The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 470: Fengmanlou (middle)

Chapter 470 Feng Man Lou (middle)

Everyone is waiting for the response of the Starry Sky Group, but everyone has miscalculated the Starry Sky Group’s reaction. Although Chen Xiaowei said to deal with it, the processing speed was not so fast, just after these announcements reached the Starry Sky Group three It took many hours for the Starry Sky Group to respond, but this reaction not only surprised everyone, but also shattered the eyes of people who were concerned about the matter. ;

More importantly, behind some of the people who performed it personally, a cold sweat appeared faintly, and there was a faint hint of chill coming up from their necks.

Zhang Yang is no longer at home, he has arrived in the Starry Sky Group. Zhang Yang had already thought about it, didn't you play with Yin? Well, I will play with you, and Lao Tzu will tell you directly, Chapter 470 Feng Man Lou (middle) This is Lao Tzu's trap, you have to jump down alive! As for what to do if I jump down, I won’t let a layer of skin fall, so I’m not named Zhang!

In the past three hours, the entire senior management of the Star Group has been fully operational, and Huang Kexin is like Li Keqing’s bodyguard. He has been behind Li Keqing. For the three hours that the Star Group has done, Huang Kexin has seen it. Eyes. Before coming, the cause and the result of this matter can be said that Huang Kexin knows! Because Huang Kexin aggregated the information and reported it to the old general.

But at the time, Huang Kexin did not take this matter seriously. After all, what was the identity of the old general? If the old general spoke, let alone Zhang Yang did not completely abolish Lu Haitao, even if Lu Haitao was completely abolished, I am afraid that the final result will be a big thing and a little thing, not to mention that this **** thing is not Zhang Yang’s fault!

But when he heard that Zhang Yang rejected the help of the old general and had to rely on his own power to solve it, Huang Kexin felt a little dizzy. If he did not rely on the power of the old general, Huang Kexin didn't know what Zhang Yang could solve. Who is the other party? The strength comparison between the two sides is not at one level at all, so when the old man explained Huang Kexin to the Starry Sky Group, Chapter 470 Fengfeng Manlou (middle), Huang Kexin hurried to come, he can foresee the other party's actions soon It will unfold, and I am afraid that it will still use the power of the old general.

So before coming, Huang Kexin had secretly greeted an old general, an old man, etc., to prepare them. But killing Huang Kexin did not expect that Zhang Yang's reaction was actually like this, but after seeing these reactions of the Starry Sky Group, Huang Kexin had only one feeling, that is, his back was cold!

Huang Kexin's look in Zhang Yang's eyes is like getting a naked nude, how old is this young man? But this vision is really poisonous. After these three hours, Huang Kexin's understanding of Zhang Yang changed from a talented but very arrogant young man to a stable and mature, and his eyes are sharp, and most importantly, there are also Quite a terrible strategic vision! If this was put on a few decades ago, this might be another marshal!

At the same time, Huang Kexin also knew that he was caught in a misunderstanding, because although he can't talk about being in a high-level, but his knowledge is absolutely high-end, so Huang Kexin is accustomed to solving official problems in the officialdom, and is used to solving problems in private, but how about Zhang Yang? It doesn't play cards according to common sense at all. It can be said that this young man simply ignores all your attacks and puts the knife directly on the opponent's neck.

In a word, ruthless! Very ruthless! What did Zhang Yang do? It is said that no one believes that Zhang Yang actually did something that is quite idiotic to outsiders. First, Zhang Yang asked Chen Xiaowei to quickly contact Blizzard Entertainment and Paramount Film Production Co., Ltd., and then directly give the two companies everything. Of the cooperation contract paid a total of USD 220 million in liquidated damages!

At that time, I received a notice from the Star Group and liquidated damages. The two companies were almost stunned. You know, they are completely addicted to the power of Nebula Software, especially Paramount Pictures, and I don’t know why they went to Para. The production team of the superman returned by the Mongolian company, the power of Nebula software completely solved the problem of the connection of some special effects, so after receiving the notice of out-of-world penalty from the Star Group, Paramount’s executive president simply ignored the current In the evening, I called the Star Group directly, and I was even willing to provide more funds!

But after the Star Group finished the situation, Paramount’s president became angry. Of course, it’s not Zhang Yang who explained it, but Chen Xiaowei. Chen Xiaowei was annoyed because of this matter, so the tone of the description It will inevitably bring some gratitude.

