The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 362: Netherlands (below)

Chapter 362 The Netherlands (Part 2)

Huck can't imagine that even with cia having so many resources, he can't find him. How did these people find it? In confrontation with another national intelligence officer, don't think how difficult it is. If you think it is difficult, then you are watching 007 series of movies.

For these agents, there are only two results of countering them, the first success, the second failure, absolutely no third possibility. And if the strategy you take is quite successful and you can directly hit the opponent’s weakness, then your success rate is definitely beyond your imagination, because these agents who can be countered are not so over-identified in their hearts, so as long as you Hit the opponent's weakness, then you can succeed.

Because they better understand the means of an intelligence department. These means do not need you to say more. They all know the result, so the person who knows the time is Junjie. Since they are ready to be rebelled, they will naturally not rebel after suffering. People, like Zhao Fei, no matter what method you use, the final result is only one, that is, he is dead, you have not got anything, or a small part of it.

Because this part of the people's thinking is very firm, unless you can completely subvert his values, otherwise, you should not try, just give him a shot, it is better than anything.

And Zhang Yang undoubtedly directly hit Huck's weakness, he was not a loyal person, otherwise he would not run away, no one wanted to die inexplicably, Huck is naturally no exception. Therefore, he has been in cia for so long, naturally he can't imagine what kind of talent can find him outside of cia's power, and still so quietly, he was found without warning.

He didn't even know how he was discovered by the other party, because there was no sign of it before. Huck was engaged in an inspiring ideological struggle there. Zhang Yang was not in a hurry. He just sat quietly. Anyway, the infected worms are not calling the police anymore, proving that the owner of the hotel below has no interest in calling the police.

"Are you a person of f?" Huck suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhang Yang in shock. "No." Zhang Yang shook his head slightly and gave him a positive answer, but Zhang Yang's psychology began to be alert. Is it true that f is so powerful? Can they be compared with the intelligence agencies of various countries?

"Take me away from Rotterdam, I can give you what you want, anyway, these things don't seem to be good news for you." Seeing Zhang Yang denies, Huck seems to have figured out what it is, and it's bare. Said.

"Ok, no problem." Zhang Yang nodded slightly and nodded with a smile. Zhang Yang's refreshment made Huck unexpected, and Zhang Yang already knew the current situation in Rotterdam when he entered the country. Almost all city management systems in Rotterdam are under the supervision of cia, and there are sentries at all important traffic exits. Of course, many people seem unable to understand that modern cities cannot have high walls like ancient times, and the police cannot control all access points no matter how powerful they are.

But for Rotterdam, forty percent of the area is along the coast. You don’t have to think about escaping to the sea. You definitely can’t run out. Just say you can run to other parts of the Netherlands. Where to go? If you don’t take the main traffic route, you can only leave on foot, but walking does not mean that you are 100% safe.

cia has a large number of satellites taken around the world every year. If you have cia advanced permissions, you will find that if you combine these photos, you will even see a documentary of urban development. These photos are taken in high-definition, you can search for most of the information you need.

Like at this moment, cia must be focused on monitoring people who leave Rotterdam on foot. After all, as long as people with normal brains will not leave on foot.

"Since you promised to be so happy, I won't say much more. I will send you some information. At present, I can only tell you that anubis should be a subordinate organization of f. As for the f organization, I will not I’m telling you, but I can only say that f can affect many members of the Senate and House of Representatives. That’s all it says.” Huck honestly told Zhang Yang directly.

It's just that this information is just what Huck said just now, and it's really not good news for Zhang Yang. Can it affect members of the Senate and House of Representatives? These two courtyards basically control the US government, and in theory, anyone in the council could potentially become the next US president. Isn’t Zhang Yang thinking that the US president may be a member of the other organization? Nima! This tm really hurts.

