heart. This movie is just Zhang Yang’s first idea. Zhang Yang, the thought of yd in his heart, hasn’t said it yet. However, this idea is a personal idea of ​​Zhang Yang, and that’s fine, but if Blizzard agrees, hey, Zhang Yang will be don’t know that Blizzard’s designers will see Zhang Yang’s toss after , Will it crash.

It is estimated that it will twitch a few times without crashing. After the meeting, Zhang Yang was directly called into her office by Chen Xiaowei, and soon Li Keqing also came over. "What do you think you think? Can't you give the 50,000 yuan to other people? Make it clear to grab with ordinary employees." Zhang Yanggang came in, and Chen Xiaowei ridiculed.

I have said everything, and this matter will naturally be fulfilled, because everyone does not know the relationship between Zhang Yang and the company’s senior executives. Zhang Yang does not appear in the company. Everyone is just blind. Zhang Yang is the company’s technical director, and the technology is equivalent. Niucha, so he would be so free, and he never thought of going elsewhere.

But in Chen Xiaowei's view, they were quite helpless. You said that the company is yours. You are now jumping out again and snatching the 50,000 yuan bonus.

"This, I didn't mean it." Looking at the teasing eyes of several women, Zhang Yang still thought it was better to admit honestly. Otherwise, God knows what crazy thoughts these crazy women have.

Seeing Zhang Yang's decisive surrender confessed, Chen Xiaowei immediately felt bored and could only shift the topic: "You talk about what you just thought." Chen Xiaowei asked quickly.

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