The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 477: The urge to vomit blood (middle)

Chapter 477 The urge to vomit blood (Part 2)

Chapter 477 The urge to vomit blood (Part 2)

When Zhang Yang came to the meeting room, several employees of the personnel department were standing at the door of the meeting room and saw Zhang Yang coming. These employees quickly stood up and greeted Zhang Yang respectfully. "Oh, it's okay, you sit down, take a rest, usually quite tired, I just go in." Zhang Yang smiled, waved at these mm, reached out and knocked on the door of the meeting room, and then just Opened the door and went in.

When Zhang Yang just entered the meeting room, he saw that the company's main management staff were there, and there were six or seven people sitting on the other side. The head was the slender old man who Zhang Zhang had seen photos online, Li Ka-shing. Upon seeing Zhang Yang coming in, Li Ka-shing froze for a moment, and immediately recognized Zhang Yang, and Li Ka-shing immediately stood up from his position.

"Mr. Zhang, long admiration, long admiration." Li Jiacheng smiled and stretched out his hand across the table. Zhang Yang also hurriedly stretched out his hand and walked over, said while walking: "Mr. Li, laughing, you are The person I admire the most, you are my idol."

Li Ka-shing "haha" laughed twice, and then held Zhang Yang and said: "Mr. Zhang, I want to tell you the same thing. You are also the person I admire the most and also my idol." Li Ka-shing said Although the words were said with a smile, they did not give any sense of joking. Obviously Li Ka-shing said the truth, Zhang Yang laughed twice, but Zhang Yang did not continue to be humble. In fact, Li Keqing and Zhang Yang are almost all Idols of all business people in the world.

Luo Tianshu, who was sitting next to Chen Xiaowei, smiled and stood up to give Zhang Yang a position. He shook hands with the people behind Li Ka-shing and introduced each other. Zhang Yang then sat down in the position that Luo Tianshu gave up. Because of Li Keqing’s personal announcement, everyone now knows that Zhang Yang is the true founder of Starry Sky Group. Although Zhang Yang still has no shares, no one doubts that Zhang Yang can control the entire Starry Sky Group.

"To be honest, I was very surprised when I just received the phone call. I didn't expect Mr. Li to visit us. Mr. Li should say hello in advance. We should entertain Mr. Li." After sitting down, Zhang Yang made a sentence.

"Actually, I came to H city yesterday, but when I was going to visit yesterday, a lot happened to the Star Group, so I did not venture to visit." Li Ka-shing said with a smile.

Zhang Yangwei nodded with a smile before asking: "Mr. Li came this time because of the construction of the Star Park?" The Yangtze River Industry under Li Ka-shing is a famous real estate company. People like Li Ka-shing are naturally impossible. Just came to the country just because of the visit.

Although Hong Kong is now very easy to go to China, if nothing happens, Li Ka-shing is not so busy. "Yes, we Changjiang Industry want to take this project." Li Ka-shing nodded happily. Zhang Yang smiled immediately: "If it is appropriate, I am naturally okay, and Changjiang Industry is also the most powerful real estate company. We believe in the strength of Changjiang Industry, but we require advances."

Li Ka-shing hesitated for a long time, and he smiled bitterly for a long time. "The advancement of funds is not a problem, but... the ratio cannot be too high... The working capital of Changjiang Industry... is not as good as the Starry Sky Group." Except for a few perverted companies, such as Microsoft and other companies, no company has so much liquidity.

Of course, now it has to be counted as a Star Group. There is no more than 200 billion RMB that can’t be auctioned. Now Star Group has no place to spend. They are thrown in the bank. There are no specific investments. Zhang Yang was not interested in finance in his life. Knowing that there will be an economic crisis in 2008, other futures and other things are simply not understood. So the money Zhang Yang does not know where to invest.

"Two percent." Zhang Yang thought about it, but he didn't say too much. Generally speaking, most similar contracted projects, construction companies have to advance about 40%, but the construction of Star Park's industrial park involves funds. It's too much. The total of the three projects is 3.8 billion US dollars, if calculated according to 40%, it is 1.5 billion US dollars, 1.5 billion US dollars, equivalent to RMB 12 billion, that is, there can not be so many real estate groups like Changjiang Industry Liquidity.

Li Ka-shing gave a helpless wry smile, and he also has $800 million in 20%. Don't look at him as the richest man in China. In fact, most of the assets are real estate and shares, and there is not much real liquidity. 800 million is available, but it is also quite nervous.

