The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 376: Cut the Hu (Part 1)

Chapter 376 Cut the Hu (Next)

Chapter 376 Cut the Hu (Next)

"It is forbidden to use the sound line restoration system, use fixed sound mode to provide online translation, and the server resources need to be equivalent to the resources required by the server of 1,532 satellites." Insect quickly gave out Specific information. Zhang Yang immediately stunned, and then came a ecstasy, calculated according to one to one hundred, which means that only more than 100,000 servers can support the simultaneous online translation of 100 million people, so you can imagine this voice even translation system What a huge resource will be consumed.

The online translation itself does not require many resources. After all, there are only a few languages ​​in the world, but the server resources consumed by this sound feature restoration system are too amazing. After all, each person’s voice is different from each other’s. When converted to data codes, the sound line of any two people cannot be exactly the same. This is like a human DNA, there is no two people who are exactly the same.

One hundred million people is one hundred million different sound resources, and now the same fixed sound is used. The use of system resources is almost linear. However, if this function of infecting insects is added to the system function, then it must be related to the problem of system signals.

When the infected insect was monitoring Zhang Yang’s mobile phone, because Zhang Yang was connected to the No. 1 satellite, if the infected insect wanted to help other users to also achieve online translation, the signal problem is undoubtedly a huge problem. After all, this kind of thing is not agreed. Naturally, the transmission speed of the No. 1 satellite used by Zhang Yang cannot be provided by ordinary telecommunications service providers.

That is to say, if the Star Group needs to provide users with this function, there must be a global satellite network covering at least the global scope, and at least a global network system covering most areas. Otherwise, I am afraid that this function is like a tasteless taste.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang put this problem down temporarily. The cost of launching a commercial satellite into the sky will be at least 700 million to 800 million rmb. This is still using other companies’ rockets. If it is an own rocket, the cost is estimated. It will be higher, which is not currently available from Star Group.

However, even if the Star Group's mobile phones are sold globally, people who can use this feature may not be used by 100 million people at the same time. How many people make international calls? Those who can take advantage of this timely translation system are bound to be business people, that is to say, ordinary people have no way at all, or have no chance to use this instant translation system.

Zhang Yang picked up his phone and rang the American touch-screen company on the computer. Although the time in the United States is night, Zhang Yang doesn't care anymore. Anyway, he is calling the company's CEO's private phone. I have to say that there are some differences between American companies and companies in other countries.

For example, although the CEO of the company in the United States says that he owns the company, his shares are only 56% of the company. The other shares are in the hands of other shareholders, unlike Switzerland. That company is exactly the same as the Starry Sky Group. All the shares are concentrated in the hands of one person.

It took about tens of seconds for the phone to be picked up by someone: "Hello, hello." The other party's voice is still a bit confused. It is estimated that it is sleeping at this time. After all, this time in the United States seems to have just passed in the early morning. It didn't take long. "Hello, Mr. Karan, I am Zhang Yang from China. I want to ask, is your company willing to sell?" Zhang Yang went straight to the subject without hesitation.

"Ah? Hello, how are you." The other party obviously hadn't completely awakened in the brain. After confirming Zhang Yang's words, he suddenly recovered and greeted Zhang Yang quickly.

"Hello, I don't know if Mr. Karan is willing to consider the question I just raised. I am willing to buy all the factories and equipment of your company." Zhang Yang continued to ask his own questions.

"Well, if there is no problem with Mr. Zhang's bid, we are naturally willing to sell it. We just don't know what price Mr. Zhang is willing to pay." Karan's head soon became clear and asked Zhang Yang directly. "I'm willing to float 20% on your company's current market value." Zhang Yang said his price directly, he was too lazy to talk to each other, anyway, it is tens of millions of things, if you talk about this matter If successful, it is estimated that the future interests of the Star Group will be more than tens of millions.

If all of these patents are registered, for Apple, this is like playing mahjong, obviously you stop talking, and this card is quite large, it is estimated that if it is Hu, it will directly touch the other side, who knows When the opponent hit you down, he was cut off by your boss.

