The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 351: You just made soy sauce (below)

Chapter 351: You are only making soy sauce (Part 2)

Chapter 351: You are only making soy sauce (Part 2)

After finding his own goal, Zhang Yang did not temporarily quit cia's official website. After switching to another page, Zhang Yang began to search for the specific situation of this Turner. With the simple information in the personnel information just now, Zhang Yang easily found part of his information.

Just as Zhang Yang was about to invade the US government website, enter the social welfare system, and find the details of the deputy director from the social welfare number, Zhang Yang's narrow window at the bottom right of the screen suddenly changed. Zhang Yang immediately stopped the action in his hand and enlarged the zoomed-out window.

This window is the scanner's official website for monitoring FBI's official website in real time, but Zhang Yang did not invade, but only scanned in the periphery. At the moment, from the feedback on the scanner, the person has successfully invaded the fbi's official website. After hesitating, Zhang Yang secretly left his back door in cia's official website, and then erased all traces of his invasion, and retreated from cia's official website.

He didn't know what the hacker was going to do, but just in case, Zhang Yang still wanted to stabilize and quit from cia's official website server. Otherwise, if cia knew his idea of ​​hitting their internal network, if the grass was scared, Zhang Yang wanted to be quiet Obtaining the information you want is not possible.

Zhang Yang waited for more than ten minutes to quit. Fbi's official website hasn't made any changes. Does this hacker have the same purpose? Want to get some information from fbi's internal system? If it is only for intrusion and intrusion, or to show off or destroy, these ten minutes are enough for this hacker to do anything.

Zhang Yang is a little puzzled here, but the fat man is depressed and bad. The fat man is a Dutch American named William, but he was an orphan since childhood. Many people guessed right. Although the death of his parents is not directly mentioned by the police Caused, but it has a lot to do with the police. All the little fat men have envied the police since childhood. Originally, the little fat man did not want to come out recently, but just recently saw that the police such as fbi acted quickly, and the little fat man came up with nausea and nausea.

Who knows how bad it is today, I don’t know if he became stupid, or the other party became insidious. A honeypot was caught by the other party without discovering it, and then these technicians were like sharks smelling bloody. He came over and bit his tail directly.

Seeing that his more than twenty broilers were almost completely broken, William was ready. As long as the other side broke through his own firewall, he would have to take special measures to directly detonate several suicides. Virus, temporarily covering up his whereabouts, and then preparing things to run.

Anyway, even if they can find their place in the future, it is impossible for them to come to the door immediately. This is no way. Just as he was somewhat discouraged and prepared to run, he suddenly discovered that the intensity of the technical staff who couldn't stop searching for his server suddenly became smaller.

William froze for a moment. What is the situation? Is it true that the other party is kind? Seeing that you can't hold on anymore, and then take the initiative to retreat? This ridiculous idea was soon thrown out of William's mind by his mind. Fbi will show kindness. It might be more reliable to believe that the sow will be on the tree.

If this is not the case, is the other party impatient? Seeing that long attack can't give up? William didn't quite believe this idea. These guys are like brown sugar. They have no place to vent their energy every day. Finally, they have a chance to catch themselves, and don't hurry to grab themselves?

Just as William's mind was turning upside down, he suddenly discovered that these technicians were completely gone. No one can see it, and William will be stunned! Is this the situation of Shenma? Is it April Fool's Day today, God came to play with his own?

But he was ignorant, but William was not slow at all. He quickly erased all the information of his own login in the server, and then quickly quit the broiler. Then he quit several broilers in succession, carefully. After a few scans, it was confirmed that no one had followed, and William was completely relieved and relaxed.

After relaxing, William's curiosity came up again, is it true that fbi's gang of animal heads are really squeezed by the door? Just let yourself go so easily? It should not be possible. It must have happened, so that these guys have no way to take care of themselves, otherwise they will not take the initiative to retreat.

