The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 390: Iron pants (middle)

Chapter 390 Iron Pants (Part 2)

Chapter 390 Iron Pants (Part 2)

This kind of thing did not happen. Several posts in the hacking forum have been sprayed because of this situation, and even many administrators of small hacking forums have participated. ; Just don't know what expressions these fans have when they know that the two hackers who they adore are quite different in character.

It is estimated that apart from being stunned, there is only one feeling left. Hey, Zhang Yang smiled smugly. Of course he knew what effect he had after posting this post. All he wanted was this effect.

"Miss Chen doesn't know if I can be fortunate to know this chief technical advisor of your company?" Powell looked at Chapter 390 Iron Pants (center) Chen Xiaowei and asked tentatively. Powell is one of Microsoft's global vice presidents and also the president of China. In fact, since Tang Jun left Microsoft in 2004, Microsoft China has no longer the title of president, but it is just what everyone still calls it.

Chen Xiaowei smiled and said politely: "Sorry, Mr. Powell, Mr. L is only the chief technical consultant of our company, not a formal employee of our company, so I am sorry, I will find an opportunity to tell him that you want to see his ideas, as for He agreed or disagreed, it would not be up to me to decide." Chen Xiaowei politely refused, but Chen Xiaowei was very curious.

l Who knows? Of course, Chen Xiaowei knows that when a monk hits the clock one day, since Chen Xiaowei served as the president of the Star Group, and since the main business of the Star Group is basically related to the security industry, Chen Xiaowei has been very concerned about this matter. Some time ago, China and the United States hacker war was such a big thing, Chen Xiaowei naturally knows, so she naturally knows who L is, and now Chen Xiaowei does not know what this L is related to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang's computer technology is quite powerful. This point Chen Xiaowei already knows, but what is Zhang Yang's id? Chapter 390 Iron Pants (middle) Xiao Wei doesn't know. However, this style is not like Zhang Yang. How could Zhang Yang’s animals honestly issue such announcements without any tricks? Therefore, Chen Xiaowei naturally dare not agree.

And even if L is Zhang Yang, Chen Xiaowei cannot agree to Powell's request. These things have to be decided by Zhang Yang herself. She is just an executive president, and Zhang Yang is the boss.

"That's really a pity." Powell was naturally not stupid. He could hear Chen Xiaowei's euphemism, so he immediately sighed with emotion, without too much demand. "But anyway, I am more confident in our cooperation. There are experts like Mr. L. I believe that our cooperation will have a bright future." Powell said with a smile.

"That's for sure. I have always had a lot of confidence in our company, and it's still true now." Chen Xiaowei nodded politely. The emergence of l made the Star Group directly through a crisis, and those hackers did not know whether it was because of l's name retreat, or they were afraid of being tracked by l to their i. Anyway, they never appeared again, so Zhang Yang was ready to work hard The thought of a game turned into a bubble.

But this is fine. If Star Group is really doing network security, I am afraid that because of this time, Star Group will have more users. Ordinary netizens are blind, especially in this era when advertising bombing has not begun. As long as the marketing is done well, it is easy to attract a large number of customers.

But right now, the number of users of the Starry Group’s photon defense software has risen to a terrible number. Although the photon defense software does not provide computer antivirus and so on, it provides the most basic functions of virus prevention and Trojan horses. For these players, this is especially important.

In fact, the computer anti-virus functions are really useless for most ordinary netizens. Trojans that photon defense software can prevent cannot naturally invade your computer. If Photon Defense has no Trojans to prevent, other anti-virus software can kill less than one-tenth.

With the sale of Zhang Yang, the press conference of Star Group and Microsoft was finally a complete success, and Star Group has caused a huge response on the domestic network. Even many financial channels have specially analyzed Star Group and are quite I am optimistic about the Star Group and hailed the Star Group as a new generation of high-tech companies in the 21st century, and the previous title was topped by ggle.

However, the date of the establishment of ggle is, after all, the end of the last world, even in 1998, it was also the end of the last century, and Star Group is a real company that has just been established for a few months, and according to the current development speed of Star Group , Even faster than the development speed of ggle.

