The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 355: Wonder Girl (Part 1)

Chapter 355 The Wonder Girl (Part 1)

Chapter 355 The Wonder Girl (Part 1)

This girl was one of the two girls when Zhang Yang brought Fang Shaoyun to the bar to pick up girls. It is estimated that Fang Shaoyun's sentence was too classic at the time. The two girls were impressed and immediately remembered Zhang Yang.

"Uh, it's me, but I'm not *, my name is Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang smiled helplessly and said.

"Hello, that was just sorry, I was in a hurry." The girl said apologetically.

Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders: "It's okay, please go busy if you have something." "Well, goodbye." The girl immediately greeted Zhang Yang with a smile, then turned and continued to run into the corridor, Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. And then turned and walked downstairs. As soon as he came out of the teaching building, Zhang Yang saw a group of students in front of him. Zhang Yang was a little strange. This school has taken a vacation to have any good places to watch.

Zhang Yang leaned in with some curiosity, and saw a little girl surrounded by a circle of people. It looked like a maximum of five or six years old. The facial features were quite delicate, and the hair was still burnt, just like a Barbie in a gift shop. It’s as cute, and it looks like the little girl looks a little mixed, but it’s more Asian, only her eyes are blue, and the others are like an authentic Asian.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Yang looked at the little girl curiously and asked a boy next to him. The boy looked at Zhang Yang and shook his head: "I don't know, well, my girlfriend saw this little girl is too cute, so she came together." Following the boy's gaze, Zhang Yang discovered that this The onlookers were a little weird, and the girls were all inside, surrounded by a circle of boys.

Obviously this little girl is estimated to be alone, otherwise there will not be a group of s big students around. "Did you see her parents?" Zhang Yang was a little curious. When children appeared in the school, they were usually teachers' children, but now there seems to be no other people around.

"I haven't seen it. We've been here for more than 20 minutes, and nobody cares." The boy standing next to Zhang Yang shook his head slightly. Zhang Yang was just about to continue to say something. The little girl surrounded by the middle was suddenly born. Shouted: "Dad!" The crisp voice like jade directly attracted all eyes.

Then under the watch of the crowd, the little girl ran directly up and down and hugged Zhang Yang's thigh. "Bang", Zhang Yang was directly planted on the ground by this "father", and quickly got up from the ground. Zhang Yang said with a cry: "I said, little girl, this dad can't yell, me too How can the freshman students in this school have such a big daughter."

"Dad you don't want me anymore." The little girl flicked a corner of her mouth, her big eyes were immediately filled with tears, the expression of the whole person became very sad, and the speed at which the expression changed looked stunned. "Beast!" A girl from around suddenly shouted.

"That's right, you are still not a human being, don't you need such a cute daughter?" Another girl directly echoed.

"I..." Zhang Yang almost spit out blood, looking at the girls who started to vomit, and Zhang Yang wanted to say that I was sprayed with salt soda to kill you and me. This little girl is also five or six years old. Look at me like Is there someone with such an elder daughter?

No wonder people often say that a woman’s IQ in a certain situation is a negative is indeed the truth! "What are you doing! That is, you look, such a lovely daughter, do you feel sorry? Don't you give birth to your mistress? You haven't gotten married, so do you want to throw her away?" Another girl quickly Shouted.

…Zhang Yang is completely speechless, well, I admit that women’s imagination is very rich. "Dad..." The little girl looked at Zhang Yang with a face of grievance, staring at him with those big watery eyes, and shouted two more words.

"Hey, let's go home, go home." Zhang Yang ruthlessly, okay, since you dare to admit, I dare to accept, isn't it a daughter? Putting aside this little girl to meet and recognize dad not to talk, Zhang Yang also likes this little girl very much, looks too delicate, just like a porcelain doll.

