The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 373: Cut the Hu (Part 1)

Chapter 373 Hu Hu (Part 1)

Chapter 373 Hu Hu (Part 1)

"I don't know if Mr. Chen has any opinions on the cooperation between us?" Zhang Yang's words made Huang Yi immediately change the subject with a smile. If this direction cannot be reached, then there are only other aspects.

"As long as it is beneficial to both companies, I certainly will not object." Chen Xiaowei nodded with a smile, said noncommittally. Anyway, when negotiating specific things, it is said that there is nothing to say now.

"Now that we have the tone of this cooperation, it seems that we need to negotiate further. I don't know when we can see your operating system on mobile phones?" Huang Yi asked with a smile.

"The system is fast. I have a very important question now, that is about the cooperation between us. If I come up with a qualified operating system, even an operating system that will be popular in the world in the future, I don’t know if you will How much did it cost?" Zhang Yang hesitated, then looked up and asked Huang Yi seriously.

Whether it is Apple or Google’s Android system, Zhang Yang has studied that the intelligent system itself is not too difficult, especially now that there is an infected bug in Zhang Yang’s hand that is more arrogant than these mobile phone operating systems. It’s not a problem. The main problem is the hardware of the phone itself. The reason why Apple’s iPhone is popular all over the world is that behind successful marketing, it’s a hardware issue, and Apple’s touch screen is more famous all over the world.

The development of the touch screen on the mobile phone was only popular in the iphone’s first mobile phone in 2007. At the end of 2004 and the beginning of 2005, even color-screen mobile phones have just begun to popularize. , Will definitely impact everyone's sight.

"Oh?" Huang Yi was a little curious. From the previous conversation, Huang Yi could see that Zhang Yang was not the kind of arrogant person, but this sentence made Huang Yi more curious at the same time. Is unbelievable. However, Huang Yi, a company of Starry Sky Group, had studied before he came, and a company that appeared suddenly had technology that could almost be described by the world leader.

Then, as the technical director of this company, its own technical strength can not be too bad. So since Zhang Yang said that, there must be something in people's hearts, Huang Yi did not dare to underestimate.

"I believe your company's technical strength in hardware is good in China. Although mobile phones and mp3 are different, I believe you can make excellent mobile phones. But this process may be very long, and I have here This is a very mature idea. I made a request for our chairman Li. The current market value of your company is about 100 million to 200 million RMB. Our company uses operating system technology, plus 100 million RMB to invest in your company. We Forty-nine percent of the shares are required," Zhang Yang said with a smile.

As soon as Zhang Yang spoke, Chen Xiaowei almost opened her mouth in surprise, but she still held back. It's just that her eyes are a little weird when she looks at Zhang Yang's complexion. This animal dare to speak! It is directly about one-half of the shares of others. Although the current market value of Phantom Technology is only more than 100 million and less than 200 million, the market for Phantom Technology's mp3 has been opened. The prospect of Phantom Technology is very bright. As long as it is not a fool, For 100 million, it is impossible to sell 49% of the shares.

Zhang Yang's words not only caused Chen Xiaowei to nearly drop his chin, but Huang Yi almost even raised his eyes. If it wasn't for cooperation with the Starry Sky Group, and Huang Yi's city palace was deep enough, he was not angry, and instead of being a person, he might have thrown the ashtray above the table directly at him, wasn't it?

One hundred million plus an operating system that I don’t know yet, and then sold you 49% of the shares because of your words? You know, this year's pure profit of Phantom Technology is close to more than 100 million. After all, Phantom Technology has not been listed yet, but the market value is several times lower than the actual value.

"Why?" Huang Yi finally resisted the urge to throw the ashtray over and asked back. Although there was no expression on his face, there was still a hint of displeasure in his tone. To Huang Yi, Zhang Yang was simply arrogant. A company with a market value that is not yet high in Phantom Technology will say that it will acquire nearly half of the shares of Phantom Technology. You must know that there are several major shareholders of Phantom Technology. If the Star Group gets 49% of the shares, then Phantom Technology is the largest. The shareholders will become Star Group, in other words, the chairman of Star Group will become the largest shareholder of Phantom Technology.

"Oh, there is no reason, if Phantom Technology does not agree, we can also sell the system to Phantom Group, of course, the price will not be too high, but Starry Group will also enter the mobile phone market." Zhang Yang did not explain, just smiled slightly Said.

Huang Yi almost fell off the chair with his ass, are you calling negotiation? Do you inexplicably say a word and let Phantom Technology believe you? Isn't this nonsense? But looking at what Zhang Yang looks like, obviously it will not explain. Huang Yi could only stand up helplessly and said, "We will consider Director Zhang's words, but Idol, we are still better at negotiating the second way of cooperation. As for your company will enter the mobile phone market, the market is so large, we Phantom Technology is just a small company, it is impossible to block your company's path, isn't it?"

"Well, that's fine." Zhang Yang nodded with a smile, then stood up and shook hands with Huang Yi. After sending Huang Yi away from the Starry Sky Group, Chen Xiaowei couldn't help but say, "I said, Zhang Yang, are you crazy? This condition won't agree as long as it's not a fool? Do you think you are the protagonist in the novel? Wang Ba Everyone believes you when the anger is released?"

"Haha, just don't believe it. That's right. I don't want to cooperate with them. What a big cake." Zhang Yang almost drooled his saliva. He suddenly remembered a key thing. When he was just negotiating with Huang Yi, Zhang Yang suddenly remembered a key issue. After a few years in his life, an unscrupulous company seemed to have patented the technology of sliding and unlocking mobile phones.