After learning that this was the case because of such a small incident, President Paramount directly contacted his company's lawyer, and then asked the lawyer to protest directly to the US Embassy in China. And the same thing almost appears on Blizzard Entertainment. These foreigners have different ideas from the nationals. In their view, the government of their own country is to protect the interests of their people. They pay so much tax every year. These The government should do things for them.

I have to say that this is the difference in thinking caused by cultural differences. If domestic companies, it is impossible to do this. It only took nearly two hours to deal with the two companies, and the rest was that Zhang Yang let the technical department's human communication system notice and sent a system notice to all users of photon defense software. The notice was just What Chen Xiaowei told Zhang Yang, what is involved in technology rights and the like.

After all these were processed, Zhang Yang made three consecutive announcements on the official website of the Star Group. The first announcement was the termination of the contract with Paramount and payment of liquidated damages. The second contract was Starry Sky. The group terminated its contract with Blizzard Entertainment and paid liquidated damages, and the third contract was an announcement regarding the discontinuation of the photon defense software and the simplified version of Nebula software.

The reasons for these three announcements were naturally spoken by Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang did not hesitate at all and did not explain to ordinary netizens at all. He directly posted the documents sent by several relevant departments in the announcement on the official website, but only received at the end. In a word, Star Group will resolutely cooperate with the inspection of the state department.

A series of things smashed everyone, you know, this series of things is down, this is not just a temper, it is making money! The people who just saw this announcement thought that this is the Starry Sky Group service, but these people just thought about it, and the cold sweat on their heads came down. Everyone's thoughts are almost the same as Huang Kexin, this young man is ruthless enough!

Many people may not understand it, but look at the reaction of the outside world to know! In addition to these people who know, no one else, including the media, knows this matter. But when the Star Group released these announcements, those TV stations and the like immediately understood that there was something stupid in it. Although there was news, their director still pressed and did not broadcast, just let people quickly understand the situation.

But the spread on the Internet is not unacceptable, the major portals almost immediately reprinted the announcement of the Star Group. After these announcements were issued, the first reaction of all netizens who saw it was, wasn’t it April Fool? When these netizens determine that today is not April Fool's Day, and what they see is not a joke or the like, these netizens become angry.

In fact, ordinary people in China are very cute, and ordinary netizens are also very cute. Although the life of modern society may make them a little numb, except for such a very small and small part of the people who are adoring and charming, the rest are from the bones. There is a longing, longing for the strength of their own country, longing for something in their own country, and Starry Sky Group undoubtedly satisfies the hearts of these people.

Let these netizens have capital when they scold online with those foreign "friends"! In the past, there was no capital for scolding, but these netizens can now say very arrogantly, are you not very arrogant? Looking at our Starry Sky Group, how long has our chairman Li Keqing been the richest man in the world! What do you install? Have the ability to find a similar company in your country?

Can the Star Group example be copied? Can we copy this example from nothing until the market value is close to hundreds of billions of dollars in just over half a year? No, so those foreign netizens who were scolded were almost choked to death. These netizens in China were cool, and naturally loved the Starry Star Group from their hearts. Now such an announcement comes out inexplicably, causing Star Group to lose a lot of money before and after. 100 million US dollars, this is still not listed by Star If listed, I am afraid that the shares of Star Group will immediately plunge. I don’t know how much.

Where did this anger go? The answer is simply self-evident. The official websites of several related departments collapsed directly due to huge traffic, and the forums are full of abused posts.

A netizen's post was ordered high on several portals and was reprinted everywhere. This post also reflects the opinions of all netizens. "Your group..., will you do some personnel? What does our domestic economy look like, you all... Clearly, not to mention the black smoke, all the cattle enterprises are related, and now there is a private enterprise, And you still got the world’s richest private company all at once, and you... will drag your feet! Look at the reasons you are looking for,... Shame not shameless? If there is an infringement problem, it will be delayed until half a year. What is **** antitrust, yes? What monopolizes? Cybersecurity monopolizes? So many domestic security companies eat shit? This is called monopoly? Computer special effects monopolized? Do you... still want us to stop watching those brain-dead movies? That's called computer special effects? If your own special effects aren't enough, you say that other people's special effects are monopolies? Apply the director of Star Group, monopolize your sister!......"! ! ! ;




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