The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 483: Strong waist (below)

"Starry sky, can you build a primary subsystem?" Zhang Yang suddenly thought of a way. This kind of control of the performance of the logical thinking library cannot fundamentally cut off the possibility of starry sky exposure. After all, who are the guys in the technical department? Zhang Yang can't be more clear. Zhang Yang, the starry sky system, will tell the technical team that he wrote it himself. For a supercomputer system, inputting various commands by voice is the most basic function. ;

And whether this system can maximize the performance of supercomputers, this group of animals must definitely test when the eggs are idle. "Yes, my entire system itself is composed of countless subsystems, each function is a complete subsystem, and the input of each command will be analyzed through the subsystem. Chapter 383 The waist should be powerful (below) , And then summarize, and finally summarize and compare the complete database to draw conclusions, and then feedback to the user." Starry sky gave a detailed answer.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment. He didn’t expect that asking this question would lead to a detailed explanation of Starry Sky’s own system. After listening to the explanation of Starry Sky, Zhang Yang suddenly realized that he finally understood the principle of the establishment of the Adam system. The infecting insect system that Zhang Yang wrote at the beginning had the same effect.

The main mutation laws of several viruses written by Zhang Yang are the world-famous viral gene maps as the mutation laws, but the function of exchanging genetic information between these viruses is actually written according to the human nervous system.

And the Adam system designed by anubis is obviously based on this. The human nervous system, in fact, each neuron is a primary computing terminal. For example, when our hand is pierced by a needle, the hand will always bounce off automatically. Then your brain will show signs of pain. And the action of your hand bouncing off is the judgment of your neuron after preliminary analysis.

And the action feedback from the preliminary analysis of these neurons is what we call instinct! The so-called instinctive instincts of the waist in Chapter 438 (in fact) actually means that it does not consider the causes and consequences as we think about the problem, it just responds to the most direct thing and then directly Just feedback. In other words, it is only the most initial analysis, and obviously the original Adam system was also written through this. Each function is a subsystem. This subsystem will make a preliminary judgment, and then send the judgment results to the main logical thinking library and database. The main system will then perform matching analysis. In this way, when the main system performs matching analysis , Efficiency will undoubtedly increase greatly.

"Now establish a primary subsystem, and deal with it according to the judgment of the subsystem when it is external!" Zhang Yang immediately gave new instructions to the starry sky. Starry Sky did not hesitate to create a complete subsystem directly according to Zhang Yang’s command. This subsystem can be said to be a backup of the main system. The only difference is that it cannot access the logical thinking library and database of the main system. , Can only directly connect to the database of each functional subsystem.

In this way, its response will become as rigid as the real computer system, at most, it is a little stronger than the ordinary computer system. After the starry sky put this system out, Zhang Yang immediately began to test the system. After more than an hour of tossing, Zhang Yang nodded in satisfaction.

Yes, although this subsystem is not as rigid as Zhang Yang imagined, it is more rigid than the starry sky. For example, if the command is issued by voice, if it is not too accurate, it will refuse to execute, and if it is the starry sky, it will directly compare it. The human language tone in the library is to analyze what you mean by this sentence, and then execute the command.

After setting up this subsystem, Zhang Yang called the little fat guys and asked them to log in to the system from there, and then set up their own administrator account. After receiving the call from Zhang Yang, although it was known in the computer room that Zhang Yang had already completed the system through the monitoring server data, the infected insect was not the same as other systems. They could not see what the infected insect was doing. So I don't know exactly how far Zhang Yang pretended to be.

"The nickname can be filled in casually when you create an account, but the real-name authentication in the back must fill in your real name." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Ah? Good." Although they are strange, they didn't ask anything.

"Well, let's explain it to you through video chat inside the system. I hung up the phone first." Zhang Yang said quickly, and then hung up the phone directly.

"Video..." When the little fat man said two words, he heard a blind sound on the phone. The little fat man was crying and laughing. He hadn't even established an administrator account. How to talk? Although they said these technologies Everyone is equipped with a camera, but their system is actually a system mirror of the server. Now there is no system. It is impossible to use any software video.

