The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 345: It's you who plays (below)

Chapter 345 is playing with you (Part 2)

Chapter 345 is playing with you (Part 2)

When these media went back, the top group of Blizzard Entertainment appeared in H City, and appeared in a high-tech company that is not connected with the game industry. Starry Sky Group is not completely without any reputation. At least a few times ago, the Starry Sky Group has emerged some signs. Many media have introduced it, and many people on the Internet know that, so these media As soon as the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many gamers on the Internet.

After all, the word Blizzard, everyone will associate it with the game as soon as possible. It is the leader of the game industry, and now Blizzard has appeared in China again. Could it be said that there are any new games to be with domestic companies Negotiation? The problem is that from Blizzard's previous press conferences, it seems that Blizzard has no new games to be listed recently. The only game, or online game World of Warcraft, still has a successful negotiation with Jiucheng.

Does this contract have new problems? Zhu Jun naturally saw this news. In a daze, Zhu Jun did not connect other things to World of Warcraft. After all, their contract has been signed with Blizzard. Blizzard cannot repent. The high penalty for breach of contract is not Blizzard or Another gaming company interested in World of Warcraft can afford it.

But the Starry Group... Zhu Jun is somewhat unpredictable. For Zhu Jun, the Starry Group is no stranger. Jiucheng is still a partner with the Starry Group, but what contract can the Starry Group and Blizzard sign? It seems that Starry Sky Group is not a game company. Is it true that Starry Sky Group intends to enter the online gaming industry?

In Zhu Jun’s mind, there were a lot of thoughts almost instantly, and there were also a few people who had similar ideas, but these people are the CEOs of major online game companies in China. For them, 90% of them appear. For them, it is already a threat, but this threat is not too great. Domestic online game companies can still capture the characteristics of domestic players. World of Warcraft may be very hot, but other game companies can also take a slice of it. They cannot pull all the players away.

And they all know that World of Warcraft, that game is too complicated, for most players, it is impossible to play such a complicated game. But why does Blizzard appear in the Star Group? Blizzard is a thorough game company, and the Star Group currently looks at it as a system optimization or security company.

After curiosity, the rest is just looking forward. Zhu Jun originally wanted to make a phone call to ask Zhang Yang directly. The two sides had a good foundation for cooperation before. Ask Zhang Yang, Zhang Zhang will also say, but in the end Zhu Jun still did not call This call, no matter what, the contract between Blizzard and them is unlikely to have problems, so the rest has nothing to do with him, or just wait and see if it is better. If you ask yourself, you may still ask what else.

Those in the circle who know some things have maintained a high degree of curiosity about this matter, not to mention other ordinary players. All players are excited. The emergence of World of Warcraft has made these players already looking forward to it. Blizzard produced , Must belong to a fine product, these eight words are accumulated in time, not nonsense. Does Blizzard have any new products to be sold in China?

Many players immediately began to look forward to crazy, the Star Group’s official website traffic also began to grow crazy, and at the same time, players who did not know what the Star Group was doing naturally also knew what the Star Group’s products are doing, when watching After the star group's photon defense software promoted such a bullish fork, these players immediately downloaded it curiously and experimented.

The optimization effect of the photon defense software is quite obvious. After these players have experimented, they immediately felt a little crazy. After all, who wants to change a computer when they are playing a game that they like to play and game cards, but they are entangled in When high-precision computers are a bit expensive, the emergence of a software can directly allow your current computer to play the game you want to play, and it is not as good as before. b, can these players be ecstatic?

Star Group's photon defense has an explosive growth in China. When these game players play games, they naturally have many friends in the game. In fact, ordinary players are very cute and simple, as long as your software is good. If you use it, they will help you publicize it yourself, without much effort from your company.

Just three days to love you, the installed capacity of Starry Group's photon defense software in China has increased by more than 6 million! The average increase rate is 2 million per day. This horrible increase rate makes Zhang Yang and others rejoicing. It is also a sign that Blizzard is easy to use.