Now that the smartphone market is blank, how many patents are there? ! At that time, because of the graphics operation and other issues, how much skin Microsoft and Apple pulled, which shows the power of the patent! There are too many patents required for a smartphone, such as multi-touch technology. Does this seem to be currently available? Even single-touch applications are rare on mobile phones.

The patent is all about whoever registers first and who counts it. As for who developed it, who cares. Jobs is very bullish, but Apple will not release the first iphone series of mobile phones in 2007, that is, two years later. It has only just begun in 2005. Shouldn’t it start researching so quickly? Apple should still be doing the iPad series.

Thinking of these Zhang Yang, I feel that I need money. So many patents cannot be registered at once, especially the successful multi-touch technology of iphone. It seems that Apple only registered successfully in 2007. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang immediately said, "Chen Xiaowei, no matter what method you use now, get me money. I need a lot of money now, whether it's a loan from a bank, or a quick negotiation with Paramount. , I want a lot of cash."

"Uh?" Chen Xiaowei was a little speechless, and she said for a long time: "The city government can have a 300 million interest-free loan, and the negotiations with Paramount, our video has almost been made, we can do it tomorrow Give it to them, and then it’s estimated that the negotiation can start, but I’m not sure how much money there is. As for the loan, if you can ask Mayor Tan to come out and use our company’s Nebula software and other mortgages, it’s probably OK. Loans of about 400 million to 500 million."

"You handle it as soon as possible, I will soon, I will go home now, I think of something." Zhang Yang quickly threw a word to Chen Xiaowei, and then hurried to the outside of the company, leaving only a speechless face Chen Xiaowei. After coming out of the company, Zhang Yang could not wait to stop the car on the roadside. While blocking the car, Zhang Yang wondered whether it was time to buy a car. Although Li Keqing and their company used a company car, Zhang Yang would definitely not be able to use it.

After jumping into a taxi and reporting the place name, Zhang Yang couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone and directly gave instructions to the infected insects to let the infected insects search for companies with outstanding research on touch screen technology from the Internet. Touch screen technology is not hot now, so even companies with these advanced technologies must have a low market value.

Infected insects are much more powerful in searching data on the Internet than Google or the like. Google's function is to list all the web pages related to the keywords you search from the Internet. But it can't help you screen, and infecting insects can help you screen all useless information, only list what you need.

For example, when searching for a company with superb touch screen technology, the infected bug will automatically search for the company's address, contact information, etc. instead of just searching back a bunch of useless introduction information and web pages. By the time Zhang Yang returned home, he had already obtained the search results for the infected insects.

There are many companies that meet the requirements of Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang probably looked at it. There are about 50 in total. There are only four in China, and these four companies can only be said to barely meet the standard, and the remaining companies are basically all. Is foreign. Among them, the United States has the most, there are more than a dozen, Canada has five, and Japan has seven or eight. The rest are basically in Europe.

Each company has an introduction to their products, as well as a general introduction and comparative analysis of their technology. Of course, these comparison results are listed by the infected insects. After reviewing it in general, Zhang Yang immediately aimed at an American company.

This company is also within the scope of Silicon Valley. Its technology is very advanced, but now touch screen technology is still in the stage of not long after its rise, mainly because there is no product that is widely used to let it start to explode, so this company is not big. The market value is probably about 5 million US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 40 million US dollars.

The current touch screen is also used on the computer, there are few other aspects, so this company's orders are not many. The network construction in the United States is much better than that in the country, especially since various companies are unambiguous in using the network, so Zhang Yang easily invaded this company's internal network.

There is no critical technology, but Zhang Yang saw their financial statements in the company's internal network. Zhang Yang didn't understand finance. After analyzing the infection, Zhang Yang thought about it and figured out his own. The phone was rummaging inside.

A few minutes later, Zhang Yang found Zhao Mengmeng’s phone number. If you remember correctly, Zhao Mengmeng should have studied finance. Last time, she was going to ask her to take a look at Baiying Group’s financial statements. Who knows the last Baiying Group So it was over, and matrix security was cheaper, which led to matrix security becoming the leading domestic security company in one fell swoop and starting to develop business abroad.

Zhao Mengmeng’s Zhang Yang naturally did not use her. The company’s financial publicity was not easy to use. Just let Zhao Mengmeng take a look. After turning over Zhao Mengmeng's cell phone, Zhang Yang dialed it directly, and the call was quickly connected. "Hello? Hello." Zhao Mengmeng's voice rang on the phone. "Sister, it's me, Zhang Yang. This is the case. Could you please help me see a financial and check the financial situation of this company?" Zhang Yang said quickly.

"It's you, okay, but I'm at home now? Are you still at school?" Zhao Mengmeng asked with a smile.

"Well, I am in school, can you go online? If you can go online, I will pass it on to you." Zhang Yang asked quickly. "It's okay, you wait, yes, I will send you a message from my mailbox. You can send it to my mailbox." Zhao Mengmeng readily agreed.

"Well, okay." Hanged up, Zhang Yang quickly received a message from Zhao Mengmeng, copied the financial statements of the company called Shire directly into his computer, and then sent it to Zhao Mengmeng from the mailbox. In the past. After about twenty minutes or so, Zhang Yang’s mobile phone received another text message from Zhao Mengmeng: "...I said, you brought me back in English, don't you know that my English is not good?"

Zhang Yang burst into sweat, and he just ignored this question. "Then I will translate it for you, and then pass it on to you." Zhang Yang hurriedly returned a message.

"Forget it, I will find an online translator myself. Although it is in English, I can understand it in general. You wait, it will take about half an hour." Zhao Mengmeng returned a message soon .

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