After Zhang Yang said, he leaned over and hugged the little girl. He wanted to see if the little girl would follow him. Although he said that the other party was only five or six years old, in any way, it didn’t look like a girl. A child with a problem in his head, if it’s not a problem in his head, then it proves that this little girl must be very smart, and she must have a reason to do so.

"Well, Dad, I love you." The little girl cheered immediately and fell into the arms of Zhang Yang with her hands outstretched, allowing Zhang Yang to hug her directly. The speed of this little girl's face change... Zhang Yang has admired the five body cast. Seeing that Zhang Yang had picked up the little girl, the students watching around stopped the condemnation of Zhang Yang.

"That, let Jean, we're home." Zhang Yang immediately shouted to the onlookers around him.

The students around them also cooperated, and let Zhang Yang walk out of the school holding the smiling girl. When he reached the school gate, Zhang Yang said to the little girl in his arms who was extremely delicate, "I said, I shouldn't be your father now?"

"Who said, you're my dad, hum." The little girl blinked slyly, then waved her fist at Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang couldn't help crying and laughing, and immediately said in a nasty voice: "Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person? Just recognize Dad?"

"As long as you don't blame your uncle." The little girl bit her finger, looked at Yang Yang seriously, and then said word by word.

"Bang" Zhang Yang stumbled and almost fell to the ground. If he wasn't afraid of falling into the arms of his aunt, Zhang Yang might have fallen directly.

"Well go, you still hold people in your arms!" said the little girl with her arms around her neck, and she patted her chest with fear. Zhang Yang couldn't help crying, but he shook his head helplessly, and didn't continue to speak, holding the little girl directly to the side of the road, while walking, the afterglow of Zhang Yang's eyes began to observe the surrounding environment.

Although he was not as experienced as Li Yingjie and Zhao Fei and they were so experienced, Li Yingjie also taught him a lot of anti-tracking during the time Zhang Ying taught Zhang Yang. This little girl appeared too abrupt. Zhang Yang is not a fool. There is absolutely something wrong with it. It's just that he doesn't know what the problem is for the time being, but it's impossible for such a big girl to have any conspiracy. Even if there is a conspiracy, it is estimated that he wants to protect himself.

Until Zhang Yang got on the bus, he didn't find anything wrong. If it wasn't too good for the other party to hide, then no one was following. After getting in the taxi, Zhang Yang quickly reported the company's place name. The company has to go through a lot of bustling downtown, and if someone tracks it, it is easier to get rid of.

After getting in the taxi, Zhang Yang still couldn't stop looking at the rear mirror inside the car and the mirror twice. About five or six minutes later, the little girl sitting next to Zhang Yang suddenly said, "Don't watch it, no one follows." "Poof..." Zhang Yang was almost drowned by his saliva, and he turned back dumbfounded. Looking at the little girl sitting next to herself wearing little boots and a little skirt, dressed in a rather foreign style, her face was shocked.

If it is a normal, five or six year old girl, do you think she can tell what the adult is doing? In particular, although Zhang Yang was observing the situation behind the car, he did it very secretly, and even the driver didn't find it, but the little girl actually saw it, and directly pointed it out.

After a pause, Zhang Yang looked at the driver in front of him, and he resisted the idea of ​​asking. This is not a place to speak, or wait a moment to talk. The taxi quickly understood the company downstairs, Zhang Yang took the little girl directly into the office building where the company was, went to the corner of the cafe on the second floor, and Zhang Yang put her on the side of the coffee table, and then called again The waiter said quickly: "Come two cups of coffee."

"I want Blue Mountain Coffee, do you have any here?" The little girl's mouth suddenly popped out. "..." Zhang Yang and the waiter were speechless. The waiter was also a 23-year-old girl, looking at the little girl sitting next to Zhang Yang with a surprised expression. Zhang Yang is about to collapse. If it’s not for the waiter, Zhang Yang would like to say something, grandma, I said, don’t make trouble? How old are you, do you know what is called Blue Mountain Coffee?