Many newspapers and media are analyzing whether the Star Group should choose to list domestically or in Hong Kong. If it is listed in the United States and Hong Kong, it will naturally be able to withdraw the largest funds in the shortest time. Moreover, in the short time of more than half a month and less than one month, Starry Sky Group held these three press conferences with three famous companies all over the world.

They can already give investors enough confidence, as long as the investors of Star Group are not fools, choosing to go public now will bring them great profits. On the side of Chen Xiaowei, the press conference was officially ended, while Zhang Yang received a call from Li Keqing.

"Zhang Yang, Sister Xiao Wei just brought me several documents in the morning. I have read them. I want to ask your opinion." Zhang Yang answered the phone and Li Keqing said quickly. "What document?" Zhang Yang asked curiously. "It's some well-known venture capital group. There are several American venture capital groups that want to finance our company. The highest bid is to buy 30% of our company's shares for $100 million." Li Keqing immediately told Zhang Yang about the general situation.

"What do you think?" Zhang Yang didn't give his own answer for the first time, but asked. Li Keqing hesitated for a while before whispering, "Don't blame me if I'm wrong." Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said: "It's okay. Just tell me, you just gave this company away. I don't blame you."

"Yes!" Li Keqing nodded heavily, and the tone was full of joy and happiness. For a long time, she whispered: "You may think that I am not courageous, but I think... our company currently has only one fund About 100 million US dollars, it seems that there is not yet 100 million US dollars, but these are loans and some collected funds, and now the other party’s 100 million US dollars only require 30% of our company’s shares. Through negotiations, they even cost only 100%. Twenty-fifths of it is even less. If it is for stability, I think we can agree, so that we can get back a lot of cash, and the money is enough for our entire life."

Zhang Yang smiled immediately. Although he could not see Li Keqing's expression across the phone, Zhang Yang still knew that Li Keqing did this for his consideration. Li Keqing has always been the chairman of the Starry Sky Group, naturally watching the Starry Sky Group grow up, She knows how crazy all this is. In just two or three months, Star Group has skyrocketed from a company with a registered capital of 50 million RMB to the current total market value. According to the estimate of this venture company, the market value has exceeded Over 300 million US dollars, which is more than 2 billion RMB!

Forty times in three months! All this seems quite crazy in Li Keqing's eyes. She is afraid that one day she will not manage the company badly, and the entire company will become nothing at all, so she has this idea. Zhang Yang just started to speak, and Li Keqing hurriedly said, "Zhang Yang... I don't believe you, I also believe that our company can make greater achievements, but... I think... sometimes enough money is enough."

Of course, Zhang Yang cannot blame Li Keqing. She has such thoughts. It should be understood that a few months ago, Li Keqing was just an ordinary girl with only one mother and no monthly living expenses of four hundred yuan. After a few months, she now manages a company with total assets of more than 2 billion RMB... No one can get rid of the previous idea at once.

"I understand, I understand, well, Qingqing, you don’t have to worry about me being unhappy, you can think about it, I’m very happy, just when I set up this I said that This is a company established for your ideals. Do you want to one day become a company like Microsoft, ibm, inel? And all of this grew up with your efforts. We have lived a lifetime, There is always something left, you have me, I have you, and we have to do some other things. Starry Sky Group is what we two left in this world, even if it goes bankrupt after many years. Disappeared, as long as we have experienced, this is itself a kind of wealth." Zhang Yang said softly.

Zhang Yang is not good at telling the truth, and he doesn't want to tell the truth, but how can people not live for 80 years? As for what happened after death, who knows, and when you are alive now, if you have a chance, why not go crazy? "Well, I understand." Li Keqing's tone was full of joy, and he nodded and said happily. After a pause, Li Keqing continued: "Then I told them that I want 20% of our company's shares, take Just pay $50 billion."

"Haha...Okay." Zhang Yang immediately laughed twice, no matter what others thought about it, but as long as they felt that the company was worth so much in the future, let alone... who dare to guarantee the value of the Star Group after a few years Will it be less than $250 billion? RO! ! ! ;




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