Those who haven’t played games will never understand what Blizzard means to people who like games, but in three days, everyone’s curiosity has been adjusted enough, even the media community knows In response to this news, many media that do not make game news have gathered together. Everyone knows that since Blizzard has appeared here, and Blizzard’s president Mike has not left within three days, then obviously, both companies will have It is impossible to keep such a mysterious movement for a long time.

Sure enough, on the third day, Blizzard and Star Group jointly released the latest news. The two companies will hold a press conference at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning to announce the contents of the cooperation between the two parties, and Mike, the president of Blizzard Entertainment, said that it will be There are new surprises for the majority of players.

Mike's words immediately caused a shock on the Internet. In fact, not only domestic players began to look forward to, but even foreign players began to look forward to it. After all, this place in China is a little special. The time of global sales of many companies abroad will not include China. China will always postpone it for a while, but this time is very surprising. Blizzard first cooperated with a company in China. , And said it would release the latest press conference.

You know, Blizzard in Europe, America and other countries have not released the latest news abroad. Why did they suddenly go to China this time? This question is not only full of foreign players, but many domestic players are curious and excited! Does it mean that you can finally enjoy it for the first time unexpectedly, without having to eat old people's second-hand goods?

However, the specific situation will not be known until the press conferences of both parties. But at present, it should definitely be related to the game. After all, Mike mentioned the word player when he said it. Since it is a player, it is naturally related to the game.

The press conference is located in the largest meeting room in Shangri-La. Because there are the best video playback software, Star Group and Blizzard Entertainment have placed the press conference venue here. The press conference was at 9 am, but at 7 am, there were a large number of reporters in the lobby of Shangri-La.

The employees of the Star Group who arrived early in the hotel immediately brought these reporters to the meeting room to do well. Chen Xiaowei they were a little bit excited to see this situation, but no one expected that so many reporters would come this time. Although most of the reporters are journalists from major portals, there are also many journalists from well-known TV media and foreign media journalists.

Famous media such as bbc and cnn are here. Of course, don’t expect reporters from TV stations like cctv. They will definitely not appear here. At ten o'clock, Chen Xiaowei, the president of Star Group, Li Keqing, the chairman of the board, and Mike, the CEO of Blizzard Entertainment, and other relevant personnel all took to the rostrum.

Many beauties of the Star Group have murdered a lot of film in the hands of reporters, especially Li Keqing standing with Chen Xiaowei. Although she is a little nervous, this is the first time after all, but after such a long period of exercise, Li Keqing has been able to She controlled her expression well, so she couldn't see anything on her face, but they were taught by Li Yuxuan. The cold temperament made Li Keqing's slightly lovely appearance even more dusty. The white professional attire made Li Keqing attract almost everyone's attention.

At the moment, Li Keqing even compares Tan Yudie who is standing behind her. After all, Tan Yudie’s position is not so good. UU reading and several girls deliberately did not dress much, but All the dressing time was spent on Li Keqing.

"Hello everyone, journalist friends, I am Chen Xiaowei, the CEO of Star Group. Thank you for coming to the press conference of Star Group and Blizzard Entertainment. As the host, I would like to thank everyone here. Below, I will introduce you to a person , This person is the chairman of our Star Group! At the same time, it is also the sole owner of the Star Group, Miss Li Keqing."

Chen Xiaowei's words fell, and Li Keqing, who was sitting behind, immediately stood up from his position. When Li Keqing stood up, the whole scene was stunned for a moment, and immediately a warm applause broke out, and at the moment, the Internet was even more pronounced. Countless exclamations.

No one thought that the president of the Starry Sky Group was so young, and more importantly, so beautiful, just like a fairy in the world!

Li Keqing walked to the front of the podium with a smile and said softly to the microphone: "Dear reporters and friends, players and friends who watched this press conference, thank you for your continuous support to Starry Sky Group. At the scene, I was inevitably nervous. I made a mistake later. I hope everyone will forgive me." Li Keqing's gentle smile and modest words immediately attracted a good laugh.

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