Zhang Yang couldn’t help cracking his mouth, and then quickly shouted, “No. 1!” “Here.” Zhao Fei immediately opened the door and walked in. The two spoke English, and they weren’t afraid of what Huck knew. Anyway, his ending is estimated to be impossible to return to the United States. If it is possible that he could explain clearly before, then after contacting them with Zhang Yang, he wouldn’t be able to clean up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Take him away from Rotterdam." Zhang Yang gave Zhao Fei a successful look and said quickly. Zhao Fei nodded and said to Huck: "Come on, come with me." After that, he turned directly and took Huck to the outside. While walking, he picked up a piece of clothing on the bed and put it on Huck Too.

When coming out of the motel, he encountered no obstacles. Li Yingjie was already waiting in the car outside. The car was also provided by Zhao Fei for their relationship. "Li Yingjie put on makeup for him. On the 3rd, we go out with plan b." Zhao Fei quickly turned his head and said to Li Yingjie, while Zhang Yang had already bowed his head to find a way out, although the main exit from Rotterdam had been cia*, but In fact, it is not absolute. The main reason is that Huck did not dare to take the risk. Even if there is a chance to go out, he would not dare to go out.

Since he agreed to go out with Zhang Yang, Huck was not ready to resist. He also knew that he was useless even if he resisted, and more importantly, Huck had already recognized the form. Zhang Yang rushed to Rotterdam and spent two Days, and after these two days, Huck was already desperate about his situation. His bank account, etc. were all frozen and there was no penny on him, and the other party was obviously familiar with all his methods. Some places where Huck prepared to escape were monitored by the other party.

Li Yingjie applied Hake's makeup quickly, but within 20 minutes before and after Zhang Yang's relationship with Zhao Fei had already finished putting on makeup. Because of the angle, Huck did not have the opportunity to see what he had become, so he had no choice but to let Zhao Fei toss about it.

"Thank you." Zhao Fei reached out and shook hands with the woman in her forties. The other person smiled and shook her head without saying much, but just said: "Do you want me to send you out of Holland? I still have here Some relations." After a pause, Zhao Fei shook his head: "No, we can go out ourselves."

After breaking up, Zhao Fei turned his head directly to Huck and said, "You'll pretend to be dumb for a while, don't say anything, understand?" Huck nodded to understand, and then Zhao Fei drove directly to a major highway leaving Rotterdam The road drove, and when the car quickly approached the checkpoint, the police in front of the inspection were already visible to the naked eye.

Huck opened his mouth a few times, and finally did not speak. Zhang Yang's face is also a little weird. Although it is said that Li Yingjie has applied makeup to Huck, it is actually not much changed. Huck's appearance has only changed partly. If you check it carefully, you can still check it out.

"No. 3, get started." Zhao Fei saw the policeman in front of him approaching the car and immediately said to Zhang Yang. Without saying anything, Zhang Yang directly opened the notebook in his hand and then directly hit the Enter key. At this moment, in all the telecommunications servers in Rotterdam, a mutant virus from an infected insect suddenly started to break out.

This virus had infected all the web server providers in Rotterdam long before the three found Huck, and it spread on the network, and even part of it has spread to other cities. Although this virus comes from a variant of an infecting worm, its variant is not complete, and its main function is also different from that of an infecting Its main function is to destroy network facilities.

When Zhang Yang activates the virus, the entire Rotterdam network will be directly blocked. Except for the partial disclosure of the network of some social welfare facilities, other networks connected to the WAN will be directly blocked. When the police came near their car, Zhang Yang had closed his notebook.

"Police officer." Zhao Fei directly opened the door and walked out of the car, and said to the three policemen who came over, "Don't stop us, we have been stopped for the fourth time. My friend just looks a bit like you. It’s just a wanted criminal. Is that the case?” Zhao Fei's words made Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie stunned for a while. After the two of them recovered, they almost laughed on the spot. Of course, there could not be any expression on their faces.

And that policeman was fooled by Zhao Fei’s words. It was naturally impossible for cia’s agents and intelligence personnel in the Netherlands to *rotterdam in general, and most of them were responsible for the task of the Dutch police, only some escape routes that Huck might take There will be CIA agents only.

When Zhao Fei led the policeman to look into the car, the faces of Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie were already full of helplessness, and although Huck was nervous in his heart, he could only replace his face with the face. A look of frustration, it is worthy of professional intelligence, the means of this play is awesome.

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