Thinking of this, William's heart was like being scratched by a cat, itchy, hesitated, William turned on his computer again, and then logged on a few spare broilers, and then carefully entered the network. Just as William entered the village like a thief, he sneaked into a hacker forum cautiously, preparing to get the latest news and see what happened.

Zhang Yang couldn't help but called me to lean, Zhang Yang looked at Fbi's official website with a stunned look like he was immediately stabbed by Ma Honeycomb, and suddenly he didn't know where from the countless security personnel came directly here and invaded Although the hacker on the fbi official website flashed fast enough, he was also bitten to the tail.

Now, this group of security personnel, also known as the hunters by the hackers, are like dog skin plasters, and they are posted all at once. But Zhang Yang was also a little amazed. The hacker's technology is quite bullish. It seems to be bullish than the fat man. After being tracked by so many hunters and security personnel, this guy's reaction speed is also violent.

After quitting fbi's official website, three broilers were placed directly in a flash. In addition, a large number of virus bombs and traps were placed directly in these three broilers. At the same time, he was also strengthening the firewall defense of the last broiler, trying to completely block the hunter's tracking.

However, the methods of these hunters are also quite arrogant. Mainly these people have horrible official resources to use, and they also have powerful hardware in their hands. In terms of cracking virus bombs, this group of people is even more simple. They are estimated to be in advance. An experimental server was found, and after being attacked by a virus bomb, the virus bomb was directly directed to this standby server.

Although this hacker's actions are rapid, his situation is still not optimistic, but his situation is much better than that of a small fat man, but what makes Zhang Yang curious is that today's fbi hunters are hitting chicken blood Anymore? How did you just discover that hacking was like being prepared in advance, and just swarmed up like this? And it's also extremely cruel, it doesn't give people a way to live!

Zhang Yang hasn't figured out what the situation is, because he just watched these hunters hunt down the hacker in front of the computer. The hacker's strength is quite clever. Zhang Yang looked at him and didn't care about other things. But William was also dumbfounded at the news in front of him, and couldn't help shouting, "oh,!"

William stared at the blue eyes like bull's eyes, not knowing whether to cry or laugh. Judging from the latest news released by this hacker forum, the reason why those FBI stalkers retreated has been found, but this reason makes William wonder whether it should be fortunate or depressed.

The source of the news did not know whether it was correct or not, but it seemed to William to be true. "...According to reliable information, just when the famous little fat man on the Internet was chased and blocked by fbi, gscsd suddenly sneaked into the fbi's official website again, but this time obviously gscsd is not going to hack their official website. It was a thorough hacking into FBI's internal intelligence system. After being discovered, fbi's security personnel and famous subordinate hunters swarmed in, and the two parties are still entangled..."

Nima! William almost bit off his tongue, is it true that the group of animals who are emotional are not chasing themselves because they have found a bigger target? William was completely depressed, mb, he suddenly felt quite depressed, chased by so many policemen and fbi, William felt that he was quite successful, at least he also caused the anger and attention of those policemen, right?

But now...William's tearless He seems to be like a little shrimp, as soon as the great **** appears, he is abandoned immediately, in these fbi hunters and technicians In the eyes of him, he is obviously not as valuable as gscsd, or even comparable. Didn’t you see that when people were going to track him, they gave up decisively and went to track a vague gscsd?

Looking blankly at the screen in front of him, William didn't know if he should thank gscsd, and thank him for leading his chase away? But... why is it so uncomfortable? But he was uncomfortable, and William could only recognize it. At least the things that gscsd did, he couldn’t do it. Although he didn’t accept it, he didn’t make any mistakes, unless he waited until he could cia, fbi, nsa plus a website of the U.S. Department of Defense is all over, so he has the right to challenge gscsd.

Now... it's like the security staff at fbi... he's just a little shrimp, soy sauce! William almost burst into tears, feelings have been mixed for so long, it is not as good as other people's mixed bulls for months, people can not compare!

your sister! If you can see gscsd, William would like to grab the gscsd neckline and ask him if you were sent to punish me? Even if fbi's gang of beasts came to scare me, even if you want to stimulate me again?

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