It would be fine if it was just cutting the Hu, but cutting the Hu back to cutting the Hu, his Hu card is still a very small Hu card, can you bear it? Anyway, if it is Zhang Yang, he can't stand it, just don't know if Jobs can stand it. And if Zhang Yang has patents for all these technologies, then if Apple wants to produce an iPhone, it is absolutely impossible to bypass the Star Group. If you want to do it, you must do it. It is not enough to apply in one country. You need to apply for patents in all countries around the world. .

" be honest, although the current sales of touch screens are not good, but for the world market, it still has great potential. I heard that mobile phone manufacturers are already preparing to apply touch screens to mobile phones. So the future market for touch screens is bright." Karan said quickly.

Zhang Yang smiled immediately. Karan was right, but Zhang Yang was sure that he was right, but he didn't even believe this sentence. If he really believed, why did he want to sell the company? As Karan said, two years later, after Apple’s iphone series appeared in the world, the touch screen system level of mobile phones ushered in the spring. Although it is said that only a few major mobile phone manufacturers use touch screens, but The market sales of those cottage phones are still huge.

How many people can buy a mobile phone like Apple for thousands of dollars? After all, there are still more ordinary consumers who can’t afford expensive mobile phones and buy a few hundred touch-screen phones. Most people are there. This is where the profits of these ordinary touch-screen manufacturers are.

"Mr. Karan, you should know exactly what you said. I’m going up 20%. If you agree, I can immediately send someone to the United States to negotiate. If not, I will choose Other manufacturers, although other manufacturers may not be as good as your company in this respect, but to be honest, the technology that our company wants to use is not so advanced, and there are a large number of manufacturers in the world that can meet such needs. ." Zhang Yang directly threw out his hole cards.

Anyway, Zhang Yang already has Mr. Mueller in his hand, and his research on multi-touch is basically close to health. Although Zhang Yang does not know the technology, it can be seen from his experimental records, as long as there is enough money The research on multi-touch technology is also a matter of time. At most one month or two months, the other party can complete the research on this technology.

As long as there is a patent for this end, everything else is floating clouds. "This...Mr. Zhang, so, we can have specific negotiations. What do you think?" Karan was presumed to be confused by Zhang Yang's very determined attitude. Hesitated for a while, or did not directly refuse.

"Ok, no problem. I will let the people below my company contact you." Zhang Yang hung up the phone directly after losing a word, and listening to the blind tone in the phone, Zhang Yang already felt a little bit. It's like being on the battlefield, whoever wins.

After talking to Karan by phone, Zhang Yang did not continue to call, and the company in the United States should not have too many problems. Zhang Yang called Chen Xiaowei directly. "Hey, Chairman Zhang Da, what instructions do you have?" Chen Xiaowei was quite depressed. Zhang Yang didn't have any thoughts in his heart. He just ran away, and then there were various tasks left in his own in an emergency. Body, needless to say, this phone is estimated to give yourself the uh, you don't have to say, there are instructions this time, the specific situation is like this. "Zhang Yang immediately told Chen Xiaowei about Dells Mueller and Karan, and asked her to contact the two companies to negotiate with them under the name of Star Group. I just told Chen Xiaowei that the conditions are good, but Zhang Yang, the US company, also gave his bottom line, up to 30% above the current market value of their company.

If you exceed this ratio, Zhang Yang does not need it. The domestic manufacturers are also good. If you buy it, it is enough for Zhang Yang to research the latest multi-touch technology. "Yes, no problem." Although Chen Xiaowei didn't know why Zhang Yang bought the touch screen production company, Zhang Yang's decision from the beginning of the company to the present is quite correct, so Chen Xiaowei did not doubt the reason for Zhang Yang's doing so.

After setting up Chen Xiaowei, Zhang Yang hung up the phone, and the rest of the matter depended on Chen Xiaowei's actions. As long as Chen Xiaowei solved the problem fast enough, Hu Zhangyang, who is a good player in Apple's hands, was determined! As for Apple's results, it depends on Zhang Yang's mood.

If you can cooperate with Apple by then, Zhang Yang will naturally have no opinions, but if you can't cooperate, then each will go its own way. Anyway, this patent Zhang Yang will definitely not be cheaper for Apple.

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