"Establish a video communication channel for me." After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang said directly to the starry sky. If the starry sky system is the same as the ordinary system, and the video still needs to pass the software, then Zhangyang also engages in it. As Zhang Yang's voice fell, a video window appeared directly on his computer screen.

Little Fatty and others are still struggling whether to call Zhang Yang. A video window pops up directly on his computer screen. Little Fatty froze for a moment and then directly connected.

After connecting, Zhang Yang's avatar immediately appeared on the screen. Seeing the little fat guys and their people gathered here, Zhang Yang immediately smiled and said: "I will introduce you to this system first. In the future, you will inevitably have to follow It yelled. I gave it a name, named after our group, called Starry Sky, Starry Sky, and greeted everyone."

The entire technical department and the interior of the computer room are all newly renovated. Surveillance cameras, microphones, etc. are all available, including built-in ceilings, and there are many microphones for sound collection around the walls, so the starry sky can be directly captured Sound and picture.

"Hello everyone." The mechanical and rigid synthesized sound immediately echoed from the technical department. This sound is the sound of the subsystem, Xingran is a man's voice, but it seems very dull, but it is so arrogant. Still seeing from the video that the little fat guys are obviously dumbfounded.

There are too few people who have seen such things as supercomputer systems, and even few of them hackers have really seen them, so it is normal to be taken aback. "You..., hello. Are you our system?... The fat man stuttered.

Zhang Yang almost laughed. If it is infected with insects, this question can be answered, but this subsystem cannot distinguish this question. Zhang Yang immediately replied: "I said, you won't be watching more movies. It's not enough to add a voice command acquisition system and voice conversion system. It's no different from the function of voice search contacts in your mobile phone. You thought it was a human being and could chat with it."

"Uh... I thought it was the same as the artificial intelligence in the movie." Listening to the subsystem and letting him enter the correct commands, the fat man choked and said to Zhang Yang.

"Okay, now you guys set up your administrator account. When creating an account, you should also match your own voiceprint system. In this way, you can directly input commands by voice in the future. "Zhang Yang explained it to the little fat man and said quickly.

"Understood." Everyone is engaged in technology. Zhang Yang said that they all know what to do, and they don't need to explain it in more detail. It took more than twenty minutes to build up their skills for the technical staff. The administrator account, Zhang Yang let them familiarize themselves with the system directly, and then interrupted the video chat.

After the interruption, Zhang Yang did not disconnect, but just watched the little fat people from the background. If they made something that the subsystem could not clean up, Zhang Yang could respond from here. While monitoring their actions, Zhang Yang began to grade the permissions inside the starry sky.

Zhang Yang divided the permissions within the entire Starry Sky into ten sequences. The lowest level of permission is for tourists, the level 9 permission is for ordinary registered members, and the level 8 permission is for internal employees of the Starry Sky Group and paid VIP members. Permissions. The above level 7 permissions will be left to the managers of various departments and the level permissions are set up and become the gang of people in the technical department. Level 6 permissions are already very large, this permission is basically You can make deep control of the entire server's operating system.

The reason why Zhang Yang is set to level 10 is to leave some permissions in the middle. Maybe more systems will be added in the future, and there are some disadvantages to permissions. And Li Keqing and Chen Xiaowei and their president can be set to five levels of authority. As for Zhang Yang, it is the only privilege, and it is impossible for the first level of authority to shake Zhang Yang's position.

Who let Zhang Yang control the core password of the entire system, so Zhang Yang is the first sequence forever, this is not changeable at all, and he himself does not need to set those permissions. After Zhang Yang got these things right, Zhang Yang saw the little fat guys who had already started checking the entire system on their side.

In fact, to put it bluntly, now the starry sky system does not even need to install a firewall, which is useless at all. Because Zhang Yang has the highest authority, even if someone hacks into the system, it is impossible to get the highest authority, so it is necessary to use a firewall. Besides, anyone who can break through the starry sky system, do you think the firewall is useful? ! ! ! ;




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