"Two percent is ok, but we want to know what Mr. Zhang's requirements are for the headquarters building?" Li Ka-shing asked curiously. The fact that the Star Group headquarters building convened design drawings to the world is naturally not news in the real estate industry. The world's most famous designers are all paying attention to this matter. To know about the design drawings of the new headquarters building, Starry Sky Group has given a super high bonus of 100 million US dollars!

As long as it is adopted, this $100 million is from this design studio! "Does Changjiang Industrial also have its own design team?" Li Ka-shing asked, of course, that he certainly wanted to participate, but there was no threshold for Starry Sky Group. "Of course, we have been busy with the Star Group case recently. I am not going to ask Mr. Zhang any specific requirements." Li Jiacheng said with a smile.

Zhang Yang chuckled a little, then thought about it and said, "Actually, I don't have any specific requirements. There is only one requirement, that is, the headquarters of Star Group is like the reputation of Star Group in the world." Zhang Yang said Let the people on the other side look at each other, and then they couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Mr. Zhang, your request... is there nothing to ask?"

Can this be called no request? This requirement is already quite high. "So, if two billion dollars is not enough, I can continue to add." Zhang Yang thought for a while and continued. Zhang Yang's words made Li Ka-shing speechless. Is it too little to build a headquarters building for two billion dollars? Continue to add? What kind of house do you want to build?

"Well, let’s talk about this later. Let me talk about the specifics first. For the three engineering projects of the Starry Sky Group, I can give you profits according to your usual profit point, but my request is to follow the international Strict quality standards to build the building, if there are any unqualified places, I’m sorry, Star Group will ask you to compensate all the costs, and the covered building is pushed to the heavy cover, even if the middle load-bearing column will be 20 thick Replacing the 18 rebars with 18 thick ones won't work." Zhang Yang thought for a while, and sat upright, looking seriously at the opposite opening.

The problem of project quality is a key issue. The bean curd project is not new. Although it is impossible to have a bean curd project in this kind of project, in fact, many construction sites will cut corners. For example, the one that Zhang Yang just played, if it is a six-story residential building, then the main rebar of the reinforced concrete of the main load-bearing column of this building should be 40, but it is impossible for the construction party to use 40mm for you. Rebar.

A maximum of 32 is used, so that although it is impossible to talk about the bean curd project, in fact its earthquake resistance level is naturally not up. However, the impact is not great, but the cost savings are not a little bit, especially in this multi-billion-dollar project, which is less, then less, the cost savings is naturally a terrible number.

This kind of thing is basically like the unspoken rules in the entertainment circle in China. "This is no problem." Li Ka-shing nodded happily. In fact, the contractor lowered the standard of use and naturally lowered the asking price. But now everyone has said, I do not lack money, I will give you the profit out, you guarantee the quality for me, they naturally have no problem.

"If there is no problem with this point, then Mr. Li can talk to the person in charge of negotiation in our company for the specific price." Zhang Yang nodded happily, and Li Ka-shing all came in person. This face should still be given. For the Star Group, the project contracting is the same to everyone, and the money spent is that figure.

Although there are some contractors whose prices may be the first point, if Zhang Yang and they demand quality as they just did, it is estimated that they cannot be too low. "So President Zhang agreed to hand over the entire project to Changjiang Industry?" a man sitting at Li Ka-shing asked eagerly.

This man is the executive director of Changjiang which is also the executive president, and is at the same level as Chen Xiaowei. "Of course, but I want to talk about it first, you can start construction on the relocation building of the demolition park, but the drawings are still not available here at the headquarters, and construction may not be possible for the time being. Construction? On the headquarters side, once the drawings are out, I demand the fastest construction speed." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"This is not a problem. If Mr. Zhang is not afraid of spending money, we can let the workers work in three shifts and start work at more points at the same time." The chief executive officer of Changjiang Industry, named Pan, named Haifu Pan, is a middle-aged man in his forties the man.

"Well, that's good." Zhang Yang nodded with a smile. "Yes, has any design company recently handed over their renderings?" Zhang Yang turned to ask Chen Xiaowei.

Naturally, it is impossible for the headquarters building to have all the drawings at once, including the construction drawings. These design studios produced the renderings of the design for the first time. After the Starry Group took a look at them, they would start to design the construction drawings. If it is an iconic building, it may take months to draw construction drawings alone.

"Yes, there are currently three relatively best, but because there is more than a month before our deadline, we have no decision." Chen Xiaowei nodded affirmatively.

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