"That, some." It took a long time for the waiter to suppress the shock in his heart and nodded quickly.

"You lie." The little auntie was not at all polite, and said without hesitation.

"We do have Blue Mountain coffee here." The waiter estimated that he was also serious and flirted with the little girl.

"You lie! Blue Mountain Coffee refers to coffee made from coffee beans produced on the Blue Mountains in the eastern part of Jamaica Island. Its annual production is always below 900 tons, of which 90% is supplied to Japan! The other countries can only get 10% of the orders! Of which the United States and Europe are still the majority. In China, it can be a miracle to have a share of one or two tons per year. I’m not convinced if there is authentic Blue Mountain coffee in the coffee shop! What can be called Blue Mountain coffee is to grow coffee at an altitude of 1800 meters above Blue Mountain! Do not fool me with Jamaican coffee, even Jamaican coffee, I am afraid that none of you here are authentic." The little girl pointed at the waiter, with a crisp child voice, and a whisper of milk and milk, there was a long talk.

Zhang Yang doesn't know how to show his mood anymore. To be honest, he doesn't even know what Blue Mountain Coffee is all about. But after the little girl said something, Zhang Yang already had a general impression. Although he was not sure, he had a hunch that what the little girl said was true! That's right.

I went there. Are children's IQs at this level? Zhang Yang has always thought that his IQ is quite good, but now it seems that his full sense of superiority in IQ is estimated to be blown away by this little girl.

The waiter was also shocked. For a long time, she had some promises that she didn't know what to say for a while, but Zhang Yang relieved her embarrassment and said fiercely: "Without Blue Mountain Coffee, you can just give two cups of Nestle Coffee, remember , That kind of bag!"

"You stingy!" The little girl immediately looked at Zhang Yang crisply, and her big eyes stared at Zhang Yang.

"You're not stingy, you pay me to invite me." Zhang Yang immediately retorted, you are generous enough, how much does the authentic Blue Mountain coffee cost? You're so embarrassed.

"I have no money!" said the little girl with her arms akimbo.

"..." Zhang Yang felt that his head was a bit abnormal, otherwise why would he fight with a girl who is at most five or six years old? And... people have an advantage! Look, it's justified to say that you have no money, but you can't refute anything. People don't have should be justified!

"Poof..." The waiter was presumed to be amused by the two, and some Nijun could not help but covered his mouth and laughed twice, and then said quickly: "That, it is rare to see such an interesting little girl, so, we It is estimated that there is no such kind of Blue Mountain coffee as you said. There is ordinary coffee. I invite you, it is not expensive. You wait a while." The waiter smiled twice before turning to the bar.

"Dad, you tell me the truth, do you want to make someone else?" Seeing the waiter turned and The little girl immediately said another amazing sentence.

"Boom", the waiter staggered, wearing high heels and knocking on the ground, it is estimated that he was defeated by the amazing words of this little girl, Zhang Yang was completely speechless, okay, you think of your father as Ordinary appellation casually made me tolerate......, I invite you to drink coffee, you have to drink the authentic Blue Mountain coffee, I also endure...but... you also have to control me when I am a girl...Zhang Yang does not know how to express Own mood.

He really wants to find the little girl's parents to see what kind of demon can produce such a superb daughter, which is definitely not what ordinary people can do. Zhang Yang changed his seat directly and sat opposite the little girl. He felt that for a while the conversation must treat her as an adult, otherwise he would be beaten to death.

The coffee was brought up quickly, and before leaving, the waiter couldn't help but kiss the little girl's face. When the waiter was gone, the little girl said triumphantly: "I see it, it's all my charm, come, drink coffee, I invite you! Remember, this coffee is not your money, it's my invitation to you of."

Zhang Yang: "..." Looking at the coffee in front of him, Zhang Yang put two pieces of sugar directly, and poured it into his stomach directly. After drinking, Zhang Yang grabbed the little girl's coffee directly and ruthlessly. Take a sip.

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